Who took the body of Jesus for burial. Crucifixion. Death and burial of the Lord. Prophecies about the burial of Christ

Thanks to modern biblical archeology, documentaries, many people became interested in the earthly life of the Lord, ancient Christian times, the life of the apostles. People who know a little about the Church, about Christ, are interested: if He rose from the dead, when did He die? And then where is His grave?
We will tell you what the tomb of Jesus Christ is, the temple of the Holy Sepulcher and what are the traditions associated with them.

The life of Jesus Christ - death and resurrection in the Holy Scriptures

In fact, all Christian denominations and the scientific community believe that the Lord's body rested for three days in the place where it was laid by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, the disciples. This place is called the tomb of Jesus.
He Himself showed people the significance of the death, burial and Resurrection of Christ. His words and actions remained in the Gospel.

On the eve of his death, the Lord called the disciples to the Last Supper. Supper in Russian means supper. It was secret because at that moment the Pharisees were already looking for Christ, expecting the betrayal of Judas, for the sake of the Lord's betrayal of the death penalty. Christ as Omniscient God knew that this dinner was the last, and made it in secret so that the important meal would not be interrupted. For its place, he chose a place in Jerusalem, which is now called the upper room of Zion.

This evening became a turning point in the history of the Church and all mankind. All the days of the end of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ - the Last Supper, Crucifixion, Resurrection - were filled with a mysterious theological meaning, events that created further history.

During the Last Supper, the Lord gave the last instructions to the apostles, again reminded them that He must leave them, dying a terrible death. Christ calls the disciples children - as never before - and calls them to love one another as God Himself loves them. For the sake of strengthening their faith and the birth of the Church, sealed by the Body of Christ Himself, the Lord performs and establishes forever the greatest Sacrament that sealed the New Testament between God and man - the Sacrament of the Eucharist (in Greek thanksgiving), in Russian usually called the Sacrament of the Sacrament.

Christ took the bread into His hands and, having blessed with a sign, broke it, then poured wine and distributed everything to the disciples, saying: "Take and eat: this is My Body and My Blood." With these words, the priests to this day bless the wine and bread during the Liturgy, when they are transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ. Jesus Christ at the Last Supper, remembering this holiday, establishes a new one: God no longer needs sacrificial killings of animals and sacrificial blood, because the Only Sacrificial Lamb, the Lamb remains the Son of God Himself, Who dies so that the wrath of God for every sin would pass the person who believes in Christ partaking of Him.

Then the Lord went to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane with the disciples. According to the evangelists, Christ prayed three times, to bloody sweat. In the first prayer, He asked God the Father not to drink the Chalice of suffering, while speaking at the same time that it should be done the way God wanted it. Christ expressed his fear, longing for torture. Then He prayed with complete obedience to the will of God and understanding that He could not escape torment. The Evangelist Luke writes that at this time God the Father sent Him an Angel who supported Christ. For the third time, the Lord repeated the words of His acceptance of the will of God and turned to the disciples, waking them up and saying that a traitor was approaching, who would deliver Him into the hands of sinners. He even called on the disciples to go with Him in order to surrender themselves to the guards.

At that moment, Judas and the guards approached Him and pointed out to them the Lord. Then Christ was condemned by Pilate at the request of the same people who recently loved and welcomed Him. On the day of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem, a few days before the judgment and the Crucifixion, He entered the city meekly, on a donkey. People greet him with shouts: "Hosanna" and palm branches - but the same people will shout "Crucify Him!" - because Jesus Christ did not justify their hopes as a worldly power.

And after being condemned to death, the Lord was Crucified on the Cross, like the last robber, with ordinary robbers next to him. The Apostles left Him, afraid of death, and only the Most Holy Theotokos with the Apostle John the Theologian remained at the Cross.

When the Lord expired, the disciples - not the apostles, but simply the disciples of Christ Joseph and Nicodemus - asked to give them the Body of the Lord for burial. They left him in the garden, where Nicodemus himself bought a place for his future burial. However, Christ was resurrected the next day, appearing to the holy myrrh-bearing women. They received the name "myrrh-bearers" due to their main feat of fearlessness - they brought precious ointment to the Holy Sepulcher in order to complete the burial of Christ, despite the danger from the Roman guard. In all the Gospels, it is said that Christ was one of the first to appear to St. Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection. Together with Mary Kleopova, Salome, Mary Jacobleva, Susanna and Joanna (the exact number of myrrh-bearing women is unknown), she wanted to go to the tomb of Christ, but came first, and it was to her after His Resurrection that He appeared alone. At first she mistook Him for a gardener, obviously not recognizing Him after the Resurrection, but then she fell to her knees and exclaimed: "My Lord and my God!" - realizing that Christ is before her.

It is interesting that the apostles, actually the closest disciples of Christ, for a long time did not believe the myrrh-bearers that Christ was resurrected until He Himself appeared to them. Only after the Resurrection did the Apostles believe in the Divine will for the Crucifixion, death and the Kingdom of the Lord, they understood this to the end.

On the 40th day after the Resurrection, Christ called the apostles to the Mount of Olives, blessed them and ascended to heaven in a cloud, that is, began to climb higher and higher until he disappeared from sight. During the Ascension, the apostles received the blessing from the Lord to go and teach the Gospel to all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Holy Trinity: God the Father - Sabaoth, God the Son - Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit - the invisible Lord, visibly residing in human history only in the form of fire, smoke or a pigeon.

This day, the Ascension of the Lord, is celebrated today on the 40th day after Easter, the Resurrection of Christ.

Burial of the Jews - how the Holy Sepulcher was created

Precisely because Christ ascended to heaven, as all evangelists talk about, there is no grave on Earth - that is, the place where His earthly body lies. He dwells in Heaven in deified (that is, shone through grace and power) human flesh. However, Christians deeply revere the Holy Sepulcher, which is sometimes called the tomb of Jesus - that is, the place in the garden of Nicodemus, where the body of the Lord resided after the death on the cross.

According to the traditions of Jewish burial, Joseph and Nicodemus wrapped the body of Christ with a cloth soaked in incense and left it in a stone crypt, carved in the form of a cave. The entrance to it was closed by a huge boulder, and then, at the request of the Pharisees, Pontius Pilate sent guards to seal the crypt and guard it.

Every rich man in Judea had his own crypt - usually a family one. It was a cave carved into the rock (since Jerusalem is located in a mountainous area), where the dead lay with their feet to the east in niches on stone beds (the entrance was usually located there). That is, the coffin was a cave in a cave. In turn, the deceased was not placed in a wooden coffin, but wrapped in burial sheets - clean and often expensive fabrics, anointing with incense (peace), as if embalming.

Archaeologists in search of the lost tomb of Jesus Christ

Today there are a number of documentaries about the earthly life of Christ. Through them, the scientific myth about the existence of the tomb of Christ and its search is popularized. In fact, these searches only exist for commercial filming. Real archaeologists, serious researchers do not do such things.

It has long been proven that Christ, as a real Man, existed on Earth. The place of His burial was widely known among the Jews of His time. In addition, after His Resurrection, He appeared to many people more than once, as the evangelists say. Yes, and the apostles themselves - holy people according to the testimony of many - could not lie, unanimously claiming that He ascended into Heaven and indicating the place where the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is now located, as the place of His burial.

Popular, however, as we have proved, have no foundation, the following versions of the "grave of Jesus":

    The Sagrada Familia cave is the grave of Christ and his family members. The famous director James Cameron presented to the world one of the family crypts found near Jerusalem as the burial place of Christ (who, according to the director, remained on Earth and died an ordinary death), Mary Magdalene as His wife and their children. It is clear that this is a blasphemous myth created for a commercial purpose.

    True Golgotha \u200b\u200bis a cave created during the Lord's earthly life as a result of stone mining, surrounded by fields and close to Golgotha. This cave was discovered at the end of the 19th century by a certain Charles Gordon, and presented it as the new Sepulcher of the Lord, the former burial of Christ. There is no evidence for this either.

    The grave in Japan, in the village of Shingo, is a place of great interest to tourists. According to local travel agents, at the beginning of the last century ancient documents were found here (although in Japan they treat such things very carefully and it is unlikely that important historical documents could be lost), according to which Christ was not even crucified on Calvary, but came to Japan , where he had already been before, married a Japanese woman and died in Shingo. This version is reminiscent of John Lennon's hypothetical happy life. There is no evidence of this, except for a certain local tradition to draw a cross on the head of newborns with the help of coal. However, this version could have appeared just at the beginning of the last century thanks to St. Nicholas of Japan - a real person, the founder of the Japanese Orthodox Church, who came with the blessing of the Holy Synod from Russia to preach in the lands of Japan. The saint performed many miracles, he is revered in Japan to this day, but nothing is said about Shingo in his writings.

    India is the burial place of the body of Christ, according to local legends it lies in the crypt of Rauza Bal. Like the Japanese, Indians say that Christ was saved from the Crucifixion and lived under a different name in India until old age. Shown here is the imprint of the wounded feet of a man buried in a cave. However, it is not clear why the wounds on the feet have not grown over the years. And the fact that Christ “survived” after Calvary contradicts His very mission, about which He said that He should die for people.

Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem

And according to the testimony of the apostles, and according to the research of modern scientists, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem is the very place where the body of Christ rested until the Resurrection.

  • During Christ's earthly life, this place was located outside Jerusalem;
  • For a long time, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher was surrounded by vast gardens;
  • The cave has traces of tools characteristic of burial vaults of that time;
  • Nearby are numerous crypts with burials, that is, a cemetery.

Thus, the signs of the burial of the body of Christ in the Holy Sepulcher coincide with the landmarks described in the Gospel.

Above the place itself there is a chapel-Cuvuklia and a marble slab with a cross - a bed measuring 2x0.8 meters. The place of veneration of the body of Christ was first solemnly designated by the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine the Great.

It is known that in the first centuries after the birth of Christ - they are also called the early Christian times - many thousands of people gave their lives for Christ, refusing to deny him, and became martyrs. The fact is that the emperors of Rome at that time professed paganism, and most importantly, the emperor himself was necessarily in the host of pagan gods, prayers were offered to him (although how could he hear them?) And sacrifices were made. Moreover, the emperor was declared a god by right of the throne: it does not matter what the level of his morality was, whether his life was righteous and whether he was just. On the contrary, from history we know about the emperors-assassins, libertines, traitors. But the emperor could not be overthrown - only killed. So, the disciples of Christ refused to worship the gods, calling only Christ God, for this they, as those who disobey the emperor-god, were tortured and killed.

But one day, after hearing the preaching of Christ's disciples, the mother of Emperor Constantine the First, Queen Helena, was baptized. She raised her royal son to be an honest and righteous person. After Baptism, Elena wanted to find the Cross on which the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified and which was buried on Mount Calvary. She understood that the Cross would unite Christians and become the first great shrine of Christianity. Over time, Constantine the Great adopted Christianity.

The Cross of Christ was found in 326 by Queen Helena, who was looking for it along with priests and bishops, among other crosses - instruments of execution - on Mount Calvary, where the Lord was crucified. As soon as the Cross was raised from the ground, the deceased resurrected, who was carried by in the funeral procession: therefore, the Cross of Christ was immediately called the Life-giving. It is with such a large cross that Queen Helen is depicted on icons.

Throughout her later life, she helped Emperor Constantine in spreading and preaching Christianity throughout the Roman Empire: she erected temples, helped those in need, told about the teachings of Christ. Having adopted Christianity in 325, Constantine the Great, together with his mother, ordered to build over the cave, about which Christians said that it was in it that the body of Christ lay, a beautiful temple to perpetuate the place.

Over the course of many centuries, the temple was partially destroyed and rebuilt several times. again. After the conquest of Palestine by the Crusaders, a new temple was erected on the ancient ruins, without destroying the shrine. It burned in the 19th century, and then was restored.

Today the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, which belongs to absolutely all Christian movements. Each of the Christian denominations (Catholics, Orthodox Christians, Protestants, Armenians, Copts) has its own part of the church and a certain time for worship.

An underground chapel, that is, a cave with a stone bed - Kuvuklia - is located in the center of the temple. The very niche of the burial has been covered with a marble slab since antiquity - many pilgrims tried to take with them a piece of the Holy Sepulcher, and the shrine was destroyed.

Opening of the Holy Sepulcher - the grave of Jesus Christ

On October 27, 2016, for the first time in history, archaeologists removed a marble slab installed in the Kuvukliya over the Holy Sepulcher, that is, the place of His burial. The event took place as part of the restoration, which is being carried out in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ - the Holy Sepulcher.

The leader of the group of scientists Fredrik Hiebert said that under the marble slab a second slab of the 12th century was discovered, and below - limestone, the original surface on which, according to legend, the body of the Lord Jesus Christ was laid.

Holy Fire in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher

The miracle of the descent of the Holy Fire in the Holy Land takes place in Kuvuklia on Holy Saturday on the eve of Easter, it is watched by thousands of pilgrims, and the broadcast is watched by Christians around the world.
This is truly a miracle that people expect with faith and hope every year. Its meaning is the self-ignition of the lamp on the Holy Sepulcher in the presence of the Patriarch of Constantinople. They prepare for the service of Great Saturday in advance, but no one knows at what hour the Holy Fire will descend. According to legend, in one year he will not appear, and this will mean the coming of the last times, the End of the World.

Every year, on Saturday morning, the Ecumenical Patriarch with a retinue of clergy enters the Church of the Resurrection of Christ and is exposed to the white cassock in its center, at the chapel of the Holy Sepulcher (Kuvuklia), which stands above the very place where Christ was resurrected, above the Stone of His Sepulcher. All sources of light are extinguished in the temple - from lamps to chandeliers. The Patriarch, according to the tradition that appeared after the Turkish rule in Jerusalem, is searched for anything that contributes to the ignition of the Fire. The sacristan brings into the Cuvuklia cave a lamp, which is placed in the middle of the Holy Sepulcher, and the same torch of 33 Jerusalem candles. As soon as the Orthodox Patriarch enters there, accompanied by the Primate of the Armenian Church, the cave with them is sealed with wax. The worshipers fill the entire church - the words of prayers are heard here, there is a confession of sins in anticipation of the descent of Fire. Typically, this wait lasts from several minutes to several hours. As soon as lightning flashes appear over the Kuvuklia, meaning the Descent, a bell ringing sounds over the temple. Many millions of people over the centuries have witnessed this miracle, because even today scientists cannot explain by anything, except for God's power, the flash of lightning in the church on Holy Saturday.

The patriarchs pass Jerusalem candles through the chapel window, and pilgrims and priests in the temple begin to light their torches from them. Again, from a few minutes to an hour, the Holy Fire does not burn and the pilgrims scoop it up with their hands, wash their faces. Fire ignites neither hair, nor eyebrows, nor beards. All Jerusalem burns with thousands of torches of candles. By air, representatives of Local Churches transport the Holy Fire in special lamps to all countries where there are Orthodox believers.

Later, merchants burn the torches prepared in advance in the Holy Fire, extinguish and sell them all over the world. These torches are composed of several candles called Jerusalem candles. Each candle is not just an attribute of worship - it is a symbol of a soul burning with the flame of faith and love for God, a sign that flames before God of prayer. Many Orthodox Christians light a candle after prayer, no longer thinking about its symbolism. Meanwhile, the candle itself calls us to reflect on ourselves and our soul. You need to stand before God, like a candle, with the same as a flame, a bright and warm heart - at least, striving for this.

The Jerusalem candle is a spiritual gift, and it is kept together with household shrines. It is traditionally lit on some days, not on all, and on special occasions.

There are two types of Jerusalem candles

  • A torch made of 33 candles, according to the number of earthly years lived by Jesus Christ; they are either tied with a thread, or partially fused together. The main color of the torch is white, red, green or yellow, it is decorated with a small icon of Christ and multi-colored stripes.
  • Multi-colored single candles in black, red, green, yellow, white, blue and purple with long wicks-loops.

They should be distinguished from fakes - for example, by the beeswax from which they are prepared.

How to pray with Jerusalem candles

If you do not know how and what to ask God, say briefly: "Lord, grant me and my family everything that is useful to us, bless our life."

You can also read "Our Father", the words of which all our ancestors knew (there was even an expression "to know as our Father") and which every believer should teach his children. If you do not know her words, learn them by heart, you can read the prayer "Our Father" in Russian:

“Our Father who is in Heaven! Thy name be holy and glorified, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, both in heaven and on earth. Give us the bread we need today; and forgive us our debts, which we forgive our debtors; and let us not have the temptations of the devil, but deliver us from the influences of the evil ones. After all, Thy is in heaven and on earth the Kingdom and power, and the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen".

“Seeing the Resurrection of Christ, let us worship the Holy Lord Jesus, the Only Sinless One! We worship Thy Cross, Lord Christ, and we sing and glorify Thy Holy Resurrection! You are our God, besides You we have no other gods, we magnify Your Name! Come, all believers, let us worship the Holy Resurrection of Christ - after all, joy came to the whole world through the Cross of Christ! Always blessing the Lord, we praise His Resurrection because He Himself endured the crucifixion and conquered death by death! "

They pray to the Lord especially fervently, lighting Jerusalem candles. Turning to God Himself is the most important prayer. Pray to the Lord Almighty with Jerusalem candles at any time in your life:

  • Ask the Lord for help in any business, everyday difficulties and troubles,
  • Pray in danger
  • Ask for help in the needs of your loved ones and friends,
  • Repent before God of your sins, asking to forgive them, let you see your mistakes and vices and correct,
  • asking the Lord for help in any troubles and sorrows,
  • praying for healing in sickness,
  • turning to Him in sudden danger,
  • when you have anxiety, despondency, sadness in your soul,
  • thank Him for joy, success, happiness and health.

There are also special traditions associated with Jerusalem candles, for their reverent lighting and use on holidays.

May our Lord Jesus Christ protect you with His grace!

Mt. XXVII, 57-66: 57 And when evening came, there came a rich man from Arimathea named Joseph, who also studied with Jesus; 58 he came to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate ordered to give the body; 59 and taking the body, Joseph wrapped it in a clean shroud 60 and laid it in his new tomb, which he had carved in the rock; and, rolling a large stone to the door of the tomb, he departed. 61 And Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were there, sitting opposite the tomb. 62 On the next day that follows Friday, the chief priests and Pharisees gathered to Pilate 63 and said: Master! We remembered that the deceiver, while still alive, said: after three days I will rise again; 64 So command to guard the tomb until the third day, so that His disciples, coming by night, do not steal Him and say to the people: He rose from the dead. and the last deception will be worse than the first. 65 Pilate said to them: You have a watch; go guard as you know. 66 They went and set a guard at the tomb, and put a seal on the stone.

Mk. XV, 42-47: 42 And as evening had already come, - because it was Friday, that is day before Saturday, - 43 Joseph came from Arimathea, a famous member of the council, who himself was expecting the Kingdom of God, dared to come in to Pilate, and asked for the body of Jesus. 44 Pilate was surprised that He had already died, and, calling the centurion, asked him, how long had he died? 45 And having learned from the centurion, he gave the body to Joseph. 46 He bought the shroud and took it off, wrapped it in the shroud, and laid Him in the tomb, which was hewn in the rock, and rolled the stone to the door of the tomb. 47 Mary Magdalene and Mary of Josiah looked where they put Him.

Luke. XXIII, 50-56: 50 Then someone named Joseph, a member of the council, a good and truthful man, 51 who did not participate in the council and in their work; from Arimathea, the city of Judah, who was also expecting the Kingdom of God, 52 came to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus; 53 and taking it off, wrapped it in a shroud and laid it in a tomb hewn at rock, where no one else has been laid. 54 That day was Friday, and Saturday was coming. 55 The women who had come with Jesus from Galilee also followed, and saw the sepulcher, and how his body was laid; 56 And having returned, they prepared incense and ointments; and on the Sabbath they remained alone according to the commandment.

Jn. XIX, 38-42: 38 After this, Joseph of Arimathea - a disciple of Jesus, but secret out of fear from the Jews, - asked Pilate to remove the body of Jesus; and Pilate allowed. He went and removed the body of Jesus. 39 Nicodemus also came, who had come to Jesus at night before, and brought a composition of myrrh and aloe, about a hundred liters. 40 So they took the body of Jesus and wrapped it in swaddling clothes with incense, as the Jews usually bury. 41 In the place where He was crucified, there was a garden, and in the garden there was a new tomb, in which no one had yet been laid. 42 Jesus was laid there for the sake of the Jewish Friday, because the tomb was near.

Study Guide to the Four Gospels

Prot. Seraphim Slobodskoy (1912-1971)

Based on the book "The Law of God", 1957.

Descent from the cross and burial of the Savior
(Mt. XXVII, 57-66; Mk. XV, 42-47; Luke XXIII, 50-56; John XIX, 38-42)

On the same evening, shortly after all that had happened, a famous member of the Sanhedrin, a rich man, Joseph of Arimathea (from the city of Arimathea), came to Pilate. Joseph was a secret disciple of Jesus Christ, a secret one out of fear of the Jews. He was a kind and righteous man who did not participate in the council, in the condemnation of the Savior. He asked Pilate for permission to remove the body of Christ from the cross and bury it.

Pilate was surprised that Jesus Christ died so soon. He called the centurion who was guarding the crucified, learned from him when Jesus Christ died, and allowed Joseph to take the body of Christ for burial.

Joseph, having bought the shroud (cloth for burial), came to Golgotha. Also came another secret disciple of Jesus Christ and a member of the Sanhedrin, Nicodemus. He brought with him for burial a precious fragrant ointment - a composition of myrrh and aloe.

They removed the body of the Savior from the Cross, anointed Him with incense, wrapped Him in a shroud and laid Him in a new tomb, in a garden, near Calvary. This coffin was a cave that Joseph of Arimathea carved into the rock for his burial, and in which no one had yet been laid. There they laid the body of Christ, because this tomb was close to Golgotha, and time was short, since the great feast of Easter was approaching. Then they rolled a huge stone against the door of the coffin and left.

Mary Magdalene, Mary of Josiah and other women were there and watched as they laid the body of Christ. Returning home, they bought precious peace, in order to anoint the body of Christ with this peace, as soon as the first, great day of the holiday, on which, according to the law, everyone should have been at rest, passes.

But the enemies of Christ did not rest, despite their great holiday. The next day, on Saturday, the chief priests and Pharisees (breaking the rest of the Sabbath and the feast day) gathered, came to Pilate and began to ask him: “Lord! we remembered that this deceiver (that is how they dared to call Jesus Christ), while still alive, said: "after three days I will rise again." Therefore, command to guard the tomb until the third day, so that His disciples, coming by night, do not steal Him and tell the people that He has risen from the dead; and then the last deception will be worse than the first. "

Pilate said to them: “You have a guard; go guard as you know. "

Then the chief priests with the Pharisees went to the tomb of Jesus Christ and, having carefully examined the cave, applied their (Sanhedrin's) seal to the stone; And they set up a military guard at the Lord's tomb.

When the Savior's body lay in the tomb, with His soul He descended into hell to the souls of people who died before His suffering and death. And all the souls of righteous people who were waiting for the coming of the Savior, He freed from hell.

Archbishop. Averky (Taushev) (1906-1976)
A Guide to Studying the New Testament Scriptures. Four Gospels. Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, 1954.

32. Burial of the Lord Jesus Christ

(Mt. XXIV, 57-66; Mk. XV, 42-47; Luke XXIII, 50-56; John XIX, 38-42)

All four Evangelists tell about the Lord's burial in perfect agreement, and some of them give their details. The burial took place at the onset of evening, but Saturday had not yet arrived, although it was approaching, i.e., presumably, it was an hour or two before sunset, from which Saturday was already beginning. This is clearly indicated by all four Evangelists: Matt. 27:57, Mark. 15:42, Luke. 23:54 and John. 19:42, and St. Mark and Luca. Joseph came from Arimathea, a Jewish city near Jerusalem, a member of the Sanhedrin, as St. Mark, a pious man, a secret disciple of Christ, according to the testimony of St. John, who did not participate in the condemnation of the Lord (Luke 23:51). Having come to Pilate, he asked him for the body of Jesus for burial. According to the custom of the Romans, the bodies of the crucified remained on the crosses and became the prey of birds, but it was possible, having asked permission from the authorities, to give them up to burial. Pilate expressed surprise that Jesus had already died, since the crucified were sometimes hung for several days, but after checking through the centurion, who had certified Jesus' death to him, he commanded that the body be handed over to Joseph. According to the story of St. John, Nicodemus also came, who first came to Jesus at night (see John 3 ch.), Who brought a composition of myrrh and aloe about 100 pounds. Joseph bought the shroud - a long and valuable canvas. They removed the Body, anointed it, according to custom, with incense, wrapped it in a shroud and laid it in a new burial cave in Joseph's garden, which was not far from Golgotha. Since the sun was already leaning towards the west, everything was done, although diligently, but very hastily. They rolled the stone to the door of the coffin and left. All this was watched by the women who had previously stood on Calvary. St. Chrysostom, and after him and Bl. Theophylact, believe that the "Mary, Jacob and Josiah mother" mentioned by the Evangelists is the Most Holy Theotokos, "because Jacob and Josiah were Joseph's children from his first wife. And as the Mother of God was called the wife of Joseph, she was rightfully called the mother, i.e. stepmother of his children. " However, others are of the opinion that it was Mary, wife of Cleopas, sister of the Mother of God. They all sat opposite the entrance to the cave, as St. Matthew (27:61), and then, according to the testimony of St. Luke, having returned, prepared incense and ointments, so that at the end of the Sabbath rest day, he would come and anoint the Body of the Lord, according to Jewish custom (23:56). According to the legend of St. Mark, these women, called "myrrh-bearers", bought the fragrances not on the very day of the Lord's burial, but after the Sabbath, ie. on Saturday night. There is no contradiction here. There was apparently very little time left before sunset on Friday evening. In part, what they had time, they prepared on Friday, and what they did not have time, they finished on Saturday evening.

St. Matthew informs about one more important circumstance that took place on the next day after the burial - “on the morning of the day, like eating on Friday”, that is. on Saturday. The chief priests and Pharisees gathered to Pilate, not even thinking about breaking the Sabbath rest, and asked him to give orders to guard the tomb until the third day. They motivated their request with the statement: “Remember me, like a flatterer (deceiver) He is still alive in his speech: three days later he will be voted. Have ordered ubo to confirm the coffin until the third day: no one who came to His night, they will steal Him, and rekut by people: rise from the dead: and the last flattery will be bitter than the first ”(and the last deception will be worse than the first). Here they call the "first deceit" what the Lord Jesus Christ taught about Himself as the Son of God, the Messiah, and "the last deception" is the sermon about Him as the Conqueror of hell and death who rose from the grave. They are more afraid of this sermon, and in this they were right, which was shown by the whole further history of the spread of Christianity. In response to this request, Pilate told them: "Imat the Custodian," that is, guard, "go, confirm, as the message." During the holidays, the members of the Sanhedrin had a guard of Roman soldiers at their disposal, which they used to maintain order and peace, in view of the huge gathering of people from all countries to Jerusalem. Pilate invites them, using this guard, to do everything the way they want, so that later they could not blame anyone for anything. "They walked, confirming the coffin, signifying the stone with the Custodian" - they went and took all measures for the safety of the coffin, having sealed the coffin, that is, more precisely, the stone with which it was closed, with a cord and a seal, in the presence of the guard, who then remained with the coffin to guard it.

Thus, the worst enemies of the Lord, without thinking of it, prepared incontestable evidence of His glorious resurrection from the dead.

Burial of Jesus Christ

On Saturday, the people were supposed to celebrate Easter and, in order not to darken this great holiday, on Friday evening people asked Pilate for permission to remove the bodies of those executed from the crosses and bury them.

Pontius Pilate agreed.

One of the secret disciples of Jesus named Joseph asked for permission from Pontius Pilate to bury Christ.

Pilate did not object, he was even glad that a man had been found who was not afraid to do this good deed.

Joseph, along with another secret disciple of Jesus, came to Calvary. They brought with them a shroud (a large sheet) and a jug of a fragrant mixture of myrrh and aloe.

They removed the body of Christ from the cross, washed it with a fragrant mixture, swaddled it with strips of linen cloth and wrapped it in a shroud, and tied a scarf around its head - in general, they did everything as was needed at the funeral.

Not far from Golgotha, Joseph had a garden, where he ordered to make a cave in the rock. (These caves were called coffins, and the locals buried their loved ones in them. Do you remember the cave in which Lazarus was buried?)

They brought the body of Jesus into such a cave.

Joseph and his friend buried Christ. Together with them, women participated in the funeral who mourned their Savior.

They watched Jesus being buried, cried and rejoiced that there were people who honor him, love him and did not forget after death.

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Burial of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 27: 57-66; Mark 15: 42-47; Luke 23: 50-56; John 19: 38-42). All four Evangelists report about the Lord's burial in perfect agreement, each giving his own details. The burial took place at nightfall, but Saturday has not yet arrived,

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57. Burial of Jesus Christ 57. When evening came, a rich man came from Arimathea, named Joseph, who also studied with Jesus; (Mark 15:42, 43; Luke 23:50, 51; John 19:38). John (19: 31-37) before that tells about breaking the legs of robbers and about piercing the ribs of Jesus with a spear

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CHAPTER 44. Procession to Calvary. Crucifixion. Jesus and two thieves. Death of Jesus. Removal of the body of Jesus from the cross and His burial. Bringing guards to the tomb When Pilate decided to be at the request of the high priests and Jesus betrayed to their will (Luke 23, 24-25), the soldiers took Jesus, removed him from

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From the author's book

57. Burial of Jesus Christ. 57. When evening came, a rich man came from Arimathea, named Joseph, who also studied with Jesus; (Mark 15:42, 43; Luke 23:50, 51; John 19:38). John (19: 31-37) before that tells about breaking the legs of robbers and about piercing the ribs of Jesus with a spear

From the author's book

XXIX Crucifixion, suffering on the cross, death and burial of Jesus Christ Crucifixion was the most terrible and shameful form of the death penalty in ancient times - so shameful that its very name, as Cicero says, “should never come close to thoughts, eyes or ears.

All four evangelists tell about the burial of Jesus Christ, and each gives his own details. At the same time, of all four evangelists, only Matthew mentions the sealing of the tomb and the guarding of it.

Gospel Description of the burial
When evening came, a rich man came from Arimathea named Joseph, who also studied with Jesus; he came to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate ordered to give the body; and, taking the body, Joseph wrapped it in a clean shroud and laid it in his new tomb, which he had carved in the rock; and, rolling a large stone to the door of the tomb, he departed. There was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting opposite the tomb. On the next day, which follows Friday, the chief priests and Pharisees gathered to Pilate and said: Master! We remembered that the deceiver, while still alive, said: after three days I will rise again; so command to guard the tomb until the third day, so that His disciples, coming by night, do not steal Him and say to the people: He rose from the dead; and the last deception will be worse than the first. Pilate said to them: You have a watch; go guard as you know. They went and put a guard at the tomb, and put a seal on the stone.
From Mark
And as evening had already come - because it was Friday, that is [the day] before Saturday, - Joseph came from Arimathea, a famous member of the council, who himself was expecting the Kingdom of God, dared to enter Pilate, and asked for the body of Jesus. Pilate was surprised that He had already died, and, calling the centurion, asked him how long ago he had died? And, having learned from the centurion, he gave the body to Joseph. He bought the shroud and took it off, wrapped it around the shroud, and laid Him in the tomb, which was carved into the rock, and rolled the stone to the door of the tomb. Mary Magdalene and Mary of Josiah watched where they put Him.
From Luke
Then someone named Joseph, a member of the council, a good and truthful man, did not participate in the council and in their work; from Arimathea, the city of Judea, who was also expecting the Kingdom of God, came to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus; and taking it off, wrapped it in a shroud and laid it in a tomb hewn [in the rock], where no one had yet been laid. That day was Friday, and Saturday was coming. The women who had come with Jesus from Galilee also followed, and looked at the sepulcher, and how His body was laid; and when they returned, they prepared spices and ointments; and on the Sabbath they remained alone according to the commandment.
After this, Joseph of Arimathea - a disciple of Jesus, but secret out of fear from the Jews - asked Pilate to remove the body of Jesus; and Pilate allowed. He went and took off the body of Jesus. Nicodemus also came, who had come to Jesus at night before, and brought a composition of myrrh and aloe, about a hundred liters. So they took the body of Jesus and wrapped it in swaddling clothes with incense, as the Jews usually bury. There was a garden in the place where He was crucified, and in the garden there was a new tomb, in which no one had yet been laid. They put Jesus there for the sake of Jewish Friday, because the tomb was near.

Historians, studying the gospel story, come to the conclusion that the burial of Jesus was carried out in accordance with the Jewish funerary traditions of that time.

Burial participants

According to the gospel story, women and secret disciples of Christ from the upper strata of society were present at the burial of Jesus, that is, those who, unlike the apostles, were less likely to be arrested:

Apocryphal legends

Gospel of Peter

The Gospel of Peter (6: 21-24)

The author of the Apocrypha reports on the posting of guards near the tomb and its sealing, repeating the same story of the Evangelist Matthew. The name of the centurion sent by Pilate to guard the coffin is called. It was a certain Petronius. Orthodox tradition believes that among the guards at the tomb was the centurion Longinus, who participated in the crucifixion of Jesus and pierced his ribs with his spear.

The Gospel of Nicodemus

The apocryphal "Gospel of Nicodemus" (the earliest versions date back to the 4th century), written on behalf of one of the participants in the burial, adheres to the canonical details about the burial. Then the text says that Joseph of Arimathea was arrested by the Jews for participating in the funeral and providing the tomb:

After the spread of rumors about the Resurrection, which caused panic among the Jews, Nicodemus, who was a secret disciple, while occupying a prominent post, gives the priests advice that allows him to protect Joseph, who by this time was at home in Arimathea, from further attacks.

"The Passion of Christ"

In response to his mother's suffering, Jesus secretly addresses her with words of comfort: “ Oh, my mother Mary, do not weep for me to see in the grave ... I will rise again and I will exalt you like God to heaven and earth, and I will bring the fallen Adam into the kingdom of heaven ...". The Lament of the Virgin formed the basis of the Orthodox canon “ To the lamentation of the Most Holy Theotokos", Read on Good Friday before the shroud (see below the section" Liturgical veneration ").

In contrast to the gospel narrative, one of the participants in the burial of Christ in “ Passion of Christ"John the Evangelist is mentioned. This influenced the iconography of this plot, where the body of Christ always has the figure of this young apostle.

In islam

Muslims believe that Isa was taken alive to heaven and will return before the Last Judgment to fight the Dajjal. Having defeated him, Isa, according to Muslim theologians, will live on earth for 40 years, and then die and be buried next to the prophet Muhammad in Medina.

Prophecies about the burial of Christ

Christian tradition connects two biblical prophecies with an indication of the burial of Jesus Christ:

  • Old Testament : He was assigned a coffin with evildoers, but He was buried with a rich man, because He did not sin, and there was no lie in His mouth (Isa.). The prophecy points to the burial of Jesus in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea (a wealthy man, a member of the Sanhedrin).
  • New Testament : Then some of the scribes and Pharisees said: Master! we would like to see a sign from you. But He answered and said to them, An evil and adulterous generation is looking for a sign; and no sign will be given to him, except the sign of Jonah the prophet; for as Jonah was in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights, so the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights (Matt.). The prophecy points to the burial itself, as well as the period after which Jesus must resurrect after the burial.

Place and attributes of the burial


According to the Gospel text, the body of Jesus was buried in an empty, previously unused tomb, which was hewn out of the rock that was on the ground in the property of Joseph of Arimathea, near the garden close to Calvary. The territory of this garden was outside the city wall of Jerusalem of that period. According to historians, this was the site of former quarries, in which the wealthy townspeople bought their own tombs.

The search for the cave in which the body of Jesus was buried was undertaken in 326 at the direction of Emperor Constantine by his mother, Empress Helena. Eusebius of Caesarea informs about the opening of the Holy Sepulcher in his work “ Life of Constantine": It was discovered under the pagan temple of Aphrodite, built by the Romans.

Cyril of Jerusalem

Liturgical veneration

The burial of Jesus Christ is remembered in the Orthodox and Catholic Churches during various services at the end of Holy Week. In addition, the mention of the burial of Christ was included in the Christian Creed, starting from its earliest apostolic edition, and in 325 at the First Ecumenical Council it was included in the Niceo-Constantinople Creed (“ crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, suffering and buried, resurrected on the third day according to the Scriptures»).

In the Orthodox Church

Removal of the shroud

The removal of the shroud, the cloth with the image of the body of the dead Jesus Christ taken from the cross, is performed at Vespers of Great Friday, which usually takes place during the day.

The plot of Christ's burial should not be confused with the Lamentation of Christ, which is close to him, where the same characters appear. The difference between these two iconographic subjects is very subtle: Mourning is an emotional static situation, and Position assumes dynamic action. The gospel narrative also includes motifs for embalming and swaddling the body before burial, but in the visual arts these phases are usually omitted. Sometimes you can find the theme of carrying the body of Christ, the coffin does not appear in the image yet.

The iconography of the plot is compositionally variable. The action usually takes place in front of an empty niche (cave), or inside a tomb, through the doorway of which the landscape is visible.

For the masters of the Italian Renaissance, works on this subject, written by Titian and Raphael, are especially characteristic. For Catholic churches, the sculptural groups of the Burial of Christ were extremely typical, sometimes executed with maximum realism and appearing since the Middle Ages.

This subject is also found in icon painting and Orthodox frescoes. The event is depicted in different ways. Often in a stone coffin a lying Savior is represented, the Mother of God falls to his head, John the Theologian and Elder Joseph bowed over the body, the myrrh-bearing wives and Nicodemus are standing nearby. Sometimes in the center in the background is a cross on which the Lord was crucified.

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  1. Other variants of the name - Transfer of Jesus Christ to the tomb, Anointing the body of Jesus Christ, Anointing stone.
  2. Hereinafter, quotes from the publication: The Passion of Christ. Uniform printing house, 1901
  3. Koran. 4: 157-158
  4. Lisovoy N.N.
  5. , year 5817 (Alexandrian era) (/ AD)
  6. Gregory of Nyssa. A word about three days
  7. Cyril of Jerusalem. Explaining words 4, 2
  8. The order of the removal of the shroud is indicated according to the data
  9. Stefano Zuffi... Episodes and characters of the Gospel. - M., 2007 .-- P. 326.

see also

  • "Burial of Count Orgaz" - painting by El Greco
  • "Entombment" - a story by Mikhail Weller


Excerpt from the Burial of Christ

Danilo did not answer and blinked his eyes.
- I sent Uvarka to listen at dawn, - said his bass after a minute of silence, - he said, translated into Otradnensky order, they howled there. (The translation meant that the she-wolf, about whom they both knew, moved with the children to the Otradno forest, which was two miles from home and which was a small detached place.)
- But you have to go? - said Nikolay. - Come to me with Uvarka.
- As you command!
- So wait and feed.
- I'm listening.
Five minutes later, Danilo and Uvarka stood in Nikolai's large office. Despite the fact that Danilo was not very tall, seeing him in the room gave an impression similar to when you see a horse or a bear on the floor between furniture and the conditions of human life. Danilo himself felt this and, as usual, stood at the very door, trying to speak more quietly, not to move, so as not to break somehow the master's chambers, and trying to express everything as soon as possible and go out into the open, from under the ceiling to the sky.
After finishing the inquiries and trying out Danila's consciousness that the dogs were okay (Danila wanted to go himself), Nikolai ordered him to be saddled. But as soon as Danila was about to go out, Natasha entered the room with quick steps, not yet combed and not dressed, in a large nanny's kerchief. Petya ran in with her.
- You ride? - said Natasha, - I knew it! Sonya said that you would not go. I knew that it was such a day that I had to go.
- Let's go, - Nikolay answered reluctantly, to whom today, since he intended to undertake a serious hunt, he did not want to take Natasha and Petya. - Let's go, but only for the wolves: you will be bored.
“You know that this is my greatest pleasure,” Natasha said.
- This is bad, - he goes, ordered to saddle, but did not tell us anything.
- All obstacles are in vain for the Ross, let's go! - Petya shouted.
“Why, you can't: mamma said you can't,” said Nikolai, turning to Natasha.
“No, I'll go, I will certainly go,” Natasha said resolutely. - Danila, tell us to saddle, and Mikhaila to leave with my pack, - she turned to the hunter.
And so it seemed indecent and hard to be in Danila's room, but to have any business with a young lady seemed impossible for him. He dropped his eyes and hastened to leave, as if it did not concern him, trying to somehow inadvertently harm the young lady.

The old count, who had always kept a huge hunt, now handed over the whole hunt to his son, on this day, September 15, amused, he was going to leave too.
An hour later, the whole hunt was at the porch. Nicholas, with a stern and serious air, showing that there was no time now to deal with trifles, walked past Natasha and Petya, who were telling him something. He examined all parts of the hunt, sent the flock and hunters ahead into the race, sat down on his red bottom and, whistling the dogs of his pack, set off across the threshing floor into the field leading to the Otradno order. The horse of the old count, a playful measure called Bethlyanka, was led by the count's stirrup; he himself had to go directly in a droshky to the manhole left for him.
All the hounds were bred 54 dogs, under which, arriving and squeeze, drove 6 people. Borzyatnikov, besides the masters, there were 8 people, for whom more than 40 greyhounds were prowling, so about 130 dogs and 20 horse hunters with the master's pack left in the field.
Each dog knew its owner and nickname. Each hunter knew his business, place and purpose. As soon as they left the fence, everyone, without noise and conversation, evenly and calmly stretched out along the road and the field leading to the Otradno forest.
As on a fur carpet, horses walked across the field, occasionally paddling through the puddles when they crossed the roads. The foggy sky continued to descend steadily and imperceptibly to the ground; the air was quiet, warm, soundless. Occasionally one could hear the whistling of a hunter, then the snoring of a horse, then a blow with a harapnik, or the scream of a dog that did not walk in its place.
Having driven a mile away, five more horsemen with dogs appeared to meet the Rostov hunt from the fog. A fresh, handsome old man with a large gray mustache rode ahead.
- Hello, uncle, - said Nikolai when the old man drove up to him.
“It’s a clean march!… I knew it,” said my uncle (he was a distant relative, a poor neighbor of the Rostovs), “I knew that you could not bear it, and it’s good that you are going. Clean business march! (This was my uncle's favorite saying.) - Take the order now, otherwise my Girchik reported that the Ilagins were hunting in Korniki; you have them - a pure business march! - they will take the brood under the nose.
- There I go. Well, dump the flocks? - asked Nikolay, - to dump ...
The hounds were united into one pack, and uncle and Nikolai rode alongside. Natasha, wrapped in handkerchiefs, from under which a lively face with shining eyes could be seen, galloped up to them, accompanied by Petya and Mikhaila, the hunter and bereader who were not behind her, who was assigned by the nanny in her presence. Petya was laughing and beating and jerking his horse. Natasha deftly and confidently sat on her raven Arabchik and with her right hand, without effort, reined in him.
Uncle looked round disapprovingly at Petya and Natasha. He did not like to combine pampering with the serious business of hunting.
- Hello, uncle, and we're going! - Petya shouted.
- Hello, hello, but don't overwhelm the dogs, - said the uncle sternly.
- Nikolenka, what a lovely dog, Trunila! he recognized me, ”Natasha said about her beloved hound dog.
“Trunila, first of all, is not a dog, but a wimp,” thought Nikolay and looked sternly at his sister, trying to make her feel the distance that should have separated them at that moment. Natasha understood this.
- You, uncle, do not think that we will interfere with anyone, - said Natasha. We will stand in our place and will not move.
“And a good thing, countess,” said my uncle. “Only don't fall off your horse,” he added: “otherwise, it's a pure march! - there is nothing to hold on to.
The island of the Otradno order could be seen about a hundred yards, and those who arrived approached it. Rostov, finally deciding with his uncle where to throw the hounds from and showing Natasha a place where to stand and where nothing could run, headed for the ravine.
- Well, nephew, you are getting into a hardened one, - said the uncle: don't iron (pickle).
- As necessary, Rostov answered. - Karai, fuit! - he shouted, responding with this appeal to the words of his uncle. Karay was an old and ugly, brown-haired male known for picking up a hardened wolf on his own. All went to their places.
The old count, knowing his son's hunting fervor, was in a hurry not to be late, and the people who arrived had not yet arrived at the place, when Ilya Andreevich, cheerful, ruddy, with shaking cheeks, rolled up on his little crowned greens to the manhole left for him and, straightening his fur coat and putting on a hunting shells, climbed onto his smooth, well-fed, meek and kind, gray like him, Bethlianka. The droshky horses were sent away. Count Ilya Andreich, although not a hunter to his liking, but who knew the hunting laws firmly, drove into the edge of the bushes from which he stood, took apart the reins, recovered on the saddle and, feeling ready, looked around smiling.
Near him stood his valet, an old, but heavy rider, Semyon Chekmar. Chekmar kept in a pack three dashing, but also fat, like the owner and the horse - wolfhounds. Two dogs, smart, old, lay down without packs. A hundred paces further in the clearing stood another of the count's stirrups, Mitka, a desperate rider and a passionate hunter. The count, according to an old habit, drank a silver cup of a hunting casserole before the hunt, took a bite and washed it down with a half-bottle of his beloved Bordeaux.
Ilya Andreevich was a little red with wine and driving; his eyes, covered with moisture, especially shone, and he, wrapped in a fur coat, sitting on the saddle, had the appearance of a child who had been gathered for a walk. Thin, with drawn-in cheeks, Chekmar, having settled down with his affairs, looked at the master with whom he had lived for 30 years in perfect harmony, and, understanding his pleasant mood, waited for a pleasant conversation. Another third person rode cautiously (apparently, it had already been learned) from behind the forest and stopped behind the count. The face was an old man with a gray beard, a woman's bonnet and a high cap. It was the jester Nastasya Ivanovna.
“Well, Nastasya Ivanovna,” the count said in a whisper, winking at him, “just trample the beast, Danilo will ask you.
"I myself ... with a mustache," said Nastasya Ivanovna.
- Shhhh! The count hissed and turned to Semyon.
- Did you see Natalya Ilyinichna? He asked Semyon. - Where is she?
“He and Pyotr Ilyich got up from the Zharovykh weeds,” Semyon answered smiling. - Ladies too, but they have a lot of hunting.
- And you wonder, Semyon, how she drives ... huh? - said the count, if only the man is in time!
- How not to be surprised? Boldly, deftly.
- And where is Nikolasha? Above Lyadovsky horse or what? The count asked in a whisper.
- That's right with. They already know where to stand. They know so well the ride that Danila and I marvel at another time, - said Semyon, knowing how to please the master.
- Drives well, huh? And what is it on horseback, eh?
- Write a picture! As the other day from the Zavarzinsky weeds pushed a fox. They began to skip, from a lull, passion - a horse a thousand rubles, but the rider has no price. Yes, look for such a fellow!
- Look ... - repeated the count, apparently regretting that Semyon's speech ended so soon. - Search? - he said, turning the flaps of his fur coat and taking out a snuff box.
- The other day, as from mass in all regalia, they left, so Mikhail then Sidorych ... - Semyon did not finish, hearing the rut clearly heard in the quiet air with howling of no more than two or three hounds. He, bowing his head, listened and silently threatened the master. - They ran into the brood ... - he whispered, they led straight to Lyadovskaya.
The count, forgetting to wipe the smile from his face, looked into the distance along the bridge and, without sniffing, held a snuffbox in his hand. Following the barking of dogs, a voice over the wolf was heard, fed into Danila's bass horn; the pack joined the first three dogs and it was heard how the voices of the hounds roared with the bay, with that special howl that served as a sign of rutting for a wolf. The riders no longer whined, but hooted, and from behind all the voices Danila's voice came out, now bass, now piercingly thin. Danila's voice seemed to fill the entire forest, came out of the forest and sounded far in the field.
After listening for a few seconds in silence, the count and his stirrup made sure that the hounds were divided into two flocks: one large, roaring especially hotly, began to move away, the other part of the flock rushed along the forest past the count, and with this flock Danila's hooting was heard. Both of these rutting merged, overflowed, but both were removed. Semyon sighed and bent down to straighten the bundle in which the young dog got entangled; the count sighed too, and, noticing a snuff-box in his hand, opened it and took out a pinch. "Back!" Semyon shouted at the dog, which stepped over the edge. The count shuddered and dropped the snuffbox. Nastasya Ivanovna got down and began to pick her up.
The Count and Semyon looked at him. Suddenly, as often happens, the sound of the rut instantly approached, as if there were the barking mouths of dogs and the hooting of Danila in front of them.
The count looked around and to the right saw Mitka, who with rolling eyes looked at the count and, raising his hat, pointed to the other side.
- Take care! He shouted in such a voice that it was evident that this word had long been painfully asking him to go out. And he galloped, releasing the dogs, towards the count.
The Count and Semyon jumped out of the clearing and to the left of them saw a wolf, which, gently waddling, quietly galloped towards their left to the very edge at which they stood. The vicious dogs screeched and, breaking loose from the pack, rushed to the wolf past the horses' legs.
The wolf stopped running, awkwardly, like a sick toad, turned its forehead head towards the dogs, and, just as gently waddling, jumped once, twice and, wagging its log (tail), disappeared into the edge. At the same moment from the opposite edge of the forest, with a roar similar to crying, one, another, and a third hound jumped out in confusion, and the whole flock rushed across the field, along the very place where the wolf crawled (ran). After the hounds, hazel bushes parted and Danila's brown horse, blackened with sweat, appeared. On her long back, a lump, lying forward, sat Danila without a hat with gray, disheveled hair over a red, sweaty face.
- I will hoot, I will! ... - he shouted. When he saw the Count, lightning flashed in his eyes.
- Well ... - he shouted, threatening the raised arapnik at the count.
- About… is it a wolf!… Hunters! - And as if not deigning to deign the embarrassed, frightened count with further conversation, with all the malice prepared for the count, he struck the brown gelding's fallen wet sides and rushed after the hounds. The count, as if he had been punished, stood looking around and with a smile tried to evoke in Semyon regret for his position. But Semyon was no longer there: he, in a detour through the bushes, jumped the wolf from the notch. Greyhounds also jumped over from both sides. But the wolf went in the bushes and not a single hunter intercepted him.

Nikolai Rostov, meanwhile, stood in his place, waiting for the beast. By the approach and distance of the rut, by the sounds of the voices of the dogs known to him, by the approach, distance and rise of the voices of those arriving, he felt what was happening on the island. He knew that the island had arrived (young) and seasoned (old) wolves; he knew that the hounds had broken up into two packs, that they were hounding somewhere, and that something unfortunate had happened. Every second he was waiting for the beast on his side. He made thousands of different assumptions about how and from which side the beast would run and how he would poison it. Hope gave way to despair. Several times he turned to God with a prayer that the wolf come out to him; he prayed with that passionate and conscientious feeling with which people pray in moments of intense excitement, depending on an insignificant reason. “Well, what does it cost you,” he said to God, “to do it for me! I know that You are great, and that it is a sin to ask You about it; but for the sake of God, make that a hardened one crawl out on me, and so that Karai, in front of the “uncle” who is looking from there, slapped his throat with a death grip. A thousand times in this half hour, Rostov looked around the edge of the woods with two sparse oaks over an aspen bottom with a stubborn, tense and restless gaze, and a ravine with a washed-out edge, and his uncle's hat, barely visible from behind a bush to the right.
“No, there won't be this happiness, Rostov thought, but what would it cost! Will not be! I am always, and in the cards, and in the war, in all the misfortune. " Austerlitz and Dolokhov, brightly, but quickly changing, flashed in his imagination. "Only once in my life would I hunt down a hardened wolf, I don't want to anymore!" he thought, straining his ears and eyes, looking back to the left and again to the right, and listening to the slightest shades of rutting sounds. He looked again to the right and saw that something was running towards him across the deserted field. "No, it can't be!" thought Rostov, sighing heavily, as a man sighs when he does what he had long expected. The greatest happiness was accomplished - and so simply, without noise, without brilliance, without commemoration. Rostov could not believe his eyes and this doubt lasted more than a second. The wolf ran forward and jumped heavily over the pothole that was in its path. It was an old beast, with a gray back and a gorged reddish belly. He ran slowly, obviously convinced that no one was seeing him. Rostov looked round at the dogs without breathing. They lay, stood, not seeing the wolf and not understanding anything. Old Karay, turning his head and showing his yellow teeth, angrily looking for a flea, clicked them on his hind thighs.
- I will hoot! Rostov said in a whisper, protruding his lips. The dogs, trembling with glands, jumped up, ears alert. Karai scratched his thigh and stood up, ears pricked, and slightly wagged his tail, on which hung felts of wool.
- To start up - not to start up? - Nikolai said to himself as the wolf moved towards him, separating from the forest. Suddenly, the whole physiognomy of the wolf changed; he shuddered when he saw, probably never seen before, human eyes fixed on him, and turning his head slightly towards the hunter, stopped - backward or forward? Eh! anyway, forward! ... it is evident, - as if he said to himself, and rushed forward, no longer looking back, with a soft, rare, free, but decisive dap.
“Ulyulyu!…” Nikolai shouted in a voice that wasn’t his own, and by itself his good horse rushed headlong downhill, jumping over the cisterns across the wolf; and even faster, overtaking her, the dogs rushed. Nikolai did not hear his cry, did not feel that he was galloping, did not see the dogs or the place where he was galloping; he saw only the wolf, which, intensifying its run, galloped without changing direction along the hollow. The first appeared near the beast, black-footed, wide-backed Milka and began to approach the beast. Closer, closer ... so she clung to him. But the wolf glanced slightly at her, and instead of pushing, as she always did, Milka suddenly, raising her tail, began to rest on her front legs.
- I will cheer! - Nikolay shouted.
Red Lyubim jumped out from behind Milka, quickly rushed to the wolf and grabbed him by the gachi (thighs of the hind legs), but at that very second he jumped fearfully to the other side. The wolf crouched down, snapped his teeth, and got up again and galloped forward, being escorted a yard away by all the dogs that did not approach him.
- Leave! No, It is Immpossible! - thought Nikolay, continuing to shout in a hoarse voice.
- Karai! I will hoot! ... - he shouted, looking for the old dog with his eyes, his only hope. Karai, out of all his old forces, stretched out as much as he could, looking at the wolf, heavily galloped away from the beast, in front of him. But from the speed of the wolf's gallop and the slowness of the dog's gallop, it was clear that Karay's calculation was wrong. Nikolai no longer saw that forest far ahead of him, to which, having reached, the wolf would probably leave. Ahead appeared the dogs and the hunter, galloping almost to meet. There was still hope. Unknown to Nikolay, a murky young, long dog of a stranger pack swiftly flew up to the wolf in front and almost knocked him over. The wolf quickly, as one could not expect from him, got up and rushed to the murugous dog, snapped his teeth - and the bloody dog \u200b\u200bwith a ripped side apart, screeching piercingly, pushed his head into the ground.
- Karayushka! Father! .. - Nikolai cried ...
The old dog, with his tufts dangling on his thighs, thanks to the stop that had taken place, cutting the path to the wolf, was already five steps away from him. As if sensing danger, the wolf looked sideways at Karay, hiding the log (tail) even further between his legs and skipping over. But then - Nikolai only saw that something had happened to Karai - he instantly found himself on the wolf and with him tumbled head over heels into the pool that was in front of them.
The minute when Nikolai saw dogs swarming with the wolf in the pool, from under which one could see the gray hair of the wolf, its outstretched hind leg, and the frightened and panting head with pressed ears (Karai was holding him by the throat), the minute when Nikolai saw this was the happiest moment of his life. He was already grasping the saddle bow in order to dismount and stab the wolf, when suddenly the head of the beast stuck out of this mass of dogs, then the front legs stood on the edge of the cistern. The wolf gritted his teeth (Karay no longer held him by the throat), jumped out of the pool with his hind legs and, tucking his tail, again separated from the dogs, moved forward. A karai with bristling hair, probably bruised or wounded, hardly crawled out of the pool.
- Oh my God! For what? ... - Nikolay cried in despair.
Uncle's hunter on the other side galloped to the cut to the wolf, and his dogs again stopped the beast. They surrounded him again.
Nicholas, his stirrup, uncle and his hunter spun over the beast, hooting, screaming, every minute intending to dismount when the wolf sat on its backside and every time running forward when the wolf shook itself and moved to the spot that was supposed to save him. Even at the beginning of this persecution, Danila, hearing a hooting, jumped out to the edge of the forest. He saw Karai take the wolf and stop the horse, believing that the matter was over. But when the hunters did not dismount, the wolf shook himself and again went down the drain. Danila released his brown not to the wolf, but in a straight line to the notch, just like Karai, to cut the beast. Thanks to this direction, he jumped to the wolf while the second time he was stopped by his uncle's dogs.
Danila galloped in silence, holding the dagger he had taken out in his left hand and like a flail of milkweed with his arapnik along the tucked-up sides of the brown one.
Nikolai did not see or hear Danila until a brown puff was panting past him, and he heard the sound of the body falling and saw that Danila was already lying in the middle of the dogs on the wolf's rear, trying to catch him by the ears. It was obvious to the dogs, to the hunters, and to the wolf that it was all over now. The beast, ears pressed in fear, tried to get up, but the dogs clung to him. Danila, standing up, took a falling step and with all his weight, as if lying down to rest, fell on the wolf, grabbing him by the ears. Nikolai wanted to prick, but Danila whispered: “Don't, let's make a joke,” and changing position, stepped on the wolf's neck with his foot. They put a stick in the wolf's mouth, tied it, as if bridling it with a pack, tied its legs, and Danila twice from one side to the other crossed the wolf.
With happy, exhausted faces, a live, hardened wolf was loaded onto a shuffling and snorting horse and, accompanied by the dogs shrieking at him, was taken to the place where everyone was supposed to gather. Two young ones were taken by hounds and three by greyhounds. The hunters came together with their prey and stories, and everyone approached to look at the hardened wolf, which dangling its forehead head with a bitten stick in its mouth, with large glass eyes looked at the whole crowd of dogs and people around him. When he was touched, he, shuddering with his tied legs, wildly and at the same time simply looked at everyone. Count Ilya Andreevich also rode up and touched the wolf.
“Oh, what a motherly one,” he said. - Well-worn, eh? He asked Danila, who was standing next to him.
- Dear, your Excellency, - answered Danila, hastily removing his cap.
The count recalled his missed wolf and his encounter with Danila.
“However, brother, you are angry,” said the count. - Danila did not say anything and only smiled shyly, childishly meek and pleasant smile.

The old count drove home; Natasha and Petya promised to come at once. The hunt went further, since it was still early. In the middle of the day, the hounds were allowed into a ravine overgrown with young dense forest. Nikolai, standing on the stubble, saw all his hunters.
Opposite to Nicholas there were greenery, and there stood his hunter, alone in a hole behind a prominent hazel bush. The hounds had just been brought in, Nikolai heard the rare rut of a dog known to him - Voltorn; other dogs joined him, now falling silent, then again starting to drive. A minute later, a voice was heard from the island on the fox, and the whole flock, having fallen, drove along the screwdriver, towards the greens, away from Nikolai.
He saw galloping survivors in red hats along the edges of an overgrown ravine, he even saw dogs, and every second he waited for a fox to appear on the other side, on the green.
The hunter, who was standing in the pit, set off and released the dogs, and Nikolay saw a red, low, strange fox, which, fluffing up a pipe, hurriedly rushed through the greens. The dogs began to sing to her. As they approached, the fox began to wag in circles between them, making these circles more and more often and circling around itself with a fluffy pipe (tail); and then someone's white dog swooped in, and after it a black one, and everything mixed up, and the dogs became a star, with their backs apart, slightly hesitating. Two hunters galloped up to the dogs: one in a red cap, the other, a stranger, in a green caftan.
"What it is? thought Nikolay. Where did this hunter come from? This is not an uncle. "
The hunters fought off the fox and for a long time, without rushing, the footmen stood. Near them on chumburs stood horses with their saddle ridges and dogs lay. The hunters waved their hands and did something to the fox. From the same place the sound of a horn was heard - the agreed signal of a fight.
- It is the Ilaginsky hunter that is rebelling with our Ivan, - said Nikolay's striker.
Nikolai sent the stirrup to call his sister and Petya to him and walked at a step to the place where the drivers were gathering the hounds. Several hunters galloped to the place of the fight.
Nikolai got off his horse, stopped beside the hounds with Natasha and Petya who had arrived, waiting for information about how the matter would end. A hunter with a fox in toroks drove out from behind the clearing and drove up to the young master. He took off his cap from afar and tried to speak respectfully; but he was pale, gasped, and his face was vicious. One of his eyes was hit, but he probably did not know it.
- What did you have there? Nikolai asked.
- How, from under our hounds, he will poison! And my bitch caught it. Go, sue! Enough for the fox! I'll roll him like a fox. Here she is, in toroks. Do you want this? ... - said the hunter, pointing to the dagger and probably imagining that he was still talking to his enemy.
Nikolai, without speaking to the hunter, asked his sister and Petya to wait for him and went to the place where this hostile Ilagin hunt had taken place.
The victorious hunter rode into the crowd of hunters and there, surrounded by sympathetic curious, recounted his feat.
The fact was that Ilagin, with whom the Rostovs were in a quarrel and process, hunted in places that belonged to the Rostovs according to the custom, and now, as if on purpose, he ordered to drive up to the island where the Rostovs were hunting, and allowed his hunter to be hunted from under other people's hounds.
Nikolai never saw Ilagin, but as always in his judgments and feelings, not knowing the middle, according to rumors about the riot and willfulness of this landowner, he hated him with all his heart and considered him his worst enemy. Angrily agitated, he was now riding towards him, tightly gripping the arapnik in his hand, in full readiness for the most decisive and dangerous actions against his enemy.
As soon as he drove over the forest ledge, he saw a fat gentleman in a beaver cap on a fine black horse, accompanied by two stirrups, advancing towards him.
Instead of an enemy, Nikolai found in Ilagin a respectable, courteous master, who especially wished to meet the young count. Having approached Rostov, Ilagin raised his beaver cap and said that he was very sorry about what had happened; that he orders to punish the hunter who allowed himself to bait from under other people's dogs, asks the count to be familiar and offers him his places for hunting.
Natasha, afraid that her brother would do something terrible, rode in excitement not far behind him. Seeing that the enemies bowed friendly, she drove up to them. Ilagin raised his beaver cap even higher in front of Natasha and, smiling pleasantly, said that the countess represented Diana both for her passion for hunting and for her beauty, about which he had heard a lot.
Ilagin, in order to atone for the guilt of his hunter, urged Rostov to go to his eel, which was a mile away, which he kept for himself and in which, according to him, there were hares. Nikolai agreed, and the hunt, which had doubled in size, moved on.
It was necessary to go to the Ilaginsky eel in the fields. The hunters leveled off. The gentlemen rode together. Uncle, Rostov, Ilagin secretly glanced at other people's dogs, trying not to be noticed by others, and anxiously looked for rivals for their dogs between these dogs.
Rostova was especially struck by her beauty as a small, chistopovaya, narrow, but with steel muscles, a slender pincer (muzzle) and rolling black eyes, a red-spotted bitch in Ilagin's pack. He had heard about the playfulness of the Ilaginsky dogs, and in this beautiful bitch he saw a rival to his Milke.
In the middle of a sedate conversation about this year's harvest, which Ilagin started, Nikolai pointed out to him his red-footed bitch.
- You have a good bitch! He said in a casual tone. - Frisky?
- This one? Yes, this is a kind dog, catches, ”Ilagin said in an indifferent voice about his red-footed Erza, for whom he gave three courtyard families to a neighbor a year ago. - So you, Count, do not boast about their thrashing? - he continued the conversation he had begun. And considering it polite to repay the young count in kind, Ilagin examined his dogs and chose Milka, which caught his eye with its width.
- This black-footed one is good at you - okay! - he said.
- Yes, nothing, jumping, - answered Nikolai. "If only a seasoned hare ran into the field, I would show you what kind of dog this is!" he thought, and turning to the stirrup said that he was giving the ruble to the one who suspected, that is, he would find a lying hare.
“I don’t understand,” Ilagin continued, “how other hunters are envious of animals and dogs. I'll tell you about myself, Count. I am amused, you know, to take a ride; here you will move in with such a company ... already what is better (he again took off his beaver cap in front of Natasha); and this, to count the skins, how many brought - I do not care!

Few even among the believers know that in addition to the Holy Sepulcher, for the right to possess which the crusaders fought so fiercely, in Jerusalem there is also the so-called "alternative" Tomb or Protestant Tomb of Jesus, otherwise called the Tomb in the Garden, as well as the Calvary of Gordon.

The history of this place is as follows.

In 1882 the gallant English general Charles Gordon was looking through binoculars from the wall of the Old City of the neighborhood and suddenly noticed a hill shaped like a skull.

The general, of course, knew that the name Golgotha \u200b\u200bliterally means "skull" (from the Aramaic "gulgolet"). He also knew that fifteen years before him, the archaeologist Konrad Schick had discovered on this hill a tomb carved into the rock and the remains of a well-kept garden that clearly belonged to a wealthy man. In the general's head one thing instantly came together with another: Golgotha, a garden, a burial, for the Gospel says: "In the place where He was crucified there was a garden, and in the garden there was a new tomb, in which no one had yet been laid" (John 19 : 41); this garden belonged to the rich man Joseph from Arimathea, who buried Jesus taken down from the cross in his garden.At the same time, near the traditional Calvary in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, no traces of the garden were found, So the version of the burial of Christ in the Tomb in the garden was born.

Gordon's Calvary is located near the Shechem (or Damascus) Gate (northern section of the Old City wall). At the beginning of the 1st century, there was a quarry, which was also used for execution by stoning. Nowadays there is an Arab bus station next to it. The appearance of the "Skull Mountain" has also changed - now the similarity is not so obvious: the "eye sockets" remained, but the "mouth" disappeared.

From the gate you need to cross the street and walk along this beautiful building - the Schmidt school.

After a hundred and fifty meters, a sign will indicate the further direction.

It’s just around the corner.

The Garden Tomb is currently under the protection and care of the independent British Tomb Garden Society. It should be noted that the Anglican Church keeps deathly silence on this matter.

At the entrance, you will be politely asked where you are from and given a guidebook. Also available in Russian. Admission is free, although no one forbids donating anything.

The path to the grave is a long, winding path that winds through the garden. At first, she leads Gordon to Calvary.

At the time I entered the garden, it was full of blacks brought by white missionaries. Near Golgotha, one of them read a sermon (or lecture).

From Golgotha \u200b\u200byou need to return and, turning around the corner of the building with a red roof, go north.

This path will lead to a reservoir. Its neck is now covered.

It is the largest water storage tank in Jerusalem, with a capacity of 900,000 liters. It is believed to have existed already before the beginning of our era.

Next to it is a well-preserved wine press from the Herodian era.

It was excavated in 1924 and is one of the largest structures of its kind in the land of ancient Israel.

These findings indicate that the owner of this garden was a very wealthy person, possibly the very same Joseph of Arimathea.

Finally, we go to the burial.
It was a little easier to get there than to the Mausoleum.

Some clown was in charge of the process, apparently the head of a tourist group.

Unfortunately, the tomb was filled up during an earthquake at the beginning of the 20th century, so the entrance to it looked different before. 4-5 people can hardly be there at the same time. But the stone bed has survived, however, it is so close that it is difficult to take the camera lens.

Some black women, before going inside, fell into a natural exaltation, sang psalms and some kind of chants. And suddenly the Negro group of tourists subsided like a wave, the garden was empty. If I entered there at this time, I would have thought that this is the most uninhabited place in Jerusalem.

So, once again the reasons why this place is considered the tomb of Jesus:
1. Golgotha \u200b\u200bwas outside the city, near a busy road (from the Shechem gate, the road leads to Damascus).
2. The garden belonged to a rich man.
3. The coffin was hewn from a solid stone and was not a cave formed naturally "... and, taking the body, Joseph wrapped it in a clean shroud and laid it in his new coffin, which he carved in the rock; and, rolling a large stone to the door sepulcher, departed "(Matt. 27: 59-60).
4. It was sealed with a large disc-shaped stone, as evidenced by the trough behind the outer wall.
5. Inside the place of mourning there should have been a place for several mourners "... on the very first day of the week, very early, carrying prepared aromas, they came to the tomb, and some others with them; but they found the stone rolled away from the tomb. And, entering , did not find the body of the Lord Jesus ... They were Mary Magdalene, and John, and Mary, the mother of James, and others with them, who told the Apostles about this "(Luke 24: 1-4, 10).
6. The burial place is to the right of the coffin: "And entering the coffin, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a white robe ..." (Mark 16: 5) and can be seen from the street: "And bending over, I saw the sheets lying, but did not enter the sepulcher "(John 20: 5).
7. In the early Middle Ages, there was supposedly a church here, as evidenced by two carved crosses on the wall, one of which is now inside the coffin.
Now, Muslims are firing a cannon from the top of the hill to mark the end of the holy month of Ramadan. From the same place, in their opinion, the resurrection of the dead should begin before the Last Judgment (next to the prestigious Arab cemetery).

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