When the dark streak in life ends. How to survive the black streak? Wise advice. Ritual for good luck in love

Every person has experienced what black and white stripes are in life. When everything is good, people don't think about luck. However, every time something unexpected and unpleasant happens, it is felt instantly. When a person is constantly haunted by troubles, he is convinced that he has begun a continuous black streak. Where does it come from? Is this scary? How to get rid of black streaks in life? Read on.

What is a black stripe?

These are the daily problems and troubles that many people face. Black stripes are long chains. That is, after one problem, a second one begins, then a third, etc.

Because of black stripes, people's plans are ruined. Problems may be related to health, money, etc. A person was getting ready to go on vacation, bought plane tickets, booked a hotel, and suddenly fell seriously ill. This is not a black streak. If the trip is regularly postponed for various reasons, then it’s worth thinking about.

Signs of a black stripe

If you have one problem replacing another, think about it. Perhaps a dark streak has arrived. However, unpleasant moments can be avoided. You need to listen to your heart and the actions of others.

If you feel that troubles await you on the road, try to postpone your trip to a more suitable day. Often a person feels inexplicable tension. At such moments, it is necessary to change thoughts and actions. If you want to avoid trouble, listen to everything that is happening around you.

When there are a lot of problems, it seems that a black streak is haunting you. However, there are no unsolvable problems. If you lost your phone today and your purse tomorrow, this cannot be a problem, you need to be a more attentive person. This situation does not apply to the black stripe.

Reasons for the black stripe

Life tests every person's endurance. When you are moving towards a certain goal, you must patiently endure all adversities. After all, obstacles will definitely appear on your way to overcome them.

Fate often presents a person with certain opportunities and chances. You should definitely use them. If a person does not understand the premise, then he will regret what he did not do. However, fate rarely gives a second chance. She punishes a person with various troubles.

Self-doubt often prevents you from changing your life. For example, a person came to apply for a job, but he is afraid to praise himself at the interview, talk about his good qualities, then he will not get the position. Insecure people have a hard time in life.

Negative thoughts only attract bad energy. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Thoughts materialize.” If you don't know how to think about the good, you won't be able to achieve a white streak.

The meaning of life is success. If you know what you need and why, then the black streak ends. If you have no meaning in life, you will often walk with a black stripe on your arm.

Life with positivity

You've had a bad streak in your life, how to get rid of it? Probably every person thinks about this question. First of all, you need to believe in the best, only then can you improve your life.

Any test is given to a person for a reason, but for a reason. Fate tests your strength. For some reason, many are sure that a black streak will haunt you throughout your life. This is wrong. Try to look at things positively. If something unexpected happens, think about it. Most likely, you will find the answer in analyzing your actions.

There is an opinion that if for some reason your trip is postponed, then it is not needed. You may have escaped a terrible fate. Therefore, there is no need to be angry at bad luck because you were unable to travel or go somewhere.

Look at contingencies from different angles. Each person is given as many trials as he can endure. Therefore, you will not have more problems than expected. Try to live beautifully and look at certain moments with humor, then you won’t notice how your life will improve.

Life for yourself and happy moments

It’s not scary if you’ve had an unfortunate bad streak in life. You can tell yourself how to get rid of it. First of all, believe in everything good. Surely you have those moments or people for which you need to live.

Patience, love, faith and hope for the best will overcome all failures. Fate will reward you for your good qualities. After all, if you are responsive and kind to others, then they will come to your aid at any time in difficult times. However, you must remember that you should have not just comrades next to you, but loyal and reliable friends. After all, a lot depends on them in the life of every person.

Children, parents, friends - this is who you need to remember and for whose sake you need to overcome a streak of failures. After all, you have no one closer. Therefore, live for the sake of your family and friends. Together it is easier to endure any problem.

Getting rid of the black stripe

It’s scary when a person is visited by a chain of failures. A lost wallet is a small thing compared to what people go through. For example, at one moment a person was left homeless or found out that he was terminally ill, and then a series of troubles followed. That's when a dark streak came in life. What to do in such terrible situations? This is a psychological question that has answers.

First of all, you cannot despair and give up, because life goes on. Think that the black streak cannot last forever, it will end soon. Only positive thoughts will guide you on the right path. No psychologist can help. Every person should think about themselves and their loved ones at such moments.

Always confidently move towards your dreams and don’t give up. Only then will you be able to do something. After all, even disabled people work, provide for their families and enjoy life.

Do not communicate with that person from whom there is only negativity. It only brings you disappointment and grief. Such people usually take away positive energy from a person.

Communicate more often with optimists who know exactly their goal, persistently pursue it and achieve good results. They will help you understand yourself and raise an optimistic spirit.

Believe in yourself. You cannot consider yourself a failure with many problems. Many people create situations for themselves that are very difficult to get out of. Never think negatively. As stated earlier, thoughts are material, so you only attract bad energy.


If a bad streak has come in life, you need to get rid of it urgently. If a person is always positive and cheerful, then he does not notice small daily problems. There is an opinion that if you are too confident in success, then someone will jinx it. Therefore, let it take its course, and time will put everything in its place.

Not everyone is able to think positively. This is precisely why friends exist, who will help you cope with the problems that have fallen on you.

Some people believe that all troubles are not a bad streak. What it is? A basic test of strength.

All people live and everyone has many problems: financial, household, etc. This is a normal life. If you don’t pay attention to minor troubles, then it will seem to you that there is no black streak at all.

Try not to paint your thoughts black. If you go to work and are prepared in advance for the boss to make a complaint against you, rest assured, this will happen. When you concentrate and know for sure that the day will go well, you will not have conflicts with anyone, you will be surprised, but this is exactly what will happen.

Try not to be afraid of your future mistakes. You will only learn a lot from them. Remember, you are a successful and purposeful person who is experiencing temporary difficulties. They are completely solvable. Calm down, think everything over and move forward to a new dream.

Devoid of losses, failures, falls, disappointments and partings. Everyone has to go through this kind of test at least once in their life.

Another question is that all people differ from each other in how they are able to survive the “dark” moments in their destiny. No one is safe from them, and it is sometimes impossible to prepare for them in advance. Often such blows cripple a person who has a weaker emotional background and who does not have a strong enough character. No wonder popular wisdom says that when trouble comes, open the gates. That is, after one bad event, another may follow, followed by another - and now they turn into a huge snowball, which crushes the little man who is unable to resist its onslaught. The arrival of such an “element” in everyday life is usually called a “black stripe” by analogy with snow - the source of white color. Every person knows firsthand what a bad streak in life is. What to do, how to fight it (or not fight it) in order to get out of this situation with the least losses? After all, very often it is a springboard for plunging into the deepest depression, which can cause both physical and nervous diseases.

A dark streak in life. What to do with it?

So, a bad streak is a series of negative circumstances following one another, the consequences of which radically (naturally, not in the best way) change the entire habitual way of life. It is known that change is already stress in itself, and when it is negative, it is double stress. If a dark streak has come in life, then the first thing a person must do is not to lose composure. Sounds easy, but difficult to do. However, this must be done in order to maintain your health, and most importantly, not to ruin your life even more. When there is a dark streak in life, what else can a person do so as not to completely plunge into the world of depression and hopelessness? Psychologists advise, if possible, to spend as much time as possible with relatives and friends, with your family. After all, if it is real and strong, then this is the rear where you can lie down and lick your wounds. If there is no such fortress, then you need to be in nature more often. Experts unanimously say that communicating with her is the best way to get through bad times.

A dark streak in life. Do's and Don'ts

No matter how hard and bad it is, you cannot drown your hopelessness in alcohol, rampant eating or other, more severe addictions. Such measures bring only temporary relief, which will certainly be followed by serious consequences - a hangover and sobering up, obesity. Such tactics are a direct path into the abyss of even more severe depression and an endless black streak. You shouldn’t feel sorry for yourself when there’s a bad streak in life. What to do instead? It will be more productive to pull yourself together by analyzing what happened. At the same time, try to be honest and frank with yourself in order to learn lessons from the current situation and continue to live on. Nothing in this world is permanent: such is life - a black stripe, a white stripe. We must remember that everything ends sooner or later. Then dawn will dawn on the horizon of your destiny. And dawn is always the beginning of something new.

A black streak is usually called a sequence of subjectively unpleasant events for a person that knock him out of his usual comfortable living conditions and lead to a stressful state and neurosis.

Experts in the field of psychology closely connect a person’s psycho-emotional state with events in his life.

Such events include, for example:

  • disease
  • sudden dismissal from work
  • deprivation of a source of income
  • news of a spouse’s betrayal, etc.

When such “surprises” follow continuously one after another or happen simultaneously, then such a period of time is considered to be a “black streak”.

Therefore, when a “dark streak” occurs, psychologists advise first putting your nervous system in order, that is, getting rid of depression, nervous tension and a depressed state. For this, psychologists recommend the following:

After doing everything written above you need to look at your life from the outside through the eyes of different people. You need to do this as detached as possible, as if you were watching a feature film about your life, focusing on your feelings.

It is imperative to start the action in the right direction. Don't burden yourself with perfectionism. The main thing is to start. And luck and luck will certainly catch up.


Esoteric teachings suggest first finding the cause of the black streak, and then starting to correct the life situation.

They classify the reasons for a series of negative events into:


    In this case, fate tests your strength. This is possible in case of troubles with business or family relationships.

    When testing the strength of a person you need to concentrate on your feelings and understand- Does he need a business or is it just a means to earn money for a decent life? You should ask yourself exactly the same question when you encounter a “black streak” in your personal life.

    If the answer is positive, you need use all your strength to overcome obstacles. As a rule, this leads to a new round of development.

    Punishment for sins, mistakes, etc.

    Here you need to ask for forgiveness from people you may have offended. It is not necessary to do this in person. You can write a sincere note asking for forgiveness. And then burn it.

    The same can be done in writing ask forgiveness from the Universe for the sins committed, and then promise to correct them as soon as possible.

    Mistakes and sins must be corrected at the first opportunity, and missed opportunities must certainly be realized.


    In this case “black streak” pushes a person to change. A distinctive feature of such a “strip” is the collapse of life in different directions, independent of each other.

    Here you need to notify the Higher Powers that you are ready to accept changes. This must be done again in writing. Place the note in a high place. For example, on the refrigerator. In this case it is simply necessary to “unhook” from the usual views of the world.


    This type of "black streak" may be due to the fact that that some time ago you made a request to optimize some area of ​​your life. Now all that remains is to go through the “repair” or “move” in anticipation of a joyful event.

    In this case, esotericists advise show patience and endurance. It is also necessary to maintain a positive attitude and monitor your energetic health.

Help the Church

The Orthodox Church will certainly provide support to every Christian when they turn to her for help in the person of a priest.

You can immediately turn to your father for advice. The following sequence of actions may also help:

  1. Fasting and observance of the prayer rule morning and evening for at least seven days.
  2. Then you need come to church for evening service, giving alms to those in need at the entrance. It is advisable to confess during or after the service.

    You need to prepare for confession in advance by writing all the sins you have committed on a piece of paper. At the priest's after confession it is necessary to take a blessing for communion. On this day, do not have dinner, and after midnight do not even drink water.

  3. The next day, come to church for the morning service, during which take communion.

After doing all of the above, life, as a rule, begins to improve. The main condition for further positive changes is taking the sacrament once a month and following the advice of your confessor.

How to get rid of the “black streak” with the help of conspiracies?

From a magical point of view The cause of the “black streak” is field violations in the form of the evil eye, damage or curse.

The following methods can help against the evil eye or damage. Can get rid of the curse only the church or the help of a qualified magician.

So, if you realized that a “dark streak” has begun in your life, then immediately roll yourself out with a fresh chicken egg, without waiting for the optimal location of the luminaries in the sky.

This should be done in the center of the chest, clockwise in relation to the body, for three days.

I roll the egg, I roll out the witchcraft,

from the soul, from the mind, from the body.

Go away, dark witchcraft sent by the enemy,

To my detriment, to the enemy's premises.

I heal myself, I put protection on myself,

I protect myself from troubles.

Neither the evil eye, nor damage, nor curse will come to me.

Let it be so!

As can be seen from the text of the conspiracy, it is also a prevention of some type of curse.

After use on the egg you need write “all my troubles” and bury it away from your place of residence.

The spell that you need also helps say out loud during your morning shower for one week:

Water, water, get away from me

Dark oppression, life's devastation,

So that it doesn't spoil me,

So that it doesn’t bother me,

So that it doesn't break me,

It didn't throw from side to side.

Wash away with water all the failures,

Wash off the black stripe with some water.

When a “dark streak” occurs in life, it is very difficult to pull yourself together and stop giving in to neuroses and depression.

But only self-control and control over your emotions, feelings and actions can help a negative streak use life constructively.

Hello everyone! Anything can happen in life: ups and downs. Everything can't always be great. Sooner or later, problems and other serious issues burst in and make things worse. Lucky are those who have never seen misfortune in their lives, who constantly consider themselves the luckiest person in the whole world. But even sometimes there is a dark streak. And, observing all this, you understand that nothing lasts forever. Why is there no single color in life? What to do if the black stripe is literally everywhere?

Why does this happen?

“Black and white zebra” is what many people call their life. It’s a pity that this “animal” cannot consist of only pleasure, smiles and good luck. And grief, and sadness, and adversity - all this necessarily happens to everyone. It’s just that some people know how to steadfastly endure all the negative events that happened, while others, on the contrary, believe that there will never be a white streak again. Everyone sees problems differently: for some, illness is not a bad thing, while others don’t even think that losing money is a bad sign. In any case, the negative part of our life consists of material problems, conflicts with people, failures at work, poor condition and health. Why is all this happening?

  1. Carelessness. Human inattention can sometimes be very dangerous. If you don't pay attention to your health, you can easily neglect it. If you are rude and disrespect your relatives, then the relationship will immediately deteriorate. If you make the same mistakes several times in your work, then there will be no career growth. Carelessness destroys a person, involving him in a series of unpleasant events. We ourselves create what happens in life. Therefore, it is necessary to fight inattention so that this quality does not fill everything around.
  2. Circumstances beyond a person's control. It happens that disaster comes on its own. For some, it’s a burned down house, the loss of an animal, or a stolen wallet. It doesn’t matter what exactly the external circumstance is. The main reason for the black streak is that what happened cannot be changed, which means that many believe that everything has gone downhill. That's right, no one is immune from crisis, earthquake, war or fire. But if you take everything too seriously, then a bad streak will definitely come.
  3. Detractors. People who envy mentally unleash a global stream of negativity on a person. Therefore, for those who were happy, something may fall apart and not work out. The reason is the social circle that is constantly with the person. Enemies must always be avoided. A friend will always say what he doesn’t like, and what, on the contrary, he likes. This is why many black streaks happen - these are the thoughts of ill-wishers who are full of envy.
  4. Too good. There are few such examples in the world, but still there are people for whom everything is wonderful in life. It's amazing to see how you can live and not know what grief and adversity are. But, as a rule, behind the white and joyful there will always be something black. Therefore, a negative streak happens if everything goes well for a long time. Nature loves balance, this is extremely important.

How to deal with adversity?

And now, a dark streak has come. What to do? How to proceed? There are six unique steps that are sure to help. Sadness does not have infinity, but grief eventually passes. Surely, people experienced in this matter understand what we are talking about. They are the ones who believe that the six steps are not just advice, but the best helpers if suddenly a series of unpleasant events occurs in life.

  1. You need to accept everything as it is. Yes, something unpleasant happened, but this is not the end of everything. The more a person is in a state of emotional shock and does not accept changes, the longer the period of the black streak will last. The most important thing is to understand that what happened cannot be changed. And if this happened, it means it was necessary.
  2. Unhappiness is a temporary stage in a person’s life. It is rare to see how failures affect your entire destiny. A burnt house is just a roof, but you can buy a new building. Stolen money is paper that will subsequently be earned several times more. Illness is a wake-up call that you need to take better care of yourself. The main thing is that the family will always be there, no matter where the person is. The thought that you are not alone, you have family and friends helps you overcome the black streak.
  3. If you think every time about what you have lost, it will not lead to good things. After all, thoughts will only be of one kind - negative. This is why it is important to thank life even for what you have lost. So so be it. There is an excellent well-known and very clever phrase: “Where one door closes, another opens.” The same thing happens here. It is worth being grateful for what you have in life and for what is gone. People are deprived of unnecessary things.
  4. You can look at failure from a different perspective. For example, find positive aspects in a black streak. If it's a lost favorite bag, then it's time to buy a new one. If this is a quarrel with a loved one, then it is worth accepting the relative for who he is with all his pros and cons. Life's difficulties are what a person needs to become stronger. If you look at the negative strip with a different eye, you can see many inconspicuous and pleasant things.
  5. Self-control saves you from depression and stress. Whatever it is, it is important to keep your back straight. Only in this case will the black stripe necessarily change to white. Control your feelings, emotions, thoughts. Don't fall into a state of complete despair. The less emotional reaction to what is happening, the less failure will be felt, as if it does not exist at all.
  6. Do what you love most in the world. A hobby is a thing that can truly save and revive if a bad streak in life unexpectedly occurs. Passion heals and helps you immerse yourself in your head.

Let's go through a dark period together

This step-by-step instruction plan will definitely be needed by anyone who is feeling very bad at the moment. If you are overwhelmed by a bad streak and have no strength to get out of this unpleasant routine, then do the following:

  • smile as often as possible in front of the mirror and all passers-by, even if there are tears inside;
  • praise yourself, talk to yourself in the evening about what was done during the day, celebrate your successes daily;
  • always be interested in new things, curiosity is an excellent quality to get rid of black streaks in life;
  • be sure to get a favorite pet - it doesn’t matter who it is, since it can save you from prolonged depression or severe depression, it’s a friend and a real medicine for the soul;
  • never refuse the help offered to you, and also try to help people in return, support is an important component if a bad streak comes in life;
  • constantly act, because activity is the key to solving all problems;
  • Don’t sit inside four walls all the time, get a job, communicate more with people, cultivate yourself by going to the theater and cinema.

Other ways to forget about a bad streak in life

  1. Send it to a bookstore in order to find the work that will definitely help you. It can be anything. The main thing is to read the summary on the back of the book so that you can immediately imagine what it will be about. And if from the very first words the author hooked you with his imagination and fantasy, don’t hesitate a minute, buy the book and plunge into an unknown world that will certainly save you.
  2. Films are very good at influencing people. If you feel bad, then you should watch a good comedy to laugh heartily and recharge with positive emotions. Nowadays you can find anything on the Internet, because one film is better than another. The main thing is to read the reviews of those who have already seen the film. They certainly won’t give bad advice.
  3. Shopping really has a way of healing. Therefore, those who cannot live without shopping should go in order to lift their own spirits. But you can’t return without buying new things, this is such a golden rule. The black stripe no longer seems so dark if you have your favorite dress or suit, accessory or perfume that you have wanted to buy for so long.
  4. A favorite hobby saves everyone. It could be songs and oil paintings, beadwork or photography, long walks or cooking in the kitchen - it doesn’t matter what exactly. This will absolutely save you if you plunge headlong into something that inspires hope and raises morale. After all, a hobby is considered the best hobby that heals the soul. For example, even listening to your favorite music can surround a person with a wall that will be unshakable for all black stripes.
  5. What if you fall in love? By the way, it is, according to many psychologists, that can make a person even think about bad things, not to mention a bad streak in life. It’s so great when feelings overwhelm the soul, emotions rush out. The negative thing that happened seems like a grain of sand compared to the pleasant trembling under the knees and eyes sparkling with happiness. Open your soul, under no circumstances allow yourself to become isolated. Love comes to those who are ready to let it in. This is the only way she can heal everything that has happened over the years.
  6. Tell your family and friends how much you love them as often as possible. This warm word alone can melt the ice and instantly warm you up, even if it’s minus 40 Celsius outside. A bad streak is nothing if all those you love so much are next to you. The main thing is to remind people that they are important. Everything passes, and a series of bad events will also pass. But, warm words that warm the soul will forever remain in everyone’s heart.

There is one wonderful mini-training. Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a boat in the middle of the ocean of life. It can be calm and pleasant to the touch, the sun is shining around and beautiful birds are flying. But if you sail a little further, you feel cold, and the water is boiling so that the boat is about to capsize, thunder roars and heavy rain pours. And all this time you sit motionless and watch everything that happens. You know for sure that sooner or later the rain will stop, the thunder will stop thundering, and the boat will stop rocking from side to side. The sun will come out, and the ocean will again be crystal blue with a calm current. This training is a great metaphor to depict the black and white stripes. There is only one conclusion: good always comes after bad.

Failures and troubles are just a small change in life. And these changes for the better depend only on a person’s actions and decisions. Let the black stripes never break anyone, but only harden them and make them stronger, just like in that very boat. Even if the current of the ocean of life is very stormy, perceive the black streak as an important touch to your life. Only in this case will everything change in your favor, and the long-awaited long white streak will come.

Now you know what to do if a bad streak comes in life. Share the article with your friends. Leave comments. See you again!

Every person, sooner or later in his life, is faced with the fact that he is haunted by a series of failures, troubles, and a string of troubles. Usually this stage is temporary, it is sure to be followed by positive changes in life. But going through a difficult period can be very difficult, especially if a person is receptive and vulnerable by nature. To speed up the process of a protracted streak of failures, you can use magical actions. If there is a bad streak in life, what to do, a conspiracy will help you overcome it as quickly as possible and avoid unpleasant consequences, return the usual rhythm of life to its previous course. Rituals and conspiracies will help if a bad streak has begun, if a person really needs help and if there is an attitude towards a positive outcome.

A dark streak is a difficult period in life, which is characterized by a large number of suddenly accumulated problems and confusing situations. Before using a conspiracy against a bad streak in life, you should analyze the situation. The main signs of the presence of negative energy are:

  • very frequent diseases, massive exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • constant loss of energy resources for no reason, apathy, loss of desire to work;
  • sleep disturbances, nightmares, difficulty falling asleep, insomnia, sleepwalking or hallucinations;
  • quarrels with loved ones for no apparent reason;
  • severe headaches and dizziness.

You can remove negative influences with the help of magical rituals.

How does a person attract negative energy?

Psychologists and specialists in the field of occultism claim that a person’s negative attitude can change his life for the worse. The reasons for a lingering black streak include:

  1. The man himself. Sometimes a person himself can provoke a period of failure. Therefore, there is no need to look for the guilty and complain about the unfortunate fate. In nature, everything is natural, there is a certain balance, and if there is no desire to strive for harmony, the correct balance is disrupted, and as a result, a person may lose something. For example, spending most of the time at work, there is no time for family. This is fraught with the loss of loved ones who need attention. It may be the other way around, then the person becomes a loser who cannot find a normal job. Therefore, it is very important to find a middle ground for yourself. Perhaps, before looking for a way to get rid of failures, you can simply change something in yourself, and life will take a new direction.
  2. Lack of self-confidence and self-confidence. It is in the presence of such a point that a person refuses a promising position, thereby stopping on the path to self-development. Also, in the presence of such a trait, personal life often suffers, since there are problems communicating with members of the opposite sex.
    Negative attitudes and thoughts. Very often, negative attitudes attract failures and troubles.
  3. Therefore, it is important to control such thoughts, tune in to the positive, and believe in a positive outcome. It is important to believe in success and smile more often.
  4. Personal problems and disasters. A person cannot always influence the problems that befall him, and we also cannot control a flood, hurricane, or fire.
  5. Negative influence of enemies and ill-wishers.
  6. Lack of life goals.

Effective rituals for solving problems

How to get rid of the black streak of life? Getting rid of a string of failures is possible with the help of conspiracies. The ritual using a chicken egg is very effective. After sunset, roll an egg on your chest, saying:

“As I roll an egg, I roll out evil spells from life: go away, leave me, disappear from body and mind. I say goodbye to dark witchcraft, I expel the enemy from everyday life. You are no longer my master, I am my own master. I can heal myself and put up protection forever and protect myself from disasters. From now on, neither the evil eye, nor the slander, nor the damage will disturb me. Amen!".

Carry out these actions for about ten minutes. Then write the words on the egg with a black felt-tip pen:

“I send all troubles into the egg.”

After the ritual, bury the egg outside, in a deserted place under a tree.

You can also use warm water. You need to rinse yourself with it every day, while reading the words:

“Water, water, water, true beauty, you have always been a healer and savior for me, so help me this time too. Deliver life from dark oppression and life's devastation. I ask you to save my house from damage and add heavenly strength. I pray that you wash away all the failures and black streaks from yourself. Let it be so".

Get rid of failures with the help of the following plot. Bake a pie, buy a can of milk, collect a few coins in a towel or handkerchief, go to the cemetery. Find an unmarked grave, spread a cloth, put gifts on it. Bow to the deceased and ask him for help. Say:

“Dead man, wipe away troubles and failures from me, let happiness come to me forever.” This ritual can only be done once.

How to protect against negativity

With the help of conspiracies, they not only get rid of failures. You can also install protection. Say a protective spell for a month when in contact with water - for example, while cooking, bathing, eating or cleaning the house:

“At the origins of life there is a word behind which water was hidden. Voditsa, water, you are always with me. I ask you to keep my strength with me, but not to give it to anyone in life. Just as you cleanse my body, so you cleanse my thoughts, and bestow health on my soul. Become a strong protection for me. Let it be so".

It is very important to understand that you build your life yourself, you yourself can control many events. Use the following recommendations and expert advice for yourself:

  1. Get rid of the idea that you are a failure, that nothing will work out for you.
  2. Set a specific goal for yourself and strive to achieve it. These should not be abstract dreams or illusions, but a real goal.
  3. Do not communicate with people who are unpleasant to you, with pathological losers and with those who eat up your energy, charging it, feeding on your positive emotions.
  4. Do not argue or conflict with those whose energy field negatively affects you.
  5. Use amulets, both personal and to protect your home and your family.
  6. Don't give up, look for a way out in every situation. Remember that all failures will end soon, good events will come into your life.
  7. Don't let strangers rule your life.
  8. Pray for help to higher powers, visit the temple, believe in the forces of light.

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