Middle age crisis. How to survive the middle-aged crisis of the middle-aged cargo

The life of each person is developing from different age stages and periods, whether childhood, publity, youth and youth, as well as medium and old age. As practice shows, the most difficult age is becoming the average age of 35-45 years old, the values \u200b\u200bare reassessing, changing thinking, physiological and hormonal changes. All this has a term in medicine - middle-aged crisis in men.

Unfortunately, statistical data suggest that during this crisis, many men undergo deep depression, bred, instill bad habits. In practice, there is even a considerable number of cases when an overlying crisis, men finished suicide. Therefore, you need to be prepared for what the middle-aged crisis is and when it begins, and also know the basic methods for its overcoming.

Few men know for sure when and how the middle-aged crisis begins, but its consequences and developing symptoms are noticeable to everyone. Due to the male character and behavior features, most men hide their fortune, and also do not discuss accumulated experiences and depression with close people. Although for most of them is a big psychological stress.

Middle-aged crisis is the line in which a man already has a certain social status and status, a circle of communication and family. But at the same time, specific nuances affect his psycho-emotional background. A man begins to think about the fact that he has gone for these years, which remains behind, belonging to its successes and achievements. As a result of these experiences, depression is developing.

Next comes the period of reassessment of values, when the desired dreams and goals are already perceived differently, and some global goals are perceived for the myth and something unattainable. There is a comparison with men younger, physical changes in the body, the consequences of overwork and the weakening of the body are noticeable. In the mirror you can see gray hairs, wrinkles or extra centimeters where there were sometimes muscles. All this leads to the loss of optimism.

When does men come and how long does it last?

Experts insist that every man should know in advance when middle-aged crisis comes to be prepared for potential problems. In medicine, this period is called a male climax when hormonal changes in the body occur, the synthesis of sex hormones decreases, which leads to changes in physiology. On average, the climax begins at 35-40 years.

Do you think the middle-aged crisis is a problem?


Another important question you want to know for sure is how many climax lasts. On average, psychologists note that it lasts such a period of 3 to 6 years, it all depends on the genetics, the characteristics of the body and the psyche of the man, as well as how skillfully he copes with changes. Not the last role in this plays the competent behavior of his wife, relatives and loved ones men.

Opinion expert

Victor Brent

Psychologist and expert on self-development

The main points that a man appreciates and experiences unrest on them is a family, a career, a position in society and its own authority.

Causes of occurrence

To understand what to do with the occurrence of middle-aged crisis and how to overcome all the consequences of this period, a man is important to determine the reasons for its offensive and adjust them. Also, depending on the provoking factors, methods of combating the crisis are designated. Causes may be as follows:

  • excessive interest in its external data;
  • secrecy and closure;
  • a tendency to sentimentality;
  • anxiety about tomorrow's day;
  • concern about health status;
  • irritability, nervousness and scandalivity;
  • stereotypes and confusion by the society of judgment;
  • a decrease in sexual activity and experiences about this.

A man can often compare himself with other men, but younger, evaluating its physical condition, success and other factors. In addition, at middle age, natural physiological and hormonal changes occur, which can cause anxiety and even fears.

Symptoms: how to determine?

Many men symptoms and signs of middle-aged crisis can vary significantly depending on how old it began. Therefore, signs, as the crisis manifests itself, are classified into two groups:

  1. Symptoms of crisis after 30 years. A man begins to think about the fact that time flies and he may not be enough for some serious actions and changes in life. Therefore, during this period of time, it is inclined to commit rapid actions and slightly inadequate behavior. A man rushes out of extreme to extreme, can manifest itself unrestrained and aggressively.
  2. Symptoms after 40 years. During this period, the male middle-aged crisis manifests itself much brighter with severe signs. The people there are even such a saying "Social Fatal". The men decreases the production of genital hormones, libido and sexual activity decreases, and he himself becomes sensitive and susceptible. Deep depression develops, insomnia may be observed, the lack of appetite, lethargy, the decline, apathy and bursts of negative emotions.

If you do not decide how to help a man during this period, it is possible to stretch it for decades. With the right to the problem, support and help, condition correction, a man can survive a crisis with the smallest symptoms during the year.


If a man did not find the strength to pass restrained and with an understanding of the crisis period, unpleasant consequences for his psycho-emotional and physical state of health can develop. This happens often because of the ignorance of a man and his spouses, how to help in the fight against the crisis.

The consequences can be completely different:

  1. Favorable consequences. If a man understands that his wife loves him, the children respect and listen to him, at work everything is stable and good, the period of crisis may not be long and asymptomatic.
  2. Unfavorable consequences. If a man does not suit any sphere of vital activity or immediately, it is inclined to radical changes in work, family relationships, friendship, etc. In a new life, at the very first failures, a man can fall into deep depression, rushing from extremes in extremes.

For reference! Statistics say that it was during the middle-aged crisis that men change their wives, bred in search of a young person for self-affirmation, but often they do not succeed and immerse themselves in deep depression. At this age, the risks of alcohol dependence.

How to overcome middle-aged crisis?

Psychology is considering middle-aged crisis, as a turning point in the life of every man and depression, medicine calls him a male climax. You can get out of this state as early as possible if you find the best way to combat the crisis. What to do and how to overcome the crisis, psychologists and psychotherapists will be prompted. Specialists give the following recommendations:

  • with a man, words about age and crisis can not be pronounced, it will only cut his hearing;
  • it is worth eliminating in family relationships of quarrels, disputes and scandals so that the man will not question the correctness of the choice of spouse;
  • men in this period you need a listener, it is important to establish complete trust so that the man does not get into himself;
  • if there is a deep depression, you need consultation of a psychotherapist, it is important to persuade him to go to a specialist;
  • a man wants to see near himself confident and a successful woman, the spouse is important to follow his appearance and show feelings for her husband;
  • intimate life should be passionate thanks to the efforts of a woman so that the man does not have discomfort due to its own lack of sex hormones and low libido;
  • to the sharp drops and the husband's outcrops, you need to treat restraint and with understanding.

In the family, a man wants to be a leader and authority, so all decisions need to trust him, having prompted or advising only your opinion. You can get out of the state of depression, you can only rebuild your thinking into operation of optimism and self-confidence. If the job is, it can be changed, seeking to see only good sides in everything. Special attention should be paid to the regime of labor and recreation, sleep, nutrition and physical activity.


Middle-aged crisis is sooner or later in itself, from the man and his actions, it depends on how easily the climax proceeds, for what time he can pass, as well as with what consequences he can survive him. Many women do not even realize what means for the spouse of the middle-aged crisis. Although the behavior of a woman in many ways predetermines how quickly and how easy the man will survive this difficult stage in life.



Snezhana Ivanova

Middle-aged crisis is a certain stage of the human life path, when there is a need for reassessment of values, rethinking the experience of life.

- This is a certain stage of the human life path when the need arises in the reassessment of values, rethinking the experienced experience. As a rule, personality ceases to arrange its position at the moment of time. I want to reach a completely new level of development, to reach vertices, which previously seemed unacceptable.

Middle-aged crisis covers a time frame from 35 to 45 years. In women, this crisis begins earlier, men are somewhat later. The mid-life crisis itself is associated with rethinking his role in life, finding the meaning of existence. That is why the crisis is called the iconic, global - it always brings with him discoveries. The correct middle-aged crisis contributes to personal growth, the disclosure of the human potential, the emergence of new prospects and opportunities.

The main reason for the development of the middle-aged crisis is the impossibility of living, based on previous beliefs. Something will seem strange, experts often compare it with teenage riot. Such a comparison can partly be considered relevant for the reason that a person begins to behave extremely reckless and irrational, making stupidity for nonsense. At this moment it seems that the usual way of life collapses and nothing is good, which could be significantly pleased. People begin to rush in life, do not know how to get out of the crisis. Middle-aged crisis is a very difficult test that no one passes. Each time in life has to worry this difficult period. It can last from several months to several years.

Middle-aged crisis symptoms

As with any crisis, middle-aged crisis has their own characteristic manifestations. The symptoms of the crisis can not be confused with anything - they are so bright that they immediately rush into the eyes. What are these symptoms? Consider more.

Thoughts of impending old age

Unfortunately, the first thing that a person in crisis begins to think is about inevitable old age. The symptoms of the crisis are very bright. Of course, no one has a young one over the years. However, even recently, a young man begins to be revealed that the most wonderful time of life irrevocably passed and it is impossible to stop the flow of time. Many even begins to seem that they have become less attractive physically. Sadness adds the appearance of seeds, wrinkles and some ailments. Another not at all the old man feels how it begins to gradually fade the body and does not want to agree with these changes.

Middle-aged crisis often caresses us by surprise, disarm, makes it very much disappointed in itself and its own opportunities. It seems that youth irrevocably passed, and the dreams of youth are buried somewhere around everyday worries.

Disabled achievements

A significant symptom of the crisis is strong dissatisfaction with existing results. The middle-aged crisis is characterized by the appearance of a silent hopelessness. A person begins to seem to appear that he has not reached anything to the present, and life is irrevocably passed. Displeasure achievements applies mainly to the sphere of activity in which a person employs, but can go beyond its limits. It begins not to arrange literally everything: held position, salary, own potential, which seems to have nowhere to apply. People usually do not happily meet their forty-title - that is why most simply does not celebrate this anniversary. In fact, forty years is not much. If men and women could really appreciate the achievements, the degree of psychological satisfaction increased significantly.

We must admit, the creative people have a crisis of middle-aged more powerful and more intense for the reason that they are acute experiencing changes taking place with them and extremely sensitive to any changes.

Dissatisfaction with personal relationship

Another characteristic symptom of middle-aged crisis is strong dissatisfaction with having relevant with their own half. Lavaled years seem to be a ridiculous mistake, which, moreover, no time to fix. People who are in crisis cannot weighing decisions. Their actions and actions are guided by emotions. The partner, which for many years was near, suddenly begins to annoy. People gradually begin to show discontent, make each other charges. So there is a resentment, disappointment arise. The crisis makes the revision and this side of life. During the crisis and men, women often make stupidity: they are divided into divorce, they are rapidly changing partners, forget about their daily responsibilities. Many people later regret their decision - then when nothing can be fixed. Dissatisfaction with personal relationship arises due to the search for new opportunities and is not always the problem with the partner really exists.

Men are so arranged that they are experiencing any crisis much sharper than women. The age crisis for them becomes a serious occasion for concern and depression. Poor mood, doubt in his masculinity, reluctance to do something - these are only small manifestations of middle-aged crisis.

The degree of social success

This sphere is subject to revision for the reason that for any man it is extremely important to be implemented in society. A strong sex representative wants to feel in demand and necessary. At work, he needs to achieve implementation. Only then will he feel truly satisfied. The degree of social success determines the capacity of the crisis. The more unclaimed man feels like a specialist, the stronger the crisis is manifested. He can have experiences associated with timely paid salary. A man wants to feel like a header and support of the family, because it is important for him to maintain his status.

Women's need for

Middle-aged crisis is particularly pronounced in relations with the opposite sex. In the case of a man, the crisis makes him constantly look for women's attention. It should be understood that a man during this period needs attention, he wants them to admire. Its inner creature is eager for inspiration, self-discharge, flight, fantasy. For a moment, it may seem that you returned youthful dreams and aspirations. Male want someone to look at him with enthusiastic eyes, penetrated with sincere respect. The need for female attention makes him pay attention to young girls. They are more often assessed by his romantic aspirations and impulses. The wife becomes a stranger man who does not understand anything, so a man is often distinguished from the family.

Women who joined the crisis, too, extremely need to feel in demand. They want attention, stakeholders, romance. But they do not always receive what they want so selflessly. Women suffer from crisis no less than men. What is the wonderful half of the middle-aged crisis manifest? Let's try to figure out!

Experience over the appearance

The crisis necessarily affects the ratio of the beautiful half with itself. The attitude to its appearance is changing when a woman begins to notice the first expressive wrinkles. She no longer gives pleasure to look at his reflection. She may suffer from a lack of male attention, think that no one else is interested in it. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the woman usually realizes that she "soon forty years" is completely sudden. The middle-aged crisis here is manifested in the desire to extend the youth, make himself well-groomed and attractive. That is why visiting the beauty salons becomes a real intense, even the need.

Regretful of unfulfilled dreams

Women, especially ambitious, all the power of the soul want self-realization. Only in the period by 35-40 years old, they cease to rejoice. And then she starts bitterly remembering what he dreamed of in his youth, analyzes why she did not succeed. Regretful of unfulfilled dreams is a faithful sign of the middle-aged crisis. It seems to be a person still full of vitality and energy, achieved everything that wanted, but he feels that he went on the wrong road.

Department of children

By the time of the manifestation of middle-aged crisis, her children in most cases reach a teenage period. There is a mutual separation from each other. The woman would be glad to get brighteily with her children, but can't do it. Own crisis focuses her on what is happening inside. These changes contribute to the formation of new strong experiences. It seems to her that life passes by, and the best years were wasted wasted. Often, enhancing the age of the age crisis, the woman discovers the desire to give birth to another child.

How to overcome middle-aged crisis

Middle-aged crisis is a signal, this personality so that she can act. People suddenly remember that they live in a cut with their own nature and they want to urgently correct the situation. The crisis is designed to draw a person's attention on what is happening in his shower. How to overcome middle-aged crisis?


Those who feel strong concern about professional unpleasuries and want recognition should find a hobby. If for some reason it is impossible to find a new job at the moment, then at least direct the creative energy in the direction that seems to you the most attractive. Self-realization is not necessarily expressed in building a successful business. Just be flexible, learn to see new features and opening prospects.

Strengthening relations with partner

At the time of crisis, relations suffer from the second half. To strengthen the Union detach the time to your beloved person. It should not be closed only on yourself, although the crisis of middle age encourages us to do this. It is best to start spending together evenings, walking on thematic meetings that will be interesting to both.

Follow the appearance

And women, and men who are in crisis must follow their appearance. During the development of middle-aged crisis, any little failure can knock out of the gauge, deprive peace of mind. It is important to feel well maintained and outwardly an attractive man. Do not forget to follow yourselfEven if this does not want to do this.

Do not chop off

So if unbearable you did not seem external circumstances, you should not try to change everything in one fell. It is not necessary to serve immediately on a divorce and part with a person with whom they lived for a long time. Are you really confident that you will be fine without him? Do not challenge until you make sure that you can implement in a new profession. Should act gradually, do not chop up. Carefully tack the soil, trying to understand what exactly for you will be considered the best solution. Gradually fog will begin to dissipate, and you will see the truth.

Thus, middle-aged crisis is a kind of line, which every person comes. Remember that life does not end in 37-45 years. In your power, you still have a lot and it all depends on the efforts, aspirations and perseverance.

The middle-aged crisis is among the deep spiritual experiences of a person related to the rethinking of its significance. Individual achievements during this period are thoroughly revised. What used to make up the center of personality existence is now ruthlessly rejected. Otherwise, it is also called the crisis of the middle of life. Such a stage in life no one can pass. The most unpleasant thing is that a person is never ready to accommodate this crisis, he caresses him surprise. Personality cannot find an internal equilibrium inside itself, constantly analyzes the actions of the past and present. It is created only that the mental strength is rapidly dried, and problems, on the contrary, are growing. The more we resist what is happening, the stronger suffer. To overcome middle-aged crisis, you need to be treated with colossal patience.

Middle-aged crisis symptoms

Middle-aged crisis has its own symptoms. Usually these manifestations are quite bright, it is impossible not to notice. Usually surrounding people first notice what is happening changes and begin to pronounce a person that he needs to change in something. The person herself also constantly feels some emotional dissatisfaction. The age framework of the crisis fluctuates from 35 to 45 years. The main question that is asked by the personality is the following: Do my real desires meet my real desires? The question often puts in a dead end leads to despair.

Dissatisfaction with himself

It comes out to the fore, when it comes the revaluation of values. The discontent with itself achieves global sizes, since the person loses the necessary support under his feet. Middle-aged crisis is characterized by increased demands. The person concentrates on any of his experiences and considers them a reason to sign in its own weakness before himself. Of course, such experiences are unlikely to someone voiced, except for loved ones. It is noteworthy that men are shy to express their feelings and therefore hide from others how strong their experiences are.

Comparison of yourself with others

Surviving the crisis of the middle of life, a man feels vulnerable and defenseless. It begins to unconsciously compare his having achievements with those who have its peers. For many, such a comparison may result in a real test. Since the person and so feels like a fairly vulnerable, anxious thoughts arise. They are not able to avoid even those who are used to relating to life. From somewhere suddenly a pessimistic attitude appears, and the future is seen only in dark colors. Some people are so much disappointed in their own achievements, which begin to make nonsense.

Thirst self-realization

It was in the period of 35-45 years that people begin to rethink their own merit. Thirst for self-realization arises, I want to have time where for some reason I was late for some reason. From the side sometimes the impression is that a person has lost control over himself. Some particularly impressionable individuals begin to rush through life in search of suitable classes for themselves. Many in complete enthusiasm, without thinking, change the work, begin to master the new profession. They are pushing forward the idea that life passes in vain. People begin to suffer from one of this thoughts, feel that they cannot feel confident. That is why at the time of the crisis it is so difficult to understand what happens to you.

Depressive disorders

Unfortunately, middle-aged crisis contributes to the development of depression. A person begins to rapidly waste the spiritual forces, which, besides, are practically not replenished. If the identity is without that change, then it begins to seek confirmation of their own consistency. Attempts to prove something to themselves and others. The presence of depressive disorders is a characteristic symptom of the middle-aged crisis. At this moment it is very difficult to find a balance within yourself. It seems that the usual world collapses and will never be as before. Immersion in own experiences sometimes do not give to notice, then beautiful that is in life. In a difficult period, we often do not see the output precisely because it is unnecessary concentrating on our own experiences.

Search for the meaning of life

Middle-aged crisis applies to the number of present tests. As a rule, people turn out to be absolutely not ready for him. Just they at some point notice that the usual existence ceases to occupy them as before. Something goes somewhere, the ability to see something beautiful and bright in life. Since familiar stereotypes are destroyed, people begin to look for new priorities. That is why hobbies are changing, mood. The search for the meaning of life is a bright symptom of middle-aged crisis. A mature man at some point begins to behave, definitely teenager: he wants bright impressions, joyful emotions and positive.

Crisis for women

In women, middle-aged crisis in many cases is associated with experiences about their own appearance. Most fair sex representatives are hard to immediately accept age-related changes. For this reason, they become nervous and irritable when it comes to those who have gone. They begin to think about the past summer were in vain, as women did not have time to enjoy their beauty and youth. Each lady in connection with appearance at a certain period of time always arise individual experiences. All because she wants to stay attractive for the opposite sex as long as possible.

Crisis in men

Men in the middle-aged crisis, as a rule, develops much more rapidly. Representatives of the strong Bola more loaning on their individual achievements, rather than women. They are very worried if you realize that they could not realize some of their ideas and dreams. An obvious symptom of the middle-aged crisis in men is becoming the emergence of severe concern. They seem to begin to rush in life, realizing that the best years have passed, and the lot has not yet been achieved. If a man in his youth had some kind of cherished goal, then, most likely, its implementation for him is very important.

How to survive the middle-aged crisis

Faced with middle-aged crisis, many people are lost, do not know how they live on. Some begin to make nonsense: leave the family, leave work. Sometimes these actions help, but in most cases the hard categorical is capable only to harm. How to survive the crisis of middle age and successfully cope with his symptoms? Let's try to figure out.

Give yourself time

This is the first thing to start. It is not recommended to hurry, to act thoughtlessly, impulse. When values \u200b\u200bchange, new priorities appear, they are also very difficult to immediately accept. It will take time to comprehend what is happening changes to make the right choice. It is necessary to take their feelings as a givenness, and not to condemn yourself for each "non-disabilities" emotion. There is no weakness to feel fear, disappointment or desire to avoid an unpleasant situation. Man can not always be strong. If it always become and to demonstrate its spength, in the end, there will be an internal overvoltage. The nervous system cannot constantly be in a stress state.

Act thought

The middle-aged crisis is a fairly serious test for the psyche. It is necessary to act consistently in order not to get confused and not despair. Sometimes it may seem that there are no significant results. However, it is not. If you constantly move in the direction of the desired, then gradually change becomes noticeable.

Denote achievements

In the crisis period it is extremely important to be aware of the available victories. It is best to write them on paper and keep before your eyes. Only then it is possible to realize how great the existing merits are actually. Achievements do not have to be so significant so that they admired the whole world. It is enough that it is for you that they represent greater value and genuine interest.

Taking your age

Mandatory item that needs to be taken into account. If you constantly run away from your real age, you can never feel like a really happy person. The adoption of its age is an important step that releases a large amount of energy for great achievements. When we stop looser on how old we are in fact, we can achieve much more results. All because there is a liberation from all kinds of restrictions and painful thoughts.

Thus, the middle-aged crisis is a transitional stage from one period of development to another. Completely, at this moment, feel the depression, confusion or even complete disappointment in life. It is only important not to lower your hands, do not strive to figure out one fell swoop with a lot of obstacles. However, it is not at all necessary to fight with difficulties alone. If you do not know how to survive what happens in your soul, you can seek help in the center of the psychology of Irakli Fairy. The specialist will help you understand in deep problems, outline effective ways to get rid of experiences.

For some reason, it is believed that the most difficult psychological crises of the fair sex are experienced in adolescence and during Klimaks. Recently, the topic of PMS is often exploited. But actually everything is more complicated.

Even the same premenstrual syndrome should be considered not so much fault as a disaster for a woman. And besides these hormonal failures, the beautiful half has many more reasons to worry not the best psychological states. After all, a critical view of one's own life is inherent in all middle-aged men, and not only the representatives of strong sex are trying to realize themselves. Women are doing both: someone more successful, someone is less successful. And someone in general, the whole life is as if flies under the slope. And the time comes to realize it ...

What is middle-aged crisis in women

Usually, depression is included in this concept, the sense of despair and other negative emotional states associated with the revaluation of life values \u200b\u200band a critical look at the past years. A woman can feel the loss of the meaning of life.

How old can he manifest

Many crises of such a plan are often associated with the restructuring of the psyche, which is why the teenage age is often mentioned. In fact, such crises are several people from birth. The first of them is just a three-year-old age when the child begins to feel like a person. The second experts took the time of six or seven years, by the way, at the same time the girls go to school. 14-15 years old - this is another crisis point when the child begins to become an adult. In girls, this formation of a person usually takes sharper than that of boys.

But when it comes to the crisis of middle age, no one can give clear age assessments, because everything is individually. He graduated from the university and went to work - a crisis may happen. He married and gave birth to the first child - and here you can face a depressive state. But even these periods cannot be attributed to the middle age, because it comes later. For example, the end of study in higher educational institutions is usually 22-25 years old. The birth of children is now trying to delay up to 30 years, but still, to the conditional "equator" of life here far. A person is psychologically programmed to live 90-100 years, what a fate would be caked by him. Therefore, it is more correct to call the middle-aged crisis in a woman after 40 years.

If it is equal to the statistics on which the average life expectancy of women is about 75 years old, then the crises occurring at the age of 30-35 can be added. At the same time, one and the category of girls and women, who had to face postpartum depression, unemployment after receiving education, creating not the most successful family union and other reasons, which can upset the psyche for a long time, lead to complete apathy or despair.

How long can last

The crisis is difficult to compare with a cold: there are two weeks to take a maximum of the maximum, and again like a cucumber! Psychological crises are a process of long, from which you can go out in a few years. That is why there is constantly fear forever loss in this state. On average, a woman may experience disappointment in his own life for 2.5 years. And often there is little of understanding people who can pull you out of this situation. Rather, they will condemn, say that you are an adult, and lead yourself as an offended child.

And for this reasonable period you can not only lose friends, but also lose your loved one. You can simply stop understanding each other. And if the partner is at this time it will not understand that you, more than ever, need moral support, then he has a good chance to be exhibited forever from your life. And this is not always a divorce, often a husband and his wife continue to coexist on the same living space, but their relationships become colorless, and they themselves are in someone else's friend. And this is one of the characteristic signs of middle-aged crisis.

The main signs of the middle-aged crisis in women

How to understand whether the age crisis could die for you? There are several characteristic features of such a state:

  • it became for you that reality in life too does not meet your expectations;
  • mood becomes clearly changeable;
  • in relations with surrounding people, voltage arises;
  • i want to dramatically go to the village (another city, country) and resign oneself from work;
  • it seems that everything that is being done around, just lost its meaning.

In other words, the woman seems to lose the point of the support, she would have been glad to change her life, but she could no longer say what she wants, and was already desperately believed in anything good. It remains with it only one feeling: life went into a dead end. But if from an ordinary impasse - spatial - you can go back, returning back, then turn over the time and return to your previous years - no longer succeed. It seems unreal, because you understand that it's too late to begin. But what then to do? Soberly assess the situation and relate it to its capabilities and age. Often, a woman has to "pull himself down by the hair of the swamps," because it is impossible to hope for help from the outside: it is difficult to find a person who would face with you day to day until your condition improves.

The most common symptoms of the age crisis in women

So, we begin to fight. First, learn the enemy in the face. Who is he? This is not a husband who seems notepad and twirl or, on the contrary, Tyrant and despot. These are not stupid subordinates, and not the boss-Samodor. This is not a university teacher - a sputted turkey with a scientific degree, which in the thoughts one - to look at the students under the skirt. The enemy is the wrong emotional state, because of which you start to perceive everything in the bayonets. And myself - first of all. How is this happening at different ages?

Manifestations of crisis in 20-25 years

Agree, if you are satisfied with everyone, then you will not be annoyed by some kind of Lovelace teacher or the scandalous boss, which after how swelling the legs and gives the will to his voice, still adds a salary. And with studies, and from work you come home, and it is for this place that you have a bet in your life. Yes, you will finish learning sooner or later, and work in youth is easy to change. The family is a more serious level, and if you recently got married, it was here that dangers can be tied up:

  • discontent with his choice: the husband did not meet expectations;
  • conflicts with the oldest generation, rejection of the son-in-law, and you are mother-in-law;
  • the inability to get pregnant if you wish to have a child;
  • a pregnancy unwanted by her husband and, as a result, the requirement to make an abortion;
  • heavy childbirth and subsequent depression.

All this leads to a psychological crisis, which is expressed in apathy and tendency to self-culture. In religion, such a condition is called despondency and is considered a sin. The ways are able to ask the priest, but not everyone from the servants of the Church will be found to advise. Psychiatrists call it depression and treat pills. But "shipping" by drugs and put on them - also not exit. At this age you need to overpower yourself and start acting.

Symptoms of crisis 30-35 years

At this age, the crisis is often subjected to those women who did not have time to perform tasks set. For example, it was fascinated by a career that the baby did not have time. But it's not too late! However, because of this, you can lose positions at work. Here is this duality and leads to emotional breakdowns.

Another option - I managed to marry, and give birth to children. And if the child is not alone, then with the career somehow it did not work out. There may be no more successful girlfriends in the fire, but also his own spouse who will say that he has nothing to talk about. He is a top manager on a good account, and pots with pellecoms, whirlwinds and diapers are not interested in him. And these treacherous speeches from the most expensive man who should be your support!

Middle-aged crisis in 40-45 years

At the middle age can be attributed to this period. And the crisis in these years is exacerbated by the best state of the health of the woman, because Climax comes. Hormonal perestroika, alas, cannot but affect the emotional sphere of man. In addition, many appear signs of old age. Someone cannot stop a set of excess weight, someone in the mirror for a long time considers laid wrinkles on her face or gray hair. And someone already believes that no cosmetics will help, and plastic surgery is not a pocket. So the crisis of this age can be characterized as the fear of the loss of youth, childbearing and as a realization of the inability to change something in his life.

There may be a fear of loneliness, because many women grow children and go to an independent life. The husband may simply leave the family or bring a connection on the side. Working to lose today is also very easy, and colleagues will remember more often about you.

Is it possible to overcome the middle-aged crisis without assistance?

Of course, enlist the support of experienced psychoanalyst would be thumbs up, but not every woman can afford it. But there is always the opportunity to impose itself with the literature of the appropriate content and conduct a whole study of advice on the Internet. And it does not matter how the crisis proceeds - violently or quiet, the main thing is to find the plot point and start acting. It is the action that will be able to bring you out of the stupor, and the smallest victories will inspire to act further.

Psychology: how fast and easy to survive the middle-aged crisis

It's time to act. To begin with - stop comparing with others. You are individuality, besides - bright. You can not have everything like people. Let him not be! You strived to be like everything that means - constantly drove yourself into the corner, stuffed my "I" in the dungeon, for you the mains were children, husband or team. Now it's time to understand who you are in this world. Pepping or still a grain, ready to become a beautiful flower?

Appeared wrinkles from the eye? Put on sunglasses. If you wear glasses constantly, put toned lenses. Coloring hair if they are gray. Make a pretty haircut or braid French braids. Try, experiment, until you like yourself, and do not pay attention to the words around your appearance. And if you do not like yourself, it will not work out of the crisis.

Now you respect yourself and you can love. Please select a beautiful clothes that have colored butt coats - paint your gray world and keep yourself "for hair" further.

Check the habit of eating vegetables and fruits: they charge energy. But smoking or eating stress chips need to be thrown. If there is no money for fitness, then just do a light charge in the mornings. Remember: Difficult exercises - not for the crisis. You need to start with what is guaranteed to be able to praise yourself. Meet friends, communicate with colleagues, even with those younger than you. Sincerely communicate with such people will make you young and you.

As soon as you feel that the energy went, try to do the same as during the crisis: Run in yourself - and you will see a real way out. What if you need, really, change the job, ask for an increase in the authorities or just go on vacation and go well there? And you can just just find yourself a friend who will instead of a lover. Such a person can not be taken too close to himself, but if he is a true gentleman, then you will quickly feel next to him that you are a lady. Self-esteem will rise by itself. However, in such platonic relations, a danger lures: they may be under the threat of gap, because men often want from a woman of the carnal pleasure, and not seeking him, disappointed and begin to look for another subject of sympathy. Here you need to look in circumstances.

The most critical age in women - statistics

Still, most psychologists believe that the most serious crisis of a woman coincides with the menopausal period. At different representatives of the fine floor, this process proceeds in different ways, and someone has an early climax, someone has late. This condition pulls a lot of health problems. Not only hormonal background collapsing, but also "crawl" into the world, all the sores that have not previously showed themselves so actively. Begin, like the old woman, to hurt the joints, the pressure jumps, the skin grisges, headaches appear, migraine ... In general, I would go to the sofa, and so that you foam you. And you have to work, work around the house, raise children. If there is no health, then no activity will bring satisfaction. When, together with all this, there is also a revision of life values, the crisis is hard.

At this age, it is often necessary to think about old age, and sometimes to celebrate signs of aging, and more significant than any wrinkle on the forehead or gray hair in the chapelur. It comes to understand that many processes are no longer reversed. Alas, old age is one of the longest periods of life, and you need to be able to make it morally to take it really to be long.

Psychologists noticed that there are women who did not encounter middle-aged crisis at all, despite the fact that their life was far from perfect. It was just so saturated with the events that there was simply no time for self-confidence. Up to the fact that someone has the crisis age coincided with military time. The desire to survive the most and save children, anxiety for their relatives who went to the front, evacuation or occupation is all the most powerful stress, but at the same time - significant emotional work. And then - the joy of victory, the restoration of the country from the ruins and the associated enthusiasm. Life conditions - to put it mildly, not the best, but there is faith and even every reason to believe that everything will change soon for the better.

In peacetime, you can also change something for the better:

  • change work;
  • go to travel;
  • sign up for any classes, and better on those that give positive emotions;
  • shelter a homeless kitty or a dog;
  • become a volunteer;
  • thai read adventure literature, where there are heroes that overcome many obstacles and overlook the winners;
  • watch a movie of the same content.

And whatever remarkable works with a sad end, during the psychological crisis, they are prohibited from reading and viewing.

If you start a new thing, it should not be too difficult for you, otherwise failures will lead to even greater depression. It is better to paint everything in gradually, and every new accomplishment to rejoice. And then the swamp, from which you pull yourself at the hair, will soon become a clear water stroke for you, according to which you slide on water skiing.

Through our lives, we all face with different crises, and this happens repeatedly, starting with children's age and ending with a deep old age. But the most popular and most frequently mentioned is, of course, the notorious "middle-aged crisis", which is not saying only lazy. How to survive the crisis of middle age without prejudice to himself and depression? I will tell you about it today in this material.

Middle age crisis Performs a long-term emotional state (depression), which is provoked by the fact that a person begins to overestimate his middle-aged experience when certain opportunities that were children and youthful dreams are already lost (or may seem lost). And the approaching one's own old age is no longer perceived as something abstract, but as a very real immediate perspective.

This state is characterized by a number of symptoms, namely:

  • depressive sentiments;
  • pity to own person;
  • feeling internal empty;
  • feeling that a person is like a trap;
  • a sense of injustice of life.

The symptoms are enhanced if the physical condition of a person changes: the weight increases, the endurance is reduced, the first wrinkles appear, the skin coats appears, the demand is reduced among the representatives of the opposite sex.

From the external signs of middle-aged crisis, you can allocate:

  • a person refuses its achievements, even if they recognize others;
  • loses interest in many areas of life, which were very important for him;
  • his reference persons change and then he begins to give more importance to the opinion of completely extraneous persons than his loved ones;
  • value guidelines change;
  • people begin to behave more voluntarily, eccentric.

What provokes such a painful state?

The main causes of middle-aged crisis

American scientists decided to figure out the extension of the crisis of the middle of life. According to their data, only 23 percent of the studied symptoms have established. And the majority of the population is still quite calm (to any extent) copes with the specified state. Conducted by a variety of factors, the main of which are certain personal features.

What provokes the middle-aged crisis in men?

For many representatives of the strong gender, the attack of the age of thirty-seven-forty one year is a rather unstable period of time. It seems to be different in life, there were different and there was a lot of takeoffs and falls, but now the situation becomes more cardinal - a man realizes that he has already lived half of his way.

Provoke this state such factors

  1. Deterioration of health. The total balance of energy decreases, the aggravation of chronic pathologies occurs, the plus a sexual function can worsen. Even if there are no bad symptoms yet - all the same, the physical body gradually begins to change that it is often not easy to accept morally.
  2. Roles change. The children have already grown, and someone even managed to acquire grandchildren, which involves even greater responsibility than before. Not everyone has a desire to take it on himself.
  3. Man plunges into his inner world. Begins to wonder how the first half of life passed? Are you really right? And most importantly - where did a person as a result of the decisions and actions taken before the result? Therefore, very many on the soil of all these reflections begins depression, if they realize that they did not do everything right.

Characteristic features of middle-aged crisis in men

In the main mass of the middle-aged crisis, the men's half of the population provokes a rethinking of its own social and professional success. A man appreciates how successfully his career has developed and could he be happy in principle? At the same time, people actively engaged in their careers suffer the most from the crisis, but not achieved in her. Although this is not the only reason for the disorder: the condition deteriorates in proportion to the accumulation of internal discontent and voltage immediately in several life areas.

It is the opinion that the crisis of forty years in severe gender goes one of two scenarios:

  1. Sensation of a strong decline. The main reason for this scenario is a career or life as a whole did not meet expectations. Then the development of depressive states, apathy, the inner depression can cope with which a man is rather difficult.
  2. Full revision of the lived life He serves the next version of the development of events. In this case, a typical desire to start life first, which implies a complete inner and external perestroika.

But still it is not necessary to be so afraid of the crisis of the average years, because not all men suffer from him. In some of them, this period has a completely calm development, and some are even observed a clear rise. They are motivated to make dramatic changes in their careers, become mentors and experts and are ready to be in their workplace, succumbing to "second breathing".

It is not necessary that the middle-aged crisis is distinguished by painful symptoms. You can easily assist for a softer passage of this period.

  1. Take up analysis and take your reality. That's what it is without illusions. The ability to take its past opens up new opportunities in the future. Please note that adoption should not be associated with recognition. You just take the situation that is present in the present, but what will be in the future is already your personal choice. Stop blaming yourself and go back all the time, in the past. Instead, we advise you to evaluate all the success and mistakes that were previously committed and move into the future.
  2. Install your own values. Perceive the crisis of middle years as a chance of reassessing your values. The change in the latter can occur annually and this is quite related to the option of the norm. At the same time, over the years there is a decrease in personal growth and purposefulness, but in return increases the importance of relationships with others, the ability to find landmarks in the environment and demonstrate their own skills. Think about what is really meaningful to you and how can it be embodied in life?
  3. Find the balance! Thanks to the balancing of various areas of life, you feel complete control over the situation. Therefore, spend enough time with your relatives, friends, resting, but at the same time do not strive to spend all your energy on them.
  4. Watch your wellness. If any alert, it is important to immediately apply to the hospital. The states of frequent changes in mood, redundant or aggressiveness often provokes a reduced testosterone. Then it is necessary to sign up for advice to the Andrologist. In general, it is recommended to maintain the most healthy lifestyle, rational nutrition and moderate physical activity.
  5. Improve your relationship. It's no secret to cope with any troubles, it is much easier when you have support for loved ones. In addition, communicating with the surrounding we automatically reduce the level of stress in the body. Therefore, talking to your loved ones, it is interesting to spend time together, ask for help and help each other is now vital now.
  6. Get on finding new goals. The new goal contributes to changing the focus of its attention. So, urgently stop thinking about the past, console yourself with false illusions: instead, put real goals and go to achieve them.
  7. Pay attention to your hobby. Perhaps this will seem strange to you, but the lower our daily activity is the smaller the amount of energy we possess. And the prolonged passivity provokes the mood decline and even leads to depressive states. Therefore, do not refuse your hobbies that can give you a lot of pleasure and energy.
  8. Do not stop your development. As in childhood, show curiosity and openness to the environment. Improve your skills in significant life spheres. Refuse the stupid prejudices relating to the fact that you "too late to do something" or that "newcomers - it must be young people." Remember that your youth actually depends only on your relationship, and not from the date of birth in the passport.

Why is middle-aged crisis develop?

Contrary to popular belief that this phenomenon affects only a strong floor, women are also affected by age cycles. At the same time, representatives of the fine sex crisis arises even earlier - as a rule, aged from thirty to forty years.

And its main provocateurs are:

  • Changed appearance. Whereas up to thirty years, it was not required too seriously to care for appearance, then it becomes much more important. Many ladies even moderately understood their age or and hide him at all. Most of all, of course, those who have not had time to arrange their personal life begin to be disturbed and passionate about the family, a child. For them, the changing appearance is perceived as a big threat to his personal happiness.
  • Disturbance of hormonal background, deterioration of general well-being. Behind the body is now required much more thorough care than it was before. It is also important to be regularly examined by doctors. There is a decrease in the energy balance as a whole.
  • Career, Personal Life, Change Priorities. By analogy with men, women are also engaged in analyzing their lives: find out whether they did everything right, did you deal with what the soul demanded, did the life priorities aroused correctly? In some cases, these reflections occur against the background of the decree or the precient period, when the woman is forced to be recruited again, restore his career. It is possible to develop insecurity, fear do not have time against the background of more young colleagues.

And in principle, in one beautiful morning, a woman can wake up and realize that he gave themselves to the maximum of the family and the kids, while so did not manage to realize their creative or professional abilities. And these thoughts are greatly disturbing. Or, on the contrary, if all the energy went into operation, then a feeling of oppressive loneliness appears.

Disappointments are possible in their second halves, sensations are often converted into mechanical, cold, detached.

How the middle-aged crisis takes

For 2/3 of fair sex representatives, a desire to change something in his life in the interval between the thirty-seven and forty-three years. Many people want to give birth to another baby or engage in a sharp change in the sphere of their work.

Other ladies are drowned to make plastic surgery, begin to hide their age, as it is hard to adapt to the natural flow of time. At the age of forty-five - fifty five years, Climax comes. The bulk of women perceives this time, as the first real collision with approaching aging. Changes are occurring a hormonal background, which inevitably affects the mood and general well-being. It does not exclude susceptibility to heavy feelings, depressive states, irritability and anxiety.

Of course, not all female features this period is so hard. So, if a woman fully accepts himself, his body, believes and feels enough love and support from his relative environment, and plus still has some kind of hobby and sufficiently cares for himself - maybe it may not even feel that that is notorious middle age crisis.

  • Pay enough attention to your health.. If you begin to observe uncontrolled mood changes, which were not before - this is a clear reason to visit your gynecologist-endocrinologist. The specialist will be able to pick up suitable therapy for you on the basis of the analyzes made. Do not delay a visit to the doctor - now your body is especially needed and care, so your task is to provide them with him.
  • It is important to appreciate and listen to yourself. Do not strive to become perfect - appreciate and love yourself as you are. Often the situation when a weak floor representative feels its value and significance only if it serves to others: his spouse, children or grandchildren. And when children (and grandchildren) have already grown and no longer experience such an acute need for care, then a woman has a feeling that it is not needed and empty. It's rootless! Remember that you yourself imagine tremendous value, without any conventions. You definitely deserve to be happy, feel the inner harmony and calm. So learn to listen and hear yourself and love yourself just for what you are!
  • Find yourself hobbies. Believe me, even if the best years of your life went to study, work and raising children / grandchildren, even at the age of "40" and for "50" you can (and you need) find a hobby that will deliver positive emotions to you. Therefore, not a honey. Go to the dance hall, yoga studio or master class on embroidery with a cross - the main thing that the passion really was like you.
  • The topic of appearance is very important, but not vital. Stop thinking that you are just your appearance. Of course, the appearance is of great importance, but not the most important thing. It is important to pay enough care to your body and face, but not fully looted on them. After all, the stronger you are concentrated on the topic of appearance, the farther you are from real life and the more unbalances become the other areas.
  • Engage in improving relationships. May the expensive people always know and feel it. Pay enough attention to your family circle.
  • Provide your personal space. Give all the areas of your life in order, but at the same time find enough time and personally for yourself. We regularly go on dates with yourself - in the cafe, beauty salon or just in the park. Plesh yourself with pleasant surprises, pay yourself enough care.
  • Train your stress resistance and positive thinking. During the crisis of middle age, it is important to pay sufficient attention to its psycho-emotional state. Often during this period, many people faced with emotional exhaustion. If this happened and with you - you need to secure a full-fledged relax. Also come across the training of your overall stress resistance and try to maintain optimism.

At the end of the topic

  • Middle-aged crisis is a common phenomenon in men and women in the interval from 30 to 41 years.
  • The cause of the crisis is often the dissatisfaction of the lived life, not the dreams, the reduction of energy and the fear of the approaching old age.
  • You can cope with the problem, if enough time to pay yourself, maintain health in the norm, improve relations with your loved one and loved ones, have a hobby and look at life with a positive.

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