Collection of psychological games and exercises. Interesting psychological, intelligent and educational games for students

The game involves N players and presenter. Players may have separate connoisseurs, and entire companies. The number N usually lies within 5-8. Fewer gives a completely uninteresting game; With more teams, the version is difficult to memorize on rumor. However, they can be recorded. In the tournament "Velikoluksky Autumn - 99" 15 teams at the same time participated in the game.

Each team gets a package from to words. The number K is usually 8 or 10. This is enough enough to arrange all players in places. It is assumed that these words are unknown to players. (We have a Gentlemen Agreement in the club: a player who knows the meaning of any of the proposed words, asks him to replace it. The lead that suffers from the lack of words, this will have to be neglected). It is believed that all words are written by capital letters (so that the players can offer themselves as their own versions and names of their own, and the names are nominable). In all words, emphasis is indicated.

Each player (secret from the rest of the players) writes definition to all the proposed words, trying to sound as close-like. Humor when writing versions is welcomed, but the self-owner is not. The scoop-formation of definitions is valuable only if it helps someone to deceive.

The presenter collects cards with definitions and adds the correct option to them. After that, he reads the first word and the resulting N + 1 identification of this word. At the same time, players and the lead is prohibited to comment on the likelihood of any versions. The first player chooses the definition faithful in his opinion; Then it makes the second player, then the third and so on. The selection selection is determined by the lot. In the case of a small number of players, the choice of the version is done orally. It is prohibited to call its version; This is done in order to make an additional logic element in the game - in this case, players are easier to calculate the correct version, and at the end of the game on the last matters you can choose the right strategy to keep the leader or try to catch up with the leader. With a large number of commands, all the answers have to be handed out written. This version, however, is impossible to call in this case.

Then the presenter informs the correct answer and determines who praised whom.

Then the presenter moves to the second word and the cycle is repeated. The first choice is doing now the player who took it to the previous time.

After last words Package host sums up. The player gets one point for everyone who "bought" on his version. The player receives two points in case of guessing the right definition. (However, in the club, Igor Safronov, the other turn is on the contrary - two points are given for each inflounted, and one point is added for the guess version. The option is strange, since the calculation of the correct version is practically depreciated - while in the original version of the game, both player talent make a comparable contribution to the correct version. .)

The winner is a player who scored the maximum number of points. With the equality of points in two or more people, the winner is determined by the results of the meetings among themselves, and if necessary, on the difference of points in these meetings. Honorary title The "pump" is assigned to the player who received the most points for "selling". The honorary title "Call" is assigned to a person who often chose the wrong versions, that is, which inflated most often. Sometimes this is the same person - "self-sufficient system."

In conclusion, it is proposed to evaluate some real definitions offered on games in our club. Almost all these definitions believed at least one player. Let many of them seem completely idiot. Do not rush to condemn.

1) they are not so much different from true definitions (we also played):

Sebastra - Mordovian shtled female spheres.

Barbart - Dog breed: Mix the poodle with legative.

Adipocyre is a soap-based substance, which sometimes turns the corpses.

Glopyatina - according to Dale, the nasty food, which is five-way out of the throat.

NIFO-OTI is a ritual dance spear of self-defense leaders.

Magladic - Philippine dance with coconut shell.

Therefore, it is necessary to believe in crazy definitions. In our club, when choosing such a version, the wording is usually used: "Fools need to be encouraged!"

2) Many of them were chosen at the end when the strategic considerations need not to get to the leader's version.

So enjoy:

Maotzedovka - Chinese folding bed, something like our Ilyich light bulb.

Lagrett is a necrologist without mentioning the surname of the deceased.

Staburadze - the surname of an unknown Georgian artist.

Alala is a cord with brushes at the entrance to the Mongolian chayan tent, which served as a removal.

Wilkom - the name of the 20s: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - a communist sample for youth.

American cell - paradox proving the impossibility of fair elections.

Ho-Chere-Tue - uttered in Vietnamese surname Kurchatov.

Bumanism is the game of People's Deputies of the USSR according to the newspaper "Stupitskaya Pravda".

The carotid sine is the optimal angle of inclination of the external slope of the serf tree.

Ani-Ani - on Tahiti: any number, more than three.

Carelo is a successful liquidation of seasonal epizotion at the Suslikov.

Padmaragaia is an analogue of "oh you, Goy Esi" from the Hindus.

Fusen-Gachi - "Crazy Albatross" - a nickname, this Cruisestone in Oceania.

Arrow is lostess - view of a comettle tail according to the classification of Lomonosov.

Orphism - getting sexual satisfaction from its own singing.

Duadanon - Gladiatorovsky Fight 2 - 2.

Cverulintism - evasion from execution.

Herlega - in Slane Hippie: a girl over 18 years old with a bad character.

Porforyiki - Holy Elma lights on cemetery crosses.

Clismos - intravenous laxative.

Agree how pleasant and useful to gather a company with friends not to spend time so as to wake up in the morning with a sick head and failures in memory. For those companies that think about their intellectual development, there is a great choice - intellectual psychological games. There is a sufficient number of tightening and helpful games for any youth company. Especially these games can come to taste to student companies. To play such psychological games will suit companies from 10 people, but you can play more small groups, for example, five or six people. These are games and the development of memory, and on the development of speech, and on the development of attention.

During the game, you not only open all new and new qualities from your friends of classmates, but also learn a lot about yourself, what you were not even suspected!
What intelligent and educational games can be played:
- This is a game of logic and intuition.
Perfectly develops non-verbal intelligence.
The "Book Factory" game contribute to the development of entrepreneurial qualities.
But there are still many interesting games, including games that develop and intelligence, and will help avoid

For example, a game for the development of imagination Diquit.

The rules of the game are simple, but a certain inventory will be required, namely, special cards. In general, exist real game, it is called a DIXIT (Dixit), but not everyone can buy it for his pocket. Therefore, you can create some of its elements yourself. The bottom line is as follows: the players are distributed by six cards. They depict various pictures; Almost surrealism. For example, a smashed anchor in the middle of the desert. What associations come to mind? They need to be formulated in one phrase and voice it the rest. Players choose the appropriate card to the description from their set and lay it on the table. The secret is that the description should be multifaceted, and wins the one whose card was not immediately guess. But, an important element is that if no one has been able to identify your card at all, you are denying glasses. Due to this balance, Dixitis and acquired rabid popularity among psychological games for students. By the way, the cards themselves, or rather the picture, at home can be found and print from the Internet.

The next game of feelings and sensations.

We often complain that Internet communication and email deprived us of personal communication. And now, now there is a chance to learn about whether you did not lose the ability to transmit feelings and sensations without using animated emoticons.

Play relay game

To play under the "relay feeling" you will also need a small preparation, namely the cards. But, everything is easier and no anchors. Just need to write 6-10 cards (depending on the number of participants) the name of the senses. For example. "Distrust", "adoration", "contempt", "love", etc. Players sit in a circle and close their eyes, and the one that sits from the edge pulls out the first card. He transmits a feeling written on a thorough card with a neighbor. But, of course, it does not do it with words, but describes this feeling or feeling with the help of different movements, for example: stroking, or on the contrary, the removal, patting and so on. The player must guess that he is transmitted for the feeling and, meaningful and identifying him, transmits him as follows. And so in a circle. When the last participant receives a "feeling", then everyone opens his eyes and in the reverse order voiced their feelings. And here you can already discuss the cause of the distortion.

The game on the trust "blind"

The next game for students on trust called "Blind". Can you trust your friends? Now I will check. Select one lead and one, so to speak, the victim, namely - blind. Azart and Extreme will add that if you conduct this game you will be somewhere in a public place - in the park or simply in nature. Blindly tie his eyes, because he should not see anything, but the lead chooses him from the guide. The task of the guide is to lead the hand of the blind. The leading player should warn clearly and loudly, about obstacles that will meet players on the way - to bypass benches, step over puddles. The most important thing in this game is a feeling of complete confidence between the players. Invalid any kind of evil jokes, ridicule, interrupting and poding. Do not forget that a person does not see anything, and can suffer greatly, staring, for example, on a tree or a lamppost. The task of the blind way at this time not only to listen carefully to the guide, but also to surrender to its feelings will be configured to a clear perception of its own senses. Only with the tied eyes, we begin to truly feel the tickling of the breeze on the cheeks and the crunch of branches under their feet. The psychological task of this game is, first of all, to turn a person to his sensual consciousness, secondly, to show an example of responsibility for another person.

Game for students "Gift"

So, if you already trust your friend, what do you think about what would you know even more about him? To do this, there is a game for "GIFT" students. From the whole company, one player is selected from whom, let's say, soon a birthday, or an angel day, it does not matter. It is important that you need to give him a gift. But not a simple banal statuette, and something that would be associated with you with this person. In turn, everyone offers their own options, explaining the choice. And the "Birthday" closely monitors who would give him a truly sincere gift, and who knows him better than the rest. You should avoid common options like "Photo frame, because it has a camera" or "handle, because it is a student" the points are filmed for such answers. And the scale of their accruals can be invented by themselves, depending on the topic of the party or just for the mood. For inspiration, the scores can be charged in bananas, balloons or ice cubes. All that is enough fantasy.

The goal of this game is to rally the team, at least just because all these people, let them fifteen, and even five know something about one person, and not just his name or surname, but hobbies, hobbies. Well, if you do not know, here you need to make appropriate conclusions and pay more attention to personal communication.

Psychological games are an effective tool for self-analysis and psychotherapy - both in individual work and to work in the group.

Each participant in the psychological game receives a unique experience of interaction with others, the opportunity to look at itself from the part, to get answers to life questions.

For psychologists, psychological games are, first of all, an interesting and effective tool for work, which can be successfully applied in individual counseling, when working with a pair, as well as in group work.

We present to your attention new psychological games developed by the coaches of the Institute of Psychotherapy "I". Learn to work with the game, as well as get the game, you can within working with games.

"Life Flower"

"Life Flower" is a psychological game that allows participants to analyze the current life situation, track their life strategies, desires, work with the shadow side of their personality, to get answers to the living questions.

The basis of the game "An individual" is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe design of the personality according to K. G. Yung.

The game offers participants to make a trip to studying themselves and their properties, behavior styles, reality perception features. This happens in the process of traveling various characters on the game field.

The game makes it possible to think about what is now puzzling, prevents and helps that there is an important, and what is secondary. The journey that accompanies the host of the game allows the participant to get acquainted with its already famous parties, and also learn what is hidden in the unknown part "I": in the zone of the shadows, anime and animus.

Technically, the game is an algorithm for moving maps of participants by the playing field, which turns into an exciting path of personal transformations and changes, with the involvement of external and internal resources.

For this game, a special deck of associative cards "An individual" was developed, the symbols of which carry a deep meaning, allowing you to transform the inner picture of the world and the image of itself.

Game Toolkit: Playing Field, Character Card "Individuation", Playing Cubes, Additional Resources. The optimal number of participants in the game is 6 people.

Training to work with the game "Life Flower"

Teaching the game will make it possible to conduct it deeply and systematically with different categories of customers and training groups. During the work, there may be different options for the game - from the analysis of behavior strategies, before the mission and the meaning of life!

The game field and everything that happens on it is a model, a map of the implementation of "I", the acquisition of a self, which continues throughout life and is the process of integrating opposite, opposing intrapersonal forces and trends.

What will happen in the game?
2 hours of play and participants will be able to get a deep slice of their own life.
See and analyze what qualities need careful
What is precisely for the player the importance of certain qualities and property properties
Understand what the strengths and weaknesses of their own personality
Try to weigh and integrate incompatible and unfinished features
The game will be able to help transform the inner picture of the world and the image of oneself.

For whom will the game be a resource?
For those who "runs in a circle" in the implementation of plans, relationships, the search for meanings
For those who believe that "does not know ourselves," feels insecurity and anxiety
For those who want to know themselves, "the other"
For everyone who wants to look into yourself and "analyze"

What is important to extract psychologists?
Get acquainted with the practical embodiment of the Jung Paradigm of the Personal Structure
Send individual techniques for customer consulting
use the game in individual consultations
To enjoy stay in the group

After passing learning game "Life Flower" you will receive a certificate of the lead coach for this game.

"Family Trolling"

"Family Trolling" is a magic gaming adventure dedicated to the difficult topic of defending their borders, its choice and life path. Also, this is a game about a meeting with obstacles, about how we react to them and what strategies choose to overcome them.

The structure of the game involves the journey of the participant on the fantastic world, inhabited by different characters (good and not very), with which you need to meet and negotiate. On this path, you can find barriers, resources, and most importantly - to develop the skills of defending our borders!

The "Family Trolling" can be effectively used as a tool for self-analysis and self-knowledge. In addition, "Family Trolling" is an excellent tool for professional psychologists, which allows for both diagnostic and therapeutic work for participants in the group process.

"Universe Doctor Who"

The game "Doctor Who" is a psychological tool that in the format of the game allows participants to realize their behavioral strategies, track their behavior in the situation of achievements, analyze the features of their own coping strategies.

The game is quite multifunctional, can be used as a game platform.

Game Toolkit: Game Field, Special Associative Maps "Doctor Who", Playing Cube.


The psychological game "Ideal" will be interested in everyone who wants to exciting, with benefit and have fun, to deal with why we sometimes do not understand each other, what ideal features want to see in our partner and how different they differ from the real state of affairs.

Specialists this set can help in the consultation process as one client and family, couples, children and parents. Also, the game can be used in group psychological work - for holding trainings, seminars, master classes!

Game Toolkit: 174 Card-characteristics, table with characteristics of "ideals", table with codes and "bonuses", additional cards "Property Replacement".


The game can be used to work with children of preschool and school age, suitable for playing with adolescents and in parent consulting.

Taking part in the game, participants will be able to analyze their own life strategies, the ability to interact with others, their own adaptability skills and social contacts.

"Xenobiology" is an interesting journey in which participants will be able to learn better and understand themselves, as well as track their ways to interact with others.

The xenobiology game combines the projective method and a rational approach in working with a group or in individual work. The game is a segmented playing field according to which various "characters" designated by certain associative cards.

The game involves a special playing deck of associative-metaphorical "xenobiology" cards, depicting non-existent animals, as well as characters and artifacts. With their help, you can invent stories, study the peculiarities of the customer's self-testing, explore and change behavioral stereotypes.

"Family Movement Rules"

"Family Movement Rules" is a metaphorical gaming instrument for psychological consultations with couples - married, children and parents, friends, colleagues or relatives.

Not always during the conflict, we can express in words all that we feel, and sometimes even confused in our own words and actions, without having to "hear" their partner. This can be compared with a meeting of two cars on the road that cannot be dispersed: the drivers of each of the cars are not heard, as they say in the cabin of another car. Only external signals and movements remain noticeable. So in life: We hear only out loudly spent speech or observe the actions of another person, but we do not know what is happening in him inside at that moment. In addition, we cannot fully explain to another, which is happening inside us at such moments, which only aggravates the situation.

This tool allows pairs (couple, friends, colleagues or relatives) to analyze their internal conditions during the conflict, "hear" and understand each other, as well as develop an agreement on what should be mutual actions in solving such a situation in the future.

"Christmas tree"

This game involves working with any personal problem or internal question, the answer to which can be obtained during the game. The algorithm of gaming actions involves the opportunity to consider the problem from different positions, expand the range of its understanding and find new approaches to solve.

The rules of this game involve the movement of the Participant at different positions of the field, where certain issues and meta-positions are designated, helping to look at the declared problem or a given question.


The new psychological game of Katerina Milyutina "Kotovasiya" is a story about cats, cats and cats that move on high wood branches. The main task is to get to the desired branch. However, on the path of fluffy travelers, it also includes harmful crows, and at the bottom there is a completely unfriendly dog. Creditting with difficulties, participants can see their strategies of consolation with obstacles, analyze the influence of the environment on their promotion, as well as assess the effectiveness of their ways to achieve the goal.

"Kotovasiya" is an interesting and fascinating game that allows participants to receive an important experience regarding the topic of achievements, interaction with the surrounding, overcoming obstacles.

"Ages of life"

The game "ages of life" is a journey through a bright and interesting way, the stages of which concern those or other periods of our real life. Playing, participants will be able to summarize their life stages, analyze current events, dream and plan the future.

Also, participants will be able to work on a "personal life story" and look from their own strategies and ways to interact with others.

The game "age of life" can be successfully used with adult participants, as well as with children and adolescents (the rules of the game are easily modified under the age category of participants).

Game Toolkit: Game Field, Plasticine, Playing Cubes. The optimal number of participants in the game is 6 people.

"Goodbye, Zokiklovka!"

Psychological game "Goodbye, Zocation" is a board game for mini-groups or individual work With a client, which was created to train participants to self-help technicians. Also, the game can be used as mini-diagnosis and introduction into therapy, or at the final sessions to discuss the results of therapy.

In the process of the game, you can walk through the streets of the city of Zocation: to go through a smooth Avenue of the OCC, wrap on a panic descent, to drive into a depressive deadlock, to be on PTSP Square, get stuck in drunken butt, eat on the Avenue of General Ozhiramov, look into anxious alley and phobic sequence. During such a walk, the client focuses on his feelings and thoughts, together with the therapist determines the focus of attention and learns self-help techniques.

Participants will be able to explore the city in detail and learn not to focus on his streets!


The "Okuman" is a symbolic journey around the seas and oceans.

Traveling through the maritime expanses, everyone will be able to make their choice: earthly material benefits, professional career, personal comfort and comfort, peace and calm or, if it turns out, spiritual improvement and movement to higher forces. You can see how your life strategies work and exhaust new skills in the game.

Playing in Okumen, you can explore your own life strategies, realize the reasons for certain features of building relationships with others, get information about the current life situation and possible ways of further movement and development.

"Okuman" is an opportunity to plunge into the space of Greek mythology, discover his recipe for success, try to achieve it in the game platform so that then transfer it to life!

"Education +"

"Education +" is a psychological game for parents, teachers and psychologists. The game is a set of cards-situations and cardiac cards that enable participants to work with different models of their behavior in the situation of family difficulties and disputes related to the education process.

The game allows participants to analyze their own educational style, find out its strengths and weaknesses, to see what results it can lead, answer the question of what is important, and what is secondary in the upbringing and development of the child.

In the process of the game, participants will have the opportunity to "grow" their child, look at the result, get feedback and help leading. The game helps to raise the questions of the characteristics of the child's upbringing - how we imagine it and what is really happening, and will also make it possible to form a new approach to this issue.

"Polar Star" + "Road to ..."

In the title "Polar Star", both words have a value. The image of a star can be used as a symbol of success and achievements, and therefore one of the game options is aimed at strengthening the self-assessment of the client through the awareness of its success and achievements. In another embodiment, the emphasis is placed on polarity, and the psychological meaning of the game in this case is in assessing and comparing the polar, opposite options for solving a matter.

The main request with which you can work in the game "Polar Star": "There is a solution option, and there is another. I do not know how to do, can not decide,what andwith options to choose. " Another query is possible: "I see only such an option, the other is not given. The one that seems impossible, there are no other options. Situation of hopeless? " That is, a person does not see alternatives, but needs to find them.

The image of the road is associated in our consciousness with activity, movement, process. At the heart of the game platform "Road to ..." lies the metaphor to achieve the goal, movement towards the desired result. The essence of the gameplay is that, moving on one of the roads drawn on the field (each of which has its own characteristics), the client opens up different cards with images and words, and these cards become a metaphor of one or another area of \u200b\u200bits way to goal. Games can be carried out both individually and in group formats.


The psychological game "Communal" is a metaphor of a common space that inhabited residents with different characters, needs and desires. Participants of the game will be able to work out the topic of relationships with other people, look at their strategies of behavior in the context of communication and the overall distribution of resources, analyze them and, perhaps, even change to more efficient.

In addition, the game "Communal" allows you to work a belief "What do people say? ..." and analyze its impact on their own life strategies. Each of the participants "lives" on one of the floors "communal": someone can climb under the roof, and someone has to move to trash can in the courtyard. In the game you can analyze the causes and prospects of such movements, as well as to hold a parallel with real life, thinking about new possible strategies for their behavior.

Psychological tool, caught in a fabulous metaphor, where each character says this or that phrase. The secret of the instrument is that the first half of the statements are replicas, exclamations and questions most characteristic of customers who work with a psychologist. While the second part of the statements are typical answers, comments and comments of the psychologist. After organizing the dialogues between the characters (using the rules prescribed in the methods), the participants can visit the therapist and the client, try different stories of the interaction of the psychologist and the client in therapy, see how "protection" work and assess the degree of effectiveness of a "therapeutic session". Bright images of fabulous heroes will add paints and pleasant emotions to this already an interesting and fascinating process.


The playing platform was created by Vladislav Knyazev as a universal tool, on the basis of which you can perform a wide range of exercises to stabilize intermetal interaction, on the development of optical-spatial representations, programming functions and regulating activities.

The set includes:

  • gaming field of 16 numbered squares of four colors;
  • set of cards with images of various positions.

The methods presents several options for games and exercises with a neurutrome - you can use them, and you can create your own modifications based on them. The methods of using the game platform are a great set and depends on the tasks you have.

What to do in the company? For those who are still thinking about their spiritual and physical health, and wants to spend time with benefit and fun, without a feeling of intoxication in the morning, there is a great way out - games. But not a card, and not domino. Today it will be about popular, useful and insanely tightening psychological Games for Students. They are designed for both the company from ten people and a small group of five - six people.

During the game, you will not only open up all new and new qualities from your friends - classmates, but also learn a lot about yourself, what you were not even suspected!

What are the games? Absolutely different. On intuition, logic how. On non-verbal intelligence as. On the development of entrepreneurial qualities as ". Let's start with the most unpredictable games - on imagination. With the help of them, you will learn about the depths of your and someone else's subconscious.

The game on the imagination "Dixit"

The rules of the game are simple, but a certain inventory will be required - special cards. In general, there is a real game, it is called a DIXIT (Dixit), but not everyone can buy it for his pocket. Therefore, you can create some of its elements yourself. The bottom line is as follows: the players are distributed by six cards. They depict various pictures - almost surrealism. For example, a smashed anchor, in the middle of the desert. What associations come to mind? They need to be formulated in one phrase - and voice it the rest. Players choose the appropriate card to the description from their set and lay it on the table. The secret is that the description should be multifaceted, and wins the one whose card was not immediately guess. But, an important element is that if no one has been able to identify your card at all, you are denying glasses. Due to this balance, Dixitis and acquired rabid popularity among psychological games for students. By the way, the cards themselves, or rather the picture, at home can be found and print from the Internet.

The following type of games is on sensations and feelings. We often complain that Internet communication and email deprived us of personal communication. And now, now there is a chance to learn about whether you did not lose the ability to transmit feelings and sensations without using animated emoticons.

The game on the sensations and feelings of the "feeling relay"

For example, for the game called "Feeling Relay" you also need preparation - cards. But, everything is easier and no anchors. Just need to write 6-10 cards (depending on the number of participants) the name of the senses. For example: "Difference", "adoration", "Charity", "Love", etc. Players sit in a circle and close their eyes, and the one that sits from the edge pulls out the first card. He transmits a feeling written on a thorough card with a neighbor. But, of course, it does not do it with words, but by various movements, for example: stroking, or on the contrary, patting, patting and so on. The player must guess that he is transmitted for the feeling and, meaningful and identifying him, transmits him as follows. And so in a circle. When the last participant receives a "feeling", then everyone opens his eyes and in the reverse order voiced their feelings. And here you can already discuss the cause of the distortion.

The game on the trust "blind"

The next game for students is on trust, called "Blind". Can you trust your friends? Now I will check. Select one lead and one, so to speak, the victim, namely - blind. Azart and Extreme will add that if you conduct this game you will be somewhere in a public place - in the park or simply in nature. Blindly tie his eyes, because he should not see anything, but the lead chooses him from the guide. The task is advantaged by the hand of the blind. Warning, loud and clearly, where through the puddles to overpand, bypass the pits and ditch - his direct duty. The most important thing in this game is a feeling of complete confidence between the players. Invalid any kind of evil jokes, mockery, interrupting and patching - do not forget that a person does not see anything, and can suffer a lot, stumbled upon, for example, on a tree or a lamppost. The task of the blind at this time is not only to listen carefully carefully, but also to surrender to its feelings - it will take advantage of a clear perception of its own senses. Only with the tied eyes, we begin to truly feel the tickling of the breeze on the cheeks and the crunch of branches under their feet. The psychological task of this game is first to turn a person to his sensual consciousness, secondly, to show an example of responsibility for another person.

Game for students "Gift"

So, if you already trust your friend, how about what would learn more about him? To do this, there is a game for "GIFT" students. From the whole company, one player is selected from whom, let's say, soon a birthday, or an angel day, it does not matter. It is important that you need to give him a gift. But not a simple banal statuette, and something that would be associated with you with this person. In turn, everyone offers their own options, explaining the choice. And the "Birthday" closely monitors who would give him a truly sincere gift, and who knows him better than the rest. Common options like "Photo frame, because he has a camera" or "handle, because he is a student" - for such answers, points are filmed. And the scale of their accruals can be invented by themselves, depending on the topic of the party or just for the mood. For inspiration - points can be accrued in bananas, stepplers or ice cubes. All that is enough fantasy.

The goal of this game is to understand the team, at least just that all these people, let them fifteen, and even five, know something about one person, and not just his name or surname, and hobbies, hobbies. Well, if you do not know - here you need to make the appropriate conclusions and pay more attention to personal communication.

Creative game "Interesting Poems"

And finally, the most creative of all games "Interesting Poems". The essence of the game is very simple - the first player aloud comprises any poetic line. The size is not important, but the rhyme and meaning is the underlying condition. The topic can be absolutely any. Although I went with my brother in the moon. " The second player quickly, think about it is given about thirty seconds, comes up with continuation, necessarily in rhyme and stanza in meaning should also be approached. And went to go. Of course, at first you will get absurd absurd poems, but then - perhaps you compose the whole company a great work! The main thing is the speed. Because only if with a blitz - survey, you will cook exactly what you mean, without a debris. In addition to utility, this game is incredibly cheerful, and she has only one minus - the cheeks are very much hurt from laughter.

So, as you can see, spend a cheerful evening with friends with friends and without drunk sites, only harmful health with interesting psychological games for students. There are a lot of ways to diversify what bored parties with cards and TV. In one evening you can open so much new about classmates that it will become much more pleasant to communicate with them, you will begin to understand them better, and the percentage of conflict situations will reach at a minimum. After all, there is nothing more important than a healthy atmosphere in your circle of communication and inside you yourself!

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