Resistance to the new world order: fight for life or war at windmills? Resistance movement to the "new world order"

At this stage, we are not sure that the decisions of the Council will not be ecumenistic and secular. “That is why we believe that under such conditions it would be better NOT TO CALL THE COUNCIL AT ALL.” At the same time, the fathers rely on such luminaries of Orthodoxy as St. Justin (Popovich), St. Paisius the Svyatogorets and the blessed elder Father Philotheus (Zervakos). It remains for us to add that we fully agree with this opinion.


Your Holiness!

Your Eminences!

We, Orthodox Christians of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, participants in the “Resistance to the New World Order” Movement, accepted with satisfaction the refusal of the Orthodox leaders at the meeting in Chambesy from Istanbul as the venue for the Pan-Orthodox Conference due to Turkey’s sharp hostility to Russia.

At the same time, we are embarrassed that this Meeting will still take place, now on the Greek island of Crete. We perceive with great concern the very decision of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, winner of the US Congressional Gold Medal, friend and loyal ally of Washington, to convene this forum. Moreover, Bartholomew’s decision was made almost immediately after the coup d’etat in Kyiv, inspired by America and the Vatican, and the seizure of power in Ukraine by rabid haters of Russia, “Muscovites” and canonical Orthodoxy. In a situation fraught with a major war, such Councils are not convened. Unless, of course, its initiators have ulterior motives, in this case, attempts to impose reforms destructive for Holy Orthodoxy under conditions of a military threat. And undermine the spirit of our people, break its spiritual core.

The idea of ​​such a Conference (or the Eighth Ecumenical Council) arose in Turkey, subject to the Freemasons, shortly after the overthrow of God's Anointed One in Third Rome, after the February catastrophe of 1917. “Free masons” perched themselves on the throne of Constantinople, one of whom Meletios 4th Metaxakis already in 1923 organized the “Pan-Orthodox Congress” for the purpose of the Reformation. Luther brought about the Reformation in the Catholic Church in the 16th century. Meletius in the 20th century took up the Reformation in Orthodoxy. The most significant decision of the renovationist patriarch and his minions was the introduction of the Catholic Gregorian calendar so that Christians could celebrate Easter together with the Jews, which was strictly prohibited by the Ecumenical Councils. In 1924, the successors and followers of Meletius in the Patriarchate of Constantinople finally introduced the Gregorian calendar, and they, alas, were followed by the Greek and Romanian churches, and in 1948 by the Antiochian Church. The current Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew, continuing the wickedness of his predecessors, intends to impose the Catholic calendar on all churches at the 8th Council, without fear of the anathema imposed on apostates by the Local Council of 1583.

The Masons won the First World War and, having destroyed traditional national and monarchical states, decided to consolidate their victory over the Church. And in 1965, Patriarch Athenagoras of Constantinople, without permission, without the consent of other Orthodox Churches, lifted the anathema of 1054 from the heretical Catholic Church. He raised the question of convening a Council and held it in 1961 on Fr. Rhodes First Pan-Orthodox Conference on its preparation. A list of 10 topics and 100 subsections was drawn up. Break like that. “Revolution has a beginning, but revolution has no end,” as the Soviet poet Robert Rozhdestvensky wrote. This huge list (including subsections), according to Greek Protopresbyter Theodore Zisis, "was modeled on the list of topics of the Second Vatican Council, which, by a strange coincidence, took place at the same time and is estimated to have INFLUENCED our church leadership." The Second Vatican Council, as is known, completely broke Catholicism, turning it into Judeo-Catholicism or the heresy of the Judaizers.

The International Theological Conference, held on January 21 - 22, 2016 with the blessing of Metropolitan Vladimir of Chisinau and All Moldova, expressed great concern about the secrecy of numerous discussions of the topics planned for the Council: “The final texts remain hidden and secret, they are not published.” Most of the bishops were not informed about the materials of the council.

And only thanks to the persistence of the Russian Orthodox Church and Patriarch Kirill personally, the main issue of the upcoming forum, “Relations of the Orthodox Church with the rest of the Christian world,” was finally voiced. And then it turned out that the so-called problem was being exaggerated again. “dialogue” of the Church with confessions separated from it, near and far. The active participation of the Orthodox Church in the Ecumenical movement is again emphasized. The task of restoring the “unity of Christians” is again set.

The Catholic Church after the Second Vatican Council 1962-1965 ceased to be Christian at all, and Protestant sects went even further from church canons, introducing a female priesthood, a female episcopate, approving same-sex marriage and even the ordination of openly homosexual priests. What kind of dialogue with heretics who have gone into wickedness can we talk about? And what kind of “unity” with those who have reached the point of recognizing sodomy can we talk about?

The document adopted by the Pan-Orthodox pre-conciliar meeting in Chambesy in October 2015 and announced by the Assembly of Primates of the Orthodox Churches on November 21-28, 2016 states that the Georgian and Bulgarian Orthodox Churches left the ecumenical World Council of Churches in 1997 and 1998, respectively. For some reason, the special opinion of these churches, as well as the position of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Moscow Conference of 1948, regarding ecumenism and the WCC was not voiced. We still do not know why the participation of the Russian Orthodox Church in the WCC (where Protestant heresies predominate) continues. Why have we moved away from the principled canonical position of Archbishop Seraphim Sobolev?

Patriarch Bartholomew, with his Masonic and pro-American position, having about 2 thousand parishioners in Turkey itself, however, claims not only primacy in the Orthodox world, but also acts like a real dictator. It was he who, until January 2016, actually hid documents for the upcoming Council. It was he who reduced the significance of the Council by an order of magnitude, declaring on August 29, 2015 at a meeting of the episcopate of the Patriarchate of Constantinople that this Council cannot be considered Ecumenical, because “Western Christians” will not participate in it, i.e. heretical papists and protestants.

In this regard, at the International Theological Conference in Chisinau it was stated: “From this statement of the Ecumenical Patriarch it follows that the Orthodox Church is not the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, is not a Church with completeness, but is DEFECTIVE.” And further: “We are on the way to the recognition of Baptism and the churchliness of heretics - papists and Protestants.” The Chisinau conference listed 25 errors or heresies shared by the Patriarchate of Constantinople and some of the churches on its team. Why should we cooperate with those who do not recognize our Orthodox Church as One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic, but consider it defective? Why should we continue and expand the ecumenical movement, whose founders want to dissolve us and drown us in a host of alien heresies and confessions?

We agree with Metropolitan Vladimir of Chisinau and All Moldova and with the participants of the International Theological Conference (where there were more than 1000 priests and laity) that the methodology of the Council and the topics of the main issues for discussion are not only “alien to the Orthodox tradition, but are also deliberately aimed at then to revise or even change it. The latest alleged corrections and additions made to the texts of previously prepared documents of the upcoming Council are kept secret. We all look forward with anticipation and concern to their publication in the latest edition, to see whether our fears and concerns are confirmed or dispelled, but mainly to ensure that the identity of the Church will be properly expressed.”

At this stage, we are not sure that the decisions of the Council will not be ecumenistic and secular. “That is why we believe that under such conditions it would be better NOT TO CALL THE COUNCIL AT ALL.” At the same time, the fathers rely on such luminaries of Orthodoxy as St. Justin (Popovich), St. Paisius the Svyatogorets and the blessed elder Father Philotheus (Zervakos). It remains for us to add that we fully agree with this opinion.


Head of the “SNMP” Movement V.N. OSIPOV.

Officers of the former royal army of Yugoslavia first declared war on the Croats (German allies), and then began to fight the occupiers. After Hitler's attack on the USSR, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) was formed in Yugoslavia, led by Josip Broz Tito. By 1943, Tito's troops had established strong ties with Great Britain, which began to supply the PLA with weapons and ammunition. Partisans also appeared in Greece and Albania.

Josip Broz Tito

Partisan movement of the Patriotic War

A powerful partisan movement unfolded in the occupied territory of the USSR. An important role in this was played by the government directive of June 29, 1941 to Soviet and party organizations in the front-line regions on the mobilization of all forces to repel the enemy. However, these documents were then unknown to the bulk of the population of the occupied territory. People in their actions and behavior were guided primarily by the level of awareness of personal responsibility and the need to protect their home, village, and country as a whole from foreign invaders.

At the beginning of the war, the development of the partisan movement experienced great difficulties due to the lack of trained personnel, a developed leadership system, and pre-established hidden bases with weapons and food. A major role in the organization and formation of the first partisan detachments was played by military personnel who found themselves surrounded or escaped from captivity.

Resistance movement in Germany and Italy

The Resistance movement did not bypass Germany itself. The Gestapo practically liquidated the Resistance cells by 1942, and in 1943 new underground centers appeared in Berlin, Thuringia, Saxony, Munich and Hamburg. They conducted anti-Hitler propaganda and organized the production of defective products at military factories. Many German anti-fascists became members of the Soviet intelligence network “Red Chapel”. Many of them were arrested by the Gestapo and executed. In 1943, a powerful strike rocked the Fiat plant in fascist Italy. The strikers were supported by 300 thousand workers from other factories. They openly condemned fascism and demanded an end to the war and dictatorship in the country.

Resistance Movement in Asia

In Japanese-occupied Korea in 1942, acts of sabotage began at military enterprises, peasants refused to hand over rice, and partisan detachments began to operate in North Korea and Northeast China, on the island of Timor, in the jungles of the Malacca Peninsula, and in the Philippines. Spontaneous and scattered anti-Japanese protests took place on the islands of Java and Sumatra. The armed resistance in Vietnam was led by Viet Minh units.

On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • Abstract resistance movement in Europe. Red Chapel

  • Resistance movement report

  • History report on the resistance movement

Questions about this material:

Revelations of the intelligence services: how are the masses controlled remotely? In the USSR, intelligence services developed remote methods of influencing people. Behind the momentary events, neither the bulk of the people nor the experts see or understand the main threat - the transformation of Russians into electronically controlled slaves. Even during the period of perestroika, many heard that the West decided that it was necessary to destroy 90% of the planet's population, since, according to the calculations of the Club of Rome, there would not be enough resources for all of them in the 21st century. And turn 10% of the survivors into controlled slaves to serve the happy life of the 300 richest families. Have you heard that Margaret Thatcher said that it is enough to leave 15 million workers in Russia to service oil and gas pipelines, and destroy the rest? They heard, but nothing dangerous happened. During the period of perestroika, many believed that the West was an earthly paradise. And if there is capitalism in Russia, then great. In the 90s, some became impoverished, a small part became enormously rich, and many decided that if they worked energetically, they could get rich. In general, few people saw the capitalist West as an enemy. And many went there and began to live well. The aggravation of relations began after the annexation of Crimea. Since then, the patriotic spirit has grown sharply. But still, for the majority, there was no expectation of aggression towards destruction from the West. And the destruction had been prepared for a long time, super secretly, super cunning and super vile. The meanness was that part of the Russian power elite also participated in the preparations for the destruction of their people. And destruction or transformation into slaves is planned in such a way that no one will notice or suspect anything - using psychotronic methods. Since the 80s of the last century, new interesting phenomena have begun to appear in the world. First there were psychics. Then, during the period of perestroika, with its new standards of freedom of information in the USSR, a flow of information about a variety of mystical phenomena, predictions, and superpowers poured out. Sorcerers and magicians appeared. Some people believed everyone, others believed nothing and no one, considering psychics, witches, sorcerers, and magicians simply swindlers. The situation was actually more complex and tricky. Indeed, most sorcerers, magicians, and psychics are swindlers. But this does not mean that these phenomena themselves do not exist. The intelligence services immediately began to investigate them and realized that all these phenomena were indeed possible. And they began to work intensively on them. But so that the bulk of the population would not know about these secret studies, complete freedom was given to swindlers to pose as sorcerers and magicians. Many people back in those days heard that psychics could heal from a distance using photographs. They also said that black sorcerers and magicians could, on the contrary, do harm from a photograph and cause damage. “Serious” economic and political science experts only laughed at the stories about the witchcraft of magicians and witches, referring them to the area of ​​​​interest of children and “grandmothers on benches.” Little is known about the details of initial developments abroad, although they were carried out there several times more intensively. In the USSR, intelligence services began to seriously study these methods and developed remote methods of influencing people, for example, using photographs. In particular, there was a project “Development of principles, methods and means of remote non-contact control of the behavior of biological objects”, sections “Lava-5” and “Ruslo-1”. The project was carried out according to the closed resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated January 27, 1986 No. 137-47 under the general coordination of the Moscow Interdepartmental Scientific and Technical Center for Venture Non-traditional Technologies (ISTC) "Vent". In Kiev, work was carried out on the basis of the following organizations: - Institute of Materials Science Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (Director Academician V.I. Trefilov) on the scientific topic “Long-Range Spinor Fields” and “Effect of Transfer of Information Action (PID) Using an Address Field Sign” (for example, photos) Head of work Dr. physics and mathematics Sciences Mayboroda V.P. (department No. 51), performers - Boychuk V.V., Tarasenko V.Ya - Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. M.V. Kurik, Kyiv. - Scientific and production association "Vidguk" headed by Professor Sergey Panteleimonovich Sitko, organized on the basis of the Temporary Labor Collective (VTK) "Response", Kiev. - Research and production company "Biopolis", director Kolbun Nikolay Dmitrievich, Kiev. In the 80s he also worked as part of the Otklik VTK. In the weekly magazine "Rush Hour" there was an article with an intriguing title - "25 years ago the Kiev defense plant "Octava" created a terrible device...", "in one of the capital's military research institutes a device was created that, from a photograph, had an effect on a person, where no matter where the latter is. A feeling of euphoria or horror, a heart attack or a jump from a balcony - whatever you want: please, there are no restrictions. This could be done using ultra-high frequency radiation. More precisely - microleptonic, or torsion, or spinor fields. The Godfather Academician Vlail Kaznacheev, a leading specialist in bioenergy since the times of the USSR, became the developer of psi-weapons.” So, even in the USSR, back in the late 80s, such methods of remote control of people were developed that they could be forced to do anything. In the 60s, Morel discovered that each cell of the body has its own specific frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum, which is different for healthy and diseased cells. On this basis, a frequency resonance (or bioresonance) treatment method was developed. Bioresonance diagnostics was widely used (there were companies in every city). With bioresonance treatment, the frequency of the diseased cell is applied, but with the opposite amplitude. As a result, the painful process subsides. And if you apply radiation with the same amplitude, the disease will intensify. This technique underlies the imperceptible destructive effect of psychotronic weapons, when people will seemingly naturally die from those diseases that they have suffered from for a long time. Today, there are several options for psychotronic influence: through the implantation of chips; due to zombification based on photographs (biometric - the most reliable); by removing the wave code of access to a specific person from a DNA sample and subsequently irradiating it from mobile communication antennas or from satellites; due to DNA changes due to direct laser exposure to the skin during the process of taking a biometric photograph. The use of chips is too obvious. It failed even in America; the Americans refused implantation. More secretive is the use of biometric photography. For biometric photography, special American-made devices are used. It is assumed that there is a laser that, under the guise of taking a three-dimensional photograph, has a specific effect on a person that changes DNA. The very principle of wave influence on the basic mechanisms of the psyche is a secret discovery, which would still remain secret if not for the open work of Academician Pyotr Garyaev. The peculiarity of psychotronic zombification is that the person will not suspect anything. Yes, at first, after biometrics have been carried out, the actual zombification may not be carried out. Biometrics provide only the possibility of zombie influence. And the zombification itself will be carried out in different groups for different reasons. During elections, everyone will be instilled with a positive attitude towards certain parties or candidates. For senior officials, deputies, generals - a positive attitude towards power or specific thoughts, etc. Pensioners will be destroyed by sending signals that will intensify their existing illnesses. Who wants to know the details, do a search on the Internet for “psychotronic zombie biometrics”, “electronic /2 concentration camp OR slavery OR dictatorship”, see. video by G. Tsareva, read materials by V.P. Filimonov, see websites ,, vera 77, Already during the war in Yugoslavia, an experimental group of soldiers was psychotronically treated by irradiating their skin with a laser, changing their DNA so that their state of health could be determined from a satellite and if they were wounded, they could be cured, even if they were surrounded. But, if you can heal your own, then you can kill your enemy. So the problems were not technical, but economic and political. The political problem was for the authorities of the countries to be at one with the world behind the scenes. The political situation in Russia is twofold. Under Putin's rule, a state of balancing between several elite groups continued, some of which opposed external control. But gradually the role of the patriotic part of the elite weakened. The existing system assumes that neither the government nor the president can have significant influence on the legislative branch - the State Duma. Within the State Duma, the decision is determined by the party with the majority. But the deputies of this party themselves, according to the rules adopted within the faction, cannot vote according to their personal will, but vote as the head of the parliamentary faction says. The latest example of this was the attempt to expel deputy Poklonskaya from the United Russia faction because, contrary to the decision of the faction leadership, she voted against the new pension law. Thus, laws in Russia are adopted on the sole instructions of the head of the United Russia faction. Deputy Yevgeny Fedorov has repeatedly said that decisions in the State Duma are made on the sole instructions of the head of the United Russia faction. From July 1, banks received the right to issue money and conduct other operations with deposits based on identification using biometric data. For now, this is not necessarily true. According to another law, banks have the right not to issue money for reasons they themselves accept, or suspicions of the criminal origin of the money. According to previously adopted laws, banks will issue passports. Starting in 2019, Russia plans to introduce electronic passports with biometric identification. In addition, the issue of abolishing cash and a complete transition to non-cash payments has long been discussed. Thus, banks, including private and foreign ones, will become the main real power in the country. From the summer of 2018, real power in the country will pass to Gref, who will have the opportunity to zombie all Russians, since it will be the banks that will forcibly carry out biometrics when issuing passports. The trouble is that today, on the one hand, there is no real patriotic opposition in Russia, and on the other hand, the role of the main patriot is played by V. V. Putin and the majority naively hope that he will do everything right and save Russia from all troubles. Putin is a politician playing a balancing act between different factions. Theoretically, if there were a strong patriotic opposition in Russia, independent of the authorities, it could put enough pressure on the master of compromise Putin to stop the introduction of psychotronic slavery. Formally, a powerful patriotic force that has the opportunity to speak from the parliamentary rostrum is the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. But in practice it works like the CPSU on the principle of “democratic centralism” - as the boss said, so it will be. The multimillion-strong CPSU, subordinate to Gorbachev, allowed the collapse of the USSR. Will ordinary modern communists awaken to their own reason and conscience? Theoretically, the main force in the fight against the introduction of electronic slavery should be the Orthodox, because they understand that electronic slavery is a preparation for the omnipotence of the Antichrist, which, as the elders long ago predicted, biometrics is the seal of the Antichrist. But believers slavishly submit to the hierarchy, and it behaves ambivalently, lukewarmly, and does not at all call for a fight against zombies. And some clergy, in full accordance with predictions, are already betraying Christ, claiming that there are no dangers in biometrics and chipping. Student youth seem to be the most intelligent and active part of the population. But many students dream of going to the West (after all, they pay much more there than in Russia!) and they will not want to believe this text. Human actions are largely predetermined by subconscious attitudes. And, if the subconscious desire for a prosperous, satisfying life is strong, then the human psyche will automatically put forward conscious reasons not to believe in this material. In the West, zombies are in full swing. But the worst thing is different - the army, police and special services have already carried out biometrics when processing documents. Foreign and domestic enemies of Russia have gained access to the individual wave codes of the Russian military and at any moment can begin to exert a zombie effect on them. Economists and political scientists discussing sanctions do not understand what will actually happen. In the conditions of the inevitable global financial crisis in general and the sanctions crisis in Russia, for bankers, the establishment of an electronic dictatorship will be the most reliable way to save themselves from ruin. Even just electronic control of everyone's finances after the abolition of cash will allow them to rob anyone they want. And the use of psychotronic zombification will generally give complete and unlimited power. What to do? First, and most importantly, it is immediately necessary to take measures to save our police, intelligence services, and army from zombies. How exactly this can be done is not entirely clear. Some light on the possibility of protection from zombification is shed by recently leaked information on the Internet about how the employees of psychotronic facilities themselves protect themselves from psychotronic influence. It was published that new “Citizen 4” equipment will be installed in centers for mass (rather than individual) psychotronic irradiation of the population that have existed since Soviet times in all major cities. And the instructions for it say that aluminum foil is used to protect the station personnel themselves. For a full analysis of the situation with psychotronic influence on the population of Russia, it is necessary to create a public commission independent from the authorities under the leadership of Academician P. Garyaev. Of course, those who were preparing to turn Russians into zombies, into slaves, into animals will prevent this. Therefore, the patriotic forces of the army, police and intelligence services need to take control of this investigation. Secondly, there needs to be grassroots participation in resisting turning us into electronic slaves. Under the existing Constitution, it is problematic to repeal laws that have already been adopted. However, there appears to be some legal clue. On the basis that all United Russia deputies vote as the head of the faction says, you can demand the repeal of all laws adopted by this Duma! The only hope is for the mass dissemination of this information. Repost this text, post it or its summary with a link to the main text on forums, in comments to videos and articles by popular authors (saying, for example, “everything the author writes about is true, but there is much more important..”), distribute on social networks. Make 10-100-1000 copies of the flyer below and distribute. If you have a problem with money, convince, persuade others, agitate. There are only a few weeks left before the introduction of electronic documents. Save yourself, your loved ones and Russia! SAVE THE ARMY, POLICE AND PEOPLE FROM ZOMBIE In Russia, laws have been illegally passed (by forcing all United Russia deputies to vote as the head of the faction says), transferring real power in the country to banks, including foreign and private ones, primarily Gref's bank . At the same time, banks will issue electronic passports and access deposits through biometric photography, which leads people to a state of preparedness for psychotronic zombification through mobile antennas. A zombified person will no longer act of his own free will, but as he is inspired to do. He can be forced to kill anyone; he himself can be killed with the appropriate signal at any moment. It is especially dangerous that biometrics have already been carried out in the army, police and intelligence services. Read more in the article “Russia is on the verge of destruction” (search by title on the Internet). Search for “psychotronic zombie biometrics”, “electronic dictatorship OR slavery OR concentration camp”. We demand: an immediate ban on biometrics and DNA collection; immediately create a public commission under the leadership of Academician P. Garyaev to determine methods of protecting army, police and intelligence officers from zombies; Gref - to the tribunal; United Russia deputies, except Poklonskaya, will be deprived of their deputy mandates, and the laws adopted by this State Duma will be declared invalid. Make 10-100-1000 copies of this leaflet and send it to the wind, distribute it in places where there are many people who know each other - in higher and secondary educational institutions, schools, large enterprises; in crowded places - in supermarkets, at bus stops, at train stations. The main thing is to start spreading it with the police and army. The only hope is for the mass dissemination of this information. Repost this text, post it or its summary with a link to the main text on forums, in comments to videos and articles by popular authors (saying, for example, “everything the author writes about is true, but there is much more important..”), distribute on social networks. There are only a few weeks left before the introduction of electronic documents. Save yourself, your loved ones and Russia!

Any threat, be it real or only apparent, gives rise to counteraction, that is, resistance. It's logical that , according to which some secret organizations are trying to seize power over the whole world, which has become quite widespread, has led to the emergence of people ready to fight such a threat. Resistance to the new world order is predominantly theoretical in nature, since this order is usually viewed in a theoretical manner. However, in recent years, social movements have emerged whose activities can be qualified as a fight against the impending new world order. .

Those who do not want to live in the new world

To the greatest extent among the actually existing social movements and organizations, anti-globalists correspond to the title of fighters against the new world order. At the turn of the 20th-21st centuries, it became obvious not only that the world was developing according to the globalization scenario, but also that this scenario implied many negative consequences. Anti-globalists are extremely diverse in their political, philosophical, religious and other views. There is still no official political party or organization for which anti-globalism is the basis of its ideological platform.

Opposing certain areas of anti-globalism or, less often, against this phenomenon itself, is always an addition to certain basic ideas and values ​​of a particular organization. The semi-official date of birth of the anti-globalization movement is December 1999. Then, in Seattle, America, there were mass demonstrations and riots against the World Trade Organization (WTO) summit being held in the city at that time. Active protests against the activities of the WTO became the first unifying slogan, on the basis of which anarchists, left-wing radicals, nationalists of various kinds, environmentalists, representatives of alternative religious teachings and many others united.

  • speaking out against the policies of international financial organizations responsible for perpetuating the unequal position of developed and developing countries. First of all, these are the WTO, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank. Anti-globalists are confident that the policies of these institutions are aimed at protecting the interests of developed countries and preventing the development of “third world” countries;
  • rejection of modern standards of the global socio-economic sphere, in which basic benefits and resources go to a minority (“golden billion”), while the majority of the population does not receive decent living conditions;
  • the dominance of transnational corporations, which, firstly, maximally contribute to the division of labor in the international market, assigning residents of developing countries the role of cheap unskilled labor. Secondly, transnational corporations are an alternative and adversary to nation states, which naturally impede the receipt of excess profits. For this reason, according to anti-globalizationists, corporations help to destabilize the very structure of sovereign states so that they can be more easily manipulated;
  • predatory exploitation of natural resources by humanity and criminal attitude towards the environment. This is fraught both from a socio-economic point of view and in terms of the basic survival of humanity. In the first case, resources are pumped out in the interests of the “golden billion”, and the rest of the population does not receive any dividends from this. In addition, lack of attention to the environmental problem can put humanity on the brink of disaster in just a few generations;
  • standards of mass popular culture imposed on the modern generation through the media and communications, leading to the intellectual, moral and creative degradation of people.

From the “Black Bloc” to home-grown fighters against world evil

As specific examples of modern organizations, the ideology, values ​​and nature of whose activities allow us to classify them as anti-globalists, we can name two movements. The first of them is the “Black Bloc”, a movement of radical anti-globalists. The brutal name is no coincidence: members of this organization, which appeared in the 1980s in Germany, wear black clothes and hide their faces behind black masks. Due to their frequent clashes with law enforcement forces and participation in acts of disobedience, such a dress code is understandable. The organization is based on anarchists, but they are also joined by other opponents of capitalism, a strong state and globalization.

The “Black Bloc” consistently acts:

  • against private ownership of the means of production and real estate;
  • against the state as an instrument of control over people;
  • against any form of discrimination;
  • against the existence of the repressive apparatus (police, army, etc.);
  • against the reckless exploitation of nature, not motivated by the real needs of humanity;
  • against modern mass culture, the media, the inculcation of the “cult of consumption”;
  • ultimately - for a worldwide anti-capitalist libertarian (that is, denying all forms of organized violence) revolution.

In Russia, anti-globalism, like almost any phenomenon on a national basis, has transformed into an interesting phenomenon known as the Resistance Movement to the World Order. It was created in 2013 and positions itself as an organization to fight the coming world order. The ideological basis of this movement is anti-globalism, modern eschatologism (expectation of the imminent End of the World), rather primitively understood provisions of Orthodoxy, confidence in the existence of a Masonic conspiracy, the purpose of which is to establish the kingdom of the Antichrist on the ground. Thus, the ideological content consists of many conspiracy theories in a religious Orthodox shell.

According to the participants of the Resistance Movement to the World Order, the End of the World predicted in Christianity and the totalitarian satanic regime that preceded it, that same new world order, are approaching. Its ideological orientation is defined as anti-Christian, and the trends of modern globalization are regarded as clear signs of its approach. It is curious that at the same time, theoretical issues and practical skills of autonomous survival in a post-apocalyptic world after the death of a developed civilization are being actively studied. To this end, it is considered how to master the basics of gathering, hunting, fishing, running your own agriculture, basic crafts, the basics of medicine and applied science.

Alexander Babitsky



On the initiative of the public movement “Resistance to the New World Order” on April 12 this year. A round table was organized in Moscow “What is the danger of the upcoming “Pan-Orthodox Council” in 2016?” The event was attended by clergy and laity who actively opposed the spread of ecumenism and renovationism and defended the purity of Orthodoxy and conciliar principles in the Church of Christ.

Speakers: head of the movement “Resistance to the New World Order”, writer, member of the Union of Writers of Russia Vladimir Nikolaevich Osipov; cleric of the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” at the Kalitnikovskoye Cemetery in Moscow, priest Pavel Burov; rector of the Church of St. Nicholas on Bersenevka in Moscow, Hegumen Kirill (Sakharov); cleric of the Assumption Cathedral in Kolomna, Archpriest Igor Tarasov; candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, teacher at MGIMO Olga Nikolaevna Chetverikova and many others. For our readers who do not have the opportunity to watch the two-part video recording of the round table on the Internet, we have prepared a review of some of the speeches made in the first part.

Opening the round table, its moderator, an Orthodox lawyer Irina Yurievna Chepurnaya explained the purpose of the event: “Over the past few years, Patriarch Bartholomew (Archondonis) of Constantinople has taken a number of steps aimed at accelerating the convening of the so-called “Holy and Great Pan-Orthodox Council,” which has been in preparation for more than half a century. The need to intensify preparations for the council was also discussed at the last meeting of the Primates of the Local Orthodox Churches, held on March 6–9 this year. in the Patriarchal Cathedral of St. George the Victorious on Phanar (Istanbul), which was attended by delegations of 13 Local Orthodox Churches: Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, Russian, Georgian, Serbian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Cypriot, Hellenic, Albanian and Polish . During the meeting, it was decided to convene the “Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church” in Constantinople in 2016, unless unforeseen circumstances prevent this. Commenting on the agreement reached at the meeting, some clergy and journalists expressed satisfaction with the approach of “an important event for the entire Orthodox world” (see interview with the head of the Synodal Information Department of the Russian Orthodox Church Vladimir Legoyda to the Interfax-religion news agency). But is the upcoming “Pan-Orthodox Council” really necessary for the Ecumenical Church of Christ? Or are the believers right who are convinced that it will not serve to strengthen the unity of world Orthodoxy, but, on the contrary, will bring confusion into the minds and hearts of Christians all over the world?..” Next, the presenter formulated the main question, which the audience were called upon to answer: “Do we, Orthodox believers, need this cathedral or not?” and gave the floor V.N. Osipov.

Vladimir Nikolaevich first of all turned to the history of the emergence of the Orthodox Church. Formed by the holy apostles, it initially consisted of separate communities scattered throughout the Roman Empire and subject to persecution from the pagans. Then Emperor Constantine the Great granted Christianity the status of state religion. At this time, the majority of the Empire's population adhered to paganism or heresies. Only 10% were Christians, on whom Saint Constantine relied. Realizing that the spread of heretical teachings would seduce and turn away many people from the faith and the Church, the Emperor took upon himself the work of strengthening the church and decided to convene an Ecumenical Council.

Ecumenical Council- This the highest authority of the Church of Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit. Touching upon the history of the First Ecumenical Council, Vladimir Nikolaevich noted that it was held in 325 in Nicaea and it discussed the false teaching of the Alexandrian priest Arius, who rejected the Divinity and the eternal birth from the Father of the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ. 318 Holy Fathers, among whom were Saints Nicholas the Wonderworker, Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, Hosea of ​​Corduba, Alexander and Athanasius of Alexandria and many others, condemned the heresy of Arius and approved the doctrine of the Divinity of the Son of God, drawing up the Creed.

The speaker also briefly spoke about subsequent Ecumenical Councils and the issues considered at them. The last, Seventh Ecumenical Council took place in 787 in Constantinople and approved the veneration of icons; and the memory of the Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils is celebrated by the Orthodox Church on May 18/31. “The property of veneration of the Holy Fathers of the Ecumenical Councils is that– emphasized V.N. Osipov, – that only these Seven Ecumenical Councils, fully expressing the faith, will and reason of the Catholic Church, the fullness of Orthodoxy, have the right to make infallible and binding decisions for everyone in the field of the Christian faith and church dispensation.”

“Only with support and in close unity with the Kingdom can the priesthood endure, survive, and grow stronger. Without the Kingdom, the priesthood is unthinkable. All Seven Ecumenical Councils took place either by direct convocation of the Imperial government, or with its active support,”- said the writer. He noted that “all the Seven Ecumenical Councils solved the key problems of their time, decided how to navigate the church ship through reefs and shoals.”

After the historical excursion, the speaker turned to the problem of the upcoming “Pan-Orthodox Council”: “And suddenly, in the secular, post-Christian, Masonic 20th century, the church nomenklatura decides to do without a Tsar, without the support of sacred power, and at the same time not to fight any heresy, but to proclaim and approve its own new heresy - the super-heresy of ecumenism. Who is the initiator?

This was followed by a story about the organizer of the “Pan-Orthodox Council”, Patriarch-modernist Bartholomew (Archondonis), and the reforms that he wants, with the help of this forum, to carry out and approve in all Local Churches: the New Calendar calendar, weakening of fasts, deuteramy of the clergy, married episcopate and heresies-heresies – ecumenism.

The presenter focused on the topic of ecumenism, quoting the words of Elder Paisius the Holy Mountain of blessed memory: “This serpent has three heads: for the rich - Freemasonry, for the poor - communism, for the Orthodox - ecumenism.” I.Yu. Chepurnaya emphasized that the “Resistance Movement to the New World Order”, which organized the round table, is fighting not only against globalization, but also against ecumenism.

Olga Nikolaevna Chetverikova in her speech she analyzed in detail the stages of preparation for the council, as well as the last Istanbul meeting. She said that the “Pan-Orthodox Council” project is a clearly developed plan that has a specific goal, the ways of implementation of which are quite well known. Project “began to be implemented in 1962, i.e. after 1959, when Pope John XXIII came to power in the Vatican, already then, in January of this year, he declared the need to hold a second Vatican Council to resolve the issue of opening the Catholic “Church” to the world in in accordance with new circumstances and operating conditions. And in 1961, the first Rhodes Conference convened by Patriarch Athenagoras met, at which it was announced that preparations for the “Pan-Orthodox Council” had begun.”

Olga Nikolaevna touched upon the history of the Second Vatican Council and the new Uniate concept put forward by the Vatican: “This new concept of ecumenism allowed Catholics to open up to dialogue with other religions, while maintaining complete integrity of the rule of the Pope. In fact, we can define Catholic ecumenism as a new form of union. That is, the ecumenism that the Vatican offers us is actually a union, its unofficial form.” We are constantly told about the need for Christian unity. But that “The unity that Catholics seek, that the Pope craves, is only possible if the Orthodox Churches recognize the Roman Pontiff as the successor of Peter and the head of the Christian Church.”

Continued on page 7

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