The problem of caring for nature arguments. Caring attitude and love for nature are ready-made arguments and theses. I.A. Bunin "Mr. from San Francisco"

Arguments for an essay on the Russian language.
Nature. Part 1.
The problem of nature, attitude towards nature, animals, struggle with the natural world, intervention in the natural world, the beauty of nature, the influence of nature on human character.

Is man the king of nature or a part? Why is consumerism towards nature dangerous? What can man's struggle with the natural world lead to? (V.P. Astafiev “Tsar Fish”)

Astafiev tells us an instructive story about a talented fisherman who has a natural flair that is useful for fishing. However, this hero also trades in poaching, exterminating countless fish. Through his actions, the hero causes irreparable damage to nature. The reason for these actions is not hunger. Utrobin acts this way out of greed.
During one of these forays, a poacher catches a huge fish on his hook. Greed and ambition prevents the fisherman from calling his brother for help; he decides to catch a huge sturgeon at any cost. Over time, Ignatyich begins to go under water along with the fish. A turning point occurs in his soul, where he asks for forgiveness for all his sins before his brother, before the bride whom he offended. Having overcome greed, the fisherman calls his brother for help.
Ignatyich changes his attitude towards nature when he feels like the fish “tightly and carefully pressed against him with its thick and tender belly.” He understands that the fish is clinging to him because he is afraid of death just like him. He ceases to see in this living creature only a tool for profit. When the hero realizes his mistakes, liberation and cleansing of his soul from sins awaits him.
At the end of the story we see that nature has forgiven the fisherman and given him a new chance to atone for all his sins.
The struggle between Ignatyich and the king fish is a metaphor for the battle between man and nature, which occurs every day. By destroying nature, man dooms himself to extinction. By causing harm to nature, a person deprives himself of the environment of existence. By cutting down forests and destroying animals, man dooms himself to extinction.
This work also poses the question: can a person consider himself the king of nature. And Astafiev gives the answer: no, man is a part of nature, and not always the best. Only caring for nature can maintain the balance of life; countless destruction of what the world around us gives us can only lead to death. The pride of a person who imagines himself to be the “king of nature” only leads to destruction.
We need to love the world around us, exist in peace and harmony with it, respecting every living creature.

Human and nature.

    The problem of the harmful influence of man on nature; consumer attitude towards it.

- How does a person influence nature? What can this attitude towards nature lead to?

1) A thoughtless, cruel attitude towards nature can lead to its death; the destruction of nature leads to the death of man and humanity.

2) Nature turns from a temple into a workshop; she found herself defenseless in front of a person, dependent on him.

3) The relationship between man and nature is often inharmonious; man destroys nature, thereby destroying himself.

V. Astafiev “Tsar Fish”

V. Rasputin “Farewell to Matera”, “Fire”

V. Belov “Beaver Eel”, “Spring”, “At Home”

Ch. Aitmatov “The Scaffold”

B. Vasiliev “Don’t shoot white swans”

2. The problem of the lack of kinship between man and nature.

- How is it shown? What does this mean?

1) Man is a part of nature, forms a single whole with it, and the severance of this connection ultimately leads to the death of humanity.

2) Direct, immediate human contact with the ground is necessary. Psychological and spiritual isolation between man and the earth is much more dangerous than physical isolation.

V. Astafiev “Starodub”

V. Rasputin “Farewell to Matera”

A. Fet “Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch...”

M. Yu. Lermontov “when the yellowing field is agitated...”

3. The problem of the beneficial influence of nature on humans.

- How does nature influence humans?

Nature is capable of ennobling and reviving the human soul, revealing its best qualities.

L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” (episode about the oak tree and Andrey)

L. N. Tolstoy “Cossacks”

Yu. Nagibin “Winter Oak”

V. Astafiev “Drop”

K. Paustovsky “Creaky floorboards”


I. Vasiliev : “A person most likely breaks away from his moral anchors when he leaves his native land, when he ceases to see, feel and understand it. It’s as if he’s disconnected from the source that feeds him.”

V. P. Astafiev : “The most dangerous poacher is in the soul of each of us.”

V. Rasputin : “To talk about ecology today means to talk not only about changing life, as before, but about saving it.”

R. Rozhdestvensky : “Less surrounding nature, more and more environment.”

John Donne : “There is no man who is like an island on his own; every person is part of the land, part of the continent, and if a wave carries a coastal cliff into the sea, Europe will become smaller... Therefore, never ask for whom the bell tolls: it tolls for you.”

V. P. Astafiev : “Three dangers of the destruction of humanity exist, in my opinion, in the world today: nuclear, environmental and the danger associated with the destruction of culture.”

V. Fedorov : To save yourself and the world,

We need, without wasting years,

Forget all cults

The infallible cult of nature.

  • People have forgotten that nature is their home.
  • People with high moral qualities protect nature.
  • Love for nature makes a person cleaner.


1. The hero of the poem ON THE. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and the Hares" during the spring flood, he rescues drowning hares, collects them in a boat, and cures two sick ones. The forest is a home for him, and Grandfather Mazai cares and protects those who live in it. This attitude is a lesson in love for nature, careful and reasonable love.

2. In the work B.L. Vasilyeva “Don’t shoot white swans” the main character, Yegor Polushkin, takes care of all living things. He often becomes the object of ridicule because those around him do not support his views on the world. Egor Polushkin, while laying a pipe, decides to go around the anthill, which causes laughter and condemnation from people. When the hero needs money, he learns that the population can receive a reward for soaked bast. However, even in a difficult situation, the hero cannot decide to destroy a living thing, while his cousin destroys an entire grove for profit. Yegor Polushkin's son is distinguished by the same moral qualities: Kolka gives his expensive gift (a spinning rod that everyone dreamed of) to Vovka to save a puppy that the boy wanted to torture. The main character himself is killed by evil and envious people for his desire to protect nature.

3. In the story Vasily Makarovich Shukshin “The Old Man, the Sun and the Girl” we see an amazing example of attitude towards the native nature that surrounds us. The old man, the hero of the work, comes to the same place every evening and watches the sun set. He comments on the changing colors of the sunset to a nearby girl artist. How unexpected it was for the heroine to discover that her grandfather, it turns out, was blind! For more than 10 years! How you must love your native land in order to remember its beauty for decades!!!

Essay on the Russian language for grade 11

Topic: The problem of the harmful influence of humanity on nature

In modern times, science is flourishing in the world. People invent a lot of new things, new factories are opened. But people do not think about nature, which in the modern world is suffering more and more from the harmful influence of humanity on it. It is about the problem of the harmful influence of humanity on nature that Yu.V. speaks. Bondarev in his text.

Yu.V. Bondarev encourages readers to think about the nature of the Earth, since recently people do not appreciate it at all. People take everything from nature for their own good, giving absolutely nothing to it. The author says that “man is strangling and poisoning the Earth with chemical waste, as if in the frenzy of greedy enrichment he is in a hurry to destroy both it and himself.”

I agree with the author's position. Indeed, in our time, people did not think about nature, did not try to preserve it. And every day nature is dying. But a person himself cannot live without it. Therefore, we need to appreciate nature and take care of it.

The problem of the harmful influence of humanity on nature is raised in the work of I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The main character of the work, Evgeny Bazarov, believes that “Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it.” Evgeny Bazarov is completely indifferent to the value of nature. He lives in the present and uses everything he needs, without thinking about what consequences this may lead to. This is exactly how the harmful appeal to nature manifests itself. Evgeniy takes everything from her without giving anything in return, and does not think at all about preserving nature.

The same problem is raised in V. Astafiev’s work “The Fish Tsar”. In this work, the author shows the struggle between fish and man. For the fish, this ends tragically: the fish does not give up, but, mortally wounded, it leaves to die. Man has again treated nature in a detrimental manner. The conquest and conquest of nature leads to its destruction, because nature needs to be known, felt, its laws must be used wisely, but not fought against. Astafiev says that the attitude towards nature has become like a “workshop”, “pantry”, shows that man is the king of nature.

Thus, at present, people do not value nature and do not think about its future existence. A person treats her detrimentally, takes everything from her, giving nothing in return. But nature is not infinite and can also die. But man does not realize this while nature exists.

We continue to prepare together for the essay on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. Message archive>>>>> .
A literary argument is not a simple element in the composition of an essay. Let us remember and re-read some of the works listed below.The book by E.V. will help us. Amelina "Writing an essay for the Unified State Exam (Part C) / Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2015/

" The problem of confrontation between man and nature, human destruction of the surrounding natural world, environmental problems

F.I. Tyutchev
"Sphinx Nature"
"There is a melodiousness in the waves of the sea...",

Man is mortal, but nature is eternal. This is an element indifferent to human needs, destinies, and affairs. She is uncontrollable, unknowable, in sleeping storms - “chaos is stirring.” This is the essence of the eternal conflict between man and nature. Man, according to F.I. Tyutchev, is just a “thinking reed”.

I.S. Turgenev
story "Trip to Polesie" ,
prose poem "Nature" .
Man is mortal, but nature is eternal. Man is a child of nature, like any other creature. But nature knows neither good nor evil, reason is not its law. She does not know art, freedom, does not tolerate anything immortal. She easily gives life and easily takes it away from living beings. She has nothing to do with the fate of humanity. This is the essence of the conflict.

ON THE. Zabolotsky
"I am not looking for harmony in nature..." ,
"Yesterday, thinking about death..." ,
Man is mortal, but nature is eternal. There is no harmony, no rationality in the natural world. Man is just a thought of nature, “her unsteady mind.” Human consciousness is unable to unite “death and being.” Human life is transient, but a person can leave himself in this world, appearing there again with the “breath of flowers”, the branches of a large oak tree.

V.P. Astafiev
narration in stories "Tsar Fish" .
The main theme is the interaction between man and nature. The writer tells how white and red fish are exterminated on the Yenisei, animals and birds are destroyed. The climax is the dramatic story that happened one day on the river with the poacher Zinovy ​​Utrobin. While checking the traps, he fell out of the boat and became entangled in his own nets. In this extreme situation, on the verge of life and death, he remembers his earthly sins, remembers how he once offended his fellow villager Glashka, sincerely repents of what he has done, begs for mercy, mentally turning to Glashka, and to the king fish, and to the whole wide world. And all this gives him “some kind of liberation not yet comprehended by the mind.” Ignatyich manages to escape. Nature itself taught him a lesson here. Thus, V. Astafiev returns our consciousness to Goethe’s thesis: “Nature is always right.”

C.T. Aitmatov
novel "The block" .
In the novel, the writer talks about the destruction of living nature by man. Three times a wolf family loses its cubs. And Akbar’s she-wolf begins to take revenge on the man and takes his cub. The solution to this situation is several deaths: the she-wolf herself, a small child, Boston’s son, and also Bazarbai, who kidnapped the wolf cubs, die. Akbar's she-wolf embodies in the work Mother Nature, who rebels against the man who destroys her.
B.L. Vasiliev
story "Don't shoot white swans" .
The hero of this story, forester Yegor Polushkin, and his son Kolka are contrasted with poachers, people who soullessly destroy nature."

The problem of interaction between man and nature. How to achieve harmonious coexistence? How does nature affect the human soul? and etc. - in the next thematic message.

Publications on the topic