Where is attention directed when entering the bathroom. Is your toilet equipped according to Feng Shui?: 19 basic canons. feng shui toilet

100)this.width=100"> Even in ancient Indian texts it was written that the ablution room should be perfectly clean, without the slightest trace of dirt and hair, filled with subtle aromas.

Since water is associated with material well-being, the location of the bathroom is an important factor in organizing the feng shui space of the whole house as a whole.

By itself or combined with a shower, it is the main piece of furniture in the bathroom. The bath is usually rectangular in shape, and this is quite natural for reasons of economy. free space, but if you have the opportunity to install a semicircular or oval bath, use it. According to Feng Shui, such baths are especially good because they reproduce the curves of a coin, and this, combined with the Water element, which symbolizes money, creates an impression of wealth and prosperity.

Feng Shui (feng shui) bathroom: color and decor

According to Feng Shui, the bathroom should be dominated by white or very soft pastel colors. Avoid bright colors, except for small objects to stimulate chi energy in certain areas. In the combined bathroom, the bathtub, shower and toilet have the same color and design, but white faience and chromed metal are preferable to dark colors.

The bathroom floor should be tiled, but not too cold to the touch. Now on sale there is a special tile that is slightly springy underfoot and adapts to the temperature of the room. This is the perfect choice. Moreover, in any mall there is a wide range of different shades, and it will not be difficult for you to choose the color scheme for the bathroom.

If your bathroom has a window, use blinds instead of curtains. The bathroom curtain in any case should be made of waterproof material so that the steam does not damage the fabric.

Feng Shui: drawers, shelves and bedside tables

Should be simple, functional and blend well with the style of the bathroom. Perhaps the most important feature of shelves, cabinets and nightstands in the bathroom is that they need to be used.

It sounds strange at first glance, but in terms of feng shui, there is nothing worse than a bathroom full of lotions, shampoos, creams and all sorts of little things that are not used regularly. The chi energy should move as smoothly as possible, and the rows of vials and bottles do not contribute to this.

If you don’t have enough free space to store these items in wall cabinets or nightstands, then either get more spacious ones, or (this is the simplest solution) leave only what you really need. In many bathrooms you can see a real exhibition of detergents and cosmetics, but not all of them are used daily. When you clean out all the excess and put things in order on the shelves and in the cabinets, the energy will circulate much more freely, and the bathroom will be more conducive to relaxation and rest.

feng shui toilet

Since water is associated with wealth and with the flow of qi, flushing the toilet regularly makes one approach the feng shui of the toilet of this room with extreme caution. In whatever area of ​​the house or apartment the toilet is located, some of the qualities of this area will be "washed away" along with the water in the absence of precautions. Therefore, the best position for a toilet is where the excess energy can make up for it.

If the toilet is located in a separate room from the bathroom, this helps to make it more inconspicuous. The toilet lid and toilet door should always be kept closed, especially if the toilet is located next to the front or bedroom door.

Sometimes it is good to hang a mirror on the outside of the door to reflect the flow of energy; this is especially useful if the toilet is in an unfavorable location.

The toilet brings a strong yin influence to the environment, so it is sometimes necessary to add some yang elements to the interior for balance.

Good air circulation (and therefore chi energy) is important in feng shui regardless of the location of the toilet, so it makes sense to install a small window or vent.

Unfavorable location of the toilet according to feng shui

  • Against front door. If the toilet is located opposite the front door, you will constantly encounter setbacks.
  • Opposite the living room. If the toilet door opens into the living room, the atmosphere in the room will be nervous and tense.
  • Opposite the dining table. A toilet located opposite the dining room or dining table adversely affects the processes of nutrition and digestion.
  • Opposite the bed. If the toilet is located opposite the bed, the impact of sha qi will be especially harmful, since people are much more vulnerable when they are asleep than when they are awake.
  • Bed on the lower floor under the toilet. Unfavorable location, similar to the impact of the ceiling beam above the bed.
  • Bed butt with toilet. If the head of the bed is adjacent to the wall of the toilet, stagnant xi qi accumulates in this area.
  • Aquarium next to the toilet. In principle, an aquarium with fish brings good luck to the house. But an aquarium located next to a toilet can lead to losses; since the toilet is regularly flushed, the well-being that the aquarium symbolizes will flow out of the house.

Feng Shui suggests in the bathroom to give preference to white or soft pastel colors and not to use bright colours. An exception may be small items (for example, a soap dish, a toothbrush holder, and some others). White color contributes to a good quality cleansing of our aura.

Blue- frees our thoughts, symbolizes heavenly blessing. Soothes, lowers blood pressure, promotes even and deep breathing, has a soporific effect.

Green- frees our soul from evil. In addition, green calms, gives rest to the eyes and relieves nervous tension, but does not lull.

The tone of light wood contributes to the harmonization of energy.

Bathroom mirror as if it connects us with our second subtle "I", restoring the harmony of the physical body and the subtle body. It is best if the mirror belongs to the element of your own zodiac sign:

  • Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, the shape of the mirror is round. Accepts the energy of Air and Earth. Relations with the energy of Water are bad, their forces extinguish each other.
  • Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. The shape of the mirror is oval. Compatible with the power of Fire and Water. They do not get along with Air, weakening each other.
  • Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. The shape of the mirror is a rectangle. Complement the power of Fire and Water. Incompatible with the power of the Earth.
  • Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. The shape of the mirror is square. They are combined with the biofield of the Earth and Air. Relations with Fire are bad - the forces oppress each other.

From the point of view of Feng Shui, it is undesirable to hang mirrors one opposite the other, as the images will rush from one surface to another, creating a useless movement of energy in a vicious circle. It is also undesirable to use mirror tiles in the design of the bathroom, in which the reflection of a person is crushed, which means that his personal energy is crushed.

The main thing in feng shui is to achieve harmony, so it is reasonable to complement shiny, cold surfaces with soft fabrics (curtains, rugs, towels), and light colors with contrasting accents. Bathroom lighting should be carefully thought out, as it will affect not only the quality of shaving or makeup, but also the direction of energy movement.

It would be logical to place the lamps on both sides of the mirror above the sink (directional lighting). Most of the light should be emitted by a light bulb in a frosted ceiling under the ceiling (main lighting). Lighting should be sufficient, but not too bright and colorful.

All items located in the bathroom, first of all, should be combined with the general style of this room, and, secondly, be functional. Bathroom cabinets easily accumulate stagnant energy, so you should check if you have small items on your bathroom shelves that attract such unfavorable energy. These can be old empty jars of cream, cosmetics that have expired, as well as old brushes, sponges and others that have gone out of everyday use.

Living plants in the bathroom purify the air and bring a feeling of freshness and cheerfulness into it. Warm bathroom with a large window with frosted glass - perhaps the best place in the house to keep the most beautiful plants that came to us from places with a humid climate. If your bathroom has enough light and moisture, then plants will grow well there.

Aromatic oils will also help create a pleasant environment in the bathroom, as well as pleasant-looking or tactile surfaces of the objects with which we surround ourselves in this room. If the bathroom has a window, it is better to use blinds instead of a curtain. The bathroom curtain should be made of waterproof material to prevent the steam from damaging the fabric.

We have already spoken about the negative impact of these premises. In Feng Shui, it is associated primarily with the flow of Qi from the house and the generation of Sha. In addition, the use of these premises is a matter, although natural, but purely personal; no one will be pleased if they are watching him at this moment, and especially if outsiders pay attention.

Therefore, the doors to the bathroom are, if possible, hidden from a casual glance, and the Feng Shui of any room located opposite such a door will be considered not very favorable.

The most unfortunate location of the toilet is in the center of the apartment. When the rest of the rooms surround it, they receive the distorted influence of the "spiritual center" instead of Qi. The center of an apartment plan, when superimposed on it by Ba Gua or Lo Shu square, is the "center of glory" - you can imagine what will happen to fame, fortune and family unity!

However, the bathroom located at one of the outer walls will also have its effect - it will violate the feng shui of one of the sectors of influence in the house with its presence. In China, they tried to make a toilet away from housing, or at least an insignificant outbuilding in one of the unfavorable places in the house (in order to "wash away" failures). In an apartment building or an already erected mansion, this, of course, is impossible, and you will have to put up with what you have.

First of all, always close the toilet door and the toilet lid, do not forget to periodically wash the bathroom and freshen the air in it. A mirror with Ba Gua hung on the inside of the door will prevent Sha from spreading around the apartment. With the help of ordinary mirrors, you can try to symbolically destroy the toilet if you hang them on the door or wall outside or in pairs on the walls (you can do all four) inside. Mirrors should be large enough, best of all - to the height of a person, but you can get by with smaller ones. The main thing is that they reflect most of rooms and toilets.

If the bathroom is combined, then the toilet bowl should be covered from the side of the bathroom and the washbasin with a low partition, screen or curtain so that the person sitting in the bathroom or standing near the washbasin could not see the drain hole of the toilet bowl. It is best to make the same screen or curtain on the side of the door, but the layout and dimensions of bathrooms rarely provide such an opportunity.

The bathroom is not as harmful as the toilet, but also requires precautions. In classical feng shui, the bathroom is associated primarily with money flowing out of the house.

To reduce the impact on the apartment, the same means are used as in the toilet. The only difference is that the bathroom needs to be well ventilated after use, so it is desirable to have an outward-opening window or exhaust duct in it. Lighting in the bathroom should not be too bright, it is best to use matte fixtures. For wall decoration, soft, calm tones are most preferred.

In multi-storey buildings, bathrooms are usually located one above the other, however, in custom-built houses, as well as in converted old buildings, there may be a different layout. In this case, the toilet or bathroom on the second floor may be above the hallway, kitchen, living room and even the bedroom.

All these options are not only fraught with purely plumbing troubles (for example, when a pipe breaks or clogs the sewer), but is also strictly prohibited in feng shui.

The harmful effect of the bathroom on the premises below is comparable only with the direct flow of sewage into them. If you are still unlucky and the situation cannot be corrected, try to weaken the flow of Sha by hanging a crystal or "wind music" from the ceiling under the location of the toilet.

You should not combine the bathroom and toilet with the bedroom, as is sometimes done in America. If you have already decided for some reason on such a layout, then try so that the bathroom does not protrude into the room (in extreme cases, the shape of the room must be supplemented to the correct rectangle using a partition, screen or large closet).

In this case, the door must necessarily be completely opaque and constantly close tightly; it is better to hang a crystal above it. Bells and "wind music" are not allowed in this case, as they will ring when the door is opened and thereby draw attention to the toilet.

In addition to the visual masking of the bathroom, it is worth thinking about sound. It is unlikely that you or your guests will be pleased by the loud noises heard from the toilet during a festive dinner, and the noise of the water flushed down the toilet sometimes interferes with normal rest. Meanwhile, in our country, especially in panel houses, this noise often spreads over several floors.

First of all, you should take care of the seal on the door. Finishing the walls and doors from the inside with soft porous materials, such as foam or a layer of corrugated cardboard under washable wallpaper, gives a good effect. On the adjacent wall of the room or bedroom, you can hang a carpet or put a closet along it.

Water flowing into the sewer symbolizes money leaving the house, so all plumbing fixtures must always be in good condition, especially taps. The toilet tank must have not only an overflow, but also a working locking system, otherwise the water in the toilet will constantly flow.

According to Feng Shui, the bathroom should have good ventilation, windows are welcome. Fresh air and light do not allow energy to stagnate and, of course, reduce humidity. In the absence of windows, mirrors help, at the same time visually enlarging the room, and reflective materials - glossy tiles or marble. Ideally, the bathroom should be well ventilated, well lit and filled with beautiful colors that affect our energy.

The bathroom and toilet are perhaps the most important places in the apartment, in terms of the movement of financial energy. That's what feng shui experts say. Look at your house: is everything all right?

The bathroom and toilet are dominated by the energy of water, which symbolizes financial well-being. If you misuse the energy of the bathroom, you can incur financial difficulties. There are a few simple feng shui rules that are recommended to be observed in the interior of these rooms to attract money.

Feng Shui toilet and bathroom location

The most unfavorable location of the bathroom is opposite the front door. In this case, the money that comes into your home will quickly flow away along with the energy of the water that you flush down the toilet or sink. Hence - waste, constant lack of money and financial losses.

Unfortunately, many apartments in houses have just such a feature as a toilet opposite the front door. It is unlikely that Soviet architects wanted to harm the people who would live in their homes. Most likely, they had no idea about the principles of feng shui, and now we are paying for it.

However, not all is lost! To protect your well-being, some feng shui experts recommend hanging a painting with a landscape on the bathroom door - this will keep the money energy in your home and help maintain financial stability.

You can also zone the corridor - separate the toilet from the front door with a curtain. A curtain made of beads or bamboo sticks is good for these purposes. If it is not possible to qualitatively zone the hallway, then you need to at least put an obstacle between the bathroom and the front door, for example, a tree in a pot or a floor lamp that attracts attention.

Feng Shui bathroom furniture

Proper arrangement of the bathroom, where there is constant movement of water, is important for financial well-being. Therefore, the environment in the bathroom should contribute to the free flow of energy of money.

All items, furniture and plumbing must be rounded. The fewer corners in the bathroom, the better.

According to Feng Shui of an apartment, the bathroom must be spacious and light. Gloom and tightness can negatively affect the financial condition of the family. At the same time, even in a small bathroom you can create space and comfort. At least visually increase the space, this will help increase your profits.

how to attract money feng shui

Feng Shui rules for using a bathroom to lure money.

  • When leaving the toilet, be sure to close the toilet lid, otherwise the monetary energy will leak along with the water.
  • Keep the toilet clean and tidy - it should sparkle. This will help you raise money.
  • Wipe the mirrors in the bathroom more often - they reflect your financial situation.
  • Try to keep the bathroom and toilet doors closed, especially if the bathroom is opposite the front door.

Well, if you have equipped your apartment, according to the Feng Shui recommendations for attracting financial well-being to the house. But it is important to learn the things that come into the house. You can do this even with a small salary. Savings will protect you from emergencies. Plus, if you save money, you won't have to turn down unexpected exciting opportunities in life.

Cleanliness in the house is important for every person. The practice of the Taoist monks of the East, which is commonly called the science of feng shui, eliminates any kind of pollution in the house. Science claims that they interfere with the movement of energy flows. At the same time, the correct location of certain objects, their outlines and color are also important.

The toilet room, which is decorated in accordance with the rules of feng shui

Apartment owners often adhere to the principles of feng shui, but forget that the toilet also needs proper design. Cleanliness in this room is extremely important. Here, negative energy most often accumulates, this happens due to the fact that we are physically cleansed in the toilet. To exclude this phenomenon, it is recommended to pay attention to the rules and design the toilet according to Feng Shui.

What are the main requirements for a toilet?

According to Feng Shui rules, a number of mandatory requirements are imposed on the toilet. When doing them, you will definitely notice positive result: cleanliness and order, excellent mood, a decrease in the number of quarrels with household members.

First, a clean toilet. This is an adequate requirement both from the point of view of Feng Shui and in relation to elementary hygiene rules.

Attention! Do not put trash cans, brooms and mops in the corner of the toilet room. These are symbols of negative energy, which is already too much in the toilet. Do not increase its concentration.

Second, make sure the toilet lid stays closed. In the open state, it contributes to the outflow of energy, which is unacceptable. Surely each of us has heard that sewage is conditionally compared with a vacuum cleaner that steals positive energy. The cover becomes a kind of barrier to this. And don't look down the drain.

A design option for a toilet that fits into the rules of feng shui

The third requirement concerns the drain tank. Water must not flow out of it. This will lead to an increase in negative energy, while material costs increase and the functionality of the toilet itself is disrupted. In any case, Qi energy is consumed, and water bills increase.

The energy of success and wealth is observed in those houses where the ventilation system works well in the toilet. It is recommended to install forced ventilation. If this is not possible, clean the ventilation grilles regularly.

Additionally, symbols that carry positive energy are added to the interior of the toilet: a picture with a sunrise, a flashlight in red shades. This will make the interior more attractive and direct the Qi energy into the house.

It is important to take care of additional elements. The science of Feng Shui says that the style of minimalism is welcomed in the toilet. There should be nothing superfluous here. You can install a toilet and bidet. If you want to additionally mount a tap, plumbing, pipes or meters, all this will have to be hidden behind the box. This will achieve cleanliness and concise design in the room.

Feng Shui design toilet

Main element any toilet - a toilet. If you adhere to the recommendations of feng shui, position it correctly. The toilet in the west of the Feng Shui apartment brings positive energy, promotes harmony. The toilet is not recommended to be placed opposite the door. This is the wrong position. It is believed that such a choice will bring bad luck to the owner.

The toilet should not be placed so that, in the absence of walls, it is opposite the bed. This is explained by the fact that during sleep a person is strongly influenced by negative energy. The location of the toilet opposite the living room is also not the best solution. This will bring nervousness and tension into the room.

The toilet should be the most inconspicuous room in the house. Unfortunately, in conditions of lack of free space, it is not always possible to adhere to the above recommendations. In this case, an additional element in the toilet is allowed - a mirror that is hung on the door. It will become a kind of blocker of negative energy. You can not place a mirror in front of the door.

Toilet connected to the bathroom, which is decorated in feng shui

If possible, it is not recommended to have a toilet and a bedroom in adjacent rooms. For multi-storey country houses, it is important to consider that sleeping under or above the toilet is highly discouraged. If possible, the same recommendation is followed in apartments. The door to the toilet is always kept closed. This will further eliminate unpleasant odors.

Important! If you have an aquarium, choose an appropriate location for it in your home. They should not be a toilet or walls bordering it. It is best if the aquarium is located as far as possible from this room.

We select the color of the toilet

The science of Feng Shui teaches and chooses the right colors for rooms. Choose snow-white models of toilet bowls. This is considered the best option and there are no exceptions to this rule. Both the sink and the bidet should be snow-white when they are installed. In the design of the room itself, white should also prevail. This does not mean that the room will become like a hospital room. Additional colors will help to make it cozy. Cold and muted shades are preferred, which belong to the elements of Water. Among them are the following:

  1. Blue.
  2. Grey.
  3. Black.
  4. Blue.
  5. Silver.

The feng shui of the toilet, which is combined with the bathroom, is made in the style of minimalism

Look for neutral tones in moderation as well. These include light peach, juicy green, pink, cream, beige. However, shades of cold colors should prevail. Bright colors are used for decor, and cold colors are used for walls, floors and ceilings.

Pay attention to the choice of feng shui lighting. In order not to stop the flow of Qi, you need bright lighting, this will add comfort and harmony to the room. The best option is a window in the bathroom, but not all rooms have it. An alternative is artificial lighting.

Lighting devices are made as invisible as possible. Place them so as to achieve uniform light, close to natural. If possible, choose lamps that mimic sunlight. Adequate lighting will ensure that the white earthenware sparkles.

The room should not be located in the southeastern or southwestern part of the house, it is better if it is in the north.

The restroom is not just a place to recover, but a full-fledged room, the design and design of which must be taken care of at the proper level. Cleanliness in the toilet and Feng Shui design will be the first step in helping to achieve harmony in your own home, success and a prosperous course of business. Many consider feng shui to be just a fashionable invention today, but this ancient science has repeatedly proven its effectiveness and efficiency. When in doubt, try a few tips and see how your life will change.

Toilet with bathroom decorated in white fengshui colors

The Feng Shui toilet is a special place in the house where cleanliness and order reign. If you don't like any of the recommendations, skip them. In the art of Feng Shui, it is important to adhere to the main principles, achieving comfort and a positive mood for yourself and your family members. The arrangement of the toilet is approached with special care, because it is one of the most important parts of the house.

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The Feng Shui toilet, its color and the location of the toilet in the apartment play an important role in creating an atmosphere in the house. Everyone wants failures to bypass them, and for this, the toilet room should not be in front of everyone and attract a lot of attention. Well, when the toilet is small.

Toilet color

According to the principle of Feng Shui regarding the interaction of elements, the elements of Water will conflict with the elements of Earth and Fire, so it is not recommended to use yellow, orange and red colors in the interior. Pastel shades are perfect for arranging a bathroom: peach, pale blue, pink, light green. Cream, biscuit and other neutral shades will look good. White is also considered good.


The most unfortunate place for the location of the toilet in the apartment will be the southwestern and southeastern sides of the house. The southwestern sector is responsible for the relationship between family members and other people, and while flushing the toilet bowl, you symbolically wash away all the grace of your relationship. As a result, this results in conflicts and misunderstandings that accompany throughout life.

The southeastern sector is responsible for financial profit and prosperity in the house. A toilet installed in this area will spoil all your hopes for increasing profits and prosperity. Of course, the toilet cannot be located in the very heart of the house and immediately opposite the front door, as this adversely affects the well-being of the family and attracts misfortune.

Remember that the toilet and bathroom in the dwelling should not be combined into one bathroom, the bathroom and toilet areas should be separated at least with the help of partitions.

Lipia toilet Sha

The practice of Feng Shui is used to influence the energies that reign in the house: positive Qi and negative Sha. In the process of planning a room, there is such a thing as Sha lines. Finding such a line in relation to the toilet is quite simple: you need to draw an imaginary line in the direction of your gaze when you are sitting on the toilet in front of you, and in the same way back.

It is bad if this line crosses the dining table, work table, bed, refrigerator. When the Sha line finds itself on the bed, this leads to conflicts with family members. For a single person, such an arrangement in an apartment will interfere with the establishment of personal life.

If you are unable to move the bed and other important objects from the Sha line, you can at least turn the toilet in the safest direction.

If the toilet is in the center or opposite the entrance to the house

Often you can find an unfavorable layout of the apartment when the bathroom is located in the center of the house. The fact is that according to Feng Shui, the center of something in Feng Shui is the heart of this object. Thus, the location in the heart of your home of a restroom, a toilet, a regular pantry and a bathroom will destroy the positive atmosphere in the house. The center is the most negative option for building a toilet.

The toilet should also not be located opposite the entrance to the house or next to it. After all, all the energy that enters the house is immediately washed off into the sewer, not having time to saturate and enrich the energy of the house. This situation can be corrected only if the toilet door is glued with wallpaper or painted in a color similar to the wallpaper on the walls near it. Thanks to this, the door will become less noticeable and the destruction of the energy of the house will decrease. If a corridor or a large room approaches the toilet, it is necessary to hang curtains to create a barrier, closing its walls so that destructive energy does not enter the house.

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It is no secret that it is in the toilet that the greatest amount of negative energy accumulates. Therefore, it is important to protect the home from destructive forces and equip the bathroom in accordance with the canons of Feng Shui. For those who are still at the stage of designing a house, Chinese teaching advises them to familiarize themselves with all the intricacies of the distribution of energy flow so as not to fall into the risk zone.

The theory of space arrangement is based on one important point: favorable energy entering the apartment should be dispersed throughout the room without obstacles. Its flow is called qi. It is necessary to maintain harmony and peace in the house, to attract prosperity and health.

Qi does not like it when the dwelling is dirty, there is a lot of garbage or rubbish. Such an environment can disrupt its circulation and turn living energy into a negative force that leads to failure in love and financial affairs, illness and difficulties.

The toilet is the most vulnerable place for sha energy. It brings misfortune and sickness. Often sha is formed in places where it is dark and dusty. Withered flowers, garbage and old things, dirty dishes and cobwebs carry similar energy. It is associated with bad odors, called sha odors, that often accumulate in the washroom.

She can enter the premises only through the entrance to the dwelling. Sha is able to penetrate the toilet and the toilet bowl. She knows how to exit through various openings and escape along with drafts through the window.

When flushing water, a large amount of energy is destroyed, and with it well-being. However, this will not affect the atmosphere in the house in any way if the toilet and toilet are located correctly.

Some feng shui experts point out that the “money leak” with water in the toilet is associated with certain types of bathrooms that are usually found in Asia, and not in our country. In any case, it is better to protect yourself from possible financial losses and listen to the recommendations of the Chinese sages.

feng shui toilet location

The best location for the bathroom is the north side of the world. She is the one who patronizes water element, which manages the financial well-being in the apartment.

The most unfortunate location for the restroom is considered the south side. If the bathroom is located in the northwest, no additional manipulations are required.

You can not have a latrine in the center of the dwelling, otherwise the sha applies to all family members. It is able to cause a bad mood, ailments, conflicts, because the center is the heart of the apartment.

If the bathroom is located on the southeast side of the house, which is responsible for wealth, this is a bad sign. When nothing can be changed, you will have to restore the energy balance with the help of a mirror. It is hung from the outside of the toilet door to repel destructive forces.

It is not always possible to avoid the location of the toilet opposite the front door. In this case, you can use the following methods to help eliminate the loss of beneficial energy:

  1. The door of the restroom must be tightly closed so that the flow of negative force from the street and the sewer does not form a draft that can displace the chi energy.
  2. You need to make sure that the toilet door is not conspicuous.
  3. It is recommended to lay a striped rug from the front door to the toilet or hang pictures on the walls of the corridor in a checkerboard pattern. This will create favorable energy for the home.
  4. You can hang a large mirror on the side of the front door, which should reflect the room or kitchen. This method is suitable in case of an appropriate layout of the apartment. Thus, the mirror will not allow the flow of qi from the dwelling through the sewer in the toilet.
  5. It is allowed to hang a mirror on the inside of the door. So the negative will be absorbed without leaving the restroom.

feng shui toilet

It is important to properly install the toilet in the bathroom. Therefore, before starting a repair, you should familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  1. If possible, it should not be placed directly in front of the door to the restroom.
  2. Allowed to install a bidet.
  3. Do not leave a broom and a bucket near the toilet, they increase negative energy.
  4. It is necessary to place the toilet as far as possible from the bedroom.
  5. You can not place it opposite the living room.
  6. There should not be anything superfluous in the bathroom, and pipes, meters and taps must be hidden. Personal hygiene items should be put away in a locker.
  7. If you draw a straight line from the toilet through the entire apartment, you can understand what the "toilet sha" crosses. The straight line should not rest against the front door, touch the beds, the table at which they eat.
  8. The restroom must be ventilated. Otherwise, the house will not have to wait for success and wealth.

If the apartment has an aquarium, you need to put it as far as possible from the restroom, otherwise the water for the fish will absorb the negative from the sewer.

Decor and decorations

To adjust the energy flows, it is necessary to properly equip the bathroom with the help of decor. Any decoration in the restroom should show the essence of the water element. Well, if the pictures show:

  • ocean;
  • sea;
  • lake;
  • waterfall;
  • ship;
  • beach;
  • snow;

It is forbidden to hang images of the sun, its rays, sunset, dawn, desert, as well as landscapes. All of them belong to the element of Fire, which competes with Water.

One or two paintings are suitable as a dressing room decor. The main thing is to avoid dark, yellow and orange tones. Too many decorations can overload the atmosphere and have a bad effect on the energy background.

Color selection

According to the laws of Taoist practice, the color of the toilet should be combined with the element of Water. These can be the following shades:

  • white;
  • turquoise;
  • blue;
  • blue;
  • light green.

You can get the desired color scheme with the help of finishing materials with a water theme. Today on sale there are many options for tiles for the toilet.

It is undesirable to choose too bright and acid colors. For a Feng Shui restroom, smooth and measured shades, soft pastel colors are needed. If the toilet and bathroom are combined, it is advised to do zoning by delimiting the territory using a blue or green curtain.

The color of the toilet itself should be pure white. In addition, it is convenient and practical, because any dirt is immediately visible, and after cleaning it leaves no traces.

The décor for the restroom can be brought to life with noticeable shades on the elements of the towel or rug. Then the toilet room will not look boring and monotonous.

Feng Shui artificial lighting in the toilet

It is important to provide adequate lighting in the restroom. This will help the flow of qi to move freely in space. A darkened and gloomy bathroom is the cause of an uncomfortable atmosphere, a depressing environment.

It's great if a window is made in the toilet room. Penetrating light supports the circulation of energy flows in the house. If there is no window in the toilet, you need to take care of normal artificial lighting.

Devices should be placed as discreetly as possible. Ideally, the effect of daylight will do. You can find out if there are enough light bulbs in the toilet by looking at the white faience. It should look natural and have a snow-white color. Lamps with a yellow or other tint are not suitable in this case.

What should be avoided in the toilet?

According to the rules of Chinese teachings, the toilet should not contain the following:

Broken plumbing. Appliances in disrepair are the cause of waning wealth from the home. It is important to make sure that no water flows out of the drain tank.

Open toilet lid. If you do not close the sanitary fixture, then all the negative from the sewer will penetrate into the living space.

Dirty floor, garbage. Clutter, dust and dirt in the toilet are a magnet for destructive energy. It is important to keep the toilet clean. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning more often, not only in the bathroom, but in all rooms. Ventilation grilles must be cleaned regularly.

Bad smell. In the toilet, as in the bathroom, it is important to maintain a pleasant smell. To do this, you just need to use an air freshener or nozzles on the rim of the toilet.

It is important to understand that the restroom needs constant cleanliness, because this is the initial step on the path to success and prosperity.

Sometimes the house itself is always clean and comfortable, and items are stored in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui. However, people living in it still get depressed, face financial difficulties and constantly quarrel. In this case, you should pay attention to where the bathroom is located. This can help to find the cause of trouble and a way out of the situation.

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