Compatibility of Rabbit (Cat) and Dragon: from love to hate one step. Relationships between people under the signs of the rabbit and dragon

It is difficult to determine the exact percentage of whether the signs are suitable for each other. Compatibility between the Rabbit and the Dragon is difficult. Each of these symbols has those character traits that his loved one lacks. If they learn to share with a partner, then their union can be eternal.

Description of the Rabbit's character

The character of the Rabbit (Cat) is calm and balanced. Such individuals succeed in everything without much difficulty, and they achieve their goals. They are characterized by good manners and politeness. They always listen to public opinion.

The cat is characterized by education, love of intellectual games and masculinity. Such people know their worth very well and will never allow others to offend them. The negative aspects of this zodiac sign include:

  • excessive jealousy;
  • rare but strong attacks of aggression;
  • desire to be an owner.v

Characteristics of the Dragon

Dragons are successful in achieving their goals. Thanks to perseverance and the ability to control everything that happens, this horoscope sign makes excellent leaders. To achieve success, he is always ready to make sacrifices. Loyalty is the main character trait of Dragons. This helps the symbol establish new relationships and win over others.

Other character traits include:

  • pride and self-confidence;
  • love of power;
  • masculinity;
  • straightforwardness.

Union of the Rabbit man and the Dragon woman

Rabbit and Dragon in this scenario have contradictory compatibility.

  1. Expression predominates in a woman. It is difficult for her to control her emotions, due to which her relationships with others are a little strained.
  2. At first, the Rabbit man will suffer a little from the excess energy of his lady, but over time he will show wisdom, which will allow the couple to create a strong and long-lasting relationship.

Love and marriage

Despite their different approaches to life, the Dragon woman and the Cat man will be able to establish relationships with each other. The Dragon, who prefers to introduce surprises into his life, will have to learn to control his desires and achieve harmony. A cat who likes everything to go according to plan should bring a little extreme into their life together.

In order for the compatibility of the Dragon and the Rabbit in love to increase according to the horoscope, the partners need to complement each other. The dragon must:

  • provide the Cat with confidence in the future;
  • ensure comfort in the home and harmony in the family.

The cat, meanwhile, will balance his companion.


Friendly relations between the Dragon and the Rabbit are possible. At first glance, there is no friendship between them. You will have to study your partner’s character for some time in order to be prepared for all the upcoming surprises.

If partners become attached to each other, then their friendship will be eternal. They complement each other perfectly. The dragon does not allow the Cat to be monotonous and constantly drags him into noisy parties, and the man restrains his girlfriend so that she does not do anything stupid.

Sex life

In bed, compatibility between Rabbit and Dragon is ideal. Both men and women prefer passionate sex that will not be repeated over and over again. They are no strangers to each other's experiments and unconventional fantasies.

In the intimate sphere, compatibility between the Dragon and the Cat is also achieved due to the fact that the partners understand what their loved one wants. Since they are not shy about anything in bed, pleasure will accompany them after every act.

Dragon woman and cat man are well compatible in bed

Business relationship

In the field of business, it will be difficult for the Rabbit and the Dragon. They will not be able to reach an agreement quickly. The dragon will crave new achievements, even if they bring a loss to the company.

The cat will try to increase the income of his business. He is not impressed by the rash actions of a woman who is ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of adventure. If these symbols start a common business, they are doomed to failure. If the Dragon takes care of small tasks, and the Rabbit controls the entire work process, then things will improve significantly. In this case, accepting that the head of the business is Rabbit is difficult for a woman. She needs to be given time to understand this state of affairs.

Relationship between a Rabbit woman and a Dragon man

The man in this union is very emotional, but the woman is able to balance and moderate his ardor.

A connection between a Dragon man and a Rabbit woman is possible only when both partners can get to know each other better. Their relationship is built only on mutual sympathy, devotion and confidence in the future.

Love and marriage

In love, it is not difficult for these zodiac signs to achieve constancy. Both the Hare and the Dragon are characterized by fidelity throughout life, therefore, conflicts due to jealousy never arise in their relationships. Even if there are misunderstandings between the Rabbit and the Dragon, these symbols will easily understand each other, and everyone will make concessions.

The union of a Dragon man and a Rabbit woman will be crowned with success because it is not difficult for an enterprising guy to change his partner, forcing her to bring emotions and sparks of passion into life. In marriage, a man will not only earn money, but also manage it. A woman will have to devote herself entirely to caring for children and home.

A Rabbit woman married to a Cat man will create home comfort

Friendly relations

Friendship between a Dragon man and a Rabbit woman has a chance to exist. The guy is ready to do anything to ensure that those around him are emotional and cheerful. If the Hare is not yet ready for such life changes, then the Dragon is ready to wait and help you get to know the world differently, more fun.

The rabbit is able to teach his friend control. This will allow the guy to become more balanced and less likely to commit rash acts. Due to the fact that the Cat is partial to public attention, he prefers to choose energetic activities - hiking, dancing or singing. It is in such areas that two incompatible signs become acquainted.


The sexual compatibility of the Rabbit and the Dragon in this case is low. This is due to the fact that Cat women are not as ready to experiment in bed as the male half of this zodiac sign.

When a man wants to introduce something new into his sexual life, this may initially confuse the lady. Not every guy will react calmly to this, and a hot-tempered Dragon is capable of breaking off the relationship altogether, because... he is not a conservative. It is important for him that something new constantly happens in the relationship that will touch him to the core.

A woman, especially if she is a Virgo according to the European horoscope, will have to loosen up. She must understand that the future of the relationship depends on this. Because she never enters into intimate relationships; if she does not feel sympathy for her partner, then it is likely that she will change. The dragon will just have to be a little patient.

Union in business

If the signs in this scenario start a joint business, then it can bring profit and success, but this is only possible if the man and woman initially distribute responsibilities among themselves. In this couple, it is important that everyone minds their own business and does not disturb the partner’s space.

If the Dragon man and the Rabbit woman are ready to make concessions, then the business will rapidly gain momentum. It is likely that in a few years everyone will know about their company.

Possible conflicts

Sometimes the compatibility of the Dragon and the Cat is destroyed by conflicts. This may be due to several reasons.

  1. Emotionality of the Dragon. Despite his strong character, it is difficult for such a person to accept criticism. It is likely that this symbol will often be offended by his partner and will be bad at reconciliation.
  2. Excessive impulsiveness. Both partners, if the situation in the relationship is difficult, may flare up. The Rabbit is the first to reconcile. A quarrel does not always end calmly. Sometimes a couple breaks up over a trifle.
  3. Jealousy. It is common for a dragon to be jealous of a loved one. If the Cat does not provide evidence of his fidelity or does not convince his partner of it, then such a relationship is doomed to failure and no changes can save it.

Will the union of Cat and Dragon result in a happy marriage? What awaits them? After all, it’s a very difficult combination of signs. It will help answer your questions and find out the secret about the possibility of starting a family - the eastern horoscope for compatibility in love.

Rabbit and Dragon are a difficult combination of signs

A man who was born in the year of the Dragon is very inquisitive by nature. He needs to be aware of all the things that happen to their friends, especially women. He's still a man! Not quite serious in terms of long and sincere relationships. The blood is hot - this is how the eastern horoscope explains excessive interest in the opposite sex.

In most cases, according to the horoscope, the dragon man remains a bachelor. He is quite happy with a free, non-binding relationship. This is the norm for him. But you yourself understand that with such a position it is unlikely that he will be able to find a serious and good wife. He will be attracted to the same girls and women, with the same easy behavior and relaxed principles in relationships.

According to the compatibility horoscope, some Dragon men find their soul mate who has a serious intention to create a happy marriage. More precisely, the rabbit woman finds him, but it’s not that easy. To reach his heart, she needs to be herself, so simple, homely, without any “imaginations”. He will meet such a woman in life with the purpose of making him realize what an indecent life he led, how greedy and selfish he was in relation to those around him.

And the rabbit woman, at the beginning of the relationship, will love him for who he is. This will seem a little strange. How did it happen? Will she tolerate all his looks at other ladies? Yes, that's absolutely right. The dragon will change with such a soul mate - the eastern horoscope predicts compatibility in love. He will become a real family man, he will acquire the ability to love not only himself, but also others: his wife, children.

Compatibility of Dragon Man and Rabbit Woman

She will be inspired to do good and useful deeds not only at home towards her family, but also at work towards her colleagues. This will increase his authority and bring high material income. A woman who was born in the year of the Rabbit is very gentle, affectionate, calm and kind. She will extinguish the excessive fire in her partner, says the love compatibility horoscope. And their home will be in an aura of love, warmth and comfort.

These and other qualities are what the dragon husband values ​​in his wife. Next to the Dragon, she will become more sexy, liberated and self-confident. In a word, they will change each other in a positive way. According to the horoscope, such compatibility is quite realistic for creating a strong marriage and happy relationships.

Compatibility of Cat Man and Dragon Woman

The Cat man characterizes himself as a quiet and serene person. He doesn't like novelty. It’s easier for him to go fishing than to travel around the world.

He does not like expressions, and he speaks very without emotions and feelings. The dragon woman is opposite to the rabbit man according to the horoscope of compatibility in love. She is more energetic than him, more proactive in relationships. And she obviously won't like it. She wants to see a man next to her who is able to share her views on life, feel what she feels, and simply understand her. And disagreements cannot be avoided here.

The Cat Man is a quiet and serene person

But in order to preserve love and mutual understanding in the marriage of such a union, you need to accept your partner as he is. The male rabbit is calmer, melancholic, and does not tolerate novelty or movement. And the dragon woman requires feelings, emotions and acuity... passion! That's how different they are. In this case, you just need to match your partner’s ideas about you. Well, at least just try. It is not so difficult. If you want to maintain love and mutual understanding, then you will be able to do this.

The marriage compatibility horoscope predicts a completely happy and prosperous family. There will be peace in the house thanks to the dragon man, and laughter and joy thanks to the rabbit woman. There is nothing scary here that the man is supposedly so serene. And this alignment of characters suits them quite well. They will be happy.

Thus, dear lovers, we are convinced that the compatibility in love of the Dragon and the Rabbit is quite possible for creating a happy marriage. Cast aside all doubts about your loved one. He will be faithful to you, love and give himself without reserve. Throw away all caution about what other people will say. It doesn't matter! The important thing is that you have a wonderful opportunity to be together, to understand and feel each other, to reveal resources and talents in your partner that he himself did not even know about. Well, isn't this wonderful?

Vika Di

At first glance, these signs are completely opposite to each other. The calm, delicate Rabbit strives for stability and does not like risk, while the Dragon, on the contrary, is used to living as if on a volcano; courage and fearlessness sometimes push him to adventures that are unacceptable to the Rabbit. The rabbit tries to avoid dangerous situations, and a determined Dragon may simply become bored next to him.

In their relationships, they are capable of mutual understanding, but only if they give up trying to remake each other’s characters. The dragon strives for dominance, the Rabbit does not have any special ambitions, so the Dragon will most likely take the leadership position in this pair. He will provide the Rabbit with protection, help him gain confidence in his own abilities, while the Rabbit will smooth out conflicts and provide the Dragon with a reliable rear.

However You shouldn’t count on an idyllic relationship: Feelings between these signs can quickly change from passion to cooling, and then quarrels and scandals are inevitable.

Compatibility horoscope for Rabbit (Cat) and Dragon in love according to the eastern horoscope

A love relationship between the Rabbit and the Dragon can flare up suddenly due to strong sensual attraction, but this romance has little chance of developing into a long-term relationship - after the wave of passion subsides, contradictions in characters and opposites in aspirations begin to manifest themselves clearly.

Rabbits are wonderful partners, loyal and romantic.

Rabbits are wonderful partners, loyal and romantic. The main thing for them is trust, tenderness and confidence in reciprocity. If doubts arise about their partner’s feelings, they do not enter into a fight for his heart, but simply move away. They are attracted not by stormy passions, but by deep, sincere and stable feelings, so their romance with the Dragon is doomed almost from the very beginning, since it is stability in feelings that the Dragon lacks.

The Dragon has enormous charm, so the Dragon girl is always surrounded by fans, and the Dragon guy is irresistible to women and uses all the crushing power of his influence to win his next victim.

The romance between the Dragon and the Rabbit arises on the basis of mutual sensual attraction

Their sex is simply great, but when it loses its novelty, the Dragon quite easily breaks up with his partner, because the main thing for him is independence. That is why Dragons often remain bachelors, preferring to have easy connections that do not commit to anything, rather than a stable family, which is the goal of Rabbits.

Marriage compatibility of couples born in the years of the Rabbit (Cat) and the Dragon

Rabbit and Dragon quite rarely get married even after a passionate affair, usually not too long. Convinced of how much their life aspirations differ, such a couple most often breaks up, but if they do get married, it will be difficult for both parties, since they will have to constantly look for a compromise.

The Rabbit's wife falls recklessly in love with the Dragon and is ready to endure a lot. With her tenderness, affection and calmness, she will be able to extinguish the excessive fire of the Dragon; it also gives her more self-confidence, helps her to liberate herself and express her sexuality. Thus, mutual influence will benefit both of them.

The Dragon wife is characterized by impulsiveness and spontaneity in her actions, and the Rabbit husband in such a family ensures the stability of the relationship. It is important that their basis is not just physical attraction, but desire to create a real family, where both parties would try to understand and support each other, surround each other with warmth and homeliness.

Friendship between Rabbit and Dragon according to the Chinese calendar

If the guy is a Dragon and the girl is a Rabbit (Hare), then they are unlikely to be able to be friends for a really long time, their positions in life are too different. The same applies to the tandem of the guy Rabbit (Hare) and the girl Dragon. However, their business cooperation can be quite successful, since the compatibility in the work of the Rabbit and the Dragon is quite high: the Dragon is an ambitious, active and enterprising leader, the Rabbit is a conscientious performer, well versed in commerce and finance, and his diplomacy smoothes out the harshness of the Dragon.

Compatibility of a Rabbit man (Cat) and a Dragon woman

If he is a Cat, she is a Dragon, then they can immediately feel mutual attraction. The Rabbit will be attracted by her brightness, and the Dragon will be attracted by his intelligence and breadth of outlook, but sex will still be dominant in their relationship.

The Rabbit man and the Dragon woman value their freedom, so their romance is unlikely to develop into marriage when it loses the charm of novelty. If this does happen, then without patience and mutual concessions it will not be easy to build relationships in the family.

Dragon Woman is active and is ready to take risks, sometimes her hyperactivity tires her husband Rabbit, who prefers home comfort, quiet career advancement and business without risk. Attempts by partners to change each other's nature are most often doomed to failure.

The only thing that can save their marriage is strong love and the ability to reckon with each other

The Dragon Woman, being a leader, should not humiliate the Rabbit, but listen to his advice and stimulate him to new achievements.

Compatibility of a Rabbit (Cat) woman and a Dragon man

If she is a Cat, he is a Dragon, then their relationship is usually limited to a passionate romance, and when the passion passes, they part peacefully. They enter into marriage mainly under the pressure of external circumstances., and if they don’t try to change each other, then their family may well become viable.

If she is a Cat, he is a Dragon, then their relationship is usually limited to a passionate romance

For their family characterized by a traditional distribution of activities: he provides for the family and leads an active life, she provides home comfort. The cautious Rabbit will never accompany the dashing Dragon in his risky adventures, and the Dragon will not endure the quiet life that the Rabbit loves so much. If they manage to come to terms with this, then such an alliance may have good prospects.

13 February 2018, 17:55

Character of the Rabbit (Cat)

When it comes to such a contrasting pair as the Rabbit and the Dragon, their compatibility raises doubts among the average person. However, experts in the field of astrology know some secrets that will help harmonize these difficult relationships. In Eastern mythology, the Rabbit is not at all a defenseless creature. He is cunning, fast and unprincipled, and therefore knows no barriers. Despite its apparent softness, it is extremely resistant and takes the most advantageous position when falling.

The second name of the symbol is the Cat, the one that always lands on its paws. If the Dragon and Cat-Rabbit come together, the compatibility of the couple often depends on the interest and diplomacy of the second. The Capricorn cat is recognized as the most suitable partner: he will appreciate greatness and beauty like no other zodiac sign. In second place is Scorpio, who is no stranger to vanity.

Such different dragons

Even without being an astrologer, you can easily recognize the Dragon in any crowd, especially if he is also a Leo. A proud posture involuntarily attracts attention. A dragon born under the sign of Libra is considered lucky: he is not threatened by love suffering. A representative of this combination of signs more often becomes an object of adoration than falls in love himself.

Pisces is the most unbalanced symbol, subject to the struggle between the elements of Fire and Water. They especially urgently need a soft, sensitive and understanding interlocutor, which is what the Rabbit is. Independent and imperturbable Taurus, in the depths of his soul, experiences no less intense passions between earth and sky: the attraction of the zodiac element of the Earth does not allow him to fly freely. Dragons are associated with prosperity, they are not afraid of difficulties, and leadership is won without effort: for some reason, in their presence, no one has a question about who is in charge here.

Rabbit man, Dragon woman

When a Rabbit man and a Dragon woman get together, compatibility promises to be difficult, but nevertheless exciting. As a rule, physical attraction between them arises easily and naturally, but mutual understanding requires work. The practicality of the Dragoness more than compensates for the passivity and irresponsibility that are sometimes inherent in the Hares.

The connecting link of this couple is the craving for novelty and fun; both do not accept monotony. Excessive self-confidence and disorganization can be a destructive force - the flip side of the ability to act spontaneously. Both have an equally developed need for communication; they are an open and hospitable family.

Dragon Man and Rabbit Woman

In a couple where a Dragon man and a Rabbit woman are combined, compatibility rarely arises on its own. Paradoxically, the initiator of relationships is often not the sparkling Dragon, but the inconspicuous but resourceful Rabbit.

As a result, the woman also places responsibility for the further development of the relationship on her fragile shoulders. The dragon is used to radiating magnificence anywhere, just not in the family circle, sometimes not realizing how important a reliable rear is for him - a place where he can gain moral support and energy replenishment. The aggressiveness of a partner can somewhat discourage the peace-loving Rabbit.

From dating to honeymoon

At the initial stage of a relationship, the Dragon and Rabbit achieve compatibility in love without difficulty. She is fascinated by the strength and charisma of the Dragon, and he, in turn, is touched by her ability to listen carefully and empathize, without reproaching her for anything. Having become spouses, the Rabbit and the Dragon reinforce their compatibility in marriage through communication. There is a risk that the Dragon will develop the habit of criticizing the other half.

Undoubtedly, with the best intentions: so that it corresponds to the ideal. The opposite situation, when she is a Dragon and he is a Rabbit, is no less destructive. The cat retreats to the last, but, being driven into a corner, is forced to attack. The Dragon (he or she) will show wisdom if he does not persist and generously gives the Hare the palm. The partner probably showed delicacy in response.

He and she in family life

The Rabbit and Dragon compatibility horoscope places great importance on the spontaneity of both. This uniquely positive and attractive factor at the beginning of a relationship often brings chaos to everyday life. The Rabbit is kept in constant tension by the task of avoiding sharp corners, which are regularly created by the loud and assertive Dragon. Since the rabbit's ingenuity knows no bounds, the Dragon often finds himself faced with facts that he cannot comprehend.

In order for advice and love to reign in the family, spouses will have to learn to act synchronously. Over time, the new habit will require less and less effort, because in fact, the spouses are striving for a single goal: a reasonable balance of stability and variety.

She needs his strength and boldness, and he relies on her knowledge and friendship. The Dragon is strong and frank, the Rabbit is lenient and tactful. She will arrange a beautiful home where he can relax. She is adaptable, but moody and defenseless; he will be her warrior and protector. The marriage will be good if they strive for the overall well-being and do not allow small things or calculations to ruin their relationship.

In this version, the life together of a Rabbit woman and a Dragon man is more real and joyful, because it develops quite easily. The Rabbit woman will quickly learn to understand the Dragon and, most likely, will accept him for who he is. The Dragon man will give a woman that very spark, that flight that she usually lacks in order to feel absolutely happy. He will breathe optimism and strength into her, teach her to take many things more simply.

The Rabbit woman will help the Dragon man by understanding the depths of the human psyche and will be able to convey to him a calm understanding of the beauty of the world. It will certainly have a harmonizing effect and provide him with the opportunity to feel the fullness of life without unnecessary fuss and hassle. In addition, she is a thrifty and reliable lady. The man will be able to appreciate this and they will live happily ever after!

Horoscope Rabbit woman and Dragon man

The key word characterizing the relationship between a female Rabbit and a male Dragon is “misunderstanding,” and total misunderstanding. Their compatibility in love and marriage is extremely low. The Dragon will psychologically suppress the sensitive Rabbit. The Chinese horoscope warns: if this couple is not strengthened by the harmonious aspects of personal horoscopes, the love relationship between the Rabbit and the Dragon will become a real disaster.

The Dragon is an amazing, unique, charming person, but, alas, a complete egoist. He is characterized by a love of adventure, his element is reforms and changes of various scales. He craves fame, success, popularity. For a rabbit to be happy, silence, peace, and a comfortable home are enough, and the very word “risk” fills him with slight anxiety. The dragon threatens his orderly little world and brings chaos into it. In addition, he can sometimes be rude and indelicate, does not tolerate the slightest criticism, which, of course, has a bad effect on the compatibility of the Dragon and the Rabbit.

But the cute Rabbit loves his Dragon and admires his courage. In marriage, he lives for these wonderful and rather rare moments when his partner - an outlandish fairy-tale creature - finally lands wearily on the sofa after numerous adventures in order to gain strength for the next. Over time, the house of the married Rabbit-woman and Dragon-man begins to resemble a hotel.

The dragon is always well-groomed, has impeccably ironed clothes and polished shoes at his disposal. The delicate Rabbit tries his best to win love, but every year he becomes paler and sadder, until one day he wants to get out of bed early in the morning to give water and food to his fire-breathing companion before his next exploits.

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