What happens to the teeth during pregnancy, how to save and strengthen them during the "interesting position"? How To Maintain Healthy Teeth During Pregnancy Teeth Vitamins During Pregnancy

There is a folk wisdom that every child takes one tooth from their mother. Most consider this nonsense, but there is some truth in it. If a woman is pregnant, she goes to the gynecologist to ensure the baby has a healthy start. The next visit should be to the dentist. A growing child takes the necessary substances from the bloodstream, mainly trace elements and vitamins, so the teeth suffer. Therefore, the question arises, how to save teeth during pregnancy?

Preserving teeth during pregnancy

To save your teeth during pregnancy, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Visit the dentist. Everyone knows about caries, but not everyone knows that it is necessary to treat teeth before the baby is born. Because carious cavities are a pantry of reserves for various microorganisms. The infection from there passes into the bloodstream and can cause complications for both mother and baby.
    The most acceptable terms for dental treatment:
    First visit - 6-9th week of pregnancy,
    The second - at 16-18,
    The third - at 26-28 weeks,
    The fourth - at 36-38 weeks.
  2. Tooth extraction during pregnancy is carried out no earlier than 14 weeks, when the placental barrier is formed. Before the birth itself, tooth extraction is not necessary, since an open wound after tooth extraction can become a source of infection.
  3. X-ray examination of the teeth during pregnancy should not be done. If there is an urgent need, it is better to go for a CT scan.
  4. If there is toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy, namely frequent vomiting, you need to tell the dentist about it. The acidic pH values ​​of the masses of vomit destroy the balance of the oral cavity. This leads to rapid reproduction of microflora and tooth enamel is destroyed. The dentist will find the necessary means in order to preserve the enamel.
  5. If anesthesia is needed during dental treatment, it is imperative to tell the doctor about the pregnancy. He will select an approved anesthetic that does not harm the unborn baby.
  6. The filling is always chosen by the doctor. There is no need to forego fluoride-containing filling material. The lamp used for this is harmless to the fetus.
  7. You need to learn how to properly brush your teeth. Everyone remembers that during pregnancy, the sensitivity of the teeth increases. You can use a paste marked "sensitive", which is used for sensitive teeth. Professional teeth cleaning is carried out at least once every 4 months, it is better to do it after childbirth.
  8. If blood marks remain on the toothbrush when brushing your teeth, then gingivitis, that is, inflammation of the gum mucosa, may have developed. This disease is quite common. Not necessarily the teeth are not in order. In pregnant women, increased gum bleeding is the result of hormones and goes away on its own after childbirth. But it is better to consult a dentist. Treatment of gingivitis will prevent a more serious disease - periodontitis.
  9. Difficulty coping with salivation is a reason to visit the dentist. This type of toxicity is not dangerous. With profuse salivation, you can rinse your mouth with infusions of chamomile or sage.
  10. If you have leg cramps, you should tell your dentist about it. The most common cause of leg cramps is a lack of calcium. If the calcium deficiency is not removed in due time, tooth decay will begin, since the growing baby will still take as much calcium from the mother’s bones as he needs for full development. Sources of calcium are dairy products - milk, yogurt, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese and fish. Calcium from vegetables and fruits is poorly absorbed.
  11. It is also better to send a partner to the dentist. No matter how much a pregnant woman tries to ensure the "sterility" of the oral cavity, it is useless, because the very first kiss will return the "harmful" microflora.

Dental hygiene of a pregnant woman

Gums itch terribly! It would seem that it’s nonsense - take a brush and go ... But it wasn’t there: it’s worth touching, and they bleed. This gingivitis is the scourge of all pregnant women. If you leave everything as it is, you can lose a tooth. So what? After all, they say, how many children you give birth to, so many teeth you lose.

They say, but don't listen. Nowadays, only lazy people lose their teeth. If you properly care for your "pearls", then a Hollywood smile can be maintained until old age. Ideally, you need to put your mouth in order, of course, even before pregnancy, then nothing threatens you. If you didn’t have time to put your teeth in order or didn’t plan a pregnancy, it doesn’t matter either! Modern dentistry will help save teeth, although there are some restrictions for expectant mothers. For example, you can not take x-rays, which means that the treatment of the roots of the teeth will have to be postponed until later. First of all, it is worth doing the prevention of dental diseases. After all, future mother the chances of losing a tooth increase several times.

During pregnancy, the concentration of calcium and phosphates in saliva decreases, so tooth enamel becomes less durable. Frequent vomiting during the first trimester increases acid levels, which upsets the acid-base balance. Hormonal changes impair blood circulation. The gums begin to bleed, sometimes they even acquire a bluish tint. With poor oral hygiene, this can lead to periodontitis.

Therefore, dentists advise brushing your teeth at least twice a day and be sure to massage your gums. To do this, take an anti-inflammatory paste, clasp the tooth with a large and index finger and make light movements from the tooth to the gums. This massage will improve blood circulation and help to cope with itching.

When “there are already two of you,” you want to eat more. A bun here, a cookie there. As a result, an excess of carbohydrates leads to the fact that immunity falls. The body's resistance to microbes decreases. Just microbes and cause caries. Therefore, you should not abuse foods containing sugar and glucose. Cookies are considered especially harmful. This food sticks to the teeth and helps the microbes do their job. But, if you already ate something like that, you should just brush your teeth.

But expectant mothers must eat cottage cheese. In the body, the need for calcium increases, which goes to build the skeleton of the child. If it is not enough, then the baby gets the necessary from the bones and teeth of the mother. Therefore, doctors advise taking a vitamin-mineral complex. The best source of calcium is eggshell. It must be calcined in the stove, ground into powder and added to your favorite dishes. In the last trimester, the child no longer needs calcium in such quantities. Its excess can lead to the fact that the child will gain excess weight.

You can check the condition of your teeth with a home test. To do this, moisten a cotton swab in iodine and hold it over the tooth. If the teeth remain bright, then there is no plaque, if they turn brown, then you need to brush your teeth more carefully.

It so happens that our women consider it normal when, during the bearing of a child, their teeth begin to suddenly deteriorate. They justify this state of affairs by the fact that a child needs calcium to build a skeleton, and they are ready to endure it. The opposite is true in developed countries. It is generally considered unacceptable during pregnancy to lose at least one tooth. Western doctors believe that for the development of the baby's bones, the necessary substances must come from outside, but not from the mother's teeth.

Provide adequate amounts of calcium and vitamins food products they cannot, so doctors prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women, specially designed for expectant mothers. Most dentists are inclined in favor of the American complex "Materna", but due to its high cost, not every woman can afford to buy it.

Also, the vitamin-calcium preparation "Upsavit" is quite expensive. Presented in the form of tablets, easily soluble, the result is a very tasty drink with a fruity aroma. The Gendevit vitamin complex of domestic production is also considered good, but pediatricians warn that due to the large amount of vitamin D in it, it should be taken with caution. Excessive use of this complex is fraught with premature overgrowth of fontanelles in infants.

Women should not be upset with limited material resources. Compromise always exists. For example, doctors advise women to take the "Materna" complex twice a week, as well as "Gendevit" - three times a week. On other days, domestic calcium preparations, inexpensive in cost, will be useful.

You should visit the dentist even at the stage of pregnancy planning. But, if you missed this moment, then visit the dentist as soon as possible. As a rule, a visit to the dentist is a mandatory procedure when registering a woman.

As for toothpastes, Blend-a-honey is considered the best during childbearing, due to the high fluorine content. You should also follow some tips for the preservation of your teeth. It is recommended to brush your teeth after every meal. If a pregnant woman works, then in this case, chewing gum can become an alternative to toothpaste. But this does not mean that a woman should walk from morning to evening with this chewing gum. Plus, it's bad for the stomach.

At least 3 minutes should be given to brushing your teeth, and with sweeping movements. In this case, harmful plaque is removed from the teeth. With horizontal movements, as practice shows, plaque is driven into the gums. Most women wonder, how do you actually know if your teeth are brushed well enough? There is a banal method for this using iodine. It is necessary to hold cotton wool soaked in iodine over the teeth, which will turn brown with the remaining plaque, in its absence, the teeth will remain light.

You can use fuchsin tablets, which are special detectors and are freely sold in pharmacies. Plaque on the teeth during their application is painted intensely pink. In such cases, brushing your teeth should be continued until it is completely eliminated.

In addition, it is recommended to rinse after each meal, both with ordinary boiled water and herbal infusions, and for hard-to-reach areas on the teeth, you should use dental floss or floss. A toothbrush of medium hardness is recommended, and in case of bleeding from the gums, it is preferable to change it to a brush with soft bristles. It is not recommended to use an electric toothbrush during pregnancy.

Many people know that the appearance of caries contributes to the use of highly digestible carbohydrates. First of all, we are talking about fructose and sugar. In contrast, there are carbohydrates, consisting of glycogen or starch. For teeth, such carbohydrates are not terrible - they are able to decompose in the small intestine to final products.

Note that the excess of carbohydrates in the blood qualitatively affects the level of saliva mineralization, thereby reducing the protection of the teeth. An excess of carbohydrates reduces immunity, moreover, it lowers resistance to any microbe, namely, they cause caries. Enamel is based on hydrohydroxyopatide, a unique mineral whose calcium levels constantly fluctuate. In the case of an excess level of calcium in a newborn, the structure of the mineral will not collapse. In case of its deficiency, destruction will be observed.

By the way, according to medical observations, children whose mothers were fond of sweets during pregnancy are endowed with a lower level of enamel mineralization. In addition, they have an impressive incidence of caries and a large increase in it. Cookies, as it turns out, are the most dangerous food during childbearing. It is also an easily sticky food to the teeth.

A pregnant woman should be given increased attention. Only balanced and proper nutrition will have a beneficial effect on the entire body of the mother, and on the condition of the teeth, in particular. Doctors often advise mothers not to eat for two, but for two. Thus, they warn a pregnant woman against the use of products, the benefits of which are rather doubtful. In addition to their absolute uselessness, they will also bring extra pounds to a woman, and the destruction of tooth enamel, which is highly undesirable. This applies to all sweets.


By following all the recommendations of the dentist, you can keep your teeth healthy. But, you should not be afraid if your teeth are far from ideal. Modern dentistry may well offer a pregnant woman a number of techniques and tools to solve their problems quickly, efficiently and painlessly.

The only thing that can stop mommy is the high price of the services provided. Indeed, as a rule, such procedures are offered in private clinics, a number of services of which are aimed at helping pregnant women. Therefore, it would be better to comply with mandatory preventive measures. It will be better if you do not allow a dental disease than to treat it later, moreover, for a lot of money.

In addition, every woman should know some precautions when going to the dentist. A pregnant woman should not be treated with arsenic, painkillers, which include adrenaline and its derivatives, put dentures and whiten teeth, postpone tooth treatment if it aches or hurts.

You need to take care of your teeth, no matter what. But, pregnancy, increases compliance with all hygiene rules regarding dental care. Do not risk your teeth, as well as the future health of your child, go to the dentist without fear and in a timely manner.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is especially important that the body is supplied with nutrients that can satisfy the needs of both mother and child. Otherwise, a woman will not be able to maintain the health of her teeth during pregnancy. It is also likely that the baby's teeth will also be of poor quality.

Rule #1: Avoid Hot-Cold Combinations

If you like to enjoy hot coffee and then wash it down with iced juice or mineral water, then it is better to forget about this habit. This combination is very harmful to the teeth, especially during pregnancy. Remember that both the skeleton and the teeth of the unborn child are created from substances that he takes from the mother's body.

The enamel of the teeth of a pregnant woman is the most sensitive and extremely susceptible to damage, and therefore anything that can cause its further destruction should be avoided. Therefore, it is recommended to drink not hot, but slightly warm drinks. The same rule applies to food.

Rule #2: Get plenty of calcium

Young women 20-30 years of age should receive 1000 mg of calcium daily. After 30 years, calcium binding slows down, so it is necessary to increase the daily dose to 1100 mg. During pregnancy, the need for calcium doubles, so the expectant mother should receive 2000 mg of this mineral (partly from food, and partly from preparations designed specifically for pregnant and lactating women).

The lack of calcium in the body will primarily affect your teeth, as they will be more susceptible to destruction. Therefore, foods rich in such a valuable mineral should be included in the diet: low-fat yogurt and milk, fresh cabbage, tofu cheese, white beans, broccoli, spinach, chard.

Rule #3: Don't Forget Magnesium

The role in the preservation of teeth is also very important. This mineral acts in conjunction with calcium, affecting the functioning of blood vessels, that is, circulation, including the vessels of the dental pulp.

The choice of foods rich in magnesium is very wide: it is recommended to use milk, brown rice, nuts, bananas, potatoes, soybeans ... Be sure to add wheat germ to your diet - this is a real treasure trove of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It is enough to add one tablespoon of seeds to a salad or other dish every day to provide your body with enough vitamins B and E.

Rule #4: Beware of "instant" diets

All young women want to return to their former harmony as soon as possible. Such a desire is understandable, but it should be noted that the so-called instant diets (weight loss over a very short period of time) are harmful to the teeth, especially if the mother is breastfeeding.

Fast diets imply insufficient intake of fats, minerals and trace elements, which has a bad effect on the teeth and the whole body as a whole. Therefore, if you are planning to lose weight, it is enough to eat moderately and varied, as well as move more.

Supplement your diet with healthy fats found in extra virgin olive and flaxseed oils, fish and nuts, and avoid animal fats. Eat cereals, whole grains, seeds, milk and dairy products, tofu, fresh vegetables and fruits every day.

Rule #5: Choose Foods Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamin A

It is a vitamin that dissolves in fat. Therefore, it is found in fat-containing foods such as meat, cheese, egg yolk, cream ... Since such foods are quite high in calories (with the exception of young cheese and fish), add it to the diet in moderation.

It is very good to get this vitamin by eating foods rich in beta-carotene (this substance is converted into vitamin A in the body). Beta-carotene is found in orange and red fruits, berries and vegetables, primarily in carrots, apricots, tomatoes, tangerines, raspberries, strawberries ... It is best to combine them with vegetable oils, because this way vitamin A is better absorbed. For example, you can make a salad of tomatoes, cheese, and grated carrots with two tablespoons of olive oil or pumpkin seed oil.

Vitamin E and fiber

Vitamin E protects the arteries and thus the blood vessel cells in the dental pulp. Its richest sources are sunflower seeds, cold-pressed sunflower oil, almonds, walnuts and wheat germ.

For dental health, in addition to vitamin E, fiber is also important, which is contained in bran. You can add them to soups, stews in gravy, or mix them with yogurt for breakfast. As long as whole grains are on your daily menu, bran supplementation is optional. If you have digestive problems, bran should be consumed with caution.

Zinc and selenium

Zinc and selenium have been proven to have a positive effect on dental health. Best Sources selenium is brazil nuts, fish, mushrooms, cucumbers... The body's daily need for selenium can be met by eating 2-3 brazil nuts a day.

If you eat boiled beef or chicken once a week, and every day - three kernels of a nut, you can provide your body with a sufficient amount of zinc.

Carrying a child, a woman undergoes changes in the body, the need for trace elements increases. On the one hand, a developing and growing fetus, on the other, the depletion of one's own resources. A common problem of pregnant women is the deterioration of the oral cavity.

Women complain about the loss of calcium, which is allegedly taken by the child, so the teeth are destroyed. This is not a completely correct assumption. There are a sufficient number of reasons that affect the condition of the teeth and gums of the expectant mother.

The oral cavity containing nutrients is readily colonized by bacteria. Settling on the teeth and gums, microbes form plaque that is difficult to clean off. In a hygienically clean cavity, the barrier to infection is bactericidal saliva and immunity.

On infected teeth and gums, caries, gingivitis and other diseases appear, up to periodontitis. The disease destroys soft tissues and jaw bone. Through damage to the gums, pathogenic microbes enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body.

An untreated oral cavity causes:

  • acquired diabetes,
  • stroke,
  • cardiovascular diseases.

The penetration of infection into the uterine cavity is not excluded, which will cause a complication of pregnancy, miscarriage, premature birth or fetal growth retardation.

Invisible, silent oral diseases during pregnancy become a problem. This includes untreated caries, tartar, poor oral hygiene.

During pregnancy:

  • The need for calcium, which enters the body with food, increases. The missing element is removed from the bone tissue.
  • The bactericidal effect of salivary fluid, which strengthens tooth enamel, is reduced.
  • Carious teeth under the influence of toxicosis can collapse. With toxicosis, nutrition changes and the acid-base balance of saliva is disturbed.
  • Poor hygiene exacerbates the problem.
  • The hormonal background changes, immunity decreases, blood circulation in the gums worsens. When scratched, they bleed.
  • Plaque becomes tartar, soft tissues become inflamed. Against the background of changes in hormones, the reactions of the body proceed faster than in the usual position of a woman.

Gingivitis appears, an infection of the oral mucosa. These are the consequences of dental plaque. The gums swell and bleed. An untreated disease becomes periodontitis - the bone tissue gradually dissolves, pus forms, the teeth begin to stagger.

Dentist's advice: prevention of dental diseases in pregnant women

To preserve their own health and the health of the baby, the expectant mother needs:

Visit the dentist regularly: before pregnancy and once in each trimester. Increase the frequency of visits as needed.

Brush your teeth properly in the morning and evening with a soft toothbrush.

Use therapeutic and prophylactic pastes with calcium and anti-inflammatory compounds. Do not use fluoride pastes.

Healthy food. Less sweets, instead of carbonated drinks - water or low-fat milk, instead of fruit juices - fresh fruit.

After eating, clean off plaque with a brush, thread, chewing gum or eat an apple. The saliva secreted at the same time makes the bacteria acid neutral.

  • 7-8 min. massage the gums with your fingers, using an anti-inflammatory paste.
  • Take daily walks in the fresh air.
  • Take care of the enamel coating of the tooth, do not scratch with a hard object.
  • Do not drink cold and hot food or drinks.
  • Rinse your mouth with anti-inflammatory infusions with herbs of sage, chamomile, mint.
  • After vomiting, with toxicosis, neutralize the acid by rinsing with a solution of soda (1 tsp per glass).

At the appointment with the dentist, warn about pregnancy, as there are restrictions on x-rays, pain relief and whitening procedures.


Gynecologists have confirmed that the appearance of an infection in a pregnant woman is a serious cause for concern. Bad teeth are invisible pockets of dangerous bacteria. Being weak point body, make themselves felt when the treatment becomes dangerous - in the first trimester.

It is important to cure caries before pregnancy and, if necessary, get rid of the remnants of a rotten tooth, monitor the oral cavity, and visit the dentist on time.

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