My plans for... How to make a plan for the year. Life planning. Family, children, personal relationships

They say that if you write down your goals into 100 goals, and not just dream about them in your mind, then they tend to come true. Is it true.
Also, they say that if you don’t wash your hair, it tends to get greasy.

You need to sit and visualize, watch motivational films. And the person himself will not even notice how he will become famous and independent - the main bastard in the house. It will piss off everyone at home. Such a person will be independent even from the responsibility of taking out the trash, earning money and cleaning houses. Freedom and financial independence. Freedom to choose what to complain about: the state, Jews or unwashed hair.

The only goal that can be achieved without difficulty is degradation.
In all other cases you need to plow.

Life with and without goals

No amount of bogus Harvard research on the 3% success rate of graduates will convince you to maintain a habit of living with goals. The reliability of research does not compare with personal experience.

With a specific goal, a person becomes not only more productive, but also feels better: as if he is in control of his life. Feels progress, crossing out a subgoal each time, and the pleasure of realizing the work done. Self-confidence and self-esteem grows - this is useful when it is low.

The best way to test all these claims is conduct an experiment in your life. Make a list of goals for 2019 and live by it. If you haven't had this experience, this is a great way to learn something new about yourself and experience purposeful living. If you don’t feel the benefit of such a life, go back to the old way.

List of 100 goals for the year

The following list will help those who want to try to live with goals. In the example, medium-term goals: for a year, for a maximum of 3 years. Read, choose your goals. Be sure to write down your list of goals in a separate notebook. Make a plan for the year, or at least for the summer.

You don't need to tackle 100 goals at once. 10-20 goals are enough to start with. You can choose easier goals if your planning skills are poorly developed. Break down your goals into simple, achievable steps.

Health and sports

  1. Our online course. Make a fact map of your health.
  2. A month to practice freewriting.
  3. Listen to lectures on psychology Eva Poplavskaya.
  4. Give yourself 10 massages throughout the year.
  5. Try holotropic breathing.
  6. Practice a new sport for a month: martial arts, tennis, fencing, rowing.
  7. Shoot with a bow/crossbow/gun.
  8. Run a half marathon.
  9. Consultation with a psychologist.
  10. Cycle 50 km in a day.
  11. Two months to learn dance: hip-hop, step, salsa, contemporary.
  12. For a woman: set aside clear time for yourself - going to the salon, sauna, or seeing a stylist.
  13. For a man: break a personal record - do more pull-ups / chest press / run further.

Financial, work related

  1. Buy 5 books to improve professionalism.
  2. Increase income by 20-50%.
  3. Complete training in your specialty.
  4. Take part in a professional conference.
  5. Keep track of expenses during the quarter.
  6. Study 5 lectures on marketing: Ilya Balakhnin.
  7. View 10 interviews "Business Serkets" or "Business Arena".
  8. Improve time management skills: implement practices from Time Drive or GTD.
  9. Try 1-2 areas for future specialization in them.
  10. Master a basic level related to your specialty.
  11. Increase your area of ​​responsibility at work.
  12. Buy yourself a “toy” that you wanted as a child.

Friends and surroundings

  1. Organize an overnight outing with friends.
  2. Meet at a conversation club.
  3. Play mafia 5 times.
  4. Give a gift to a friend.
  5. Buy a board game and play 3 times: Train Ticket / Colonizers / Carcassonne.
  6. For women: give a friend a ticket to paintball/airsoft.
  7. For men: give flowers to a non-close friend.
  8. Congratulate your friend on his birthday with a video greeting.
  9. Give a T-shirt with a cool print that is associated with your friend’s character.
  10. Master active listening skills.
  11. Go hiking with an unfamiliar group.
  12. Control a boat/sailing yacht with friends.
  13. Try extreme sports with your best friend.

Family, children, personal relationships

  1. Have a romantic dinner in nature.
  2. Give a ticket to a joint activity/master class.
  3. Listen to lectures on relationships by Ruslan Narushevich.
  4. Three weeks of forgiveness meditations for mom and dad.
  5. Develop the habit for a month: count to 10; breathe deeply; listen attentively.
  6. Catch moments when you don’t respect your partner.
  7. Three new experiments in sex.
  8. Study 2 volumes on child development.
  9. Find a mini-hobby that is interesting to both you and your child.
  10. Sex outside the home.
  11. Learn and reread age-related tasks of the child.
  12. Do Hellinger family constellation to a pressing question.

Brightness of life, impressions

  1. Take part in a master class.
  2. Increase your average score by 2 points on the wheel of life.
  3. Drink coffee at the best coffee shop in the neighboring city.
  4. Learn to do somersaults on a trampoline.
  5. Go to the theater to see a production that is unusual for you.
  6. Visit 3 exhibitions/art galleries.
  7. Visit a big music festival.
  8. Spend the night in another country.
  9. New sensations: do not drink in the company of drinkers / drink in the company of teetotalers.
  10. Drink tea while listening to live music in a restaurant.
  11. Eat 3 dishes that are unusual for you.

Personal growth, intelligence, skills

  1. Go to a conversation club.
  2. Improve your knowledge of a foreign language.
  3. Read 12 non-fiction books in a year.
  4. Plan a month and live according to plan.
  5. Carry out 3 days of timing.
  6. Read the story in English: adapted or original.
  7. Listen 5 lectures about the brain by Tatyana Chernigovskaya.
  8. Master the basic course of Glavred.
  9. Write an article on any topic from 7000 characters.
  10. Take public speaking or theater courses.
  11. Disassemble the books “Black Swan” or “Thinking, Fast and Slow”.
  12. Learn to program: write a simple program.
  13. Watch the original season of Star Trek.
  14. Don't make emotional purchases. Buy in 2 weeks what you “sort of” want now.

Creativity and spontaneity

  1. Read the book How People Think.
  2. Make 10 origami from memory.
  3. Draw 5 simple illustrations for the article.
  4. Take 1-3 drum lessons.
  5. Scream at the top of your lungs in the forest for a couple of minutes.
  6. Have breakfast at a restaurant with something exotic.
  7. Weekend travel: buy tickets one day before departure.
  8. Play a simple melody on the flute.
  9. Paint a cup and drink your favorite tea from it.
  10. Wear an unusual item/glasses/hat.

Spirituality and Mindfulness

  1. Create a personal mantra and repeat it for a month.
  2. Practice for a month

The New Year holidays are coming and many are writing plans for the year. After all, this is why we love the New Year. You can look back at the past 365 days and make a list of goals for the new calendar year. Reboot yourself and take on their implementation with new strength and hopes.

Another thing is that the ardor of “reformism” cools down after a while)) And to prevent this from happening, I offer tips for competent goal setting. From my point of view, of course.

List in the plan for the year by priorities

New Year is a new start. An opportunity to correct what was done wrong last year and start in those directions that we “didn’t get around to” before. But so that everything doesn’t get mixed up in a pile of desires, I suggest breaking down your plans for the year by priorities. In my case, the list turned out to be something like this:

  1. Self-development and training.
  2. Family and Children.
  3. Health.
  4. Finance.
  5. Professional growth.

Let me remind you that I am already 50+ years old and professional growth comes last. I think that no explanation is needed here)) In your case, dear blog reader, build your own gradation of priorities. But please note:

“A signal to those who spend the whole weekend making plans and scribbling goals. The word priority became established in English in the 15th century. It didn't have a plural. It meant the single most important or first thing. For another five hundred years it was used only in the singular, and only in the 20th century did people start talking about “priorities.” Dmitry Kot (copywriting guru and successful businessman)

In other words, you need to focus on one main goal and devote most of your life time to it. Periodically “pulling up” other areas if possible and within our strengths. How to do this structurally will be discussed in the next section.

Goals in plans for the year

There are two main rules in creating plans for the year.

The first rule of developing goals for the year is a combination of strategy and tactics. You need to think globally (for 365 or 366 days), but always remember that life will definitely scatter you. Therefore, plan in “whole pieces”, and methods of achievement - as you collect the necessary information, tactically maneuvering and moving forward. By setting too strict goals for place and time, you risk falling into irritation from failure through no fault of your own. In this case, plan a “force majeure” column to analyze the rake that prevented you from fulfilling your plans. And remember that

“Strategy without tactics is too slow to achieve the goal. Tactics without strategy is vanity before failure.” Sorry, but I don’t remember the author...

The second rule for translating good intentions into real actions is to use special tools. That is, one that allows you to break your goals for the year into small subgoals, then into small steps towards these subgoals. Everything that helps you write it down, hang it on the wall in a visible place every reporting period and control it. At least in the form of a poster on the refrigerator, where the chain is written: goal - tasks - actions. With the obligatory “Execution” checkbox.

This could be a diary, printed tables on the office wall, a special folder on the computer desktop or in paper form, etc.

Personal plans for the year

I continue with personal example. Let’s say my goal is “Finance”. What does it mean:

  • Competent management of the family's financial policy when spending on life (I continue to study according to the flylady system. By the way, it helps :)).
  • Maintaining "" within established limits.
  • Investing in projects that are needed for the further development of your business (in my case, working on the Internet).
  • Continuation of previously started projects to accumulate specific amounts for goals (plans for the year are already written here according to the methodology from the article “”).

According to “Competent management…” I am prescribing the courses that I plan to enroll in in the new year and the money that is needed to pay for the course. I break it down by month, checking the website for flyers. But I don’t plan to take more than 1 course in the future, since the idea for the next training comes as I complete the current one. I invest in projects based on the results and after discussion with the head of the family)) But I determine what I need to buy for work based on the current situation.

But I pay main attention to the point “Self-development and training”. I realized that a systematic movement towards a set goal gives more results than “fluttering” from one idea to another. Until I work out one of my “plans,” I don’t move on to another. Self-development eliminates hesitation, learning on a specific topic - advancement in your business. In addition, setting a clear goal allows

Family and Children. By and large, these are two different subparagraphs. And they also require plans for the year. But the topic is so vast that I will write about it a little later.

Health. Everything here has been clear since last year: I participate in a group of Yaroslav Brin’s followers, I’m moving from fitness (which turned out to be ineffective) to the gym and I’m “straightening up” my nutrition plan, which was shaken during the New Year holidays. The plan for the year is in light sketches, we will see later. The goal is to maintain health at the proper level (flexibility and endurance for your age level. Although it may be higher:).

I planned my professional growth approximately and according to the steps needed to improve the skills of a webmaster. Approximately, since it is not possible to accurately register, changes roll in like tsunami waves constantly. But I will write about this on Writer. The blog is aimed at helping in a woman’s life))

Agree that having plans for the year in the form of “” is much better than simply writing them down on a piece of paper and forgetting them until the 364th day of the year. Discipline at the very least. Therefore, if you decide to organize your life to achieve success in your personal and professional life, then... We buy a notebook with a thick cover and begin to write everything down in detail. At least for the first three months. And then according to operational information. But with an eye to the goals set for the year. And how to competently plan a week and a month, see the article ““. Good luck.

Save so you don't lose!

Of course, the world is changing very quickly, and you cannot plan everything in advance. But let's remember the words of the famous author and life coach Anthony Robbins.

Don't back down from your decisions, but be willing to adapt to the situation.

Anthony Robbins

Most people usually don't stick to their decisions. It's time to change that.

Ask yourself, are you just interested in achieving your goals or are you sticking to your decisions? If we are only interested, we find reasons and excuses to explain why we cannot keep our promises. But if we really stick to our decisions, we don't need any excuses. We just do whatever it takes, no matter the cost.

Believe in yourself

Psychologists have discovered that people with self-confidence and an internal locus of control are dramatically superior to others in many ways.

Self-confidence is the belief that you can achieve your goals (in other words, self-confidence). Internal locus of control is the belief that you, not external circumstances, determine your life.

Most people do not believe in their own strengths and are of the opinion that their lives are controlled by external circumstances. Such people usually:

  • Avoid difficulties.
  • They don't take responsibility.
  • They feel helpless.
  • They also suffer more often from anxiety.
  • They get sick more often.
  • They look gloomily into the future.
  • Unsatisfied with their work.
  • Dissatisfied with life in general.

Take responsibility for your life

For example, you are currently reading this article. Didn't you click the link? Were you not in control of your actions?

Once you understand that you are fully responsible for every area of ​​your life, you will realize that this is freedom.

After all, if someone or something other than ourselves is responsible for our future, we sit idly by and turn into a product of external circumstances.

Let others live ordinary lives, not you. Let others argue over trifles, not you. Let others worry about little things, not you. Let others put their future in someone else's hands, not you.

You will understand that only you are responsible for your choices

The ability to choose is associated with three concepts:

  • The right to make a choice.
  • Responsibility for your choice.
  • Selection results.

If you think you can't do it, you're wrong. We all make choices every day.

When you take responsibility for your choices, you will understand that every decision you make has intention and consequences. Every decision reflects our views and beliefs more clearly than any words.

Therefore, how you allocate your time and who you spend it with is very important. Everything you do becomes important when you take responsibility for your life.

Create your life consciously

To do this you need:

  1. Believe that you are in control of what happens to you.
  2. Believe in your own ability to change your life.
  3. Believe that you alone are responsible for your own choices.
  4. Hoping that what you dream of will happen.
  5. Stay motivated even in difficult situations.

If the goal is not important to you, it won't be. If you don't believe you have what it takes to achieve that goal, you won't be motivated either. This theory is called expectancy theory. According to it, what we expect usually happens.

There is another similar concept - the Pygmalion effect: what other people expect from us largely determines how successful we become.

It's quite simple: expect the amazing, and it will most likely happen. Surround yourself with people who expect great results from you, and you will begin to live up to those expectations.


Can everything in life go according to our plan? No. But this does not mean that we are not in control of our lives. Our destiny is determined by our decisions, not by external circumstances.

You can control your life, have bold dreams and make them come true. But for this you need to plan in advance. Don't look at 2017 in isolation. After all, this is a direct continuation of 2016.

What will your life be like in 2018?

New Year, New Year, what will it bring us?!

Dear readers, congratulations on the upcoming 2017! How were you greeted and celebrated? Already back on track?

What are your plans for 2017? Have you already drawn a life balance wheel and made a list of goals?

For some reason, it is with the end of the year that it is customary to take stock and make plans for the next year. I know that some people don’t do this and don’t understand why others do it.

Well, how? As for me, this is a great opportunity to reconsider your life, look into your soul, decide whether you are doing what you are doing, whether you enjoy every day you live and life in general. Think about what you can do to get the most out of every day and improve the quality of life, make it brighter and richer. So that in 5-10-20... years you won’t regret that you didn’t do something, missed opportunities, didn’t take advantage of the opportunity that presented itself.

Results of the year and plans for the future

Naturally, it is not necessary to do this exactly from the new year and analyze exactly the past 1 year. For someone, a “turning point” is their birthday. Some people plan for six months, while for others even a period of 3-4 months is very long.

And also... I'll tell you a secret... there are people who don't plan at all! Yes Yes! They go with the flow, and the most they plan is that next Saturday they will go with friends to a bar to drink beer!

Perhaps I am exaggerating)) But I believe that every person who is in normal psychological and physical health can set goals, at least to a minimum.

Results for the year

I’ll tell you about the method that my husband and I have been using for 4 years. I found out about him from some psychologist’s mailing list (sorry, I can’t remember his name now).

The idea is that every year, after a year, answer the same questions and write down the answers to them (it’s more convenient for us in a notebook, but you can also do it on a computer).

Any questions you like.

As an example, here are questions from our “yearbook”:

  1. What joyful things happened in the past year?
  2. What was the saddest thing?
  3. What was offensive?
  4. What do you remember most?
  5. What were the successes, victories, achievements?
  6. What were the failures and what did you learn?
  7. What do you want to take with you into the New Year, and what do you want to get rid of?
  8. What important purchases have you made?
  9. What interesting books have you read or movies watched?
  10. What are your plans for next year?
  11. What interesting people did you meet?
  12. Insights, important conclusions, realizations

I really liked the video about planning and summing up the year. I'll post it for you!

List of 100 goals for the year

About a year ago, I watched a video of a blogger who made a list of 100 goals and shared the effectiveness of this method.

And I became interested in testing this method on myself. It’s hard to call it planning, more like “dreaming.”

In the video, the girl said HOW difficult it is to make this list! Despite the fact that women usually have many desires and “wants,” this is not an easy task.

"Yes lan!" - I thought. I took out my task lists and wish lists and sat down to write.

I dashed off 20-30 points without difficulty. “Like two fingers on the asphalt, I can handle the rest.”

But that was not the case. The brain became tense and stopped generating any ideas.

As a result, I was unable to write a list of goals at once. I returned to him a couple of weeks later. And I even wrote it throughout the year!

As expected, 30-40% were realized, approximately 10% lost their relevance, and the remaining 50% were added to the list of goals for 2017. I will strive to “achieve” them this year.

Overall, I enjoyed dreaming to the max! I highly recommend that you try this technique for yourself.

Firstly, this makes it possible to better understand yourself, what desires, dreams, and requests you have in life.

Secondly. Psychologists say that in order for goals and dreams to come true, they must be written down.

I’ll share a couple of rules for writing goals:

  1. Write in such a form as if you already have it. And specifically, it is advisable to describe what you want in bright colors. That is, NOT “Buy an apartment,” but “I buy and live in my spacious and comfortable apartment.”
  2. The result should be obvious, not virtual, so that you can clearly understand that you have achieved it. NOT “Work out at the gym”, but “I’m reducing weight from.. to.., waist size from.. to..”.
  3. The goals should be YOURS! And not imposed by someone. All your friends say that their main dream is a seaside holiday in an all-inclusive hotel, and are you being persuaded to do this? And your dream is mountains? Well, write it! And let those who dream of the sea go to the sea))

In general, you can easily find the rest of the principles of goal setting yourself. I don’t see the point in writing a lot, because I won’t surpass other authors in this matter.

Third Once goals are written, you can re-read them regularly so you don't forget them. Rejoice when some desires come true. And strives to fulfill the remaining items on the list.

Collage of wishes

Surely you have heard about this more than once; it is also called “Map of Desires”. I made a collage for the first time around mid-2014. I found pictures on the Internet of what I would like, combined them on A4 sheet, and printed them out. And imperceptibly, one by one, wishes began to come true! AAA, what a pleasure it was to put “ticks” on the pictures with what I already have!

What a fun experience it is to create this collage! It’s like touching your dream with your hand and imagining that it has already come true. So many emotions when you look at him! If you wish, you can show the collage to your loved ones, hint what you want as a gift for the next holiday)

Life wheel of balance.

Only the lazy have not heard about this) Now on the Internet all the coaches and psychologists are talking about this wheel.

The point is simple. A circle is drawn and divided into several segments. each part is some area of ​​life. Using a 10-point scale, you evaluate each sphere and paint over the segment. Ideally (well, just ideally) all positions should be 10. Well, it’s optimal for all areas of life to be at approximately the same level. That is, so that the wheel, when rolling, does not “jump” or “slow down”.

It won’t take much time to draw it and analyze your current state. But to draw conclusions - how to improve life, “raise” sagging positions - this may take quite a lot of time. Several approaches may be needed. But if you make a plan and stick to it, you can “pull up” what you need.

After all, it depends only on you whether next year will be the way you want it to be. Take stock of the past year and think about new plans for the future. And you will definitely be given new opportunities!

And go ahead! May all your, even the most daring and secret desires come true! I believe in you!

Have you done any planning before? What methods were used? Were they successful?

If you have something to share, write comments! I will be very pleased to see feedback from my readers!

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