How to remove puffiness under the eyes at home. How to remove edema from the face at home - remove puffiness quickly. How to hide swelling and bruising

A swelling of the face is characterized by swelling, puffiness of the eyelids above and below the eyes, the entire part of the facial area, caused by fluid retention in the body.

Causes of facial swelling:

  1. 1. Medicines. Some drug components can disrupt the permeability of cell membranes and accelerate the absorption of salts. These side effects are often associated with cardiovascular treatment. Relevant drugs work by expanding the diameter of the vessels. This impairs blood flow, causing stagnation and preventing excess water from being removed from the body in a timely manner. In addition, some sports foods to increase muscle mass induce fluid retention.
  2. 2. Nutrition. Excessive consumption of salty and smoked foods causes increased thirst.
  3. 3. Alcohol. Frequent drinking leads to the fact that the liquid does not leave the body. After a binge, the face and other parts of the body swell. Thus, alcohol affects the exchange of water and salt in the human body.

  4. 4. Sleep in an uncomfortable position. After a long journey in transport, when the body is in the same position for a long time, blood circulation and lymphatic blood flow are impaired. As a result, the tissues swell and become bulky and "filled" with water. The same thing happens to the face in the morning, when at night, with a fixed position on the pillow, the skin does not breathe, which disrupts circulation and oxygen supply to its cells.
  5. 5. Hormonal imbalance. During pregnancy, a woman's body accumulates water in the tissues. Swelling of the nose, lips, eyelids. Also, swelling can occur during menstruation and during menopause.
  6. 6. Prolonged crying. Tears cause the eyes to swell. This happens due to a banal violation of the water-salt balance, as a result of which the circulation of fluid in the body is disrupted.
  7. 7. Tooth extraction. Quite often, after such a procedure, swelling of the facial tissues is observed (more often on the side where the tooth was removed). Puffiness provokes inflammation of the injured tissue or the extraction of the tooth itself. In most cases, this condition does not pose a threat to human health.
  8. 8. Contusion of the face. After the impact, the integrity of the small blood vessels (capillaries) is disrupted, which leads to tissue edema.
  9. 9. Operation. After surgery, there is an increased flow of lymph to the damaged tissues. Usually, this swelling lasts a long time and is almost impossible to treat. It passes by itself after a while.

Pathologies of internal organs and their systems cause chronic edema. This is the most serious cause of facial swelling, which requires the use of complex therapy under the supervision of medical professionals.

Fluid retention can affect the kidneys, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Edema is often a signal of metabolic disorders of the liver, lymph and protein.

  • We remove swelling from the face quickly
  • Salt compress
  • Contrast compress
  • Folk remedies for edema
  • How to quickly remove a puffy face
  • Potato mask
  • Green tea
  • Parsley mask

Swelling of the face can occur for various reasons, for example, if you abuse liquids shortly before bedtime, after a violent party with drinking alcohol, due to kidney or heart problems. There are many methods to fix this problem. It is about them that will be discussed below.

We remove swelling from the face quickly

Women often come across situations when they need to put themselves in order as quickly as possible. Therefore, knowing how to remove swelling from the face in just a few minutes will be useful for every woman. To do this, you can use one of the following methods.

Salt compress

A very effective method, but it can only be used in extreme cases.

  1. Dissolve four tablespoons of table salt in two liters of hot water.
  2. In the resulting solution, wet a terry towel, wring it out and apply it to your face, leave only your nose open so that you can breathe.
  3. Cover the top with a dry towel. Keep it cool.
  4. This procedure should be repeated three times. After that, wash your face and apply a cream, which is better nourishing.

Contrast compress

  1. You will need two bowls, fill one with cold water (you can add ice to it for best results), and the other tolerably hot.
  2. Soak a towel in hot water, wring it out and apply it on your face. Such a compress must be kept until it cools.
  3. Next, soak a towel in cold water and apply it to your face for forty seconds. Repeat the procedure four times.

How to remove swelling from the face yet? Ice cubes can be used. This method is suitable for not very pronounced edema. To eliminate them, it is enough to wipe the face with ice. To do this, you can use ordinary ice from water, but frozen decoctions of birch buds, plantain, chamomile have the best effect.

Folk remedies for edema

The cause of edema is usually a fluid retention in the body; this problem can be solved with the help of some folk methods. Diuretics can be considered an effective way to remove a swollen face. Of course, they will not work instantly, but they will help you cope well with the puffiness that occurs regularly.

Infusion of horsetail, birch buds or burdock, rosehip or lingonberry tea, flax seed decoction has a diuretic effect. Fees work well, for example you can cook the following:

  1. Mix equal amounts of nettle, bearberry, St. John's wort, plantain leaves and crushed rose hips.
  2. Spoon a spoonful of the table mixture with 600 milliliters of boiling water.
  3. After complete cooling, strain the infusion.

You need to drink it in a glass three times a day.

A red, swollen face will help you quickly tidy up another folk remedy - rosemary water. It not only quickly removes edema, but also improves metabolism in skin cells, disinfects and tones. To prepare such a remedy:

Chop three fresh, large sprigs of rosemary well and cover them with a glass of fairly hot water.

The mixture must be allowed to stand in the refrigerator for a week. Then the water can be applied.

Causes of facial swelling

All causes can be divided into two large groups: disease-related and situational.

Let's briefly list the maximum possible reasons:

  1. Problems in the work of the kidneys (if the puffiness is concentrated mostly under the eyes). Also, the cause of a violation of water-salt metabolism can be: diseases of the genitourinary system, pregnancy, toxicosis, the onset of menstruation.
  2. Problems in the work of the heart and circulatory organs.
  3. Respiratory infections. The lymph nodes become inflamed, the outflow of lymph becomes difficult, hence the edema.

Such swelling cannot be treated with cooling compresses!

If the swelling is accompanied by itching, a rash on the skin, redness of the eyes, a feeling of suffocation, a feeling of tickling and tightness in the throat, a dramatically changed complexion, you should immediately consult a doctor!

Below we will analyze how to get rid of a cosmetic defect due to overwork and lack of sleep (after a party, corporate party, etc.). But before the procedures, make sure if there is any reason to suspect a disease. It should be analyzed what circumstances preceded the appearance of edema, how often the face swells.

Six tricks to quickly relieve swelling

How to remove morning swelling from the face after a party, lack of sleep? Effective measures to get your skin back to normal quickly:

  • Cold compress: For 10 minutes, throw cold water in handfuls on your skin, or dampen a soft cloth with cool water and place on your face.
  • Wrap the ice in a cloth, apply to the face, without touching the area around the eyes.
  • Instead of cold water, use an infusion of herbs: a glass of boiling water for 1-2 teaspoons of chamomile, mint, St. John's wort. Apply as compresses.
  • Green tea. Correctly brewed tea, cooled to room temperature, in compresses or for washing.
  • Do not drink hot drinks in the morning, do not eat salty, do not take a hot bath - the swelling will subside faster. Take a contrast shower.
  • Light massage. But not with a scrub, but rather take a mild cosmetic oil (peach, avocado, apricot), add a couple of drops of any essential oil (myrtle, geranium, cypress, pine, rosemary, lavender, orange).

Correct lifestyle as prevention of edema

How to get rid of edema, which is caused by improper diet and lifestyle?

Swelling in the morning is not necessarily indicative of illness. The body reacts to negative habits and lifestyle. Even a healthy person can face such edema.

The original cause is poor nutrition. Eating at night or right before bedtime, excess salinity, fast food, insufficient drinking - all of these can cause swelling. What rules should be followed to remove morning facial swelling?

  • Cut back on salty foods or avoid them completely for a while.
  • Drink enough liquid - up to 2 liters per day. Do not drink before bed. Eating food and water at least 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Balanced diet. Emphasis on foods high in fiber. Minimizing processed food, canned food, spicy foods, soda, coffee, alcohol.
  • Proper sleep - fresh air indoors, high firm pillow, position - on the side or on the back.

Medicines for internal use are diverse. Many of them are also delicious, so include them in your menu. You can prepare infusions and decoctions of the following herbs: bear ears (bearberry), bay leaf, dandelion roots, lingonberry leaves. Drinks: rose hips, flaxseed, dill, parsley, tomato juice, fresh pineapple juice, pumpkin juice or raw pumpkin, carrots, cottage cheese with apples, cranberries, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar (add to other juices and dishes).

Foods to avoid: cheese, eggs, ham, smoked fish, chocolate, margarine, baked goods, sauces, fatty dairy products, any foods with artificial additives. They are capable of causing fluid retention in the body.

When the power supply is normalized, the problem will disappear by itself.

How to get rid of bad eating habits? There are a number of rules: do not engage in self-criticism, do not scold yourself for breakdowns, establish a contractual relationship with yourself, excluding something from the menu, introduce a substitute, for example, dried fruits instead of sweets.

Masks from natural improvised means

How to get rid of edema and improve skin condition? Natural masks will not only relieve swelling, but will also contribute to overall health. Many products have a complex effect.

These funds do not work quickly. To get the result, you need to do it twice a week or in courses of 7-10 days, repeat after a two-day rest.

Pharmacy products

We remove edema after injuries, bruises caused by lack of sleep.

Gels to help relieve swelling of the face and skin around the eyes:

  • Troxevasin. It is not intended for the skin of the face, but it is able to eliminate puffiness and cyanosis around the eyes in 3-4 days.
  • Lioton gel. Not very suitable for those with dry skin. For oily and normal - ideal. Apply a thin layer to swollen areas.
  • Heparin ointment has a lot of contraindications, the use should be agreed with the doctor. Apply in a very thin layer, with light patting movements, no more than once a day.

There are many similar products: Dolobene-gel, Proctosan, Aurobin. All of them are intended for the treatment of bruises, soft tissue edema, hemorrhoids, cracks. They can relieve facial swelling, but require a careful and thoughtful approach. They are not cosmetics. Study the instructions and composition carefully.


Before you start fighting swelling, it is important to understand why it has occurred. Each case requires its own special, the only correct approach.

  • One of the most common causes of swelling is a violation of the wakefulness and night rest regime. This includes lack of sleep and too long sleep, which is also not good for the body. The norm for an adult is 7-8 hours a day. This time is enough to recuperate. Swollen, heavy eyelids are a sign of disorders in this area.
  • Chronic fatigue entails all sorts of negative changes in the body. The appearance of bags under the eyes and swelling of the nasolabial area is a consequence of a lack of rest.
  • The most well-known cause of facial swelling is excessive fluid intake at night. People who have crossed the thirty-year mark especially suffer from this. Their metabolic processes begin to slow down, and everything drunk will remain in the body.
  • Before removing edema from the face, you need to normalize your diet. Excessive food intake, and, conversely, fasting, too strict a diet can cause this unpleasant phenomenon.
  • Puffiness may appear during cold periods when the central heating is on. The main method of struggle in this case is humidification of the air with the help of special devices or wet towels on the battery, as well as regular ventilation.
  • Swelling of the face may appear due to osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Blocking the nerves by deformed intervertebral discs causes numbness and fluid congestion.
  • Another medical cause is diseases of the cardiovascular system. In this case, not only the face swells, but also the hands and feet.
  • Kidney disease causes impaired circulation of fluid in the body, which in turn causes swelling.
  • Another reason is an allergic reaction to certain irritants (food, dust, seasonal, etc.).
  • Before removing the swelling from the face, make sure there is no inflammation in the mouth or lymph nodes.
  • During pregnancy, the fluid balance is disturbed, and edema may occur.
  • The use of antibiotics or multivitamins in large quantities not agreed with a specialist can provoke swelling of the face.

How to get rid of edema?

There are many popular ways to remove swelling on the face. Some of them are not entirely safe, others are not effective. We have chosen those that are really capable of helping in the fight against the problem and at the same time not harm.

Salt compress

If you woke up in the morning with a swollen look, and you urgently need to remove the swelling from your face, the following remedy will do. Take 100 grams of salt, dissolve in two liters of hot water. Make sure that all grains disappear. Dampen a clean towel or cheesecloth in the solution, folding it in several layers. The compress should be applied to the face, it should be as warm as you can tolerate. Just beware of burns! From above, you can insulate the fabric with polyethylene. When the compress has cooled, soak it in the warm solution again and repeat the manipulations. In general, the procedure can be repeated three times. After finishing it, wash yourself well and apply the brand of moisturizer to which you are used to.

It should be remembered that a salt compress is a tough procedure. It should be used only in extreme cases - if you urgently need to put your face in order.

Contrast compresses

How to remove puffiness from the face? A sharp sequential change of hot and cold exposure will help. Take two containers. Fill one with hot water or a decoction of chamomile / linden, the other with cold (you can add ice cubes there). Saturate the towel alternately in the first and second vessels and apply to your face for a minute. The total duration of the procedure is half an hour.

Ice cubes for face wash with herbs

If the problem of how to remove puffiness bothers you often enough, and you already know the peculiarity of your body to retain fluid, you can take care of your appearance in advance. Brew medicinal herbs in hot water (ideally if you use a thermos) - either one or a mixture.

It can be plantain geranium, yarrow or sage, oak bark or birch leaves, medicinal chamomile or thyme.

When the broth is infused (at least two hours should pass), strain it and pour into ice molds. By freezing the herbal wash, you will be able to fight swelling daily. This remedy is especially effective against bags under the eyes and swelling on the eyelids, which it quickly removes. At the same time, you will nourish the skin with useful substances, tone it up and keep it youthful and healthy.

Herbal tea

Despite the fact that edema itself is fluid retention in the body, some drinks can expel excess and relieve swelling. If this problem is familiar to you firsthand, it is worth consuming herbal teas three or four times a day (about half a glass). For brewing, strawberry and lingonberry leaves, rose hips and young nettles, thyme and plantain are suitable.

If you decide to remove puffiness from your face with this method, you need to remember two things. Firstly, herbs for the most part have a diuretic effect, so drinking them before an important event, an important meeting or travel is not worth it. Secondly, some decoctions can harm pregnant women, for example, thyme has the ability to stimulate contractions. When carrying a child, before using the infusion, you need to consult with your obstetrician-gynecologist.

Potato compress

How to remove a tumor that has appeared due to the accumulation of fluid in the layers of the epidermis? Take a couple of potatoes, peel and wash them, grate on a fine grater. Combine with a handful of finely ground oatmeal. Apply the resulting mass on your face, cover with gauze or a napkin on top. Ideally, you need to withstand the potato-oat compress for at least an hour and a half.

At the end of the procedure, carefully remove everything, wash yourself and smear your face with your usual cream.

If edema bothers you in the eyelid area, apply slices cut from a potato to them for half an hour.

Tea compress

Our grandmothers also knew how to quickly remove edema with tea. You need to brew a good large-leaved black or green drink, strain it, soak a towel in the resulting liquid and apply it to your face. It is better if you find the opportunity to hold such a compress for more than half an hour, ideally 40-45 minutes. The procedure should be completed by washing with an ice cube, melt water or snow (if possible).

Bay leaf

This is an effective treatment for swelling caused by salt accumulation. For example, you know that you ate pickled cucumbers or drank too much mineral water the day before. How to remove swelling from the face quickly? Brew 5-7 laurel leaves in a glass of boiling water, wet a towel and apply to the skin for half an hour. If there are no contraindications, drink a tablespoon of the infusion twice a day.


Among all the variety of ways to combat swelling, there is also massage. Its function is to restore blood circulation, cell metabolism and lymph flow.

  • Wash your face as usual, wipe your face with ice, put some cream on your hands and get started.
  • Start by patting your cheeks with your palms for five minutes.
  • The next action is to move the index fingers along the orbital bones under the eyes to the bridge of the nose and back (5 minutes).
  • Finish the massage with a vigorous pushing motion from the bridge of the nose to the temples and down to the neck.
  • Do this massage 10-12 times with the tips of four fingers, then close your eyes for a few minutes and relax.
  • The massage is over. This method is an excellent way to remove swelling on the face.

Reasons for the appearance of puffiness

  • violation of the activity of the kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • abuse of strict diets, in particular, malnutrition;
  • complications of the cardiac and vascular system;
  • incorrect activity of the endocrine glands;
  • excessive fluid intake (including alcohol) before bedtime;
  • allergic reaction;
  • vitamin deficiency or an excess of certain vitamins and elements;
  • taking complex antibiotics on an unauthorized basis (lack of supervision by a doctor);
  • rest on a pillow that is too high or, on the contrary, low;
  • taking salty, spicy, fatty foods shortly before bedtime;
  • general overheating of the body, dehydration;
  • slow blood circulation.

Folk remedies for edema on the face

The method is considered effective, but it is recommended to use it only in emergency cases. Prepare a solution of 110 grams. crushed table salt and 2.2 liters of boiling water, wait until the composition dissolves and partially cools down to an acceptable temperature (the mixture should not burn the face). Soak a thick towel in it, squeeze a little and apply. If desired, cling film can be placed on top to keep the compress warm longer. The exposure time is not limited, remove the towel from the face at the moment when it cools down. After that, moisten it again and repeat the previous manipulations 2 more times. At the end of the procedure, apply a hydrogel or moisturizer to the skin.

Temperature contrast
Prepare 2 bowls: pour hot water into one, cold water with ice cubes into the other. Dip a towel in the first container, apply it to your face for 3-5 minutes, then moisten the cloth in the second bowl, repeat the previous steps. Carry out the procedure for half an hour, creating a contrast of temperatures. If desired, you can brew linden or chamomile flowers in the first bowl with boiling water.

Ice on herbs
Effectively fights edema with ice based on medicinal herbs. Brew sage, geranium, yarrow, oak or birch bark, linden, chamomile, thyme or plantain in boiling water. Leave it on for 3 hours for the herbs to release their nutrients. After the expiration date, strain the mixture (optional), then pour into molds and freeze. Wipe the skin for 5-7 minutes at intervals of a quarter of an hour. The total number of wipes in one procedure should be 5 times.

Medicinal infusion
Not many people know, but an effective way to eliminate edema on the face is medicinal herbal infusions, which must be taken orally. To properly prepare the composition, mix 100 gr. rose hips, 20 gr. St. John's wort, 35 gr. thyme, 30 gr. nettle leaves, 20 gr. bearberry and 25 gr. plantain. Pour the plants with 1.3 liters of boiling water, let it brew for 1 hour. After the time has elapsed, strain through a gauze and cotton wool filter, take 150 ml orally 3 times a day.

Raw potatoes

Wash 2 medium potato tubers well, grate with a fine section or chop them in any convenient way. Do not peel off. Mix the resulting porridge with 20 gr. coarsely ground oatmeal, spread over face in a generous layer. Place a gauze or bandage on top to keep the mixture from falling off. The exposure time should be maximum, if possible, go to rest for 1.5-2 hours. If the swelling has formed on the eyelids, apply not porridge to them, but thick potato wedges.

The method is known for its properties for a long time, our grandmothers used it to fight edema. Brew 45 gr. loose leaf tea in 300 ml. boiling water, wait a quarter of an hour for the mixture to infuse. After that, strain the composition, dip a towel in it and apply to your face. Soak for at least 45 minutes. In the summertime, you need to prepare a compress based on black tea, it will simultaneously accentuate your tan. In winter, it is best to use pure green tea, which has lightening properties. At the end of the procedure, you must wipe the skin with ice or wash with melt water.

Bay leaf
If the edema is caused by excessive accumulation of salt and, as a result, fluid in the subcutaneous tissue, try to eliminate it with an infusion of bay leaves. Brew in 200 ml. steep boiling water 5 pcs. bay leaf, leave for 1 hour. After that, make a compress by dipping a towel in the solution. If desired, you can drink 1 tablespoon of infusion 2 times a day to increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

Curd and vegetables
Besides the fact that the mask will remove swelling from the face, it will also tighten the skin and make it more elastic. To properly prepare the mixture, grind 45-50 gr in a blender. rowan berries, turning them into porridge. Mash 40 g. fat cottage cheese with 10 gr. cane sugar. Finely grate or chop half carrots and 1 raw potato tuber in a food processor. Mix all ingredients together, add 30 ml. sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil and 5 walnut kernels, previously crushed. Cover your face with a mass, put a piece of gauze on top so that the composition does not fall off. Wait 30-40 minutes, then wash with cold water and rub the skin with ice. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Corn silk and parsley
A common cause of facial swelling is considered to be violations of the activity of the heart muscle. If you consider yourself to be in this category of persons, proceed as follows: pour over 800 ml. hot water 40 gr. corn stigmas, leave for 2.5-3 hours, then strain. Stir in 20 g. liquid honey, warm up the infusion and use it every 4 hours, 200 ml. during the whole day. Along with this, freeze a bunch of parsley, then chop it in a blender and make a mask, leave for half an hour.

Massage is considered especially relevant in the morning, when the eyelids, the area under the eyes, and the cheeks swell. First, wash with cold water and wipe your skin with herbal cosmetic ice. Lubricate your hands with cream, start patting on your cheeks for 3 minutes (intensely, but not hard). Then apply a special cream to the area around the eyes, drive along the line of the orbital bone for 5 minutes, restoring blood circulation. Smooth your face with your hands, moving from the bridge of the nose to the temples, do not press hard. The total massage time should be at least 25-30 minutes. At the end of the procedure, wash yourself several times, first with warm water, then with ice.

Diuretics for facial swelling
Very often, swelling on the face is caused by the accumulation of fluid, this is due to a violation of the water-salt balance. If this is the case, over-the-counter diuretics can help. Buy bear ears, brew 20 gr. plants in 300 ml. boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours. Strain, drink a tablespoon 3-4 times a day after meals. In addition to the fact that the tool removes excess fluid, it is also an excellent preventive measure for kidney disease. You can get topical diuretics in pill form, but they are less effective.

  1. Along with folk remedies, diuretics and massage, use cosmetic ice. Wipe your skin with it before and after using masks / compresses. This will greatly increase the chances of success. Make it a habit to tone your face in this way every morning as a preventive measure.
  2. In cases where edema appears not only on the face, but also on the body, prepare a bath with crushed sea salt. Take it for half an hour 2 times a day. The duration of the course should be at least a week.

Edema can be the result of a malfunction of the internal organs, therefore, with prolonged and ineffective treatment, consult a doctor. Watch your diet, do not eat salty and heavy foods at night, do not drink too much liquid before bed, especially alcohol.

Causes of facial swelling

Facial swelling and puffiness develop for the following reasons:

In all cases, when the swelling of the face is not associated with a general disease of the body, folk and some pharmaceutical remedies will help. Before using any of them, it is necessary to study the contraindications and consult with a specialist so as not to harm your health.

Emergency folk remedies for edema

So, having found out the reason for the formation of bags under the eyes, you can begin to eliminate it. Very often, changing the way of life, correcting nutrition, and eliminating discomfort in the bedroom helps to quickly remove swelling from the eyes. By normalizing all these components, you will wake up in the morning with a fresh face and forget about the swelling. This process takes some time, so for now we will try to solve the problem of facial swelling with the help of traditional medicine at home.

The most effective folk remedies for an emergency include the following:

Folk express methods for removing edema work well if the edematous process is associated with external factors and is temporary. In case of painful conditions of the whole organism, more serious measures are needed.

A few more quick ways to deal with puffiness, bags and bruises under the eyes are suggested in the video clip:

Pharmacy products for quick removal of puffiness under the eyes

From pharmacy products, you can use ointments for edema, but they must be used with extreme caution so as not to harm the skin. Ointments and gels quickly eliminate puffiness and bruises under the eyes. In the most urgent cases, it is allowed to use ointments for hemorrhoids or varicose veins. These remedies literally have an instant effect, but they often cannot be used.

Emergency ointments:

It is possible to remove bags under the eyes in a short time with the help of special plasters based on moisturizing and toning agents - aloe juice, camellia extract. It is very convenient to use plasters, they are intended for daily care. The patch is applied under the eyes for 15-20 minutes. It has a drainage effect by eliminating congestion around the eyes.

If you have a tendency to swelling of your eyes in the morning, we recommend using a pharmacy caffeinated eye cream for your daily care. It activates blood circulation in tissues, and swelling goes away faster.

Use Vitamin E capsules with your regular cream to improve skin condition. Your skin will be more hydrated, wrinkles will be smoothed out, and your face will look younger.

Diuretics to combat puffiness

In extreme cases, it is permissible to use diuretics. However, they have a large number of contraindications, especially for people with heart and kidney diseases. From pharmacies popular drugs "Furosemide", "Lasix", etc. When resorting to such a strong remedy, do not forget that in about an hour you will need a toilet and it will be in demand for several hours (depending on the individual characteristics of the organism), so plan things according to new needs. The swelling will also not go away instantly.

Diuretic herbs that can remove puffiness from the face will become a substitute for pharmaceutical agents. Here is a list of plants that have the ability to remove excess water from the body:

  • birch leaves, buds and catkins;
  • lingonberry leaves and berries;
  • horsetail herb;
  • stinging nettle;
  • lespedetsa two-color;
  • parsley leaves and roots;
  • violet;
  • dill seeds;
  • centaury;
  • leaves and berries of black currant.

The use of herbal decoctions and infusions is safer for health than the use of pharmacy diuretics. However, they also have contraindications, so do not forget to read the instructions on the packaging of herbs.

If you do not have serious chronic diseases, then lingonberry juice or a decoction of lingonberry leaves will help best. Lingonberries are especially good at treating edema in pregnant women.

Dill seed quickly and without consequences removes excess water from the body. The effect may appear within 30 minutes after taking the decoction.

Removal of long-term edema

If swelling on the face appears regularly, it is necessary to diagnose the body and identify the cause of this phenomenon. At home, the following recipes will contribute to the removal of long-term edema:

Several more useful proven ways to get rid of puffiness under the eyes are presented in the video clip:


All these methods are dedicated to the rapid removal of the external symptoms of the internal ill-being of your body. Swelling is a sign of problems in the body. If they become frequent and even habitual, do not delay the visit to the doctor, so as not to worsen the health condition even more.

How to deal with edema?

Of course, if this condition is associated with some kind of disease, then it is necessary first of all to treat it, and then remove the symptoms themselves. If you are not exactly sure about the diagnosis, then visit the therapist to start and take the basic tests.

How to prevent facial swelling:

  • Monitor your fluid intake before bed. The norm for an adult is 1.5 liters of water per day. By the way, it is better to drink pure water, and not teas, drinks, etc.
  • Eat healthy food, limit the consumption of too salty foods and sweets, because they make you feel thirsty.
  • Get enough rest (sleep should be 8 hours). Rest is especially important for pregnant women, but walks in the fresh air are also necessary. Try not to be nervous and stay calm.
  • Find a good, comfortable pillow for yourself. Orthopedic will be especially effective.
  • Avoid exposure to untested chemicals, drugs, and cosmetics to avoid an allergic reaction.
  • Remember the harm of alcohol and do not abuse it.
  • Treat caries in time, otherwise inflammation and a swollen cheek are provided for you.

How can you relieve swelling?

How to remove swelling from the face quickly at home:

  1. Brew and drink herbal infusion (for example: rose hips, oregano, chamomile, nettle). They remove excess water from the body and improve metabolism. You can buy diuretic tea at the pharmacy, consisting of a whole collection of herbs. A course (1-2 weeks) of such a drink will help remove puffiness from the face, especially if you have kidney problems. If you have green tea at home - drink it, it also helps to remove excess water.
  2. A quick way to relieve puffiness is to rub your face with an ice cube, then it will not be so swollen. You can freeze cucumber juice, mineral water or herbal decoctions, so the effect will be even more noticeable. But this method cannot be used if you have rosacea, as the effect of cold will aggravate the situation.
  3. If you have swollen eyelids after sleeping, apply a tea bag on your eyes for 15 minutes (or it is better to use natural tea leaves, soaking a gauze swab in it).
  4. Another way is light massage. It is done with a cream in smooth, circular motions. The massage will improve the circulation of fluid under the skin and relieve swelling.
  5. A cool compress will help to quickly relieve swelling on the face that appears after sleep, possibly due to lack of sleep, stress, or drinking a lot of water or alcohol. Use just water or the same decoction (calendula, chamomile, mint). It will be especially beneficial for the face. To put yourself in order in the morning, you can do contrasting washing with cold and hot water.
  6. In cases where facial swelling is associated with allergies, take an antihistamine. But this will work for mild types of allergies; in case of a severe reaction, you should consult a physician.

These methods will be effective if the swelling is not associated with the disease. Otherwise, the face will begin to swell again, so treatment is imperative.

Homemade masks for facial edema

Special masks quickly and reliably remove facial puffiness. They can be purchased at the pharmacy or made at home.

1. Mask with gelatin.


  • gelatin - 1 tsp;
  • sour cream - 1 tsp;
  • boiled water - 100 ml.

Dissolve gelatin in warm water, add sour cream and stir. Apply to face for 15 minutes.

2. Mask with potatoes for facial edema.


  • sauerkraut - 1 tbsp l .;
  • raw potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • vitamin C or A (in ampoules) as desired.

Grate potatoes, combine with cabbage and squeeze them out a little. Roll the vegetables into cheesecloth and apply the compress to your face. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then remove and wash with cool water. This mask will effectively and quickly help relieve swelling on the face, especially under the eyes. You can use just potatoes, no additives.

A slice of raw, chilled potato or cucumber helps with the bags on the lower eyelids. Against edema of the face, use boiled potatoes in their uniforms. It needs to be kneaded and mixed with milk to the consistency of sour cream, so that it is convenient to apply it on the face. Wash off this mask after half an hour and spread the cream on the skin.

This effective home remedy for puffiness under the eyes will leave your skin soft and smooth.

You will need:

  • peach;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook: chop a peach in a blender, mix it with sour cream. Apply this mixture to your face for a quarter of an hour. Wash off with cool water.

4. Mask with oatmeal at home.

  • oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • chamomile - 4 tbsp. l.

A decoction must be made from chamomile. Grind the oatmeal and pour boiling water over (you can use whole flakes, and milk for steaming). Mix the broth and porridge in equal proportions. Cover your face with this mixture and lie down for 15 minutes. There is also a recipe with oatmeal and crushed apple: the components are mixed in equal proportions and adjusted on the face until dry. An oatmeal mask will help quickly relieve swelling and irritation, and also nourish and soften the skin.

5. Cucumber mask.


  • fresh cucumber;
  • starch - 0.5 tsp;
  • olive oil - half a teaspoon;
  • aloe juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Recipe: squeeze juice from a cucumber, mix it with the rest of the ingredients and use as a mask. Wash with cool water. This product refreshes the skin and removes facial puffiness.

6. Mask with pumpkin.


  • pumpkin (boiled) - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • 1 tsp honey.

To prepare the mask, you just need to mix the pumpkin with honey. Keep it on your face for 15 minutes, then wash.

7. Buckwheat from puffiness.

It is necessary to grind the cereal (in a blender or coffee grinder), put it in a linen bag and put it in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. When the buckwheat has cooled down, apply it to your face. It helps relieve swelling after sleep and refreshes the face.

8. Egg white mask.

An effective remedy for edema caused by the sun's rays. It is necessary to beat the protein well and spread it on the face with a cotton swab. When dry, wash off with warm water and apply a nourishing cream so that the skin does not shrink.

9. Parsley.

For bags under the eyes, parsley is used. It needs to be chopped, wrapped in cheesecloth and applied to problem areas for 15 minutes.

Remember that if swelling of the face appears again and again, even if you follow all the recommendations and make masks, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. This symptom may indicate various disorders of the heart and hormonal system or kidney function. A strong allergic reaction with puffiness, from which the face changes beyond recognition, should be alarming.

Swelling of the face can occur for various reasons, for example, if you abuse liquids shortly before bedtime, after a violent party with drinking alcohol, due to kidney or heart problems.

We remove swelling from the face quickly

Knowing how to remove swelling from the face in just a few minutes is useful for every person. You can use one of the following methods.

Salt compress

A very effective method, but it can only be used in extreme cases.

  1. Dissolve 4 tablespoons of salt in two liters of hot water.
  2. Soak a terry towel in the solution, wring it out and apply to your face. Leave only your nose open so you can breathe.
  3. Cover the compress with a dry towel. Keep it cool.
  4. This procedure should be repeated three times. Then wash and apply cream to the skin.

Contrast compress

  1. You will need two bowls, fill one with cold water, ice can be added for best results, and the other bearably hot.
  2. Soak a towel in hot water, wring it out and apply on your face. The compress must be kept until it cools.
  3. Soak a towel in cold water and apply to your face for 40 seconds. Repeat the procedure 4 times.

You can also use ice cubes. The method is suitable for mild edema. To eliminate them, it is enough to wipe the face with ice. You can use regular ice from water, but frozen decoctions of birch buds, plantain and chamomile have the best effect.

Folk remedies for edema

The cause of edema is fluid retention. You can also solve the problem with the help of some folk methods. Diuretics can be considered an effective way to remove a swollen face. They will not work instantly, but they will help to cope with the puffiness that occurs regularly.

Recipe number 1

An infusion of horsetail, birch buds or burdock, rosehip tea or a decoction of flax seed has a diuretic effect. Fees work well, for example you can cook the following:

  1. Mix equal amounts of nettle, bearberry, St. John's wort, plantain leaves and crushed rose hips.
  2. Spoon a spoonful of the mixture with 600 ml of boiling water.
  3. After cooling, strain.

How to quickly remove a puffy face

In the morning, many find their face swollen. It is necessary to exclude the reasons that led to this - to limit fluid intake in the evening and reduce salt intake.

If swelling causes disease, you need to solve the problem by taking care of your health.

There are several ways to remove a swollen face in a short time.

Potato mask

  1. Peel, wash, chop 1 potato with a blender. You can use a grater.
  2. Spread the cheesecloth, lay out the mass and apply to the face. If there is swelling on the eyelids, you can put potato wedges on them.

Green tea

  1. Brew tea in the usual way.
  2. As the drink cools, moisten a napkin and apply to your face.

Parsley mask

  1. Grind a bunch of parsley with a blender.
  2. If it comes out dry, you can add some water or yogurt.
  3. Apply the gruel to your skin. Wash your face after 20 minutes.

Swelling under the eyes can ruin your mood all day. Swollen eyelids visually reduce the eyes, add extra years. The face looks tired, unattractive. Cosmetics do not help to completely hide this defect. How to quickly remove the hated puffiness under the eyes at home?

It is important to first understand the cause of the problem, and then declare war on it.

Edema appears under the eyes for many reasons. Chronic illness, genetics, trauma, or an unhealthy lifestyle contribute to this cosmetic defect. Sometimes, even in a healthy body, fluid accumulates and edema forms. Common causes of puffiness are:

  1. Some diseases of the kidneys, heart and other internal organs are accompanied by edema on the face.
  2. Excessive amounts of salt, liquids, spicy foods, and alcohol contribute to puffiness.
  3. Allergy to cosmetics, animals, products leads to swelling of the eyelids.
  4. Mechanical trauma to the blood vessels of the orbit causes retinal edema, in the treatment of which the use of medications for eye diseases is combined with folk remedies.
  5. After visiting a solarium or intense tanning in the sun, swelling from the forehead descends on the bridge of the nose and on the eyelids.
  6. Over the years, metabolism slows down, fluid accumulates under the lower eyelids and provokes swelling.

If you see puffy eyelids in the mirror, don't panic. This problem can and should be fought. There are many home remedies.

Symptoms and manifestations

Under the eyes, the skin is sensitive, so the body quickly reacts to any changes with the appearance of circles and swelling. Ways to eliminate edema depend on the symptoms of this unpleasant defect.

Puffiness of the retina of the eyeball is associated with severe diseases, accompanied by partial loss of vision. Treatment of retinal edema in patients with diabetes mellitus or hypertension at home is possible only under the supervision of an ophthalmologist. Homemade folk remedies will help normalize intraocular pressure, prevent puffiness from developing, but will not stop pathological processes in the body.

Often, the eyes swell after sleep for lovers of home tea gatherings or beer parties who do not know what to do with it at home.

For students after a sleepless night, grandmothers' methods of treating swelling of the eyes will be effective ways to combat the symptoms of morning edema.

Swelling of the eyelids occurs in women who use cosmetics incorrectly, do not wash off eyeliner or mascaras before bedtime. And in the morning they observe redness and swelling in the mirror.

How to remove puffiness under the eyes at home

Do you want to know how the swelling under the eyes is removed as quickly as possible at home in the morning? Adopt several ways.

You will need water that you can easily freeze at home. Apply ice cubes from your home refrigerator to the swelling, and you will not notice how the cold will increase the outflow of fluid in a few minutes, narrow blood vessels and quickly relieve swelling from the eyes.

Contrasting lotions are another home remedy for swelling. At home, we remove eye swelling by alternately applying cotton pads soaked in cold and hot water, which we quickly remove as soon as warm or cold is felt.

Everyone knows how quickly tea leaves, which can be found at home for every housewife, relieve puffiness under the eyes. Apply tea-soaked sponges to your eyelids. Such lotions will reduce swelling and relieve fatigue within 15 minutes.

The services of a beautician are expensive, not everyone can afford to visit a specialist. There are effective home remedies for getting rid of ugly swelling.

Folk remedies for puffiness under the eyes

Folk remedies increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin and relieve puffiness under the eyes. Decoctions, compresses, lotions and masks made from homemade materials are available to every woman.

Edema masks

It is important to know how to quickly prepare a homemade mask in the morning to remove swelling from the eyes. For anti-edema masks, common products are used that are found in every home kitchen. The purpose of the procedure is to quickly remove excess fluid. Masks for the skin around the eyes are effective against edema if they are done regularly at home.

A cucumber mask, like no other home remedy, helps to relieve puffiness under the eyes, promotes overall rejuvenation, and accelerates metabolism at the cellular level.

Preparation and use: grate one medium-sized cucumber, squeeze the juice. Apply the resulting gruel to the eyelids, cover with a napkin for 15 minutes.

M boiled potato asuka

Potatoes are a powerful remedy for puffiness. Potato tubers are rich in vitamins B, C and K and do not cause allergies. Homemade potato masks are suitable for dry and oily skin.

Preparation and use: peel boiled potatoes, mash, add heated milk. Two teaspoons of the mixture is enough. Apply the cooled mixture to closed eyelids. After 10 minutes, rinse with cool water.

M fresh potato asuka

Preparation (method 1): peel the medium tuber, grate. Add warm milk or sour cream and one tablespoon of wheat flour. Mix thoroughly until gruel.

Preparation (method 2): Add olive oil instead of milk and flour to finely grated fresh potatoes.

Application: put the resulting mass on a cotton pad or wrap it in a linen napkin and attach to the swollen areas. After 15 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Parsley will help against edema, pigmentation, fatigue, and reduce expression wrinkles.

Preparation and use: mix finely chopped parsley with one spoon of chilled sour cream. Apply to clean skin under the eyes for half an hour. Wash off with warm water or chamomile infusion.

Compresses and decoctions for edema

Decoctions and compresses from eyelid edema are deservedly popular. These home remedies of traditional medicine improve blood circulation, draw excess fluid from the tissues of the face.

Herbal compress

Compresses from home infusion of medicinal herbs effectively relieve puffiness under the eyes.

Preparation and use: you need a glass of hot water. Pour boiling water over a mixture of dry herbs - 5 g. thyme, 5 gr. chamomile, 5 gr. plantain. Insist 30 minutes. Add 10-15 drops of rosemary oil. Strain the warm infusion and make lotions on the eyelids with cotton swabs. The procedure should take half an hour. This compress will help get rid of bags under the eyes.

Compress with essential oils

Effective for edema tea tree oil. Essential oils are successfully used as compresses in cosmetology. Such compresses tone the skin well and relieve swelling at home.

Preparation and use: mix in equal proportions a few drops of verbena, rosemary and tea tree oil.

Dip cotton swabs in the mixture and place on the skin around the eyelids for 15 minutes.

Essential oils can cause allergic reactions and should be used with caution. Test yourself for allergies by applying a drop of oil to the inside of your wrist. If there is a burning sensation, wash it off immediately.

A lemon-cucumber lotion helps a lot from swelling. This is the easiest home remedy to make.

Preparation and use: take 1 tsp. cucumber juice and 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix ingredients. Moisten cotton pads with the mixture, put on closed eyelids, remove after 5 minutes.

Edema massage

A special massage of the skin around the eyes will protect against edema. It is not necessary to go to an expensive cosmetologist; you can master some home massage techniques on your own.

Execution order:

  • Use your fingers to draw circles around the eye with light stroking movements. Execution time is 5-10 minutes.
  • Rub the swollen skin in a circular motion towards your ears.
  • From the outer corner of the eye, move towards the nose by tapping lightly with your fingers.

Soak your fingers with linseed oil, coconut oil, or olive oil. Facial cosmetics will enhance the effect of the massage.

Preventive measures

  • The main preventive measure in the fight against puffiness and bags under the eyes is a healthy lifestyle. Eat only healthy, micronutrient-rich foods that are low in salt. Avoid stress.
  • Normalize your drinking regime and do not abuse alcohol.
  • Find skin care products. Find a good eye cream. But remember that often a simple home remedy like a cotton ball dipped in cold tea is enough to solve the problem.
  • To permanently remove permanent puffiness under the eyes, it is necessary to identify and remove the causes of puffiness, which is not always possible to do at home. You need to undergo a complete examination under the supervision of a doctor.

A woman's face immediately after waking up does not always look aesthetically pleasing. All the fair sex is interested in how to quickly remove swelling from the face in the morning in order to look young and beautiful.

Express methods for removing facial swelling

What you need:

  • cooling pharmacy mask with gel;
  • ice cubes;
  • water of different temperatures;
  • fresh strong tea;
  • vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs.

Cold mask

A special gel mask on a woven or plastic base helps to improve the appearance of a swollen face in a few minutes. If there is a tendency to edema, it is a good idea to buy this useful thing. The pharmaceutical product is stored in the refrigerator, applied according to the instructions and, if necessary, applied to the entire face area. Contact with a pleasantly cooling surface in all cases reduces puffiness, giving the appearance a fresh and rested appearance, while increasing skin tone.

Ice massage

Not every woman has a pharmacy gel mask in stock. In this case, frozen water will help. Herbal decoctions based on calendula, sage, chamomile act in the best way against edema. We take an ice cube and carefully move strictly along the massage lines, without keeping the cold at one point for a long time. This simple procedure helps to invigorate in the morning and has a positive effect on the skin.

Contrast water treatment

In many cases, purified water works well - half of the liquid should be cooled as much as possible, the other half heated to a moderately hot or warm temperature. Alternating washing with water at different temperatures refreshes the skin of a swollen face and speeds up blood flow. The contrast effect of water makes it possible to wake up in a couple of minutes and look attractive.

Tea compress

It is based on high quality black or green tea. It can be used in the morning to restore a normal looking face. A chilled strong drink should be soaked in cotton swabs, which are immediately applied to problem areas. They are often found around the eyes. The compress will have to stand for about a quarter of an hour to get a good effect. To simplify the procedure, you can use fresh, freshly used tea bags.

Natural face masks

Women who are well versed in home cosmetology know how to quickly remove swelling from the face in the morning if there are no special preparations at hand. With the help of vegetables and fruits, you can find the desired glow, tighten the skin, improve blood circulation, and remove circles under the eyes. The basis is taken mashed boiled potatoes with dill and sour cream or another mixture - raw potatoes with rowan berries, fat cottage cheese, natural honey, almond oil and carrots. It is enough to apply mashed potatoes for 20 minutes.

Green mask

Parsley is widely used in cosmetology. It is essential to use a fresh juicy product. Take the required amount of greens and chop with a blender. So that the resulting mass is not dry, it is conveniently applied and adheres tightly to the skin, you can mix it with yogurt or water. After keeping the gruel for about 20 minutes on problem areas, wash.

How to quickly remove swelling from the face in the morning:make a cold mask or ice massage, attach tea bags (constant swelling of the face can be a symptom of a disease or a consequence of improper diet, unhealthy lifestyle, hormonal changes)

Causes of edema on the face in the morning

The described procedures give a quick, but temporary and superficial effect. To solve the problem of facial swelling in the morning hours, it is necessary to deal with the root cause of this trouble. Most often, one of the following factors is a provocateur of facial swelling.

Improper nutrition

According to nutritionists, edema in healthy people is associated with an unbalanced diet. The solution to the problem will be to reduce the proportion of foods in your menu that cause water retention in the body. Drinking plenty of fluids and eating at night can also cause swelling in any area.

Wrong way of life

It is believed that chronic lack of sleep, alcohol consumption and other negative factors create global disruptions throughout the body. It is advisable not to drink alcohol and sleep at least 8 hours a day. Among the visible consequences is facial swelling, which can only be eliminated through a constant striving for a healthy lifestyle.


A woman is worried about hormonal disorders for various reasons. One of the negative manifestations of the malfunctioning of the hormonal system is puffiness. An overabundance of the hormone estrogen predisposes to edema, as water is retained in the tissues.

Serious illness

If swelling occurs systematically, then it's time to be examined by a doctor. This symptom may indicate the development of heart, kidney and other diseases. When the heart suffers, swelling on the face appears along with constant shortness of breath. With a combination of swelling and a blue tint of the face, circulatory disorders or vascular pathology can be suspected. If the swelling is concentrated mainly under the eyes, then the kidneys are not doing their job. In addition, a deficiency of vitamins of group B may have formed. The appearance of rashes along with swelling and breathing complications may indicate an allergy. Eye pathologies and ENT diseases also sometimes cause facial swelling. In case of intoxication of the body with alcohol or other poison, a thorough cleansing with special medications will be required. Damage to the ureters or bladder are also possible causes of water retention in the body.

The restoration of health should take place under medical supervision, but if the reason is in eating harmful foods, excessive consumption of salt or water, lack of rest, then you can cope on your own. It is recommended to consult a specialist to find the cause of facial swelling.

The delicate skin of the eyelids loses its elasticity and firmness with age. Anatomical features - the absence of sebaceous glands, thin fiber, lead to noticeable age-related changes. Edema under the eyes is formed as a result of an excess of fluid in the tissue, with various metabolic disorders.

Causes of puffiness under the eyes

The reasons for puffiness of the eyes are very diverse - from an improper lifestyle to diseases of the internal systems of organs:

  1. If the puffiness of the eyes is accompanied by pain when pressing on the eyelids and an increase in temperature, this is an inflammatory process that requires the intervention of a doctor.
  2. Morning formations under the eyes are not always the result of evening tea. Perhaps this is a signal about diseases of internal organs - the genitourinary system, cardiovascular.
  3. An allergic reaction to cosmetics, food products, insect bites is not symmetrical, swelling and redness, itching.
  4. After surgical interventions on the face, including anti-aging plastics, it leads to the accumulation of fluid in the upper and lower eyelids.
  5. At a very young age, even in a child, expressive edema may be observed due to the abnormal structure of the adipose tissue around the eyes;
  6. Age-related changes - over the years, fiber becomes thin, skin tissues lose elasticity, and intercellular fluid accumulates as a result of a slowdown in metabolism.
  7. Incorrect or irregular facial care - the use of low-quality decorative cosmetics for makeup, lack of moisturizing and nourishment with gels and creams.
  8. Violation of the sleep / rest regimen, improper position of the face in the pillow leads to rapid aging of the eyelid skin and morning swelling;
  9. Excess salt is one of the main reasons for the accumulation of excess fluid, fast food, snacks, pickled foods contribute to the puffiness of the eyelids.

Methods for treating puffiness under the eyes

Treatment of edema under the eyes is a set of measures aimed at strengthening muscles and blood vessels, restoring the normal outflow of fluid.

  • If it swells under the eyes, it is worth reconsidering the lifestyle - nightlife, alcohol, lack of sleep, immediately affect the thin epidermis of the eyelids.
  • Proper nutrition helps to accelerate metabolism, excretion of intercellular fluid.
  • Various masks, compresses, lotions will help to remove swelling at home, be sure to remove cosmetics before bedtime, regularly nourish and moisturize the skin of the eyelids. The most effective ready-made products are products containing hyaluronic acid, snail and leech extracts, and plant extracts.
  • Starting in the morning with a glass of clean, high-quality water, you can improve the work of the excretory system, speed up the metabolism. Fluid consumption daily at least 2 liters. The last appointment is until eight in the evening.
  • Aesthetic medicine - plastic surgery or beauty injections, such methods have contraindications, consultation of various specialists is required for surgical intervention.
  • Massage and exercises for edema are effective, simple gymnastics will also prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Five minutes a day is enough to forget about bags under the eyes.

Each movement is performed eight / ten times:

  1. Open your eyes as wide as possible, holding for a second, relax your muscles;
  2. Looking up, squeeze the lower eyelid, while the upper one remains motionless;
  3. "Outline" with the eyes of a circle, rectangle, figure eight, changing directions (left-to-right and right-to-left), at first a slight dizziness is possible;
  4. With the palm resting on the forehead, trying to lift the eyebrows upward by tightening the upper eyelids, it is important that the forehead muscles remain motionless.

The massage is performed in the evening after removing the make-up, using light counterclockwise movements, evenly distributing the gel or the composition of vegetable oils. Many have this problem, but it is quite easy to fix it at home.

Video: How to get rid of puffiness under the eyes at home

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos of famous brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses its elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use the products that contain these substances. Recently, experts of our editorial office conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Home remedies for eye swelling

Getting rid of swelling is easy with effective homemade recipes. The elasticity and elasticity of tissues increases, swelling is removed. Folk remedies activate collagen synthesis, strengthen thin blood vessels, and normalize lipid levels.

Parsley edema mask

Result: remove puffiness under the eyes quickly, reduce the number of facial wrinkles thanks to an effective tool.


  • 3 sprigs of parsley;
  • art. spoon of sour cream.

Preparation and method of application: crush herbs in a mortar, add chilled sour cream. Apply to the skin of the eyelids, cleared of make-up, leave for fifteen minutes. Then wipe with a damp sponge. Repeat the procedure three / five times a week.

Anti-edema mask with coffee

Result: homemade composition will relieve puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.


  • 5 gr. instant coffee;
  • 10 ml of yogurt.

Preparation and method of application: stir the aromatic granules in warm coffee until dissolved, cool the mass in the refrigerator. Apply in a thick layer on the eyelids, leave for twenty-five minutes. Then gently, without stretching the skin, remove with a damp cotton pad.

Anti-edema mask with starch

Result: remove excess fluid, tighten the eyelid contour with proven recipes for skin care.


  • 10 gr. starch;
  • 5 drops of sandalwood oil;
  • retinol ampoule.

Preparation and method of application: add wood ether and liquid vitamin A to the potato powder. Distribute on wet eyelids, in a continuous layer without gaps. After ten minutes, you can remove the leftovers.

Tea compress

Result: a proven tea lotion will help remove bruises and bags under the eyes, and it also refreshes and rejuvenates thanks to the tonic properties of the drink.


  • 15 ml of green tea;
  • 5 ml of almond oil.

Preparation and method of application: after brewing a concentrated drink, insist for about half an hour, add moisturizing, stone seed oil. After moistening cotton pads, put on the eyelids. After resting for twenty minutes, remove the compress.

Ice compress

Result: cryo procedures strengthen blood vessels, improve lymph flow, and restore muscle tone.


  • ampoule of pantothenic acid.

Preparation and method of application: squeeze berry juice with a press, add vitamin B5. Pour the cosmetic liquid into two forms, put in the freezer. In the evening, after removing make-up, use ready-made cubes counterclockwise, describing a circle around the eyelids. Do not apply for more than three seconds to one point, so as not to overcool the fabric. Cryo procedures are recommended five / seven times a year, in ten-day courses.

Herbal infusion

Result: folk remedies for edema saturate the epidermis with vitamins, minerals and acids.


  • 10 gr. collection, chamomile, plantain, thyme;
  • 15 drops of rosemary essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: pour dry herbs with boiling water, insist for about half an hour, lead with rosemary oil. Moisten cotton pads or cosmetic sponges, apply compresses to eyes (closed eyelids). Enjoy the effect of the composition for twenty / thirty minutes, blot unabsorbed liquid with a paper towel.

Potato mask

Result: a natural remedy for edema removes excess fluid, smoothes wrinkles, tightens the upper eyelid.


  • potato;
  • 5 ml of mango oil.

Preparation and method of application: after peeling the root vegetable, grind until smooth in a blender, combine with nutritious oil. Put the circles cut from napkins over your eyes, distribute the potato mass on top. The duration of the caring session is from ten minutes to half an hour. After removing the napkins along with the contents, apply the gel with snail extract.

Video recipe: Homemade eye mask for edema and wrinkles

Cucumber mask

Result: the anti-aging recipe promotes deep hydration, accelerates cellular metabolism.


  • half a cucumber;
  • a teaspoon of rice oil.

Preparation and method of application: chop the cucumber pulp on a grater, add the rice product. After removing the makeup, put on the eyelids one layer of decoupage napkins, on top - with a thick layer of the cosmetic mass. The mask works for twenty / thirty minutes, repeat the procedure three / five times a week.

Pumpkin mask

Result: using masks for puffiness under the eyes, it is easy to remove fluids, restore and saturate the epidermis with minerals and lipids.


  • 15 gr. pumpkins;
  • 10 ml of kefir;
  • 3-4 drops of patchouli essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: bake pumpkin, mash to a puree consistency, add sour milk and aromatic liquid, cool for half an hour in the refrigerator. Put a paper napkin on your eyelids, distribute the nutritious mass evenly over the top. After twenty minutes, remove the composition, apply the gel with hyaluronic acid.

Mint leaf mask

Result: the rich composition of the plant whitens and cares for the epidermis of the eyelids, refreshes and tones.


  • 10 sprigs of mint;
  • 5 ml sour cream.

Preparation and method of application: squeeze juice from fresh leaves using a press, stir with sour cream, cool for five minutes in the freezer. Apply under the lower eyelid with a hammering motion, leave overnight. In the morning, rub with green tea and moisten with jojoba oil. Use on face twice a week.

Milk mask

Result: nourishes and whitens dark circles, strengthens the vascular network.


  • 15 ml of milk;
  • 10 gr. cottage cheese.

Preparation and method of application: thoroughly mix fresh, fatty cottage cheese with milk, mold circles from the mass. Put them on closed eyelids, pressing them well to the surface. After waiting twenty minutes, you can finish off by washing with a decoction of chamomile.

Apple mask

Result: copes with age-related changes, removes toxins and oxidants, reduces the number of photos and facial wrinkles.


  • apple;
  • a teaspoon of starch;
  • yolk.

Preparation and method of application: grind corn powder from the yolk until a dough consistency is obtained, add fresh fruit puree. Apply to the lower eyelid, in a dense layer without gaps, leave for half an hour. After removing the residue, moisten with borage oil.

Chocolate mask

Result: caring for the skin around the eyes will help eliminate traces of fatigue, insomnia. The cosmetic product has a long-lasting lifting effect.


  • 10 gr. bitter chocolate;
  • 15 ml of cream.

Preparation and method of application: after melting the dessert in a water bath, separately heat the milk cream. Having combined the components, distribute with a brush in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outer one. After waiting about fifteen minutes, gently remove the nourishing mask.

Firming mask

Result: Japanese beauties know how to remove puffiness under the eyes, using a natural recipe for beautiful, well-groomed eyelid skin.


  • 10 gr. rice flour;
  • 10 ml cherry seed oil.

Preparation and method of application: dilute rice powder with herbal decoction, introduce a moisturizing liquid. After removing the makeup with a micellar agent, spread counterclockwise on the lower and upper eyelids. After resting for eight / ten minutes, carefully remove, without stretching the epidermis, with a damp cotton swab.

Nourishing mask

Result: quickly cope with the resulting puffiness under the eyes in the morning, restorative, home remedy.


  • 3 strawberries;
  • a teaspoon of coconut oil.

Preparation and method of application: crush fresh or frozen berries in a mortar, add thick nut butter. Chill the finished mixture for two minutes in the freezer. Distribute in half, put on thin, paper napkins, press to the eyelids. After seven minutes, wet the epidermis, moisturize with gel.

Moisturizing mask

Result: restores lipid and collagen content, improves lymph outflow, accelerates blood circulation.


  • 5 gr. shea butter.

Preparation and method of application: dissolve the gelatin granules in warm fruit tea, add African oil. With a brush, spread the gel-like composition on the lower eyelid, forming as many layers as possible. After half an hour, carefully remove the frozen semicircles.

Video tips: How to quickly remove puffiness under the eyes at home

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