Dr. Death German doctor. The terrible experiments of the Nazi Doctor Josef Mengele in the concentration camp. The usual way of ideological Nazis

Being a prisoner of Auschwitz, she helped to survive thousands of prisoners. Conducting secret abortions, Gizella Pearl saved women and their unrolved children from the sadistic experiences of Dr. Mengele, who left no one alive. And after the war, this courageous doctor calmed down, only when three thousand women took birth.

In 1944, the Nazis invaded Hungary. That is how the doctor Gizella Pearl lived at that time and lived. She was resetting it first in the ghetto, and then with the whole family, son, her husband, parents, like thousands of other Jews, sent to the camp. There, many prisoners immediately on arrival were distributed and taken into crematorium, but some, subjected to a humiliating procedure of disinfection, left in the camp and distributed on blocks. Gizella got into this group.

Hungarian Jews at the train after arriving in Auschwitz concentration camp.

Then she recalled that cells were placed in one of the blocks, where hundreds of young people were located, healthy women. They were used as blood donors for German soldiers. Some girls, pale, exhausted, lay on the floor, they could not even talk, but they did not leave them alone, the remaining blood was taken from the veins. Gizella kept an ampoule with poison and even tried to use it somehow. But she did not come out - whether the body was stronger than poison, whether the providence was intended to leave her alive.

Women enclosed in the barrack. Auschwitz. January 1945.

Gizella helped women than could, sometimes even simply with their optimism - she told amazing and bright stories that were allocated to the desperate women hope. Having neither tools nor drugs nor painkillers, in conditions of full antisanitarian, she managed to make operations using one knife alone, inserting a gag into her mouth so that there were no screams.

Gizella was appointed assistant to the camp clinic to Dr. Josef Mengele. According to his instructions, camp doctors had to report all pregnant women whom he took for her terrible experiences over women and their children. Gizella, to prevent this, tried to save women from pregnancy, secretly making them abortions and causing artificial childbirth, if only they did not get to Mengele. The day after the operation, women had already had to go to work so as not to cause suspicion. So that they can get selected, Gizella put them diagnosed with heavy pneumonia. About three thousand operations held Dr. Gizella Pearl in Auschwitz, hoping that women operated on to her would still be able to give birth to children in the future.

Pregnant women in Auschwitz camp.

At the end of the war, part of the prisoners, including Gizella, transferred to Bergen-Belsen camp. They were released in 1945, but few of the prisoners lived to this bright day. Coming out to freedom, Gizella tried to find her relatives, but he learned that they were all died. In 1947, she left in the United States. She was afraid to become a doctor again, they did not give peace of the memories of those months of hell in Mengele's laboratory, but soon, yet, he decided to return to his profession, especially since she acquired a colossal experience.

The autobiographical book of Gizel Pearl, published after the war.

But problems arose - it was suspected due to the Nazis. Indeed, in the laboratory, she had to be an assistant Sadist Mengele in his sophisticated and inhuman experiments, but at night, in the barracks, she did everything in her power to help women, alleviate suffering, save them. Finally, all suspicions were removed, and she was able to start working at the New York Hospital as a gynecologist. And every time, going to the maternity hospital, she prayed: "God, you have to live life, a living child." Over the next few years, Dr. Giza helped to light more than three thousand kids.

In 1979, Gizella moved to live and work in Israel. She remembered how in a stuffy car, which is her family and her relatives to the camp, they and her husband drank each other to meet in Jerusalem. In 1988, Dr. Gizella died, buried her in Jerusalem. Conduct Gizella Pearl on the last path more than a hundred people came to the last path, and in the report of her death newspaper Jerusalem Post called Dr. Gizu "Angel Auschwitz".

On March 6, 1911, Joseph Mengele was born - a German doctor who conducted medical experiments on the prisoners of Auschwitz's concentration camp during World War II. Mengel personally engaged in the selection of prisoners arriving at the camp, conducted criminal experiments on prisoners, including men, children and women. His victims were tens of thousands of people.

The terrible experiences of Dr. Mengele - Nazi "Doctor Death"

"Death Factory" Auschwitz (Auschwitz) More and more turned terrible glory. If in the rest of the concentration camps was at least some hope to survive, most of the Jews, the Gypsy and Slavs staying in Auschwitz were destined to die either in gas chambers, or from unbearable labor and severe diseases, or from the experiments of an ominous doctor who was one Of the first persons who meet the new arrivals at the train.

Auschwitz was known as a place where there were experiments on people.

Participation in the selection was one of his favorite "entertainment". He came to the train always, even when it was not required of it. Ideally looking, smiling, pleased, he solved who to die now, and to whom to go on experiences. His angry glance was difficult to fool: Mengel always had exactly the age and state of human health. Many women, children under 15 and old people immediately sent to gas chambers. Only 30 percent of the prisoners managed to avoid this fate and for a while delaying the date of their death.

Dr. Mengel always had exactly the age and state of people's health

Joseph Mengel eased power over human destinies. It is not surprising that Auschwitz became a real paradise for the Angel of Death, who was able to destroy the hundreds of thousands of defenseless people, which he demonstrated in the first days of work in a new place, when he ordered to destroy 200 thousand Gypsies.

Chief Physician Birkenaau (one of the internal camps of Auschwitz) and Head of the Research Laboratory doctor Joseph Mengele.

"On the night of July 31, 1944, a terrible scene of the destruction of the Gypsy Tabor took place. Standing on his knees in front of Mengele and Boker, women and children begged them to spare them. But it did not help. Their brutally beaten and shook in trucks. It was a terrible, nightmarish spectacle, "they tell the surviving eyewitnesses.

Human life did not mean anything for the "Angel of Death". Mengele was cruel and merciless. In Barak, began a typhoid epidemic? So we will send the entire Barack to gas chambers. This is the best tool to stop the disease.

Joseph Mengele chose someone to live, and who to die, whom to sterilize who to operate

All the experiments of the angel of death were reduced to two main tasks: to find an effective way that can affect the decline in the fertility of the rates of non-profit races, and to increase the birth rate of the Aryans by all forces.

Mengele had their own comrades and followers. One of them was Irma Dream - a sadist, who worked as an oversight in the female block. She delivered pleasure to be washed over the prisoners, she could deprive the lives of prisoners only because of what was in a bad mood.

Head of the labor service of the female block of Bergen-Belsen - Irma Grezza and his commandant Hauptsturmführer (captain) of SS Joseph Kramer under the British convoy in the courtyard of the city of Celle, Germany.

Joseph Mengele had followers. For example, Irma Dream, able to deprive the life of prisoners due to a bad mood

The first task of Joseph Mengele to reduce the birth rate was reduced to the development of the most efficient method of sterilization for men and women. So he operated without anesthesia boys and men and subjected to X-ray irradiation of women.

To reduce the fertility of Jews, Slavs and Gypsies, Mengele proposed the development of an effective method of sterilization of men and women

1945 year. Poland. Concentration campus Auschwitz. Children enclosed camps are waiting for their liberation.

Eugene, if you turn to encyclopedias, this is the doctrine of a man's selection, i.e., science, which is searching for improving the properties of heredity. Scientists who make discoveries in Eugene, argue that the human gene pool is degenerated and it must be struggling with it.

Joseph Mengele believed that in order to bring a clean race, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the emergence of people with genetic "anomalies"

Before Joseph Mengele, as the representative of Evgenika, stood an important task: to bring clean races, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the emergence of people with genetic "anomalies." That is why the same interest in the angel of death caused dwarfs, giants and other people with genetic disabilities.

Seven brothers and sisters, originating from the Romanian town of Swell, lived in a working camp for almost a year.

When it came to the experiments, the people were pulled out their teeth and hair, took the hood of the spinal fluid, poured into the ears are unbearably hot and unbearably cold substances, terrible gynecological experiments conducted.

"The most terrible experiments from all were gynecological. They passed through them only those of us who were married. We were tied to the table, and systematic torture began. They introduced some items in the uterus, bought blood from there, they crushed the insides, which pierced us and took pieces of samples. The pain was intolerable. "

The results of the experiments went to Germany. Many scholars of minds came to Auschwitz to listen to the reports of Joseph Mengele dedicated to Eugene and experiments over Liliputs.

Many scholars of minds came to Auschwitz to listen to the reports of Joseph Mengele

"Twins!" - This cry was broadcast over the crowd of prisoners, when the next twins or triples were suddenly discovered. They retained their lives, took into a separate Barack, where children fed well and even gave toys. To them often came a cute smiling doctor with a steel look: treated candy, rolling on the car on the camp. However, Mengele did all this not because of sympathy and not because of love for the guys, but only with a cold calculation that they would not be afraid of his appearance when the time would come to the next twins go to the operating table. "My experimental rabbits" called children-twin children's merciless doctor death.

Interest in twins was not accidental. Mengele worried the main idea: if every German instead of one child will give birth immediately two or three healthy, the Aryan race will be able to finally revive. That is why death angel was very important to study all the features of the structure of one-time twins to the smallest details. He hoped to understand how artificially can increase the percentage of twins fertility.

In experiments over the twins, 1,500 couples were involved, of which only 200 were alive.

The first part of the experiments on the twins was quite harmless. The doctor needed to carefully examine each pair of twins and compare all their parts of the body. Santimeter behind a centimeter measured hands, legs, fingers, brushes, ears and noses.

All measurements of death Angel scrupulously recorded in the table. Everything, as it should be: on the shelves, neatly, for sure. As soon as the measurements ended, experiments on the twins moved to another phase. It was very important to test the body's reactions to those or other stimuli. For this, one of the twins took: he was introduced some dangerous virus, and the doctor watched: what will happen next? All results again were recorded and compared with the results of another twin. If the child sick very much and was on the verge of death, he was no longer interesting: he was still living, or opened, or sent to the gas chamber.

Joseph Mengel in his experiments over the twins involved 1,500 couples, which only 200 were alive

Gemini blunted blood, transplant internal organs (Often from a pair of other twins), the painting segments were introduced into the eyes (to check whether Karie's Jewish eyes become blue Aryan). Many experiments were conducted without anesthesia. The children shouted, prayed for mercy, but nothing could stop Mengele.

The idea is primary, the life of "people" is secondary. Dr. Mengele dreamed of turning over the world with his discoveries (in particular the world of genetics).

So the angel of death decided to create Siamese twins, stitched with a gypsy twin. Children moved terrible flour, blood infection began.

Joseph Mengele with a colleague at the Anthropology Institute, human genetics and Eugene. Kaiser Wilhelm. The end of the 1930s.

Walking terrible affairs and conducting inhuman experiments on people, Joseph Mengele is universally covered by science and its idea. At the same time, many of his experiments were not only inhuman, but also meaningless, not carrying any discovery in science. Experiments for the sake of experiments, torture, causing pain.

Family of Ovitz and Scharomovitz and 168 twins waited for long-awaited freedom. The children fled to meet their saviors, cried and hugged. Nightmare ended? No, he will now chase survivors all his life. When they are bad or when they are sick, they will again be an ominous shadow of an insane doctor Death and horrors of Auschwitz. As if time turned to reverse, and they were again in their 10 barracks.

Auschwitz, children in the liberated Red Army Camp, 1945.

Silvia and mother, like most of the Jews from that region sent to concentration camp Auschwitz, on the main gates of which with clear letters are all the three-enlightening suffering and the death of the word - Edem Das Seine .. (leave hope, every thing here is incoming ..).
Despite the gravity of staying in the camp, Silvia was childishly happy - after all, his mother was near. But together they had to be short. In the family unit once appeared silent german officer. His name was Joseph Mengele, also known under the nicknamed angel of death .. Attentively peering into the person, he passed before plotting prisoners. Silvia's mother understood - this is the beginning of the end. Her face distorted the desperate grimace, performed by suffering and grief. But her face was destined to reflect even more terrible grimace, not even a grimace, and the mask of death, when she will suffer in a few days on an inquisitive Josef Mengele operating table. So, in a few days, Sylvia, together with other children, transferred to the children's 15th block. So she forever broke up with her mother, who soon, as noted, found death under the knife of the angel of death.

The first concentration camp in Germany was opened in 1933. The last of the workers was captured soviet troops In 1945 Between the two dates - millions of tortured prisoners who died from the unbearable work, strangled in gas chambers shot by the Siemsmen. And those killed from "medical experiments." \u003e\u003e\u003e how many of these, the latter, no one knows exactly. Hundreds of thousands. Why do we write about it many years after the end of the war? Because inhuman experiences over people in Nazi concentration camps are also history, history of medicine. Her thing is black, but this is no less interesting page ...

Medical experiments were carried out in almost all the largest concentration camps of Nazi Germany. Among the doctors who managed these experiments there were many completely different people.

Dr. Wirtz engaged in studies of lung cancer and studied the possibility of surgical intervention. Professor Clauberg and Dr. Schumann, as well as Dr. Glauberg in the concentration camp of the Institute Kenighette, conducted experiments on the sterilization of people.

Dr. Domain in Zacchenhausen worked on the study of infectious jaundice and searching vaccine against it. Professor Hagen in Nationalweiler studied a rapid citiff and also sought a vaccine. The Germans also engaged in the study of malaria. Many camps were engaged in studies of the actions of various chemicals per person.

There were such as Rashar. His experiments on the study of the methods of heating frozen brought him fame, a lot of awards in Nazi Germany and, as it turned out, real results. But he fell into the trap of his own theories. In addition to its main medical activity, he served as authorities. And, exploring the possibility of treating infertility, he deceived the regime. His children, whom he betrayed his own, were admissions, and the wife is fruitless. When they learned about this in Rehehe, the doctor and his wife fell into a concentration camp, and at the end of the war were executed.

There were margin, such as Arnold Domain, who infecting people with hepatitis and trying to treat them by punishing the liver. This vile effect had no scientific value, which was clear to the experts of the Reich from the very beginning.

Or, such as Herman Vos, personally in experiments did not participate, but examined the materials of foreign experiments with blood, mining information through the Gestapo. His textbook on anatomy today knows every German medical student.

Or such fanatics as Professor August Hirt, who studied the corpses of those who were destroyed in Auschwitz. The doctor who has put the experiments on animals, in humans and at itself.

But our story is not about them. Our story tells about Joseph Mengele, who remained in history as an angel of death or Dr. Death, a comprehensive man who killed his victims, injecting him in the heart of chloroform to personally hold an autopsy and observe their internal organs.

Joseph Mengele, the most famous of the Nazi doctors, was born in Bavaria in 1911. He studied philosophy at the University of Munich and Medicine in Frankfurt. In 1934 he joined the CA and became a member of the National Socialist Party, in 1937 he joined the SS. He worked at the Institute of Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene. The thesis: "Morphological studies of the structure of the lower jaw of representatives of the four races."

After the beginning of the Second World War, he served as a military doctor in the Wiking Siberian Division in France, Poland and Russia. In 1942 he received an iron cross for saving two tankers from a burning tank. After the injury, the Hauptsturmführer SS Mengele was recognized as unfounded to the builder and in 1943 he was appointed head physician of Zevwitz's concentration camp. The prisoners soon called him "Angel Death".

In addition to its main function - the destruction of "defective races", prisoners of war, communists and just dissatisfied, concentration camps were performed in Nazi Germany and another function. With the arrival of Mengele Auschwitz became the "major research center". Unfortunately, for prisoners, the circle of "scientific" interests of Joseph Mengele was extremely wide. He began with work on "improving the fecundity of Aryan women." It is clear that the research material was served by non-American women. Then Faterlands put a new one, directly opposite task: to find the cheapest and efficient methods of limiting the fertility of "Neochoralov" - Jews, Roma and Slavs. Catching tens of thousands of men and women, Mengele came to the conclusion: the most reliable way to avoid conception is castration.

"Research" walked as a guy. Wehrmacht ordered the topic: to find out all about the effects of cold on the body of a soldier (hypothermia). The technique of experiments was the most uncomplicated: a prisoner concentration camp takes, it is placed on all sides of ice, "doctors" in the SSEs form constantly measured the body temperature ... when the experimental dies, it leads from the barrack. Conclusion: After cooling the body below 30 degrees save a person, it is most likely impossible. Best tool For warming - hot tub and "natural warmth of the female body."

Luftwaffe, air Force Germany, ordered research on the topic: The effect of high height on the performance of the pilot. In Auschwitz, built a barocamer. Thousands of prisoners accepted terrible death: with ultra-low pressure, man just ruptured. Conclusion: You need to build aircraft with a sealed cabin. By the way, none of these aircraft in Germany until the very end of the war has not risen into the air.

According to his own aspire, Joseph Mengele, in his youth, carried away by racial theory, conducted experiments with the color of the eyes. For some reason he needed to prove in practice that the brown eyes of the Jews cannot under any circumstances to become the blue eyes of the "True Aryans". Hundreds of Jews he makes the injection of a blue dye - extremely painful and often leading to blindness. The conclusion is obvious: the Jew cannot be turned into Aryans.

Tens of thousands of people became victims of the monstrous experiments of Mengel. What are some studies of the impact of physical and mental exhaustion on the human body! A "Study" of 3 thousand juvenile twins, of which only 200 people survived! Gemini poured blood and transplanted the organs from each other. Sisters forced to give birth to children from the brothers. Operations were carried out on forced gender change. Before proceeding with experiments, good doctor Mengele could stroke the child on the head, treat the chocolate chocolate ... The goal was to establish, how twins appear on the light. The results of these studies were to help strengthen the Aryan race. Among his experiments were attempts to change the color of the eyes by injection of various chemicals in the eyes, amputations of organs, attempts to sew twins together and other terrible operations. People survived after these experiments were killed.

From the 15th block, the girl began to led into hell - blood pressure at number 10. In that unit, I conducted medical experiments Joseph Mengele. Several times they made puncture of the spinal cord, and then surgical operations during the rats of dogs to splicing dogs with a human body ...

However, the chief doctor of Auschwitz was engaged not only by applied research. He was not alienated and "clean science." The concluded concentration camps were deliberately infected with various diseases to check for them the effectiveness of new drugs. Last year, one of the former Uznitsa Auschwitz filed to the German pharmaceutical company "Bayer". The creators of Aspirin are accused of using concluded concentration camps for testing their sleeping pills. Judging by the fact that soon after the start of the "approbation", the concern additionally acquired another 150 Uznitz Auschwitz, no one could wake up after the new sleeping pill. By the way, other representatives of German business collaborated with the concentration camp. The largest chemical concern "II Farbenindusty" in Germany did not only with synthetic gasoline for tanks, but also the gas "Cyclone-B" for gas chambers of the same Auschwitz. After the war, the giant company "disagreened". Some of the Shard Farbenindusty fragments are well known in our country. Including both manufacturers of drugs.

In 1945, Joseph Mengel gently destroyed all the "data" collected and escaped from Auschwitz. Until 1949, Mengele worked quietly in his native Günzburg at the Father. Then, according to new documents in the name of Helmut Gregor, he emigrated to Argentina. He got a passport completely legally, through ... Red Cross. In those years, this organization provided charity, issued passports and travel documents to tens of thousands of refugees from Germany. Perhaps the fake identity card of Mengel was simply not able to carefully check. Moreover, the art of fake documents in the Third Reich reached unprecedented heights.

One way or another, Mengele was in South America. In the early 50s, when Interpol issued a warrant for his arrest (with the right to kill it during detention), Iyozhef moved to Paraguay. However, all this was, rather, buttuff, the game in catching the Nazis. Everything with the same passport in the name of Gregor Joseph Mengele has repeatedly visited Europe, where his wife and son remained. The Swiss police watched his every step - and did nothing!

In the sufficiency and satisfaction, the person who was tens of thousands of murders lived to 1979. The victims were not in a dream. His soul, if she had a place to be, remained clean. Justice did not enthusiasm. Mengele drowned in the warm ocean while swimming on one of the beaches in Brazil. And the fact that the valiant agents of the Israeli intelligence agency "Mossad" helped him helped him, "only a beautiful legend.

Joseph Mengele managed to live a lot: to live a happy childhood, get a great education at the university, make a happy family, grow children, to know the taste of war and front-line life, work out "scientific research", many of which were important for modern medicine, since Vaccines against various diseases were developed, and many other unscrewing experiments were done, which in the democratic state could not be implemented (actually the crime of Mengele, as many of his colleagues made a huge contribution to medicine), finally, being already in the years, Joseph received a relaxing holiday On the sandy shores of Latin America. Already staying at this well-deserved holiday, Mengel more than once forced their former cases - he has repeatedly read articles in newspapers about his search, about the fee of 50,000 American dollars appointed for providing information about its location, about its atrocities with prisoners. Reading these articles, Josef Mengele could not hide his sarcastic sad smile, according to which he was remembered by many of his victims, "after all he was in sight, bought at the public beaches, led an active correspondence, visited fisherying institutions. And he could not understand accusations of perfect atrocities - he always looked at his experimental only as material for experiments. He did not see the difference between the experiments he spent at school over the beetles, and those he spent in Auschwitz. And what can be regret when the usual creature is dying?!

In January 1945, Soviet soldiers carried Silvia from the block on their hands - her feet after operations almost did not move, and she weighed about 19 kilograms. Six long months spent a girl in the hospital in Leningrad, where the doctors did everything possible and impossible to return her health. After discharge from the hospital, she was sent to the Perm region to work in the state farm, and then transferred to the construction of CHP in Perm. It seemed that tragic days remained in the past. Although the work was not easy, but Sylvia did not lose: the main thing - the world came and she remained alive. She walked her on the 17th year .. /

Prisoners of Auschwitz were released four months before the end of World War II. By that time there were few of them. In almost one and a half million people died, most of them amounted to Jews. For several years, an investigation continued, which led to terrible discoveries: people not only died in gas chambers, but also became victims of Dr. Mengele, who used them as experimental rabbits.

Auschwitz: the history of one city

A small Polish town in which more than a million innocent people were destroyed, they call Auschwitz around the world. We call him Auschwitz. Concentration camp, experiments on gas cameras, torture, executions - all these words for more than 70 years are associated with our title.

It will be quite strange to sound in Russian Ich Lebe in Auschwitz - "I live in Auschwitz." Is it possible to live in Auschwitz? On experiments over women in the concentration camp have learned after the end of the war. Over the years, new facts have opened. One is terrible than the other. True, the camp shook the whole world called. Research today and continue. Many books are written and many films are shot on this topic. Auschwitz entered our symbol of painful, severe death.

Where did the massacres of children occurred and there were terrible experiences over women? What city in millions of inhabitants on Earth is associated with the phrase "death factory"? Auschwitz.

Experiments on people were held in the camp, located near the city, in which 40 thousand people live today. This is a calm settlement with a good climate. Auschwitz for the first time in historical documents mentioned in the twelfth century. In the XIII century, there were already so many Germans here that their tongue began to prevail over Polish. In the XVII century, the city captured the Swedes. In 1918, he became Polish again. After 20 years, a camp was organized here, in whose territory there was a crime like which humanity had not yet known.

Gas camera or experiment

At the beginning of the fortieth answer to the question about where the concentration camp of Auschwitz knew only one who was doomed to death. Unless, of course, do not take into account the SSS. Some prisoners, fortunately survived. Later they told about what was happening in the walls of the concentration camp Auschwitz. Experiences on women and children who spent a person whose name was horrified on prisoners, this is a terrible truth that not everyone is ready to listen.

Gas chamber - the terrible invention of the Nazis. But there are things and more. Christina Zhülvskaya is one of the few who managed to get out of Auschwitz. In his book, the memories of it mentions the case: a prisoner sentenced to Dr. Mengel to death does not go, and runs to the gas chamber. Because death from a poisonous gas is not as terrible as torment from experiments of the same Mengel.

Creators of "Death Factory"

So, what is Auschwitz? This is a camp that was originally designed for political prisoners. The author of the idea is Erich Bakh-Zalevsky. This man had the title of the MS group, during the years he was led by punitive operations. With his light hand to death, dozens were sentenced to death, he took an active part in the suppression of an uprising that happened in Warsaw in 1944.

The Assistants of the SS group orders found a suitable place in a small Polish town. There were already military barracks, in addition, the railway message was well established. In 1940, a person arrived here by name he will be hanged from gas chambers by decision of the Polish court. But this will happen already two years after the end of the war. And then, in 1940, these places hess liked. He with great enthusiasm began a new thing.

Inhabitable concentration camp

The "death factory" this camp was not immediately. At first, they were guided mainly in Polish prisoners. Only a year after the organization of the camp, a tradition appeared to output the prisoner serial number on the hand. Each month has brought more and more Jews. By the end of the existence of Auschwitz, they accounted for 90% of total prisoners. The number of SSSs here also continuously grew. In total, the concentration camp took about six thousand supervisors, punishers and other specialists. Many of them were betrayed by a court. Some disappeared without a trace, including Joseph Mengele, whose experiments were harruy on prisoners for several years.

The exact number of victims of Auschwitz will not lead here. Let's just say that more than two hundred children died on the camp. Most of them were sent to gas chambers. Some fell in the hand of Josef Mengele. But this man was not the only one who had experienced people. Another so-called doctor - Karl Cabuberg.

Since 1943, a huge number of prisoners came to the camp. Most should be destroyed. But the organizers of the concentration camp were practical people, and therefore decided to take advantage of the situation and use a certain part of the prisoners as a material for research.

Karl Kauberg

This man led the experiments carried out over women. His victims were predominantly Jew and Gypsy. The experiments included the removal of organs, testing new drugs, irradiation. What kind of person is Karl Kauberg? Who is he? Which family grew up, how was his life? And most importantly, where did the cruelty come from the scope of human understanding?

By the beginning of the war, Carlo Cubergu was already 41 years old. In the twenties, he held the position of chief physician at the Clinic at Königsberg University. Kaulberg was not an offacarious doctor. He was born in the family of artisans. Why decided to associate life with medicine, unknown. But there is data according to which, in the First World War, he served as a infantryman. Then he graduated from the university in Hamburg. Apparently, his medicine was so fascinated that he refused from a military career. But Kaulberg was interested in not healing, but research. At the beginning of the forties, he began the search for the most practical way of sterilizing a woman who did not belong to the Aryan race. For experiments was translated into Auschwitz.

Experiments Kaulberg

Experiments were introduced into a special solution in the uterus, which led to serious violations. After the experiment, the childbearing organs were removed and went to Berlin for further research. Data on how many women were victims of this "scientist", no. After the end of the war, he was captured, but soon, just after seven years, oddly enough, was released according to the prison sentence agreement. Returning to Germany, Kaulberg did not suffer from remorse of conscience. On the contrary, he was proud of his "achievements in science." As a result, complaints began to receive complaints from Nazism to him. He was arrested again in 1955. In prison, he spent this time even less time. Two years after arrest died.

Joseph Mengele

Prisoners nicknamed this man "Angel Death". Joseph Mengele personally met the train with new prisoners and conducted selection. Some went to gas chambers. Others - on work. Third, he used in his experiments. One of the Uznitsa Auschwitz of this person described as follows: "High, with a pleasant appearance, similar to the film actor." He never raised his voice, spoke politely - and this was a special horror on the prisoners.

From the biography of the angel of death

Joseph Mengele was the son of a German entrepreneur. After graduating from the gymnasium, he studied medicine and anthropology. At the beginning of the thirties, he joined the Nazi organization, but soon, as of health, he left her. In 1932, Mengele joined the SS. In the time of the war he served in the medical troops and even received the "iron cross" for the courage, but was injured and declared unsuitable for the service. Mengel spent several months in the hospital. After recovery was sent to Auschwitz, where he unfolded his scientific activity.


The selection of victims for experiments was a favorite entertainment of Mengele. A doctor was enough for just one look at the prisoner in order to determine the state of his health. Most of the prisoners he sent to gas chambers. And only a few prisoners managed to delay death. It was hard for the fact that I saw "experimental rabbits" in Kom Mengel.

Most likely, this man suffered from an extreme form of a mental disorder. He enjoyed even the idea that in his hands there is a huge number of human lives. That is why he was near the arriving train each time. Even when it was not required of it. His criminal actions managed not only the desire for scientific research, but also to manage thirst. Just one of his words was enough to send tens or hundreds of people in gas chambers. Those that went to the laboratory became material for experiments. But what was the purpose of these experiments?

An invincible faith in the Aryan utopia, explicit mental deviations - here are the identity of the Yoezef Mengele. All his experiments were aimed at creating a new means capable of stopping the reproduction of representatives of non-profit peoples. Mengele not only equated himself to God, he put himself above him.

Experiments of Josef Mengele

The angel of death anatomized babies, castrated boys and men. He spent operations without anesthesia. Experiments on women were shuffling with a current of high voltage. He spent these experiments in order to test endurance. One day Mengel sterilized several Polish nuns by X-ray radiation. But the main passion of the "Doctor of Death" was experiments on twins and people with physical flaws.

To each his own

At the gate of Auschwitz, it was written: Arbeit Macht Frei, which means "work frees". Here I also attended the words Jedem Das Seine. Translated into Russian - "Everyone". At the gate of Auschwitz, at the entrance to the camp, in which more than a million people found their death, the veneration of the ancient Greek sages appeared. The principle of justice was used by SSEs as the maiden of the most cruel idea in the entire history of mankind.

In 1979, São Wolfgang Gerhard drowned off the coast of Brazilian São Paulo - a quiet 67-year-old German emigrant, which settled here after World War II. The old man was buried at the local cemetery and soon forgot. However, after 7 years, folders with his archive randomly hit the neighbors of Wolfgang. Having discovered the paper, neighbors were frowning - these were describing inhuman experiences over children. Their author was the most wanted Nazi criminal Joseph Mengele - a doctor, victims of the medical experiments of which thousands of prisoners of Auschwitz became. Just think: the monster, who organized a real hell on Earth, sent a hundredth person daily for the next world, for 35 post-war years He lived in the present paradise on the Brazilian coast. The very case when the justice of speech does not even go.

Joseph Mengele was the eldest son in the family. Famous factThe child is formed in the image and likeness of the parents. Looking at them, it acquires certain features and qualities that will fully reveal in adulthood. So happened with Josef. His father practically did not pay attention to children, and his mother was a despotic Fouria, prone to Sadizm. So the question arises, what should the child grow, when the father almost does not pay attention, and the mother with the slightest disobedience or bad school does not bother to beat? As a result, a brilliant doctor and a casual sadist turned out.

Joseph was barely 32 years old when he entered the service of Auschwitz's concentration camp. The first thing he did was eliminated the title epidemic. A peculiar way, of course: Joseph ordered to completely burn several barracks, where the disease was noticed. Effectively, you will not say anything.

But the main thing is what Mengele became famous is its interest in genetics. The stumbling block of the Nazi Doctor was Gemini. Put experiments without anesthetics? Easily. Anatomy still live babies? Exactly what is needed. You can still sew twins, change the color of your eyes using chemicals, develop a substance causing infertility and so on. The list of inhuman experiments can be continued to infinity.

Another question arises, why is the hell's doctor most interested in twins? Let's go back to the origins. Even on the territory of pre-war Germany, the authorities noticed that the fertility decreases, and the mortality rate of infants increases, this pattern was true for representatives of the Aryan nation. Other races and nationalities that lived problems in Germany did not have problems with the birth rate. Then the German government, frightened by the prospect of the extinction of the 'Selected' race, decided to do something. Josef was one of the scientists who commissioned to increase the number of Aryan children and reduce their mortality. Scientists focused on the artificial "removal" twins or triple. However, the offspring of the Aryan race had to be certainly blonde and blue eyes - from here and attempts to Mengele change the children's color to children through various chemicals.

First, the experimental children were careful. Assistants' Angel of Death "measured the growth of children, fixed their similarities and differences. Then the children met with Josef personally. He infected them with a typhoid, blown blood, amputated the limbs and transplanted various organs. Mengele wanted to track down as the same twins organisms will react to the same intervention in them. Then experimental killed, after which the doctor conducted a thorough analysis of corpses, exploring the internal organs.
Mengele himself considered that it acts for the benefit of science.

Naturally, many legends have developed around such a colorful character. One of them, for example, states that Dr. Mengele's office was decorated with the eyes of children. However, it is only fairy tales. Joseph simply could look at the hours of body parts in test tubes or spending time for anatomical studies, opening the bodies, in the apron, designed blood. Colleagues who worked with Josef, noted that they hated their work, and in order to somehow relax, they drank themselves, which could not be said about 'Angel Death. It seemed that his work was not only not tired, but even very pleasure.

Now, many are wondering if Dr. ordinary sadist was not covered with scientific activities. According to the memories of his colleagues, Mengele often took part in the executions: beat people, threw in pits with fatal gas.

When the war ended, the Josef declared her hunt, but he managed to hide. He spent the rest of the days in Brazil, eventually began to practice medicine. I earned a living, mainly by what abortions were officially banned by the authorities of the country. Retribution overtook him only after a long time after the war.

The most amazing thing is that the story of "Doctor Death" does not end. A few years ago, the Argentine historian Jorge Kamaras wrote a book in which Mengel again took up the birth rate after the escape from justice. As an example, the researcher led the strange story of the Brazilian town of Candida the year, where the birth rate of twins suddenly jumped sharply. Each fifth woman has brought twins, and blonde! Caamaras was sure that this is Mengele's mistress. Local residents and truth remembered the strange veterinarian Rudolf Weiss, who came to the city to treat cattle, but looked at not only animals, but also people. Doctor Death has any attitude towards this phenomenon, is reliably unknown.

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