Who are the Jews according to the Bible. Section VI AND Judaism. When the Messiah comes

2. Gods and totems of ancient Jews
3. Jewish Bible
4. Judaism as a separate civilization
5. Epochs of Ancient Israel
6. Moses and the exodus of the Jews from Egypt
7. Images of the era of judges and kings
8. Feeling the end of the story
9. Prophets of the Old Testament
10. New communities and new teachings

3. The Jewish Bible.

It cannot be regarded as a historical chronicle, since truth and fiction are intertwined in it. And all because it was formed for a long time on the basis of oral traditions. It is based on the legend about the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, the indisputable authority - Moses, as well as the idea of \u200b\u200bGod's chosen people of the Jewish people. However, in the biblical story of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, where they lived peacefully for four hundred and thirty years, it is surprising that these people were completely alien to the ideas of messiahship and God's chosenness.

The Jewish Bible includes 24 books, which in ancient times were in the form of scrolls. In modern Judaism, they compiled the Tanakh, a huge vault that is divided into three groups: Torah, Neviim, and Ktuvim. The first letters make up the common name - TANAH ("k" is pronounced like "x").

The five books of the Torah (Testament, or Pentateuch in Greek tradition): Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy - contain the basis of divine revelation. They have Hebrew names according to the first words of the text, for example, the book of Genesis is called Breishit (In the beginning).

The book of Neviim (Prophets) contains the historical books of the ancient prophets: Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings, three great prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel - and the "Twelve Prophets" (or Minor Prophets) in one book: Hosea, Joel, Amos , Obadiah, Jonah

The book Ktuvim (Lives, Scriptures of the Holy Fathers) contains diverse poetic and learned texts: the Psalter, Proverbs of Solomon, Book of Job, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes; historical writings of Ezra and Nehemiah, Chronicles (Chronicles), Book of Ruth, Lamentations of Jeremiah, Books

These three sections constitute the canon of the Hebrew Bible, i.e. the official list of books revered by divine inspiration. The rabbis included only books written in Hebrew or Aramaic, excluding books and passages written in Greek, i.e. in a later era. The Jewish canon exists independently of the Greek, which developed in the 3rd century. BC. and called the Septuagint (since the text for it was worked out by 70 or 72 interpreters) and intended for the Jewish diaspora, which has forgotten its native language. The translation into Greek was carried out at the request of the rabbis themselves, and not by direct order of the Egyptian king Ptolemy. Later, the Jews abandoned the Septuagint, believing that the meaning of the Holy Scriptures was thereby distorted. It is also worth mentioning that all canonical texts were written only with consonants, without vowels. Subsequently, the Massoret editors (from massorah, "interpretation") added vowels to avoid arbitrary interpretations and distortions.

During the period of Biblical Judaism, an active process of assembling (not writing) the Torah takes place: the necessary, most likely texts are selected (and there was, perhaps, plenty to choose from), the sacred and national history of the ancient Jews is ordered.

The first records of certain parts of the Torah were made in the 8th century. BC.; at the beginning of the 7th century BC. four books of the Torah were already known.

In 640, Josiah took the throne of Judah at the age of 8. When he grew up, he decided to restore a little in the temple of Yahweh. During the repair work in the temple in 622 BC. the high priest Khelkiya found a book from Yahweh himself - Deuteronomy, which was included in the fifth book of the Torah. This is how the Pentateuch of Moses, or Torah (Chumash), developed. After the return from the "Babylonian captivity", all the religious texts of the Torah were united. The canonical text of the Torah consists of five books.

Book One - Genesis tells about the creation of the world and man, about the life of the first people in paradise, their fall and expulsion from paradise, about the descendants of Adam, their actions, about the worldwide flood, Noah and his descendants. Here the patriarchs already appear - the founders of the Jewish people Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who also had the name Israel. His children sold their brother Joseph to Egypt, where the latter made a brilliant career and took the Jews to him.

The book is written according to the best examples of a dramatic work, the events unfold rapidly and intensely, the images of the participants in the events are outlined clearly, expressively.

Book Two - Exit continues this dramatic line. It tells about Moses, his life and work in Egypt, about the pharaoh's dislike for the Jews; Moses decides to return to his homeland. God leads them through the Sinai desert, gives Moses the Laws and concludes an agreement with the Jews for fidelity - the Covenant, communicates the Ten Commandments through Moses. Moses builds the ark - the tabernacle of the Covenant, in which God is placed. From now on, he is always with Israel.

Book Three - Leviticus is no longer dramatic. This is religious law.

The fourth book, numbers, has the same character. But, starting from the ninth chapter (out of 36), it continues the history of the Israeli people, their wanderings in the desert and the conquest of Palestine.

Book Five - Deuteronomy has a meaning that fits the title. The presentation of the main provisions of religion in five books has become traditional for many religions of the ancient world. It can be fully assumed that the outstanding monument of Indian culture "Panchatatra", written in the genre "Shasta" (teaching, advice), the name of which literally translates as "five books", is a response to the Pentateuch of Moses. Confucius also has the Pentateuch.

Torah also adjoins the book of Joshua, the helper and successor of Moses, who, on the way from Egyptian captivity, brought the Jews across the Jordan River, conquered the city of Jericho, and then the kingdom of Canaan, dividing the conquered territory into the legacy of Moses.

In 1753 the French Bible scholar Jean Astric (1684-1766) expressed the opinion that the book of Genesis was composed of the texts of two authors, one of whom called God Yahweh, and the other - Elohim. That is how these authors were named: Yagvist and Elogist. This is the name of the corresponding texts of the Pentateuch. Further research confirmed this and brought forward more new authors. Now it is believed that Yagvist (J) was compiled in the 9th century. BC. in Judea, the Elogist (E) - in the VIII century. BC. in Ephraim (northern Palestine). Both sources are called Egovist (JE). Deuteronomy (D) was compiled in 621 BC. Uh, finalized around 560 BC The Book of Judges (P) appeared in 500 or 444 pp. BC. (there are different opinions). So, the Pentateuch has four sources: J, E, (or JE), D and G. They are found in different places in the canonical text. This is important for a scientific understanding of the history of the Bible text. But this does not make any difference for his religious perception - the text of the Bible is absolutely logical and consistent, he confidently carries out his religious idea.

In the VIII-VI centuries. BC. the Jewish Scriptures were supplemented by the books of the prophets ("heaven"), containing the continuation of the history of the ancient Jews, and the Scriptures (Ktuvim). All these documents together made up the book of Tanakh. This is an abbreviation of the Hebrew words Torah (Pentateuch), Neve (Prophets) and Ktuvim (Scriptures), it is a collection of the main books of the Jewish tradition. "Tana" was later called by Christians the Old Testament, or the Bible. In the Jewish and Christian canons, the placement of individual parts of the Bible is somewhat different.

Separately, we should dwell on those religious works that were widespread at the time of the writing of the Bible, but due to their ideological nature they did not fall into the canonical text. These works of the Christian theologian Jerome in the IV century. called apocryphal (fake, fake).

Among the apocryphal authors, the First Book of Ezra, written about 150 BC, attracts attention. She talks about the return of the Jews to Palestine from the "Babylonian captivity". It has an interesting story about three sentries who discussed what is strong in the world. One named wine, the second - the king, the third - the woman and the truth. They put their answers under the king's pillow. In the morning I read it, listened to the discussion and jointly it was decided: "Truth bears the university, an unattainable force." The sentry Zerubbabel, who answered so, received the right to restore the Jerusalem temple.

The second book of Ezra, dated 100 BC, tells of seven visions. When the Protestant reformer Martin Luther read this book, he threw it into Elbe.

Book of Tobit, early 2nd century BC, purely Pharisaic. It talks about the need for strict adherence to Talmudic rules. There is also an opinion that charity completely atones for sin.

The book of Judith (mid-2nd century BC) tells how a magic Jewess during the siege of the city went to the tent of the military leader of the enemy army, charmed him, made him drink wine, and when he got drunk, cut off his head and brought him to city. Hanging a head on the wall of the city so influenced the psyche of the enemy, he could not fight and was defeated.

The first book of the Maccabees (1st century BC) describes the military exploits of the brothers of Judas, Jonothan Simon. Has a certain historical value. The second book of the Maccabees is dedicated only to the exploits of Judas.

In addition, there were also such apocryphas: Supplement to the book of Esther (c. 100 BC), the Book of the Wisdom of Solomon (40), the Book of the Wisdom of Jesus, the son of Sirach (c. 180 BC). ), The Book of Baruch (c. 100 BC), etc.

Jewish tradition does not recognize the Apocrypha of the Bible, but does not deny their historical significance. The modern Jewish theologian, the chief rabbi of Tel Aviv, I.-G. La, believes that the Tanakh contains five types of literature: legislation (Halakha), prophecy, poetry, ethics and prose.

One of the authorities of Hinduism, Swami Vivekananda, emphasizes the eastern feature of the Bible, believing that all symbols, paintings, scenes, landscapes, parables are the voice of the East. The bright sun, the desert, people and animals suffering from HIV thirst, men and women from head to toe - all this is the East, its prose and poetry. Indeed, the scribes selected the best Bibles in the Jewish literature of that time.

With the completion of the compilation of the Bible, in fact, the existence of Judaism begins. It can be considered that Judaism, as a special religious system, was born in the VIII-VII centuries. BC.

Let us recall that at about the same time, the teachings of Zarathushtra spread, and through the centuries - of Buddha. It was a time of great spiritual quest. The history of the Jewish people becomes history, for many centuries it remains closed in itself, and then, thanks to the victory of Christianity, it enters the stream of the common human movement, writes E. Renan about the further fate of Judaism.

The Bible is of great historical and cultural value. It has been preserved as a living heritage of a living people who have created and studied it for tens of centuries. Through Christianity, the Bible became the property of mankind, a source of inspiration for outstanding works of literature and music, painting and sculpture, and folk art. The Bible has generously absorbed folklore, becoming an invaluable source of sayings, parables, images and characters.

Of course, when writing the Bible, it was not without the influence of already existing religious and literary sources. These borrowings are analyzed in modern religious studies literature, for example, in the work of A. Ranovich "Essay on the history of the Hebrew religion" and in many others. But they cannot, be a denial of the originality of the Bible as a whole, the more its ideological primordiality.

According to statistics, the Bible is one of the most published and best-selling books in the world. It combines many written records from different regions and times. One of the most important sections of the Bible is In the tradition of Judaism, it is called the Tanach. We will talk about what it is, what the composition and content of the Tanakh is, in this article.

Jewish Bible

It is known that there are two Bibles - Christian and Jewish. The first, in addition to the Old Testament, includes a body of texts, which is called But the Hebrew Bible is limited only to the Old. Of course, the very definition of "old", that is, outdated, the Jews do not recognize and consider it somewhat offensive in relation to them. Jews call their canon the word "Tanakh". This is actually an abbreviation that comes from the words "Torah", "Neviim", "Ketuvim" - the constituent parts of the Bible of the Jews. We will talk about them in more detail, but for now let's turn to history.

The origin of the Tanakh, language and historical development

As mentioned above, the Tanakh is a collection of texts that had different authors who lived at different times and in different places. The most ancient layers of Scripture are approximately 3000 years old. The youngest ones were written a little more than two thousand years ago. One way or another, the age is quite impressive and respectable. According to the most widespread version, the formation of the Old Testament began in the 13th century BC. e. in the Middle East and ended by the 1st century BC. e. The language of scripture is Hebrew. Some parts are also written in the later Aramaic dialect. In the 3rd century BC. e. In Alexandria, a Greek translation was made for the Jews of the Diaspora, called the Septuagint. It was in use among the Greek-speaking Jews until the new Christian religion entered the world arena, whose followers began to actively translate sacred texts into all languages \u200b\u200bof the world, considering all of them equally sacred. The supporters of Judaism, although they use translations, recognize only the authentic Hebrew text as canonical.

In terms of their content, the books of the Old Testament are very diverse. But first of all, the Tanach is a story about the history of the Israelite people and their relationship with God the Creator, who bears the name of Yahweh. In addition, the Hebrew Bible contains religious instructions, hymnographic material, and prophecies for the future. Believers believe that the entire Tanakh is an inspired, holistic text in which not a single letter can be changed.

Components of the Tanakh

There are 24 books in the Hebrew Scripture. In fact, they are almost identical to the Christian canon, but differ in the nature of the classification. In addition, some books considered by Christians to be different texts are combined into one in the Tanakh. Therefore, the total number of books among Jews is 24 (sometimes they are even reduced to 22 in order to justify the correspondence of the books of the Tanakh to the letters of which, as you know, there are 22), while among Christians - at least 39.

As already mentioned, all the books of the Tanakh are divided into three classes: Torah, Neviim, Ketuvim. The first of these, the Torah, is the most important. This part is also called the Pentateuch, because it consists of five books, the authorship of which is attributed to the prophet Moses. However, this is a religious attribution that is scientifically questionable.

The word "Torah" means a law that must be known and followed exactly. These books tell about the creation of the world, people, their fall, the history of ancient mankind, the birth and election of the Jewish people by God, about the conclusion of a covenant with them and the path to Israel.

The Neviim section literally means "prophets." But, in addition to the prophetic books, it includes some historical narratives. Inwardly, Neviim is divided into two parts: the early prophets and the late prophets. The early category includes works attributed to Joshua, the Prophet Samuel and others. In general, they are more historical than prophetic. Later prophets include the books of three so-called great prophets - Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel - and twelve small ones. In contrast to the Christian tradition, the latter are combined into one book. In total, there are 8 books in Neviim.

Ketuvim is the section that concludes the Tanakh. In Russian, it means "scriptures". It includes prayer and hymnographic texts, as well as wisdom literature - instructions of a religious and moral nature, the authorship of which is attributed to the sages of Israel, such as King Solomon. There are 11 books in total in this section.

Tanakh in Christianity

The entire Tanakh is recognized as Holy Scripture in the Christian world, with the exception of some heterodox currents, such as the Gnostics. However, if the followers of Judaism included in the canon only texts that have a Jewish original, then Christians recognize as sacred some other scriptures, the original in Hebrew of which either did not survive or did not exist at all. All such texts date back to the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Tanach. As a sacred text, they are included in Orthodox Bibles. In Catholicism, they are recognized conditionally and are called Deuterocanonical. And in Protestantism they are completely rejected. In this sense, the Protestant canon is more similar to the Jewish one than any other Christian version of the Tanakh. In fact, the Protestant version of the Old Testament is simply a translation of the later Jewish canon. In all three Christian traditions, the classification of books has been changed. So, the three-part structure was replaced by a four-part, borrowed from the same Septuagint. It includes the Pentateuch, history, teaching and prophetic books.

Term "Judaism" comes from the name of the Jewish tribe of Judah, the most numerous among the 12 tribes of Israel, as described in Bible. The king was from the clan of Judah David, in which the Judeo-Israelite kingdom reached its highest power. All of this led to the privileged position of the Jews: the term “Jew” is often used as equivalent to the word “Jew”. In a narrow sense, Judaism is understood to have arisen among the Jews at the turn of the 1st-2nd millennium BC. In a broad sense, Judaism is a complex of legal moral, ethical, philosophical and religious concepts that determine the way of life of Jews.

Gods in Judaism

The history of the ancient Jews and the process of the formation of religion are known mainly from the materials of the Bible, its most ancient part - Of the Old Testament. At the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. Jews, like their kindred Semitic tribes of Arabia and Palestine, were polytheists, believed in various gods and spirits, in the existence of a soul that materializes in blood. Each community had its own main god. In one of the communities, such a god was Yahweh. Gradually, the cult of Yahweh comes out on top.

A new stage in the formation of Judaism is associated with the name Moses.This is a legendary person, but there is no reason to deny the possibility of the real existence of such a reformer. According to the Bible, Moses brought the Jews out of Egyptian slavery and gave them the Covenant of God. Some researchers believe that the reform of the Jews is related to the reform of the Pharaoh Akhenaten. Moses, who may have been close to the ruling or priestly circles of Egyptian society, embraced Akhenaten's idea of \u200b\u200bone God and began to preach it among the Jews. He made some changes in the ideas of the Jews. Its role is so significant that Judaism is sometimes called mosaicism, for example in England. The first books of the Bible are called The Pentateuch of Moses, which also speaks of the significance of the role of Moses in the formation of Judaism.

Basic ideas of Judaism

The main idea of \u200b\u200bJudaism - the idea of \u200b\u200bthe chosenness of the Jews. God is one, and he singled out one people - the Jews, to help them and transmit their will through his prophets. The symbol of this chosenness is circumcision, performed on all male infants on the eighth day of their life.

Basic commandments of Judaism, according to legend, were transmitted by God through Moses. They contain both religious instructions: not to worship other gods; not to mention the name of God in vain; observe the Sabbath day, on which one cannot work, and moral standards: honor one's father and mother; do not kill; do not steal; do not commit adultery; not give false testimony; do not desire anything that your neighbor has. Judaism prescribes food restrictions for Jews: food is divided into kosher (permitted) and tref (unlawful).

Jewish Holidays

A special feature of Jewish holidays is that they are celebrated according to the lunar calendar. The first place among the holidays is Easter. At first, Easter was associated with agricultural work. Later it became a holiday in honor of the exodus from Egypt, the liberation of the Jews from slavery. Celebration shebuot or Pentecost celebrates on the 50th day after the second day of Passover in honor of the Law that Moses received from God on Mount Sinai. Purim - the holiday of the salvation of the Jews from complete destruction during the Babylonian captivity. There are many other holidays that are honored to this day by Jews living in different countries.

Sacred literature of Judaism

The scriptures of the Jews are known as Tanakh. It includes Torah (Doctrine) or Pentateuch, the authorship of which is attributed by tradition to the prophet Moses, Navyim (Prophets) - 21 books of a religious-political and historical-chronological nature, Catuwim (Scriptures) - 13 books of various religious genres. The oldest part of the Tanakh dates back to the 10th century. BC. The work on the compilation of the canonized version of the Holy Scriptures in Hebrew was completed in the III-II centuries. BC. After the conquest of Palestine by Alexander the Great, the Jews settled in different countries of the Eastern Mediterranean. This led to the fact that most of them did not know Hebrew. The clergymen undertook a translation of the Tanakh into Greek. The final version of the translation, according to legend, was carried out by seventy scientists of Egypt within 70 days and was named " Septuagint ".

The defeat of the Jews in the fight against the Romans leads in the II century. AD to the mass deportation of Jews from Palestine and the expansion of their area of \u200b\u200bsettlement. The period begins diaspora. At this time, an important socio-religious factor becomes synagogue, which became not only a house of prayer, but also a place for holding popular meetings. The leadership of the Jewish communities passes to the priests, interpreters of the Law, who in the Babylonian community were called rabbis (great). Soon, a hierarchical institution for the leadership of Jewish communities was formed - rabbinate.At the end of II - beginning of III century. based on numerous commentaries on the Torah, Talmud (Teaching), which became the basis of legislation, legal proceedings and a moral and ethical code for believing Jews of the Diaspora. Currently, most Jews observe only those sections of Talmudic law that govern religious, family and civil life.

In the Middle Ages, ideas spread as a rationalistic interpretation of the Torah ( Moshe Maimonides, Yehuda ha-Lei), and mystical. The most outstanding teacher of the latter direction is considered Rabbi Shimon Bar-Yohai.He is credited with the authorship of the book “ Zohar "- the main theoretical guide for followers Kabbalah - the mystical direction in Judaism.

Good questions, aren't they?
It remains to dot all the i's.

Who are the Jews?
It is known who. These are the Jews who call themselves "God's chosen people" and follow the commandments of their religious book - Torah.

Is it bad to be a believer? - perhaps someone will ask me now.
This is probably good. There are only a few big BUTs in the Jewish faith!

It's good to believe in God! But it is bad to think that God loved only one people on earth, and He cursed the rest of the nations. This, in my opinion, is the root of all evil.

The Jews consider themselves "God's chosen people", and the rest of the peoples for them are something like animals, with which it is permissible to do whatever the "God's chosen" pleases. They think so on the grounds that it is written in their "holy book" - the Torah.

To follow the commandments of the “holy book” is probably correct and good, since there is such a book. It is bad if this book teaches Jews to live as if only they are the only people - people, and the rest are not people, which means they can be deceived, robbed, killed - literally wiped off the face of the earth, so that everything in this world goes to only one people - to the Jews.

I will cite only one commandment from the "holy book" of the Jews, which is also found in the "holy book" of Christians - the Bible. “And the Lord your God will drive out these nations before you little by little. You cannot quickly destroy them, lest the beasts of the field multiply against you. But the Lord your God will deliver them to you, and will cause them to be in great confusion, so that they will perish. And he will deliver their kings into your hand, and you will destroy their name from high places: no one can stand against you until you uproot them. Burn the idols of their gods with fire ... " (Bible. The fifth book of Moses. Deuteronomy 7: 22-25).

I will note that in the Bible there are a dozen of such commandments given to Jews, and in the Torah there are hundreds of them.

It turns out that the Jewish faith and Jewish scripture literally dictate the Jews to kill all other peoples of the planet, little by little, until all non-Jews eventually disappear from the face of the earth.

Is that divine? This is normal?
Personally, I think this is not normal. And millions of other people, whom the Jews consider to be something like animals, will also probably say that this is not divine.

So maybe the whole root of evil lies in the fact that when they say the word "God", the Jews mean by this word something completely different from what other people mean ?!

If we plunge headlong into the history of the origin of religions, we will find that the answer to this question lies on the surface.
In fact, the Jews call their god the devil, a certain demon of darkness, who is also called Lucifer or Satan in another way.

The most important proof of this is the words of the founder of Christianity, Jesus Christ. When the Savior came to the so-called "holy land" with the sole purpose of saving the Jews, first of all he said to them: “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick; I came to call not the righteous, but sinners to repentance " (Luke 5: 31-32). “I am the light of the world; whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life " (John 8:12).

From whom did Christ want to save the Jews? - a question for everyone to fill in.
Who could impose on the Jews the belief in such a bloodthirsty God, who authorized them to literally wipe all other nations off the face of the earth?

Obviously, this is a crime against humanity on the conscience of the religious and political leaders of the Jewish people.

If you carefully read the Christian Gospels, you can find in them a mention of certain scribes and Pharisees, to whom Jesus said the following words: "Your father is the devil and you want to fulfill your father's desires" (John 8:44).
Those people who planted among the Jews the commandments, decrees and laws prescribed in the Torah, and were the so-called scribes. And the Pharisees (which means "separated") were at the time of Christ the most numerous and powerful political party among the Jews, which was engaged in an expanded interpretation of the laws and commandments of the Torah. All together - both the scribes and the Pharisees - were, in today's language, the religious and political leadership of the Jews.

What has changed since then?
Apparently nothing!
Nobody has canceled the misanthropic laws of the Torah, and the Jews are still, for the most part, Jews.

In this regard, the following historical fact is curious.
In 1896, a Jew named Theodor Herzl published the book "The Jewish State", in which he outlined his vision of the future of the Jewish people and told how the Jews should build this future. Obviously, the religious and political leadership of the Jews liked Herzl's book, and he was proclaimed the founder of a new political movement - ZIONISM, which set as its ultimate goal the creation of a Jewish state on earth - Israel.
It is officially believed that zionism (this word comes from the name of Mount Zion in Jerusalem) is a political movement whose goal is to unite and revive the Jewish people in their historical homeland - Israel (Eretz Yisrael), as well as the ideological concept on which this movement is based.

The ideological concept proposed by Theodor Herzl, of course, did not abolish the ideological concept of the sacred Torah, it only developed it.

As it soon became clear to many political leaders of different countries of the world, the methods and means of achieving the goal set by the Zionists are anti-human (racist) in relation to other peoples of the planet. The first to declare ZIONISM a racism and a form of racial discrimination was the leader of the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin. He declared ZIONISM a phenomenon dangerous in all respects both for the Jews themselves and for all other people on the planet. Due to the extreme danger of Zionism, Stalin suggested that the Communist Party of the USSR and all the Communist parties of other states actively fight this phenomenon, literally stating the following: “The fight against Zionism has nothing to do with anti-Semitism. Zionism is the enemy of the working people of the whole world, Jews no less than non-Jews. "

Thus, Stalin introduced the distinction: among the Jews there are simply Jews and there are Zionists... It's like during the Second World War there were Germans and there were fascists. Both those and others were Germans, only the brains of the latter were disfigured by the misanthropic doctrine instilled in them about the superiority of their race over all others.
The Zionists are the same fascists, only Jewish, and everyone should understand this.

22 years after Stalin's death, on November 10, 1975, the XXX session of the UN General Assembly through the efforts of the USSR (with the support of the Arab and “non-aligned” countries) adopted (72 votes against 35 against and 32 abstentions) Resolution 3379, which qualified the ideological concept and practice of Zionism as “A form of racism and racial discrimination”.
This was a great political victory for the communist ideology.

Due to the fact that the communists declared Zionism a hostile ideology, the Zionists, in turn, declared the ideology of communism as their number one enemy. They set themselves the goal of destroying communism in all corners of the planet, but first of all - to destroy the USSR as a stronghold of communism.

It took the Jewish Zionists several decades to destroy the USSR from within and completely discredit the communist ideology in the eyes of the same world community with the help of a whole army of "agents of influence."

If Christ preached life according to conscience and truth, and the highest meaning of civil exploit is to give his life for his friends and for his people, (this was also inscribed in gold letters in the ideology of communism), then in Judaism everything was initially strictly the opposite.

The highest meaning of a heroic deed in Judaism is to rub into someone's confidence and then commit a betrayal, whether it be an individual person, or an entire nation. No wonder, in Christianity the antihero is Judas, who betrayed Christ.
Is it any wonder that the name Judas coincides with the name of the Jewish religion - Judaism.

Thanks to which Judas the USSR was destroyed in 1991, today, perhaps, everyone knows. This Judas recently confessed everything himself. It is a pity that he has not yet hanged himself as his prototype. I'm talking about the last President of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev (who is known in Israel as Moisha Garber). This is what he himself told the world.
“The goal of my whole life has been the destruction of communism, the intolerable dictatorship over people. I was fully supported by my wife, who understood the need for this even earlier than I did. It was to achieve this goal that I used my position in the party and country. That is why my wife was pushing me all the time to ensure that I consistently occupy a higher and higher position in the country ... " (Newspaper "USVIT" ("ZARYA") No. 24, 1999, Slovakia).

The destruction of the USSR began from the moment Gorbachev announced to millions of working people that the country needed to be restructured. They say that the quality of life in the USSR is bad and it must be changed for the better.
With the appointment of Anatoly Chubais as head of the State Property Committee in 1991, the open stage of the destruction and plunder of the USSR began. Here is the confession of this red-haired Zionist on camera.
“We were engaged not in collecting money, but in the destruction of communism. These are different tasks and at different prices. Few people in the West understand this,” Anatoly Chubais, who has been the head of the state corporation Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies since 2008, says openly. year - the chairman of the board of JSC RUSNANO.
What is privatization for a normal Western professor, for some Jeffrey Sachs, who changed his position on this matter five times and eventually came to the point that privatization should be canceled and started all over again. For him, in accordance with Western textbooks, this is a classic economic process, during which costs are optimized in order to maximally efficiently place assets transferred by the state into private hands. And we knew that every plant sold was a nail in the coffin of communism. Expensive, cheap, free, with a surcharge - the twentieth question! Twentieth! And the first question is one: each emerging private owner in Russia is irreversible. This is irreversibility! Just like on September 1, 1992, with the first voucher issued, we literally snatched from the hands of the “Reds” the decision to stop privatization in Russia, just as with each of our next steps we were moving in the same direction.
Privatization in Russia before 1997 was not an economic process at all. We were solving a completely different scale of problems, which few people understood then, and even more so in the West. It (privatization) was then solving the main task - to stop communism! We have solved this problem. We solved it completely. We solved it from the moment when in 1996, at the elections, G. Zyugangov abandoned the slogan “nationalization of private property”. He refused not because he loved private property, but because he understood that if you want to get power in this country, it’s madness to try to take it back. They will take away from you so that it will not seem enough to you! By this we forced him, regardless of his desire, to play by our rules - exactly what had to be achieved! "

After the efforts of the Zionists destroyed the USSR, at the request of the United States and Israel (which made the abolition of resolution 33/79 a condition for the country's participation in the Madrid Conference), on December 16, 1991, this resolution was canceled by resolution 46/86 of the UN General Assembly. 111 states voted for the adoption of the resolution, 25 against, 13 abstained.

Thus, we can say that in the confrontation between the two ideologies of communism and Zionism, the Zionists won with a clear advantage.

A reasonable question arises: how is it possible for the minority to defeat the majority?
What a miracle can a misanthropic religion exist on the planet, the satanic roots of which were pointed out by both Christ and Muhammad ???

As I personally understand, this became possible solely due to the deception of billions of believers with a whole army of false priests - traitors to the faith, living among all nations. These Jews straddled people's sense of faith and made them believe in the lie that in the faith of the Jews, in the faith of Christians and in the faith of Muslims, there is one God!

This is the main root of evil.
This statement imposed on the world, of course, contradicts what is written in the Gospels and the Koran, however, who of the believers delves into the essence of what is written in these books ?!

So it turns out that the whole problem of the existence of world evil is in the blindness of billions of people on the planet.
Accordingly, the solution to this problem lies in the awakening of all people deceived by religious preachers.

How many of those Jews are there on the planet and how many are all other people?
I believe the ratio of forces in this confrontation is 1% versus 99%.

The strength of the Jews is in their impudence, solidarity, treachery and meanness. They have no other trump cards.
When humanity wakes up from the religious opium imposed on it by werewolves in robes, for all these "wolves in sheep's clothing" and for all Jews, the End of the World will literally come.

As soon as the people of the whole world receive their sight, no one will tolerate these Jews anymore, and they will pay in full for all the righteous blood shed on earth. And then it will happen that Christ predicted a long time ago: “... Therefore, as they gather tares and burn them with fire, so it will be at the end of this age: the Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather from his kingdom all the temptations and the perpetrators of iniquity, and cast them into the fiery furnace; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth; then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear! " (Matt. 13: 37-43).

November 20, 2012 Murmansk. Anton Blagin

2 days later, I reread this publication and suddenly realized that this is perhaps the best preface to my book "The Apocalypse Comes Tomorrow":

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